descompactação no debian

1. descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 09:36h

estou baixando uns videos compactados .rar no debian, mas toda vez que descompacto, a pasta descompactada aparece vazia, se eu abrir o arquivo compactado o video aparece, mas não consigo abrir nenhum, coloquei em um computador com windows e consegui descompactar, e agora esses videos estão rodando normalmente no debian, estou com os pacotes ark, xarchiver e unrar-free instalados, mas nenhum resolveu, estou com esse problema no pc do trabalho e em casa


2. Unrar

André Canhadas

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 11:12h

Precisa de um descompactador para arquivos rar:

apt-get install unrar

Depois é só colocar "extrair aqui" pelo nautilus que ele ja descompacta

3. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Fedora)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 12:45h

como nosso amigo falou. Mas como os programas sao muito pequenos, vc tambem pode fazer o seguinte:

digita no synaptic - .rar

e instala os pacotes - unrar, 7zip-full, e rar

falo isso pq acho q somente o pacote unrar nao da a possibilidade de vc compactar as pastas - ou diretorios se assim quiser chamar - ou arquivos.


4. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 12:52h

o apt-get install unrar deu o seguinte retorno:
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
O pacote unrar não está disponível, mas é referenciado por outro pacote.
Isto pode significar que o pacote está faltando, ficou obsoleto ou
está disponível somente a partir de outra fonte

os pacotes unrarfree e 7zipfull estão instalados, mas não achei nenhum rar

5. Versão debian

André Canhadas

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:05h

felipesayaman escreveu:

o apt-get install unrar deu o seguinte retorno:
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
O pacote unrar não está disponível, mas é referenciado por outro pacote.
Isto pode significar que o pacote está faltando, ficou obsoleto ou
está disponível somente a partir de outra fonte

os pacotes unrarfree e 7zipfull estão instalados, mas não achei nenhum rar

? Qual a versão do debian que esta usando?


apt-get install unrar-free p7zip-rar

6. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:10h

deu a mesma mensagem, estou usando o 6.04

7. Update

André Canhadas

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:13h

felipesayaman escreveu:

deu a mesma mensagem, estou usando o 6.04

Tente dar um update na lista de pacotes:

apt-get update
aptitude update

Ai tenta os comandos anteriores

Outra coisa precisa dos repositorios non-free

edite o arquivo /etc/apt/sources.list e na frente de main coloque non-free
Ex: (No meu caso estou usando o Wheeze "Debian testing")

deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free

Só troque o final "main" por "main contrib non-free"

8. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:30h

fiz o update, deu isso:
0% [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por ca
o aptitude update deu no mesmo
mexi no arquivo, deu a mesma coisa depois de mexer

9. Saida comando

André Canhadas

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:48h

felipesayaman escreveu:

fiz o update, deu isso:
0% [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por ca
o aptitude update deu no mesmo
mexi no arquivo, deu a mesma coisa depois de mexer

Posta a saida dos comandos:

cat /etc/apt/sources.list
dpkg -l |grep rar

10. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 13:52h

andrecanhadas escreveu:

felipesayaman escreveu:

fiz o update, deu isso:
0% [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por cabeçalhos] [Aguardando por ca
o aptitude update deu no mesmo
mexi no arquivo, deu a mesma coisa depois de mexer

Posta a saida dos comandos:

cat /etc/apt/sources.list
dpkg -l |grep rar

o primeiro

@debian:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 DVD Binary-1 20120128-12:53]/ squeeze contrib main

# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 _Squeeze_ - Official i386 DVD Binary-1 20120128-12:53]/ squeeze contrib main

deb squeeze/updates main contrib
deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib

# squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
# A network mirror was not selected during install. The following entries
# are provided as examples, but you should amend them as appropriate
# for your mirror of choice.
# deb squeeze-updates main contrib
deb squeeze main
# deb-src squeeze-updates main contrib

o segundo(encheu toda a tela, não sei se esta tudo ai):

