Habilitando sudo no Debian 7

Publicado por Xerxes em 29/05/2013

[ Hits: 43.019 ]


Habilitando sudo no Debian 7

Primeiro, instale o sudo:

# apt-get install sudo

Depois, adicione o seu usuário ao grupo "sudo":

# adduser [usuário] sudo

Reinicie a sessão e em seguida use, como usuário padrão, o comando:

sudo apt-get update

Para testar.

Caso queira editar o arquivo, use:

# visudo

É isso.

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[1] Comentário enviado por Cavalo Vestido em 08/06/2013 - 20:23h

O comando é adduser user sudo

[2] Comentário enviado por xerxeslins em 08/06/2013 - 20:46h

[1] Comentário enviado por Cavalo Vestido em 08/06/2013 - 20:23h:

O comando é adduser user sudo

Opa, corrigido. Valeu.

[3] Comentário enviado por ramcorreio em 30/04/2014 - 12:08h

Não funcionou para mim este comando.
Fiz exatamente o que está aí e nada

[4] Comentário enviado por felipe.moura28 em 23/10/2015 - 17:43h

o meu fica pedido CD

[5] Comentário enviado por felipe.moura28 em 23/10/2015 - 17:43h

0 pacotes atualizados, 1 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 0 não atualizados.
É preciso baixar 0 B/850 kB de arquivos.
Depois desta operação, 2.694 kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Troca de mídia: por favor, insira o disco nomeado
'Debian GNU/Linux 8.2.0 _Jessie_ - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150906-11:13'
na unidade '/media/cdrom/' e pressione enter

[6] Comentário enviado por xerxeslins em 23/10/2015 - 17:57h

[5] Comentário enviado por felipe.moura28 em 23/10/2015 - 17:43h

0 pacotes atualizados, 1 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 0 não atualizados.
É preciso baixar 0 B/850 kB de arquivos.
Depois desta operação, 2.694 kB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Troca de mídia: por favor, insira o disco nomeado
'Debian GNU/Linux 8.2.0 _Jessie_ - Official amd64 CD Binary-1 20150906-11:13'
na unidade '/media/cdrom/' e pressione enter

remove do source.list a linha do CD.

[7] Comentário enviado por tuliohotlink em 22/04/2016 - 18:30h

Muito Obrigado, ajudou bastante.

[8] Comentário enviado por tcanuto em 22/06/2016 - 01:44h

Boa noite caros colegas usuários (novos como eu) no Debian.
Instalei esta semana o Debian no notebook de meu pai, mas já venho do Ubuntu que parece ser mais fácil. Mas vamos lá...

Xerxes, para mim não funcionou. Estou usando o Debian 8.5 Stable com a interface gráfica LXDE.
Fiz os seguintes passos:
# apt get install sudo
# adduser [meu usuário] sudo
Fechei a janela do LXTerminal

Abri novamente o LXTerminal e digitei: $ sudo apt-get update
Me apareceu isto:
bash: $: comando não encontrado

Tentei sem o cifrão [$], me apareceu o [sudo] password for [meu usuário]:
digitei a senha e me apareceu a seguinte mensagem:
[usuário] não está no arquivo sudoers. Este incidente será relatado.

O que devo fazer agora?

[9] Comentário enviado por tcanuto em 22/06/2016 - 02:40h

[8] Comentário enviado por tcanuto em 22/06/2016 - 01:44h

Boa noite caros colegas usuários (novos como eu) no Debian.
Instalei esta semana o Debian no notebook de meu pai, mas já venho do Ubuntu que parece ser mais fácil. Mas vamos lá...

Xerxes, para mim não funcionou. Estou usando o Debian 8.5 Stable com a interface gráfica LXDE.
Fiz os seguintes passos:
# apt get install sudo
# adduser [meu usuário] sudo
Fechei a janela do LXTerminal

Abri novamente o LXTerminal e digitei: $ sudo apt-get update
Me apareceu isto:
bash: $: comando não encontrado

Tentei sem o cifrão [$], me apareceu o [sudo] password for [meu usuário]:
digitei a senha e me apareceu a seguinte mensagem:
[usuário] não está no arquivo sudoers. Este incidente será relatado.

O que devo fazer agora?

Achei a resposta!
Esta nos comentários deste link: http://www.diolinux.com.br/2013/10/como-habilitar-o-sudo-no-debian.html

Fonte: www.privateinternetaccess.com/forum/

Consegui com estes comandos:


debian 8.1.0 jessie - sudo fix (not installed by default)

Debian seems to not have sudo installed by default.
Here is how to install sudo and add your username to the sudoers file.

