(usa Outra)
Enviado em 07/06/2018 - 11:23h
obrigado pela ajuda Marcelo oliver.
Nesse caso deveria criar um novo template para o gerar o arquivo de log com as informações que queria e assim utilizar o comando nele para dar as informações em tempo real certo ?
se for isso mesmo como faço para criar outro template e teria como criar dois template deixar o original e outro pro fora que seria esse ? estou utilizando uma versão do zentyal para teste em uma maquina virtual por isso queria ver se posso criar dois para não mexer nas configuração original e dar problemas na interface .... ( não sei se pode dar problema ) a baixo segue o arquivo squid.conf dele para dar uma olhadinha caso ajude
Main configuration file for Squid daemon
snmpEnabled - Boolean indicating if SNMP is enabled or not
$snmpEnabled => 0
$urlRewriteProgram => undef
our $maxAclNameLength = 31;
our %longAclNames = ();
sub _timeAclsInPolicy
my ($policy, @ids) = @_;
my $id = join '_', @ids;
my $acls = '';
if ($policy->{timeDays}) {
$acls = _aclName('timeDays_' . $id);
$acls .= ' ';
if ($policy->{timeHours}) {
$acls .= _aclName('timeHours_' . $id);
return $acls;
# needed because space scape doesnt work in acl names
sub _escapeWS
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s{ }{__}g;
return $string;
# needed to avoid log acl problems
sub _aclName
my ($name) = @_;
if (length($name) <= $maxAclNameLength) {
return _escapeWS($name);
if (not exists $longAclNames{$name}) {
my $nextId = 1 + keys %longAclNames;
$nextId = 'longAcl' . $nextId;
$longAclNames{$name} = $nextId;
return _escapeWS($longAclNames{$name});
% my $transKey = '';
% if ($transparent eq 'yes') {
% $transKey = 'transparent';
% }
http_port <% $port %> <% $transKey %>
visible_hostname localhost
% if (@nameservers) {
% my $dns_nameservers;
% foreach my $srv (@nameservers) {
% $dns_nameservers .= "$srv ";
% }
dns_nameservers <% $dns_nameservers %>
% }
% if ($append_domain) {
append_domain .<% $append_domain %>
% }
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY
# refresh patterns
# windows updates
refresh_pattern http://.*\.windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
refresh_pattern http://.*\.update\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern http://download\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern http://windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
refresh_pattern http://.*\.download\.windowsupdate\.com/ 0 80% 20160
refresh_pattern http://office\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern http://w?xpsp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern http://w2ksp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
# linux updates
refresh_pattern http://.*\.archive\.ubuntu\.com/ 0 80% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern http://(ftp|http)[0-9]*\.[a-z]+\.debian\.org/ 0 80%
20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
# end refresh patterns
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid
cache_effective_user proxy
cache_effective_group proxy
cache_mem <% $memory %> MB
maximum_object_size <% $max_object_size %> MB
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
pid_filename /var/run/
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid <% $cacheDirSize %> 16 256
% if ($cache_host and $cache_port) {
cache_peer <% $cache_host %> parent <% $cache_port %> 0 no-query no-digest
% }
auth_param basic realm Zentyal HTTP proxy
auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/ldap_auth -v 3 -b ou=Users,<%
$dn %> -u uid -h ldap://<% $ldapport %>
acl authorized proxy_auth required
% if ($urlRewriteProgram) {
url_rewrite_program <% $urlRewriteProgram %>
% }
<& .groupsACLs,
groupsPolicies => \@groupsPolicies,
objectsPolicies => \@objectsPolicies,
<& .objectsACLs, objectsPolicies => \@objectsPolicies &>
<& .objectsACLs, objectsPolicies => \@objectsDelayPools &>
# no cache domains acl
% foreach my $domain (@notCachedDomains) {
acl noCached dstdomain <% $domain %>
% }
acl localhost src
acl localhostdst dst
acl all src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl SSL_ports port 873 # rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https, snews
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
acl Safe_ports port 631 # cups
acl Safe_ports port 873 # rsync
acl Safe_ports port 901 # SWAT
acl purge method PURGE
follow_x_forwarded_for allow localhost
log_uses_indirect_client off
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny purge
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_reply_access allow all
% if ($cache_host and $cache_port) {
never_direct allow all
% }
% if (@localnets) {
<& .localnetsACLs,
localnets => \@localnets,
% }
<& .delayPools,
objectsDelayPools => \@objectsDelayPools,
% if (@notCachedDomains) {
cache deny noCached
% }
<& .objectsAccess,
objectsPolicies => \@objectsPolicies,
