[4] Comentário enviado por LinkSanct em 22/12/2017 - 10:30h
Tentei com tar -Jxf e não funcionou, vou estar mandando o print. Para quem chegou aqui com a mesma dúvida, o correto é:
$tar -xf arquivo.tar.xz
Print comprovando e testando:
Prova do enem 2018
1- Qual é a diferença entre J e j ?
Nunca afirma que o correto é .... Isso pode mudar do dia para noite.
bzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file == bzip2: (stdin) não é um arquivo bzip2
Realmente vc não leu o man tar vai ai o 0800
-J, --xz
Filter the archive through xz(1).
-x, --extract, --get
Extract files from an archive. Arguments are optional. When given, they specify names of the archive members to
be extracted.
-f, --file=ARCHIVE
Use archive file or device ARCHIVE. If this option is not given, tar will first examine the environment variable
`TAPE'. If it is set, its value will be used as the archive name. Otherwise, tar will assume the compiled-in
default. The default value can be inspected either using the --show-defaults option, or at the end of the tar
--help output.
An archive name that has a colon in it specifies a file or device on a remote machine. The part before the colon
is taken as the machine name or IP address, and the part after it as the file or device pathname, e.g.:
An optional username can be prefixed to the hostname, placing a @ sign between them.
By default, the remote host is accessed via the rsh(1) command. Nowadays it is common to use ssh(1) instead.
You can do so by giving the following command line option:
The remote machine should have the rmt(8) command installed. If its pathname does not match tar's default, you
can inform tar about the correct pathname using the --rmt-command option.