Open the Terminal
- Click "Activities"
- Click in the "Type to search..." box
- Type in "Terminal" and press the [enter] key

Switch to root user
- Type in the Terminal the following command
- then press [enter]
- now type in the root password and press [enter]
- The command prompt should now look like this...

Install "sudo"
- Now that you are root user within the Terminal lets install "sudo"
- Type in the following command...
apt-get install sudo
- then press [enter]

Add your username to the sudo group
- Type in the following command...
adduser yourusernamehere sudo
- then press [enter]

essa parte anterior não me ajudou mas daqui pra baixo foi show!!!
Now add your name to /etc/sudoers file
- Type in the following command...
nano /etc/sudoers
- then press [enter]
- Scroll down and look for the line "%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL"
- Below that line type in the following...
yourusernamehere ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
- Press "Ctrl+x" then press "y" and then press [enter] to exit and save the file

Now we exit out of the Terminal completely
- Type in the following command...
- then press [enter]
- Type exit again...
- then press [enter]
- That should have closed the Terminal application

Now let's open a new Terminal and test to see if sudo is working for your user name
- Click "Activities"
- Click in the "Type to search..." box
- Type in "Terminal" and press the [enter] key
- Test sudo by typing the following command...
sudo ls
- then press [enter]
- type in your password and press [enter]

- If the output looks like the following...
yourusernamehere is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
- then you might have to start from the beginning of these instructions and try again.

- If the output looks like this...
Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
- Your username now has sudo rights, congratulations!

Post edited by WinstonSmith on July 2015

Espero ter contribuido!!!

[10] Comentário enviado por removido em 09/04/2017 - 01:10h

É um risco de segurança habilitar o sudo.

Com ele instalado e habilitado você está dando mais chances de ataque.


