Enviado em 07/01/2018 - 12:31h
Toda vez que tento verificar/compilar o código, a IDE retorna esse erro:Arduino: 1.8.4 (Linux), Placa:"Arduino/Genuino Uno"
Parameter 'tools' is mandatory
Usage of /usr/share/arduino/arduino-builder:
-build-cache string
builds of 'core.a' are saved into this folder to be cached and reused
-build-options-file string
Instead of specifying --hardware, --tools etc every time, you can load all such options from a file
-build-path string
build path
-built-in-libraries value
Specify a built-in 'libraries' folder. These are low priority libraries. Can be added multiple times for specifying multiple built-in 'libraries' folders
compiles the given sketch
-core-api-version string
version of core APIs (used to populate ARDUINO #define) (default "10600")
-debug-level int
Turns on debugging messages. The higher, the chattier (default 5)
dumps build properties used when compiling
-fqbn string
fully qualified board name
-hardware value
Specify a 'hardware' folder. Can be added multiple times for specifying multiple 'hardware' folders
-ide-version string
[deprecated] use 'core-api-version' instead (default "10600")
-libraries value
Specify a 'libraries' folder. Can be added multiple times for specifying multiple 'libraries' folders
-logger string
Sets type of logger. Available values are 'human', 'machine' (default "human")
-prefs value
Specify a custom preference. Can be added multiple times for specifying multiple custom preferences
preprocess the given sketch
if 'true' doesn't print any warnings or progress or whatever
-tools value
Specify a 'tools' folder. Can be added multiple times for specifying multiple 'tools' folders
if 'true' prints lots of stuff
prints version and exits
-vid-pid string
specify to use vid/pid specific build properties, as defined in boards.txt
-warnings string
Sets warnings level. Available values are 'none', 'default', 'more' and 'all'
Erro compilando para a placa Arduino/Genuino Uno
Este relatório teria mais informações com
"Mostrar a saida detalhada durante a compilação"
opção pode ser ativada em "Arquivo -> Preferências"
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