Sistemas e volumes criptografados e escondidos utilizando o TrueCrypt
Este artigo apresenta um aplicativo bastante poderoso e simples para a criptografia de volumes e partições em Linux e Windows: o TrueCrypt. É mostrada sua instalação, a criação de volumes e partições criptografados via interface gráfica e linha de comando e a criação volumes escondidos.
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Por: Junior Assis Barreto Bernardes em 03/07/2010
Volume type: 1) Normal 2) Hidden Select [1]: 1 Enter volume path: /tmp/teste Enter volume size (sizeK/size[M]/sizeG): 2M Encryption algorithm: 1) AES 2) Serpent 3) Twofish 4) AES-Twofish 5) AES-Twofish-Serpent 6) Serpent-AES 7) Serpent-Twofish-AES 8) Twofish-Serpent Select [1]: 3 Hash algorithm: 1) RIPEMD-160 2) SHA-512 3) Whirlpool Select [1]: 2 Filesystem: 1) FAT 2) None Select [1]: 1 Enter password: WARNING: Short passwords are easy to crack using brute force techniques! We recommend choosing a password consisting of more than 20 characters. Are you sure you want to use a short password? (y=Yes/n=No) [No]: y Re-enter password: Enter keyfile path [none]: Please type at least 320 randomly chosen characters and then press Enter: Done: 100.000% Speed: 3.2 MB/s Left: 0 s The TrueCrypt volume has been successfully created.Para montar volumes, utiliza-se a opção --mount. Esta opção também é interativa:
Enter mount directory [default]: /tmp/directory Enter password for /tmp/teste: Enter keyfile [none]: Protect hidden volume (if any)? (y=Yes/n=No) [No]: nPara desmontar:
-d, --dismount Dismount volume --encryption=<str> Encryption algorithm --filesystem=<str> Filesystem type --fs-options=<str> Filesystem mount options --hash=<str> Hash algorithm -l, --list List mounted volumes --mount Mount volume interactively -m, --mount-options=<str> TrueCrypt volume mount options --new-password=<str> New password --non-interactive Do not interact with user -p, --password=<str> Password --protect-hidden=<str> Protect hidden volume --protection-password=<str> Password for protected hidden volume --quick Enable quick format --size=<str> Size in bytes --slot=<str> Volume slot number -t, --text Use text user interface -v, --verbose Enable verbose output --volume-type=<str> Volume type
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