Enviado em 02/01/2014 - 11:51h
; A simple example using only SDL.
; asmi test.asm
; BY: gokernel - gokernel@hotmail.com
library SDL ; in windows: SDL.dll
library libSDL ; in linux: libSDL.so
import SDL_Init
import SDL_SetVideoMode
import SDL_FillRect
import SDL_Flip
import SDL_PollEvent
import SDL_Delay
import SDL_Quit
long i
char *ev
char *screen
char *r ; SDL_Rect: short(x,y,w,h) sizeof 8
.S_count "mouse pos: %d %d\n"
;// <<<<< START >>>>>
push %ebp ;// index: 0
mov %esp,%ebp
sub $16,%esp ;// set to 4 arguments
movl $100,(%esp) ;// ev = malloc(100);
call malloc
mov %eax,ev
movl $8,(%esp) ;// r = malloc(8);
call malloc
mov %eax,r
mov r,%eax ; // r->x = 100 ...
movw $100,(%eax) ; short
movw $100,2(%eax)
movw $100,4(%eax)
movw $100,6(%eax)
movl $32,(%esp)
call SDL_Init
movl $0,12(%esp)
movl $32,8(%esp)
movl $600,4(%esp)
movl $800,(%esp)
call SDL_SetVideoMode
mov %eax,screen
movl $16744990,8(%esp) ;// color orange
mov r,%eax
mov %eax,4(%esp)
mov screen,%eax
mov %eax,(%esp)
call SDL_FillRect ;// SDL_FillRect (screen, r, 16744990);
mov screen,%eax
mov %eax,(%esp)
call SDL_Flip
label_top: ;//<<<<<<< main loop >>>>>>>
mov ev,%eax ;// if (SDL_PollEvent(ev)) {
mov %eax,(%esp)
call SDL_PollEvent
test %eax,%eax
je label_ok_event
;------------------- {
mov ev,%eax ; // printf("mouse pos: %d %d\n", ev->x, ev->y );
movzwl 6(%eax),%edx
mov %edx,8(%esp) ; // ev->y
;;;;; mov ev,%eax ; // NOT NEED: %eax not changed
movzwl 4(%eax),%eax
mov %eax,4(%esp) ; // ev->x
mov S_count,%eax
mov %eax,(%esp) // S_count: "mouse pos: %d %d\n"
call printf
; //** test event: SDL_KEYUP = 3
mov ev,%eax
cmpb $3,(%eax) ;// compare byte: if (ev->type == 3) {
jne label_key
jmp label_end
;------------------- }
movl $10,(%esp)
call SDL_Delay
jmp label_top ;//<<<<<<< goto the top of main loop >>>>>>>
call SDL_Quit
call word
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