ii libcdio-paranoia0 0.81-4 library to read digital audio CDs with error correction
ii libcdio10 0.81-4 library to read and control CD-ROM
ii libcdparanoia0 3.10.2+debian-9 audio extraction tool for sampling CDs (library)
ii libcdt4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing tools - cdt library
ii libcelt0-0 0.7.1-1 The CELT codec runtime library
ii libchamplain-0.4-0 0.4.6-2+b1 C library providing ClutterActor to display maps
ii libck-connector0 0.4.1-4 ConsoleKit libraries
ii libclucene0ldbl 0.9.21b-2+b1 library for full-featured text search engine (runtime)
ii libclutter-1.0-0 1.2.12-3 Open GL based interactive canvas library
ii libclutter-gtk-0.10-0 0.10.4-1 Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget
ii libcolamd2.7.1 1:3.4.0-2 column approximate minimum degree ordering library for sparse matrices
ii libcomerr2 1.41.12-4stable1 common error description library
ii libcompizconfig0 0.8.4-2 Configuration settings library for compiz-fusion
ii libcpufreq0 007-1+squeeze1 shared library to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature
ii libcryptui0 2.30.1-2 the UI library for DBUS functions exported by seahorse
ii libcups2 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Core library
ii libcupscgi1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - CGI library
ii libcupsdriver1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Driver library
ii libcupsimage2 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Raster image library
ii libcupsmime1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - MIME library
ii libcupsppdc1 1.4.4-7+squeeze1 Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation library
ii libcurl3 7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 Multi-protocol file transfer library (OpenSSL)
ii libcurl3-gnutls 7.21.0-2.1+squeeze2 Multi-protocol file transfer library (GnuTLS)
ii libcwidget3 0.5.16-3 high-level terminal interface library for C++ (runtime files)
ii libdaemon0 0.14-2 lightweight C library for daemons - runtime library
ii libdatrie1 0.2.4-1 Double-array trie library
ii libdb4.6 4.6.21-16 Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii libdb4.7 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii libdb4.7-java 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libraries for Java
ii libdb4.7-java-gcj 4.7.25-9 Berkeley v4.7 Database Libraries for Java (native code)
ii libdb4.8 4.8.30-2 Berkeley v4.8 Database Libraries [runtime]
ii libdbus-glib-1-2 0.88-2.1 simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-based shared library)
ii libdca0 0.0.5-3 decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams
ii libdecoration0 0.8.4-4 Compiz window decoration library
ii libdevmapper1.02.1 2:1.02.48-5 The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
ii libdirac-encoder0 1.0.2-3 open and royalty free high quality codec - encoder library
ii libdirectfb-1.2-9 direct frame buffer graphics - shared libraries
ii libdiscid0 0.2.2-1 Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
ii libdiscover2 2.1.2-5 hardware identification library
ii libdns69 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4 DNS Shared Library used by BIND
ii libdv4 1.0.0-2.1 software library for DV format digital video (runtime lib)
ii libdvdnav4 4.1.3-7 DVD navigation library
ii libdvdread4 4.1.3-10 library for reading DVDs
ii libebackend1.2-0 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Utility library for evolution data servers
ii libebook1.2-9 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Client library for evolution address books
ii libecal1.2-7 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Client library for evolution calendars
ii libedata-book1.2-2 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Backend library for evolution address books
ii libedata-cal1.2-7 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Backend library for evolution calendars
ii libedataserver1.2-13 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Utility library for evolution data servers
ii libedataserverui1.2-8 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 GUI utility library for evolution data servers
ii libedit2 2.11-20080614-2 BSD editline and history libraries