CVE-2017-5198 SolarWinds LEM (aka SIEM) before 6.3.1 has an incorrect sudo configuration, which allows local users to obtain root access by editing /usr/local/contego/scripts/hostname.sh.
CVE-2017-2381 An issue was discovered in certain Apple products. macOS before 10.12.4 is affected. The issue involves the "sudo" component. It allows remote authenticated users to gain privileges by leveraging membership in the admin group on a network directory server.
CVE-2016-7091 sudo: It was discovered that the default sudo configuration on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and possibly other Linux implementations preserves the value of INPUTRC which could lead to information disclosure. A local user with sudo access to a restricted program that uses readline could use this flaw to read content from specially formatted files with elevated privileges provided by sudo.
CVE-2016-3643 SolarWinds Virtualization Manager 6.3.1 and earlier allow local users to gain privileges by leveraging a misconfiguration of sudo, as demonstrated by "sudo cat /etc/passwd."
CVE-2016-0920 Avamar Data Store (ADS) and Avamar Virtual Edition (AVE) in EMC Avamar Server before 7.3.0-233 allow local users to obtain root access via a crafted parameter to a command that is available in the sudo configuration.
CVE-2016-0905 Avamar Data Store (ADS) and Avamar Virtual Edition (AVE) in EMC Avamar Server before 7.3.0-233 allow local users to obtain root privileges by leveraging admin access and entering a sudo command.
CVE-2015-5692 admin_messages.php in the management console on Symantec Web Gateway (SWG) appliances with software before 5.2.2 DB allows remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code by uploading a file with a safe extension and content type, and then leveraging an improper Sudo configuration to make this a setuid-root file.
CVE-2015-5602 sudoedit in Sudo before 1.8.15 allows local users to gain privileges via a symlink attack on a file whose full path is defined using multiple wildcards in /etc/sudoers, as demonstrated by "/home/*/*/file.txt."
CVE-2014-4870 /opt/vyatta/bin/sudo-users/vyatta-clear-dhcp-lease.pl on the Brocade Vyatta 5400 vRouter 6.4R(x), 6.6R(x), and 6.7R1 does not properly validate parameters, which allows local users to gain privileges by leveraging the sudo configuration.
CVE-2014-0106 Sudo 1.6.9 before 1.8.5, when env_reset is disabled, does not properly check environment variables for the env_delete restriction, which allows local users with sudo permissions to bypass intended command restrictions via a crafted environment variable.
CVE-2013-6831 PineApp Mail-SeCure 3.70 and earlier on 5099SK and earlier platforms has a sudoers file that does not properly restrict user specifications, which allows local users to gain privileges via a sudo command that leverages access to the qmailq account.
CVE-2013-6433 The default configuration in the Red Hat openstack-neutron package before 2013.2.3-7 does not properly set a configuration file for rootwrap, which allows remote attackers to gain privileges via a crafted configuration file.
CVE-2013-4984 The close_connections function in /opt/cma/bin/clear_keys.pl in Sophos Web Appliance before and 3.8 before allows local users to gain privileges via shell metacharacters in the second argument.
CVE-2013-2777 sudo before 1.7.10p5 and 1.8.x before 1.8.6p6, when the tty_tickets option is enabled, does not properly validate the controlling terminal device, which allows local users with sudo permissions to hijack the authorization of another terminal via vectors related to a session without a controlling terminal device and connecting to the standard input, output, and error file descriptors of another terminal. NOTE: this is one of three closely-related vulnerabilities that were originally assigned CVE-2013-1776, but they have been SPLIT because of different affected versions.
CVE-2013-2776 sudo 1.3.5 through 1.7.10p5 and 1.8.0 through 1.8.6p6, when running on systems without /proc or the sysctl function with the tty_tickets option enabled, does not properly validate the controlling terminal device, which allows local users with sudo permissions to hijack the authorization of another terminal via vectors related to connecting to the standard input, output, and error file descriptors of another terminal. NOTE: this is one of three closely-related vulnerabilities that were originally assigned CVE-2013-1776, but they have been SPLIT because of different affected versions.
CVE-2013-1776 sudo 1.3.5 through 1.7.10 and 1.8.0 through 1.8.5, when the tty_tickets option is enabled, does not properly validate the controlling terminal device, which allows local users with sudo permissions to hijack the authorization of another terminal via vectors related to connecting to the standard input, output, and error file descriptors of another terminal. NOTE: this is one of three closely-related vulnerabilities that were originally assigned CVE-2013-1776, but they have been SPLIT because of different affected versions.
CVE-2013-1775 sudo 1.6.0 through 1.7.10p6 and sudo 1.8.0 through 1.8.6p6 allows local users or physically proximate attackers to bypass intended time restrictions and retain privileges without re-authenticating by setting the system clock and sudo user timestamp to the epoch.
CVE-2013-1068 The OpenStack Nova (python-nova) package 1:2013.2.3-0 before 1:2013.2.3-0ubuntu1.2 and 1:2014.1-0 before 1:2014.1-0ubuntu1.2 and Openstack Cinder (python-cinder) package 1:2013.2.3-0 before 1:2013.2.3-0ubuntu1.1 and 1:2014.1-0 before 1:2014.1-0ubuntu1.1 for Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 LTS does not properly set the sudo configuration, which makes it easier for attackers to gain privileges by leveraging another vulnerability.
