(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 27/01/2012 - 21:03h
somente acrescentando "e se usa o kernel oficial" tudo o que o nosso amigo pinduvoz disse tá valendo:
acrescento também que amanhã haverá o lançamento do 4º update para o Squeeze:
Debian Stable Updates Announcement SUA 22-1
debian-release@lists.debian.org Adam D. Barratt
January 22nd, 2012
Upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 Update (6.0.4)
An update to Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 is scheduled for Saturday, January
28th 2012. As of now it will include the following bug fixes. They can
be found in “squeeze-proposed-updates”, which is carried by all official
Please note that packages published through security.debian.org are not
listed, but will be included if possible. Some of the updates below are
also already available through “squeeze-updates”.
Testing and feedback would be appreciated. Bugs should be filed in the
Debian Bug Tracking System, but please make the Release Team aware of
them by copying “debian-release@lists.debian.org” on your mails.
The point release will also include a rebuild of debian-installer.
Miscellaneous Bugfixes
This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following
Package Reason
linux-2.6 Add stable releases, fix xen and tg3 regressions, various fixes
linux-kernel-di-amd64-2.6 Rebuild against linux-2.6 kernel 2.6.32-41
linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6 Rebuild against linux-2.6 kernel 2.6.32-41
* RESUMIDO para encurtar o post.
A complete list of all accepted packages together with rationale is on
the preparation page for this revision:
If there are any issues, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the
Debian Release Team at “debian-release@lists.debian.org”.