ii libegroupwise1.2-13 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Client library for accessing groupwise POA through SOAP interface
ii libelf1 0.148-1 library to read and write ELF files
ii libenca0 1.13-3 Extremely Naive Charset Analyser - shared library files
ii libenchant1c2a 1.6.0-1 a wrapper library for various spell checker engines
ii libepc-1.0-2 0.3.11-1 Easy Publish and Consume library - shared libraries
ii libepc-common 0.3.11-1 Easy Publish and Consume library - data files
ii libepc-ui-1.0-2 0.3.11-1 Easy Publish and Consume library - shared widget libraries
ii libept1 1.0.4 High-level library for managing Debian package information
ii libesd0 0.2.41-8 Enlightened Sound Daemon - Shared libraries
ii libespeak1 1.43.03-2 A multi-lingual software speech synthesizer: shared library
ii libetpan13 0.58-1 mail handling library
ii libevent-1.4-2 1.4.13-stable-1 An asynchronous event notification library
ii libevince2 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Document (PostScript, PDF) rendering library
ii libevolution 2.30.3-5 evolution libraries
ii libexempi3 2.1.1-1 library to parse XMP metadata (Library)
ii libexif12 0.6.19-1 library to parse EXIF files
ii libexiv2-9 0.20-2 EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library
ii libexo-0.3-0 0.3.107-1 Library with extensions for Xfce
ii libexpat1 2.0.1-7 XML parsing C library - runtime library
ii libfam0 2.7.0-17 Client library to control the FAM daemon
ii libffi5 3.0.9-3 Foreign Function Interface library runtime
ii libfftw3-3 3.2.2-1 library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
ii libflac++6 1.2.1-2+b1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - C++ runtime library
ii libflac8 1.2.1-2+b1 Free Lossless Audio Codec - runtime C library
ii libflite1 1.4-release-2 a small run-time speech synthesis engine - shared libraries
ii libfontconfig1 2.8.0-2.1 generic font configuration library - runtime
ii libfontenc1 1:1.0.5-2 X11 font encoding library
ii libfreerdp0 0.7.4-1 RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (library)
ii libfreetype6 2.4.2-2.1+squeeze4 FreeType 2 font engine, shared library files
ii libfs6 2:1.0.2-1 X11 Font Services library
ii libfuse2 2.8.4-1.1 Filesystem in USErspace library
ii libgail-common 2.20.1-2 GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library -- common modules
ii libgail18 2.20.1-2 GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library -- shared libraries
ii libgalago3 0.5.2-2 Galago presence library
ii libgcc1 1:4.4.5-8 GCC support library
ii libgcj-bc 4.4.5-1 Link time only library for use with gcj
ii libgcj-common 1:4.4.5-1 Java runtime library (common files)
ii libgcj10 4.4.5-2 Java runtime library for use with gcj
ii libgcj10-awt 4.4.5-2 AWT peer runtime libraries for use with gcj
ii libgconf2-4 2.28.1-6 GNOME configuration database system (shared libraries)
ii libgcr0 2.30.3-5 Library for Crypto UI related task - runtime
ii libgcrypt11 1.4.5-2 LGPL Crypto library - runtime library
ii libgd2-noxpm 2.0.36~rc1~dfsg-5 GD Graphics Library version 2 (without XPM support)
ii libgdata-common 0.6.4-2 Library for accessing GData webservices - common data files
ii libgdata-google1.2-1 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Client library for accessing Google POA through SOAP interface
ii libgdata1.2-1 2.30.3-2+squeeze1 Client library for accessing Google POA through SOAP interface
ii libgdata7 0.6.4-2 Library for accessing GData webservices - shared libraries
ii libgdict-1.0-6 2.30.0-2 GNOME Dictionary base library - runtime
ii libgdu-gtk0 2.30.1-2 GTK+ standard dialog library for libgdu
ii libgdu0 2.30.1-2 GObject based Disk Utility Library
ii libgee2 0.5.2-1 GObject based collection library
ii libgegl-0.0-0 0.0.22-2+b1 Generic Graphics Library
ii libgeoip1 1.4.7~beta6+dfsg-1 A non-DNS IP-to-country resolver library
ii libgexiv2-0 0.1.0-1+b1 GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
ii libgfortran3 4.4.5-8 Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications
ii libgif4 4.1.6-9 library for GIF images (library)
ii libgimp2.0 2.6.10-1+squeeze3 Libraries for the GNU Image Manipulation Program
ii libgirepository1.0-0 0.6.14-1+b1 Library for handling GObject introspection data (runtime library)
ii libgksu2-0 2.0.13~pre1-3 library providing su and sudo functionality