CVE-2013-1052 pam-xdg-support, as used in Ubuntu 12.10, does not properly handle the PATH environment variable, which allows local users to gain privileges via unspecified vectors related to sudo.
CVE-2012-6140 pam_google_authenticator.c in the PAM module in Google Authenticator before 1.0 requires user-readable permissions for the secret file, which allows local users to bypass intended access restrictions and discover a shared secret via standard filesystem operations, a different vulnerability than CVE-2013-0258.
CVE-2012-5536 A certain Red Hat build of the pam_ssh_agent_auth module on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6 and Fedora Rawhide calls the glibc error function instead of the error function in the OpenSSH codebase, which allows local users to obtain sensitive information from process memory or possibly gain privileges via crafted use of an application that relies on this module, as demonstrated by su and sudo.
CVE-2012-3440 A certain Red Hat script for sudo 1.7.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 allows local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a symlink attack on the /var/tmp/nsswitch.conf.bak temporary file.
CVE-2012-2337 sudo 1.6.x and 1.7.x before 1.7.9p1, and 1.8.x before 1.8.4p5, does not properly support configurations that use a netmask syntax, which allows local users to bypass intended command restrictions in opportunistic circumstances by executing a command on a host that has an IPv4 address.
CVE-2012-2053 The sudoers file in the Linux system configuration in F5 FirePass 6.0.0 through 6.1.0 and 7.0.0 does not require a password for executing commands as root, which allows local users to gain privileges via the sudo program, as demonstrated by the user account that executes PHP scripts, a different vulnerability than CVE-2012-1777.
CVE-2012-0809 Format string vulnerability in the sudo_debug function in Sudo 1.8.0 through 1.8.3p1 allows local users to execute arbitrary code via format string sequences in the program name for sudo.
CVE-2011-5275 The install script in Domain Technologie Control (DTC) before 0.34.1 gives sudo permissions for chrootuid to the dtc user, which makes it easier for context-dependent users to gain privileges.
CVE-2011-2473 The do_dump_data function in utils/opcontrol in OProfile 0.9.6 and earlier might allow local users to create or overwrite arbitrary files via a crafted --session-dir argument in conjunction with a symlink attack on the opd_pipe file, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-1760.
CVE-2011-2472 Directory traversal vulnerability in utils/opcontrol in OProfile 0.9.6 and earlier might allow local users to overwrite arbitrary files via a .. (dot dot) in the --save argument, related to the --session-dir argument, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-1760.
CVE-2011-2471 utils/opcontrol in OProfile 0.9.6 and earlier might allow local users to gain privileges via shell metacharacters in the (1) --vmlinux, (2) --session-dir, or (3) --xen argument, related to the daemonrc file and the do_save_setup and do_load_setup functions, a different vulnerability than CVE-2011-1760.
CVE-2011-1760 utils/opcontrol in OProfile 0.9.6 and earlier might allow local users to conduct eval injection attacks and gain privileges via shell metacharacters in the -e argument.
CVE-2011-0010 check.c in sudo 1.7.x before 1.7.4p5, when a Runas group is configured, does not require a password for command execution that involves a gid change but no uid change, which allows local users to bypass an intended authentication requirement via the -g option to a sudo command.
CVE-2011-0008 A certain Fedora patch for parse.c in sudo before 1.7.4p5-1.fc14 on Fedora 14 does not properly interpret a system group (aka %group) in the sudoers file during authorization decisions for a user who belongs to that group, which allows local users to leverage an applicable sudoers file and gain root privileges via a sudo command. NOTE: this vulnerability exists because of a CVE-2009-0034 regression.
CVE-2010-3856 ld.so in the GNU C Library (aka glibc or libc6) before 2.11.3, and 2.12.x before 2.12.2, does not properly restrict use of the LD_AUDIT environment variable to reference dynamic shared objects (DSOs) as audit objects, which allows local users to gain privileges by leveraging an unsafe DSO located in a trusted library directory, as demonstrated by libpcprofile.so.
CVE-2010-3853 pam_namespace.c in the pam_namespace module in Linux-PAM (aka pam) before 1.1.3 uses the environment of the invoking application or service during execution of the namespace.init script, which might allow local users to gain privileges by running a setuid program that relies on the pam_namespace PAM check, as demonstrated by the sudo program.
CVE-2010-3847 elf/dl-load.c in ld.so in the GNU C Library (aka glibc or libc6) through 2.11.2, and 2.12.x through 2.12.1, does not properly handle a value of $ORIGIN for the LD_AUDIT environment variable, which allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted dynamic shared object (DSO) located in an arbitrary directory.
CVE-2010-2956 Sudo 1.7.0 through 1.7.4p3, when a Runas group is configured, does not properly handle use of the -u option in conjunction with the -g option, which allows local users to gain privileges via a command line containing a "-u root" sequence.
CVE-2010-2757 The sudo feature in Bugzilla 2.22rc1 through 3.2.7, 3.3.1 through 3.4.7, 3.5.1 through 3.6.1, and 3.7 through 3.7.2 does not properly send impersonation notifications, which makes it easier for remote authenticated users to impersonate other users without discovery.
