(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 17/04/2017 - 20:23h
Boa noite estou instalando um Software chamado WebMo e estou com dificuldade na hora de criar um diretório nesta parte da instalação:
Is this webserver name fully qualified and correct [y/n]:y
The script will now create a directory into which the WebMO HTML
files will be copied. The directory should meet the following
- Directory is in the server's webspace
- The directory is NOT in a cgi-bin directory
- You need to have permission to write to this directory
- The parent of the specified directory must already exist
Example: /home/positivo/public_html/webmo
Directory: /home/Documentos/public_html/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:Y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: /home/
You don't have permission to write to that directory
Directory: /Documentos/positivo/public_html/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: sudo su /Documentos/positivo/public_html/webmo
Your directory specification must start with a / character
as it must be an absolute directory. You cannot use ~ to
indicate your home directory, nor . to use a relative
Directory: y
Your directory specification must start with a / character
as it must be an absolute directory. You cannot use ~ to
indicate your home directory, nor . to use a relative
Directory: /home/Documentos/public_html/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: /home/smith/public_html/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: /~smith/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: /user/bin/pearl
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Directory: /Downloads/WebMO.install/public_html/webmo
That directory does not exist.
Create directory [y/n]:y
Unable to create directory: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Your directory specification must start with a / character
as it must be an absolute directory. You cannot use ~ to
indicate your home directory, nor . to use a relative
Se alguem me ajudar a partir daqui eu agradeço