ii libglade2-0 1:2.6.4-1 library to load .glade files at runtime
ii libglade2.0-cil 2.12.10-1 CLI binding for the Glade libraries 2.6
ii libglib-perl 2:1.223-1 interface to the GLib and GObject libraries
ii libglib2.0-0 2.24.2-1 The GLib library of C routines
ii libglib2.0-cil 2.12.10-1 CLI binding for the GLib utility library 2.12
ii libglib2.0-data 2.24.2-1 Common files for GLib library
ii libglibmm-2.4-1c2a 2.24.2-1 C++ wrapper for the GLib toolkit (shared libraries)
ii libglu1-mesa 7.7.1-5 The OpenGL utility library (GLU)
ii libgme0 0.5.5-2 Playback library for video game music files - shared library
ii libgmime-2.4-2 2.4.14-1+nmu1 MIME message parser and creator library - runtime
ii libgmime2.4-cil 2.4.14-1+nmu1 CLI binding for the GMime library
ii libgmp3c2 2:4.3.2+dfsg-1 Multiprecision arithmetic library
ii libgnome-bluetooth7 2.30.0-2 GNOME Bluetooth tools - support library
ii libgnome-desktop-2-17 2.30.2-2 Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files
ii libgnome-keyring0 2.30.1-1 GNOME keyring services library
ii libgnome-mag2 1:0.16.1-2 screen magnification library for the GNOME desktop (shared library)
ii libgnome-media0 2.30.0-1 runtime libraries for the GNOME media utilities
ii libgnome-speech7 1:0.4.25-4 GNOME text-to-speech library
ii libgnome-window-settings1 1:2.30.1-2 Utility library for getting window manager settings
ii libgnome2-0 2.30.0-1 The GNOME library - runtime files
ii libgnome2-canvas-perl 1.002-2 Perl interface to the GNOME canvas library
ii libgnome2-common 2.30.0-1 The GNOME library - common files
ii libgnome2-perl 1.042-2 Perl interface to the GNOME libraries
ii libgnome2-vfs-perl 1.081-1 Perl interface to the 2.x series of the GNOME VFS library
ii libgnomekbd-common 2.30.2-2 GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - common files
ii libgnomekbd4 2.30.2-2 GNOME library to manage keyboard configuration - shared library
ii libgnomeui-0 2.24.3-1 The GNOME libraries (User Interface) - runtime files
ii libgnomeui-common 2.24.3-1 The GNOME libraries (User Interface) - common files
ii libgnomevfs2-0 1:2.24.3-1 GNOME Virtual File System (runtime libraries)
ii libgnutls26 2.8.6-1+squeeze2 the GNU TLS library - runtime library
ii libgomp1 4.4.5-8 GCC OpenMP (GOMP) support library
ii libgoocanvas3 0.15-1 canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library
ii libgp11-0 2.30.3-5 Glib wrapper library for PKCS#11 - runtime
ii libgpg-error0 1.6-1 library for common error values and messages in GnuPG components
ii libgphoto2-2 2.4.6-3 gphoto2 digital camera library
ii libgphoto2-port0 2.4.6-3 gphoto2 digital camera port library
ii libgpm2 1.20.4-3.3 General Purpose Mouse - shared library
ii libgpod4 0.7.93-0.3 library to read and write songs and artwork to an iPod
ii libgraph4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing tools - graph library
ii libgraphicsmagick3 1.3.12-1+b1 format-independent image processing - C shared library
ii libgs8 8.71~dfsg2-9 The Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter Library
ii libgsf-1-114 1.14.18-1 Structured File Library - runtime version
ii libgsf-1-common 1.14.18-1 Structured File Library - common files
ii libgsl0ldbl 1.14+dfsg-1 GNU Scientific Library (GSL) -- library package
ii libgsm1 1.0.13-3 Shared libraries for GSM speech compressor
ii libgssapi-krb5-2 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - krb5 GSS-API Mechanism
ii libgssdp-1.0-2 0.8.0-2 GObject-based library for SSDP
ii libgssglue1 0.1-4 mechanism-switch gssapi library
ii libgssrpc4 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - GSS enabled ONCRPC
ii libgstfarsight0.10-0 0.0.20-2 Audio/Video communications framework: core library
ii libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0 0.10.30-1 GStreamer libraries from the "base" set
ii libgstreamer0.10-0 0.10.30-1 Core GStreamer libraries and elements
ii libgtk2-perl 2:1.222-1 Perl interface to the 2.x series of the Gimp Toolkit library
ii libgtk2.0-0 2.20.1-2 The GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-bin 2.20.1-2 The programs for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtk2.0-common 2.20.1-2 Common files for the GTK+ graphical user interface library
ii libgtkglext1 1.2.0-1.1 OpenGL Extension to GTK+ (shared libraries)
