Instalando o Gentoo GNU/Linux

Eu sempre fui a favor de compartilhar conhecimento e uma coisa que me chama atenção é que a comunidade brasileira de Linux não costuma usar Gentoo, portanto, não se encontra muito conteúdo feito por brasileiros, foi por isso que resolvi fazer esse artigo, e também, pra desmistificar a instalação do sistema.

[ Hits: 30.759 ]

Por: Gabriel Melo em 29/06/2015

Particionando, montando partições, baixando o Stage 3 e entrando no sistema

Vamos começar. Provavelmente se tu já usa Linux há um tempinho, deve saber particionar um HD. Mas eu vou dar uma breve explicada.

Vou fazer duas partições, raiz e swap. Eu particionei com o cfdisk, então ficaram 2 partições, sda1 e sda2. Vamos formatar:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
# mkswap /dev/sda2; swapon /dev/sda2

Pode-se usar qualquer sistema de arquivos, eu vou usar ext4.

Se estiver usando o Live CD do Gentoo, já vai ter uma pasta chamada gentoo em /mnt, então, vamos montar:

# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/gentoo

Vamos baixar o Stage 3 para a sua arquitetura.

64 bits:

# links

Baixe o Stage3 mais atual.

32 bits:

# links

Baixe o Stage3 mais atual.

Vamos baixar o Portage:

# wget

Depois de baixados, vamos extrair o Stage 3 e o Portage:

# tar -jxpvf stage3-*.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo
# tar -jxpvf portage-*.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo/usr

Vamos copiar o DNS do Live CD para o a partição gentoo:

# cp -L /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/

E montar os sistemas de arquivos necessários:

# mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc
# mount --rbind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys
# mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/sys
# mount --rbind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
# mount --make-rslave /mnt/gentoo/dev

Se você pretende usar systemd ao invés do OpenRC, o terceiro e quinto comandos são obrigatórios.
Vamos entrar no novo sistema:

# chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

Estamos dentro do nosso sistema, vamos para a segunda parte.

    Próxima página

Páginas do artigo
   1. Particionando, montando partições, baixando o Stage 3 e entrando no sistema
   2. Linguagem, make.conf e kernel
   3. Configurações do sistema, aplicativos essenciais, wireless e GRUB
   4. Primeiro boot, atualizando o sistema e instalando o X
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Gravando seus DVD's com o TkDVD

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[1] Comentário enviado por pulgovisk em 29/06/2015 - 17:38h

Os link's dos stage's não estão trocados?

[2] Comentário enviado por zezaocapoeira em 29/06/2015 - 17:57h

Salve mano . Parabéns pelo trabalho .

Obrigado pela atenção , salve !!!

[3] Comentário enviado por removido em 29/06/2015 - 18:43h

Parece-me que chegou a minha hora de testar o Gentoo.
Agora vai! Parabéns.


Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. — Edward Snowden

[4] Comentário enviado por xerxeslins em 30/06/2015 - 08:20h

Parabéns pelo artigo!

[5] Comentário enviado por xerxeslins em 30/06/2015 - 08:22h

[1] Comentário enviado por pulgovisk em 29/06/2015 - 17:38h

Os link's dos stage's não estão trocados?

Foi corrigido. Obrigado!

[6] Comentário enviado por zhushazang em 01/07/2015 - 20:51h

Muito bom. Old School Mode.


Hail Hydra!

[7] Comentário enviado por biel-gentoo em 01/07/2015 - 21:55h

[2] Comentário enviado por zezaocapoeira em 29/06/2015 - 17:57h

Salve mano . Parabéns pelo trabalho .

Obrigado pela atenção , salve !!!

Opa, valeu.

[8] Comentário enviado por removido em 01/07/2015 - 23:25h


A liberdade indocil e domada pela propria desgraça -William Shakespeare

[9] Comentário enviado por asdf2 em 03/07/2015 - 00:22h

Belo artigo, valeu demais

[10] Comentário enviado por albfneto em 03/07/2015 - 19:40h

Muito bom esse artigo.
Ribeirão Preto, S.P., Brasil.
Usuário Linux, Linux Counter: #479903.
Distros Favoritas: [i] Sabayon, Gentoo, OpenSUSE, Mageia e OpenMandriva[/i].