<& .globalGroupsAccess,
groupsPolicies => \@groupsPolicies,
# default policy section
% if ( $authNeeded ) {
%# if (not @groupsPolicies ) {
%# we force auth here to not force to authorize objects
%# which dont need auth
http_access allow authorized all
%# }
% }
% if ($allowAll) {
http_access allow all
% } else {
http_access deny all
% }
% if ( $snmpEnabled ) {
<& .snmp &>
% }
always_direct allow localhostdst
<%def .globalGroupsAccess>
% return if (@groupsPolicies == 0);
%# if we use global group policies we must force always the authorization first
http_access allow authorized all
% foreach my $groupPol (@groupsPolicies) {
% my $group = $groupPol->{'group'};
% my $groupAcl = _aclName($group);
% my $timeAcls = _timeAclsInPolicy($groupPol, $group);
% my $allowPolicy = $groupPol->{'allow'};
% if ($allowPolicy) {
http_access allow <% $timeAcls %> <% $groupAcl %>
% }
% if ((not $allowPolicy) or $timeAcls ) {
# in case of allow + time acl we have to deny otherwise
# outsde of the time period we will slip to defualt policy
http_access deny <% $groupAcl %> all
% }
% }
<%def .objectGroupsAccess>
% foreach my $groupPol (@groupsPolicies) {
% my $group = $groupPol->{'group'};
% my $groupAcl = _aclName($group);
% my $objectAcl = _aclName($object);
% my $timeAcls = _timeAclsInPolicy($groupPol, $object, $group);
% my $allow = $groupPol->{'allow'};
% if ($allow) {
http_access allow <% $timeAcls %> <% $groupAcl %> <% $objectAcl %>
% }
% if ((not $allow) or $timeAcls ) {
# in case of allow + time acl we have to deny otherwise
# outsde of the time period we will slip to defualt policy
http_access deny <% $groupAcl %> <% $objectAcl %>
% }
% }
<%def .objectsAccess>
% foreach my $objPol (@objectsPolicies) {
% my $object = $objPol->{'object'};
% my $objectAcl = _aclName($object);
<& .objectGroupsAccess,
groupsPolicies => $objPol->{groupsPolicies},
object => $object,
% if ($objPol->{'auth'}) {
http_access allow <% $objectAcl %> authorized
% }
% if ($objPol->{'allowAll'}) {
% my $timeAcls = _timeAclsInPolicy($objPol, $object);
http_access allow <% $objectAcl %> <% $timeAcls %>
% if ($timeAcls) {
% # to assure we dont slip to default configuration when we have a time acl
http_access deny <% $objectAcl %>
% }
% } else {
http_access deny <% $objectAcl %>
% }
% }
<%def .groupsACLs>
# group ACLs from group polices
my %groups = map {
($_ ->{group} => , $_->{users})
} @groupsPolicies;
# add group acls from object policies
foreach my $obPol (@objectsPolicies) {
foreach my $grPol (@{ $obPol->{groupsPolicies} } ) {
$groups{ $grPol->{group} } = $grPol->{users};
# escape user names
foreach my $users_r (values %groups) {
my @users = map {
my $user = $_;
$user =~ s{ }{\\ }g;
} @{ $users_r };
$users_r = \@users;
% while (my ($group, $users) = each %groups) {
% my $groupAcl = _aclName($group);
acl <% $groupAcl %> proxy_auth <% join ' ', @{ $users } %>
% }
% foreach my $groupPol (@groupsPolicies) {
<& .timeACLs, policy => $groupPol, ids => [$groupPol->{group}] &>
% }
<%def .localnetsACLs>
acl eboxlocalnets dst <% join ' ', @localnets %>
<%def .objectsACLs>
% foreach my $objPol (@objectsPolicies) {
% my $object = $objPol->{object};
% my $objectAcl = _aclName($object);
acl <% $objectAcl %> src <% join ' ', @{ $objPol->{addresses} } %>
<& .timeACLs, policy => $objPol, ids => [ $object ] &>
% foreach my $groupPol (@{ $objPol->{groupsPolicies} }) {
<& .timeACLs, policy => $groupPol, ids => [$object, $groupPol->{group}] &>
% }
% }
<%def .timeACLs>
my $id = join '_', @ids;
% if ($policy->{timeDays}) {
acl <% _aclName('timeDays_' . $id) %> time <% $policy->{timeDays} %>
% }
% if ($policy->{timeHours}) {
acl <% _aclName('timeHours_' . $id) %> time <% $policy->{timeHours} %>
% }
<%def .delayPools>
% if ( @objectsDelayPools ) {
% my $pools = @objectsDelayPools;
delay_pools <% $pools + 1%>
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 -1/-1 -1/-1
delay_access 1 allow eboxlocalnets
% }
my $id = 1;
foreach my $objPool (@objectsDelayPools) {
my $rate = $objPool->{rate};
if ($rate > 0) {
$rate *= 1024;
my $size = $objPool->{size};
if ($size > 0) {
$size *= 1024;
delay_class <% $id %> <% $objPool->{class} %>
% if ( $objPool->{class} eq '1' ) {
delay_parameters <% $id %> <% $rate %>/<% $size %>
% } elsif ( $objPool->{class} eq '2' ) {
my $clt_rate = $objPool->{clt_rate};
if ($clt_rate > 0) {
$clt_rate *= 1024;
my $clt_size = $objPool->{clt_size};
if ($clt_size > 0) {
$clt_size *= 1024;
delay_parameters <% $id %> <% $rate %>/<% $size %> <% $clt_rate %>/<%
$clt_size %>
% }
delay_initial_bucket_level 90
delay_access <% $id %> allow <% $objPool->{object} %>
delay_access <% $id %> deny all
% }
<%def .snmp>
Define the SNMP configuration as SNMP agent
acl snmppublic snmp_community public
snmp_port 3401
snmp_access allow snmppublic localhost
snmp_access deny all
desculpe caso fale algo erro sou pouco leigo