ii libgtkhtml-editor-common 3.30.3-1 HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget data
ii libgtkhtml-editor0 3.30.3-1 HTML rendering/editing library - editor widget
ii libgtkhtml3.14-19 3.30.3-1 HTML rendering/editing library - runtime files
ii libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a 1:2.20.3-1 C++ wrappers for GTK+ (shared libraries)
ii libgtksourceview2.0-0 2.10.4-1 shared libraries for the GTK+ syntax highlighting widget
ii libgtop2-7 2.28.1-1 gtop system monitoring library (shared)
ii libgtop2-common 2.28.1-1 gtop system monitoring library (common)
ii libgucharmap7 1:2.30.3-1 Unicode browser widget library (shared library)
ii libgudev-1.0-0 164-3 GObject-based wrapper library for libudev
ii libgupnp-1.0-3 0.14.0-2 GObject-based library for UPnP
ii libgupnp-igd-1.0-3 0.1.7-3 library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
ii libgutenprint2 5.2.6-1 runtime for the Gutenprint printer driver library
ii libgvc5 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing tools - gvc library
ii libgweather1 2.30.3-1 GWeather shared library
ii libhal-storage1 0.5.14-3 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library for storage devices
ii libhal1 0.5.14-3 Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared library
ii libhpmud0 3.10.6-2+squeeze1 HP Multi-Point Transport Driver (hpmud) run-time libraries
ii libhunspell-1.2-0 1.2.11-1 spell checker and morphological analyzer (shared library)
ii libhyphen0 2.5-1 ALTLinux hyphenation library - shared library
ii libical0 0.44-3 iCalendar library implementation in C (runtime)
ii libice6 2:1.0.6-2 X11 Inter-Client Exchange library
ii libicu4j-java Library for unicode support and internalisation
ii libid3tag0 0.15.1b-10 ID3 tag reading library from the MAD project
ii libidl0 0.8.14-0.1 library for parsing CORBA IDL files
ii libidn11 1.15-2 GNU Libidn library, implementation of IETF IDN specifications
ii libieee1284-3 0.2.11-6 cross-platform library for parallel port access
ii libijs-0.35 0.35-7 IJS raster image transport protocol: shared library
ii libilmbase6 1.0.1-3 several utility libraries from ILM used by OpenEXR
ii libimobiledevice1 1.0.2-1 Library for communicating with the iPhone and iPod Touch
ii libiptcdata0 1.0.4-1+b1 Library to parse IPTC metadata
ii libisc62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4 ISC Shared Library used by BIND
ii libisccc60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4 Command Channel Library used by BIND
ii libisccfg62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4 Config File Handling Library used by BIND
ii libiso9660-7 0.81-4 library to work with ISO9660 filesystems
ii libisofs6 0.6.32-2 library to create ISO9960 images
ii libjack-jackd2-0 1.9.6~dfsg.1-2 JACK Audio Connection Kit (libraries)
ii libjasper1 1.900.1-7+squeeze1 The JasPer JPEG-2000 runtime library
ii libjbig2dec0 0.11-1 JBIG2 decoder library - shared libraries
ii libjline-java 0.9.94-5 Java library for handling console input
ii libjpeg62 6b1-1 The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG runtime library (version 6.2)
ii libjson-glib-1.0-0 0.10.2-2squeeze1 GLib JSON manipulation library
ii libk5crypto3 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Crypto Library
ii libkadm5clnt-mit7 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Administration Clients
ii libkadm5srv-mit7 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - KDC and Admin Server
ii libkdb5-4 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Kerberos database
ii libkde3support4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE 3 Support Library for the KDE 4 Platform
ii libkdecore5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE Platform Core Library
ii libkdesu5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Console-mode Authentication Library for the KDE Platform
ii libkdeui5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KDE Platform User Interface Library
ii libkdnssd4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the DNS-SD Protocol Library for the KDE Platform
ii libkeyutils1 1.4-1 Linux Key Management Utilities (library)
ii libkfile4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the File Selection Dialog Library for KDE Platform