CVE-2010-1938 Off-by-one error in the __opiereadrec function in readrec.c in libopie in OPIE 2.4.1-test1 and earlier, as used on FreeBSD 6.4 through 8.1-PRERELEASE and other platforms, allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (daemon crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code via a long username, as demonstrated by a long USER command to the FreeBSD 8.0 ftpd.
CVE-2010-1646 The secure path feature in env.c in sudo 1.3.1 through 1.6.9p22 and 1.7.0 through 1.7.2p6 does not properly handle an environment that contains multiple PATH variables, which might allow local users to gain privileges via a crafted value of the last PATH variable.
CVE-2010-1163 The command matching functionality in sudo 1.6.8 through 1.7.2p5 does not properly handle when a file in the current working directory has the same name as a pseudo-command in the sudoers file and the PATH contains an entry for ".", which allows local users to execute arbitrary commands via a Trojan horse executable, as demonstrated using sudoedit, a different vulnerability than CVE-2010-0426.
CVE-2010-0427 sudo 1.6.x before 1.6.9p21, when the runas_default option is used, does not properly set group memberships, which allows local users to gain privileges via a sudo command.
CVE-2010-0426 sudo 1.6.x before 1.6.9p21 and 1.7.x before 1.7.2p4, when a pseudo-command is enabled, permits a match between the name of the pseudo-command and the name of an executable file in an arbitrary directory, which allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted executable file, as demonstrated by a file named sudoedit in a user's home directory.
CVE-2010-0212 OpenLDAP 2.4.22 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a modrdn call with a zero-length RDN destination string, which is not properly handled by the smr_normalize function and triggers a NULL pointer dereference in the IA5StringNormalize function in schema_init.c, as demonstrated using the Codenomicon LDAPv3 test suite.
CVE-2010-0211 The slap_modrdn2mods function in modrdn.c in OpenLDAP 2.4.22 does not check the return value of a call to the smr_normalize function, which allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (segmentation fault) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a modrdn call with an RDN string containing invalid UTF-8 sequences, which triggers a free of an invalid, uninitialized pointer in the slap_mods_free function, as demonstrated using the Codenomicon LDAPv3 test suite.
CVE-2009-4648 Accellion Secure File Transfer Appliance before 8_0_105 does not properly restrict access to sensitive commands and arguments that run with extra sudo privileges, which allows local administrators to gain privileges via (1) arbitrary arguments in the --file_move action in /usr/local/bin/admin.pl, or a hard link attack in (2) chmod or (3) a certain cp command.
CVE-2009-1185 udev before 1.4.1 does not verify whether a NETLINK message originates from kernel space, which allows local users to gain privileges by sending a NETLINK message from user space.
CVE-2009-0037 The redirect implementation in curl and libcurl 5.11 through 7.19.3, when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is enabled, accepts arbitrary Location values, which might allow remote HTTP servers to (1) trigger arbitrary requests to intranet servers, (2) read or overwrite arbitrary files via a redirect to a file: URL, or (3) execute arbitrary commands via a redirect to an scp: URL.
CVE-2009-0034 parse.c in sudo 1.6.9p17 through 1.6.9p19 does not properly interpret a system group (aka %group) in the sudoers file during authorization decisions for a user who belongs to that group, which allows local users to leverage an applicable sudoers file and gain root privileges via a sudo command.
CVE-2008-3825 pam_krb5 2.2.14 in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 and earlier, when the existing_ticket option is enabled, uses incorrect privileges when reading a Kerberos credential cache, which allows local users to gain privileges by setting the KRB5CCNAME environment variable to an arbitrary cache filename and running the (1) su or (2) sudo program. NOTE: there may be a related vector involving sshd that has limited relevance.
CVE-2008-3067 sudo in SUSE openSUSE 10.3 does not clear the stdin buffer when password entry times out, which might allow local users to obtain a password by reading stdin from the parent process after a sudo child process exits.
CVE-2008-2516 pam_sm_authenticate in pam_pgsql.c in libpam-pgsql 0.6.3 does not properly consider operator precedence when evaluating the success of a pam_get_pass function call, which allows local users to gain privileges via a SIGINT signal when this function is executing, as demonstrated by a CTRL-C sequence at a sudo password prompt in an "auth sufficient pam_pgsql.so" configuration.
CVE-2007-4305 Multiple race conditions in the (1) Sudo monitor mode and (2) Sysjail policies in Systrace on NetBSD and OpenBSD allow local users to defeat system call interposition, and consequently bypass access control policy and auditing.
CVE-2007-3149 sudo, when linked with MIT Kerberos 5 (krb5), does not properly check whether a user can currently authenticate to Kerberos, which allows local users to gain privileges, in a manner unintended by the sudo security model, via certain KRB5_ environment variable settings. NOTE: another researcher disputes this vulnerability, stating that the attacker must be "a user, who can already log into your system, and can already use sudo."
CVE-2007-0475 Multiple stack-based buffer overflows in utilities/smb4k_*.cpp in Smb4K before 0.8.0 allow local users, when present on the Smb4K sudoers list, to gain privileges via unspecified vectors related to the args variable and unspecified other variables, in conjunction with the sudo configuration.