[11] Comentário enviado por fabiomattes2011 em 14/08/2015 - 07:55h

Alguem sabe me dizer o que eu fiz de errado nessa parte:

# emerge linux-firmware

* This package will overwrite one or more files that may belong to other
* packages (see list below). You can use a command such as `portageq
* owners / <filename>` to identify the installed package that owns a
* file. If portageq reports that only one package owns a file then do
* NOT file a bug report. A bug report is only useful if it identifies at
* least two or more packages that are known to install the same file(s).
* If a collision occurs and you can not explain where the file came from
* then you should simply ignore the collision since there is not enough
* information to determine if a real problem exists. Please do NOT file
* a bug report at unless you report exactly which
* two packages install the same file(s). See
* for tips on how to
* solve the problem. And once again, please do NOT file a bug report
* unless you have completely understood the above message.
* package sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206 NOT merged
* Detected file collision(s):
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat.fw
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/r128/r128_cce.bin
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_555_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_7xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad4.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad2.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/MT5634ZLX.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/RS-COM-2P.cis
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R200_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R520_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS690_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R420_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R100_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS600_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g200_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g400_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1280.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/12160.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1040.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C1600.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/mcode.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/3550.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C0800.bin
* Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
* Press Ctrl-C to Stop
* None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
* Package 'sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206' NOT merged due to file
* collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
* content of the above message.

[12] Comentário enviado por biel-gentoo em 14/08/2015 - 12:52h

[11] Comentário enviado por fabiomattes2011 em 14/08/2015 - 07:55h

Alguem sabe me dizer o que eu fiz de errado nessa parte:

# emerge linux-firmware

* This package will overwrite one or more files that may belong to other
* packages (see list below). You can use a command such as `portageq
* owners / &lt;filename&gt;` to identify the installed package that owns a
* file. If portageq reports that only one package owns a file then do
* NOT file a bug report. A bug report is only useful if it identifies at
* least two or more packages that are known to install the same file(s).
* If a collision occurs and you can not explain where the file came from
* then you should simply ignore the collision since there is not enough
* information to determine if a real problem exists. Please do NOT file
* a bug report at unless you report exactly which
* two packages install the same file(s). See
* for tips on how to
* solve the problem. And once again, please do NOT file a bug report
* unless you have completely understood the above message.
* package sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206 NOT merged
* Detected file collision(s):
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat.fw
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/r128/r128_cce.bin
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_555_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_7xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad4.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad2.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/MT5634ZLX.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/RS-COM-2P.cis
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R200_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R520_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS690_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R420_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R100_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS600_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g200_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g400_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1280.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/12160.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1040.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C1600.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/mcode.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/3550.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C0800.bin
* Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
* Press Ctrl-C to Stop
* None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
* Package 'sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206' NOT merged due to file
* collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
* content of the above message.

Remove o "collision-protect" do make.conf.

[13] Comentário enviado por sculy em 24/08/2015 - 22:00h

Ficou muito bom o artigo cara ;)

Simples o suficiente e completo o suficiente!

[14] Comentário enviado por cometti em 07/10/2015 - 12:35h

Muito simples e facil!

Eu so removeria o collision-protect do make.conf.

[15] Comentário enviado por spylinux em 29/10/2015 - 23:46h

[12] Comentário enviado por biel-gentoo em 14/08/2015 - 12:52h

[11] Comentário enviado por fabiomattes2011 em 14/08/2015 - 07:55h

Alguem sabe me dizer o que eu fiz de errado nessa parte:

# emerge linux-firmware

* This package will overwrite one or more files that may belong to other
* packages (see list below). You can use a command such as `portageq
* owners / &amp;lt;filename&amp;gt;` to identify the installed package that owns a
* file. If portageq reports that only one package owns a file then do
* NOT file a bug report. A bug report is only useful if it identifies at
* least two or more packages that are known to install the same file(s).
* If a collision occurs and you can not explain where the file came from
* then you should simply ignore the collision since there is not enough
* information to determine if a real problem exists. Please do NOT file
* a bug report at unless you report exactly which
* two packages install the same file(s). See
* for tips on how to
* solve the problem. And once again, please do NOT file a bug report
* unless you have completely understood the above message.
* package sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206 NOT merged
* Detected file collision(s):
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
* /lib/firmware/whiteheat.fw
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code_fix.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/new_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/kaweth/trigger_code.bin
* /lib/firmware/r128/r128_cce.bin
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_555_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_8xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/SW_7xx_SER.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad4.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/COMpad2.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/MT5634ZLX.cis
* /lib/firmware/cis/RS-COM-2P.cis
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R200_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R520_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV730_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS690_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R420_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS780_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R300_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV630_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV610_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R600_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/R100_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV670_pfp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV770_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RS600_cp.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV635_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV620_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/radeon/RV710_me.bin
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g200_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/matrox/g400_warp.fw
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1280.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/12160.bin
* /lib/firmware/qlogic/1040.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C1600.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/mcode.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/3550.bin
* /lib/firmware/advansys/38C0800.bin
* Searching all installed packages for file collisions...
* Press Ctrl-C to Stop
* None of the installed packages claim the file(s).
* Package 'sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20150206' NOT merged due to file
* collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
* content of the above message.

Remove o "collision-protect" do make.conf.

Eu segui estas dicas do Fitzcarraldo, e consegui instalar o linux-firmware com o q eu precisava, sem precisar remover o collision-protect:

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