ii libkio5 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Network-enabled File Management Library for the KDE Platform
ii libkjsapi4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the KJS API Library for the KDE Development Platform
ii libkjsembed4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 library for binding JavaScript objects to QObjects
ii libknewstuff2-4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the "Get Hot New Stuff" v2 Library for the KDE Platform
ii libknewstuff3-4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the "Get Hot New Stuff" v3 Library for the KDE Platform
ii libknotifyconfig4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 library for configuring KDE Notifications
ii libkntlm4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the NTLM Authentication Library for the KDE Platform
ii libkonq5 4:4.4.5-2 core libraries for Konqueror
ii libkonq5-templates 4:4.4.5-2 data files for the Konqueror libraries
ii libkpathsea5 2009-8 TeX Live: path search library for TeX (runtime part)
ii libkpty4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Pseudo Terminal Library for the KDE Platform
ii libkrb5-3 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries
ii libkrb5support0 1.8.3+dfsg-4squeeze5 MIT Kerberos runtime libraries - Support library
ii libkrosscore4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Kross Core Library
ii liblapack3gf 3.2.1-8 library of linear algebra routines 3 - shared version
ii liblcms1 1.18.dfsg-1.2+b3 Color management library
ii libldap-2.4-2 2.4.23-7.2 OpenLDAP libraries
ii liblircclient0 0.8.3-5 infra-red remote control support - client library
ii liblockfile1 1.08-4 NFS-safe locking library, includes dotlockfile program
ii liblouis-data 2.0.0-1 Braille translation library - data
ii liblouis2 2.0.0-1 Braille translation library - shared libs
ii liblucene2-java 2.9.2+ds1-1 Full-text search engine library for Java(TM)
ii liblwres60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1~squeeze4 Lightweight Resolver Library used by BIND
ii liblzma2 5.0.0-2 XZ-format compression library
ii libmad0 0.15.1b-5 MPEG audio decoder library
ii libmagic1 5.04-5+squeeze2 File type determination library using "magic" numbers
ii libmagickcore3 8: low-level image manipulation library
ii libmagickcore3-extra 8: low-level image manipulation library - extra codecs
ii libmagickwand3 8: image manipulation library
ii libmetacity-private0 1:2.30.1-3 library for the Metacity window manager
ii libmikmod2 3.1.11-a-6.3 A portable sound library
ii libmms0 0.6-1+squeeze1 MMS stream protocol library - shared library
ii libmng1 1.0.10-1+b1 Multiple-image Network Graphics library
ii libmodplug1 1: shared libraries for mod music based on ModPlug
ii libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil 0.4-8 GTK# frontend library for Mono.Addins
ii libmono-addins0.2-cil 0.4-8 addin framework for extensible CLI applications/libraries
ii libmono-cairo2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono Cairo library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-corlib2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono core library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono I18N.West library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-posix2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono.Posix library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-security2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono Security library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono SharpZipLib library (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmono-system2.0-cil 2.6.7-5 Mono System libraries (for CLI 2.0)
ii libmozjs2d The Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
ii libmpcdec6 2:0.1~r459-1 MusePack decoder - library
ii libmpeg2-4 0.4.1-3 MPEG1 and MPEG2 video decoder library
ii libmtp8 1.0.3-1+squeeze1 Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) library
ii libmusicbrainz3-6 3.0.2-2 library to access the database
ii libmusicbrainz4c2a 2.1.5-4 Second generation incarnation of the CD Index - library
ii libmysqlclient16 5.1.61-0+squeeze1 MySQL database client library
ii libmythes-1.2-0 2:1.2.1-1 simple thesaurus library
ii libnautilus-extension1 2.30.1-2squeeze1 libraries for nautilus components - runtime version