CVE-2006-1079 htpasswd, as used in Acme thttpd 2.25b and possibly other products such as Apache, might allow local users to gain privileges via shell metacharacters in a command line argument, which is used in a call to the system function. NOTE: since htpasswd is normally installed as a non-setuid program, and the exploit is through command line options, perhaps this issue should not be included in CVE. However, if there are some typical or recommended configurations that use htpasswd with sudo privileges, or common products that access htpasswd remotely, then perhaps it should be included.
CVE-2006-1078 Multiple buffer overflows in htpasswd, as used in Acme thttpd 2.25b, and possibly other products such as Apache, might allow local users to gain privileges via (1) a long command line argument and (2) a long line in a file. NOTE: since htpasswd is normally installed as a non-setuid program, and the exploit is through command line options, perhaps this issue should not be included in CVE. However, if there are some typical or recommended configurations that use htpasswd with sudo privileges, or common products that access htpasswd remotely, then perhaps it should be included.
CVE-2006-0576 Untrusted search path vulnerability in opcontrol in OProfile 0.9.1 and earlier allows local users to execute arbitrary commands via a modified PATH that references malicious (1) which or (2) dirname programs. NOTE: while opcontrol normally is not run setuid, a common configuration suggests accessing opcontrol using sudo. In such a context, this is a vulnerability.
CVE-2006-0151 sudo 1.6.8 and other versions does not clear the PYTHONINSPECT environment variable, which allows limited local users to gain privileges via a Python script, a variant of CVE-2005-4158.
CVE-2005-4158 Sudo before 1.6.8 p12, when the Perl taint flag is off, does not clear the (1) PERLLIB, (2) PERL5LIB, and (3) PERL5OPT environment variables, which allows limited local users to cause a Perl script to include and execute arbitrary library files that have the same name as library files that are included by the script.
CVE-2005-3629 initscripts in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 does not properly handle certain environment variables when /sbin/service is executed, which allows local users with sudo permissions for /sbin/service to gain root privileges via unknown vectors.
CVE-2005-2959 Incomplete blacklist vulnerability in sudo 1.6.8 and earlier allows local users to gain privileges via the (1) SHELLOPTS and (2) PS4 environment variables before executing a bash script on behalf of another user, which are not cleared even though other variables are.
CVE-2005-1993 Race condition in sudo 1.3.1 up to 1.6.8p8, when the ALL pseudo-command is used after a user entry in the sudoers file, allows local users to gain privileges via a symlink attack.
CVE-2005-1831 ** DISPUTED ** Sudo 1.6.8p7 on SuSE Linux 9.3, and possibly other Linux distributions, allows local users to gain privileges by using sudo to call su, then entering a blank password and hitting CTRL-C. NOTE: SuSE and multiple third-party researchers have not been able to replicate this issue, stating "Sudo catches SIGINT and returns an empty string for the password so I don't see how this could happen unless the user's actual password was empty."
CVE-2005-1387 Cocktail 3.5.4 and possibly earlier in Mac OS X passes the administrative password on the command line to sudo in cleartext, which allows local users to gain sensitive information by running listing processes.
CVE-2005-1119 Sudo VISudo 1.6.8 and earlier allows local users to corrupt arbitrary files via a symlink attack on temporary files.
CVE-2004-1689 sudoedit (aka sudo -e) in sudo 1.6.8 opens a temporary file with root privileges, which allows local users to read arbitrary files via a symlink attack on the temporary file before quitting sudoedit.
CVE-2004-1051 sudo before 1.6.8p2 allows local users to execute arbitrary commands by using "()" style environment variables to create functions that have the same name as any program within the bash script that is called without using the program's full pathname.
CVE-2002-0184 Heap-based buffer overflow in sudo before 1.6.6 may allow local users to gain root privileges via special characters in the -p (prompt) argument, which are not properly expanded.
CVE-2002-0043 sudo 1.6.0 through 1.6.3p7 does not properly clear the environment before calling the mail program, which could allow local users to gain root privileges by modifying environment variables and changing how the mail program is invoked.
CVE-2001-1240 The default configuration of sudo in Engarde Secure Linux 1.0.1 allows any user in the admin group to run certain commands that could be leveraged to gain full root access.
CVE-2001-1169 keyinit in S/Key does not require authentication to initialize a one-time password sequence, which allows an attacker who has gained privileges to a user account to create new one-time passwords for use in other activities that may use S/Key authentication, such as sudo.
CVE-2001-0279 Buffer overflow in sudo earlier than 1.6.3p6 allows local users to gain root privileges.
CVE-1999-1496 Sudo 1.5 in Debian Linux 2.1 and Red Hat 6.0 allows local users to determine the existence of arbitrary files by attempting to execute the target filename as a program, which generates a different error message when the file does not exist.
CVE-1999-0958 sudo 1.5.x allows local users to execute arbitrary commands via a .. (dot dot) attack.


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