ii libncurses5 5.7+20100313-5 shared libraries for terminal handling
ii libncursesw5 5.7+20100313-5 shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
ii libneon27-gnutls 0.29.3-3 An HTTP and WebDAV client library (GnuTLS enabled)
ii libnepomuk4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Nepomuk Meta Data Library
ii libnepomukquery4a 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Nepomuk Query Library for the KDE Platform
ii libnet1 1.1.4-2 library for the construction and handling of network packets
ii libnetpbm10 2:10.0-12.2+b1 Graphics conversion tools shared libraries
ii libnfnetlink0 1.0.0-1 Netfilter netlink library
ii libnfsidmap2 0.23-2 An nfs idmapping library
ii libnice0 0.0.12-1 ICE library (shared library)
ii libnl1 1.1-6 library for dealing with netlink sockets
ii libnm-glib-vpn1 0.8.1-6+squeeze1 network management framework (GLib VPN shared library)
ii libnm-glib2 0.8.1-6+squeeze1 network management framework (GLib shared library)
ii libnm-util1 0.8.1-6+squeeze1 network management framework (shared library)
ii libnspr4-0d 4.8.6-1 NetScape Portable Runtime Library
ii libnss3-1d 3.12.8-1+squeeze4 Network Security Service libraries
ii libntfs-3g75 1:2010.3.6-1 ntfs-3g filesystem in userspace (FUSE) library
ii libntfs10 2.0.0-1+b1 library that provides common NTFS access functions
ii libofa0 0.9.3-3.1 Library for acoustic fingerprinting
ii libogg0 1.2.0~dfsg-1 Ogg bitstream library
ii liboil0.3 0.3.17-2 Library of Optimized Inner Loops
ii liboobs-1-4 2.30.1-1 GObject based interface to system-tools-backends - shared library
ii libopal3.6.8 3.6.8~dfsg-2 Open Phone Abstraction Library - successor of OpenH323
ii libopencore-amrnb0 0.1.2-1 Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec - shared library
ii libopencore-amrwb0 0.1.2-1 Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband speech codec - shared library
ii libopenexr6 1.6.1-4.1 runtime files for the OpenEXR image library
ii libopenjpeg2 1.3+dfsg-4 JPEG 2000 image compression/decompression library
ii libopenobex1 1.5-2 OBEX protocol library
ii libopenspc0 0.3.99a-2 library for playing SPC files
ii liborbit2 1:2.14.18-0.1 libraries for ORBit2 - a CORBA ORB
ii liborc-0.4-0 1:0.4.6-2 Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler
ii libpam-runtime 1.1.1-6.1+squeeze1 Runtime support for the PAM library
ii libpam0g 1.1.1-6.1+squeeze1 Pluggable Authentication Modules library
ii libpanel-applet2-0 2.30.2-2 library for GNOME Panel applets
ii libpangomm-1.4-1 2.26.2-1 C++ Wrapper for pango (shared libraries)
ii libpaper-utils 1.1.24 library for handling paper characteristics (utilities)
ii libpaper1 1.1.24 library for handling paper characteristics
ii libparted0debian1 2.3-5 The GNU Parted disk partitioning shared library
ii libpathplan4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing tools - pathplan library
ii libpci3 1:3.1.7-6 Linux PCI Utilities (shared library)
ii libpciaccess0 0.12.0-1 Generic PCI access library for X
ii libpcre3 8.02-1.1 Perl 5 Compatible Regular Expression Library - runtime files
ii libpcsclite1 1.5.5-4 Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (library)
ii libperl5.10 5.10.1-17squeeze3 shared Perl library
ii libphonon4 4:4.6.0really4.4.2-1 the core library of the Phonon multimedia framework
ii libpixman-1-0 0.16.4-1 pixel-manipulation library for X and cairo
ii libplasma3 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the Plasma Library for the KDE Platform
ii libplist1 1.3-2 Library for handling Apple binary and XML property lists
ii libplot2c2 2.5-4 The GNU plotutils libraries
ii libpng12-0 1.2.44-1+squeeze4 PNG library - runtime
ii libpolkit-qt-1-0 0.95.1-1 PolicyKit-qt-1 library
ii libpoppler-glib4 0.12.4-1.2 PDF rendering library (GLib-based shared library)
ii libpoppler5 0.12.4-1.2 PDF rendering library
ii libportaudio2 19+svn20071022-3.2 Portable audio I/O - shared library
ii libpostproc51 4:0.5.8-1 ffmpeg video postprocessing library
ii libproxy0 0.3.1-2 automatic proxy configuration management library (shared)
ii libpstoedit0c2a 3.50-3+b1 PostScript to editable vector graphics library (runtime files)
ii libpt2.6.7 2.6.7-1 Portable Tools Library
ii libpulse-mainloop-glib0 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 PulseAudio client libraries (glib support)
ii libpulse0 0.9.21-3+squeeze1 PulseAudio client libraries
ii libpython2.6 2.6.6-8+b1 Shared Python runtime library (version 2.6)
ii libqca2 2.0.2-1 libraries for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
ii libqt4-qt3support 4:4.6.3-4+squeeze1 Qt 3 compatibility library for Qt 4
ii libraptor1 1.4.21-2+squeeze1 Raptor RDF parser and serializer library
ii librarian0 0.8.1-5 Documentation meta-data library (library package)
ii librasqal2 0.9.20-1 Rasqal RDF query library
ii libraw1394-11 2.0.5-2 library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
ii librdf0 1.0.10-3 Redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) library
ii libreadline5 5.2-7 GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
ii libreadline6 6.1-3 GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries
ii libregexp-java 1.5-2 Regular expression library for Java
ii librpm1 4.8.1-6+squeeze1 RPM shared library
ii librpmbuild1 4.8.1-6+squeeze1 RPM build shared library
ii librpmio1 4.8.1-6+squeeze1 RPM IO shared library
ii librsvg2-2 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer library for SVG files (runtime)
ii librsvg2-common 2.26.3-1 SAX-based renderer library for SVG files (extra runtime)
ii libsamplerate0 0.1.7-3 Audio sample rate conversion library
ii libsane 1.0.21-9 API library for scanners
ii libsane-extras API library for scanners -- extra backends
ii libsasl2-2 2.1.23.dfsg1-7 Cyrus SASL - authentication abstraction library
ii libschroedinger-1.0-0 1.0.9-2 library for encoding/decoding of Dirac video streams
ii libsdl-mixer1.2 1.2.8-6.3 mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer 1.2
ii libselinux1 2.0.96-1 SELinux runtime shared libraries
ii libsensors4 1:3.1.2-6 library to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors
ii libsepol1 2.0.41-1 SELinux library for manipulating binary security policies
ii libsgutils2-2 1.29-1 utilities for devices using the SCSI command set (shared libraries)
ii libshout3 2.2.2-5+b1 MP3/Ogg Vorbis broadcast streaming library
ii libsidplay1 1.36.59-5 SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
ii libslab0a 2.30.0-1 beautification app library file
ii libslang2 2.2.2-4 The S-Lang programming library - runtime version
ii libslp1 1.2.1-7.8 OpenSLP libraries
ii libslv2-9 0.6.6-5 A library for simple use of LV2 plugins
ii libsm6 2:1.1.1-1 X11 Session Management library
ii libsmbclient 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 shared library for communication with SMB/CIFS servers
ii libsmpeg0 0.4.5+cvs20030824-2.2 SDL MPEG Player Library - shared libraries
ii libsnack2-alsa 2.2.10-dfsg1-9 Sound extension to Tcl/Tk and Python/Tkinter - Tcl/Tk library
ii libsndfile1 1.0.21-3+squeeze1 Library for reading/writing audio files
ii libsnmp15 5.4.3~dfsg-2 SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) library
ii libsolid4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 Solid Library for KDE Platform
ii libsoprano4 2.5.0+dfsg.1-1 libraries for the Soprano RDF framework
ii libsoundtouch1c2 1.3.1-2 sound stretching library
ii libsoup-gnome2.4-1 2.30.2-1+squeeze1 an HTTP library implementation in C -- GNOME support library
ii libsoup2.4-1 2.30.2-1+squeeze1 an HTTP library implementation in C -- Shared library
ii libspectre1 0.2.6-1 Library for rendering PostScript documents
ii libspeex1 1.2~rc1-1 The Speex codec runtime library
ii libspeexdsp1 1.2~rc1-1 The Speex extended runtime library
ii libsqlite3-0 3.7.3-1 SQLite 3 shared library
ii libsrtp0 1.4.4~dfsg-6 Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations - shared library
ii libss2 1.41.12-4stable1 command-line interface parsing library
ii libssh-4 0.4.5-3 A tiny C SSH library
ii libssh2-1 1.2.6-1 SSH2 client-side library
ii libssl0.9.8 0.9.8o-4squeeze13 SSL shared libraries
ii libstartup-notification0 0.10-1 library for program launch feedback (shared library)
ii libstdc++6 4.4.5-8 The GNU Standard C++ Library v3
ii libstlport4.6ldbl 4.6.2-7 STLport C++ class library
ii libstreamanalyzer0 0.7.2-1+b1 streamanalyzer library for Strigi Desktop Search
ii libstreams0 0.7.2-1+b1 streams library for for Strigi Desktop Search
ii libsvga1 1:1.4.3-29 console SVGA display libraries
ii libswscale0 4:0.5.8-1 ffmpeg video scaling library
ii libsysfs2 2.1.0+repack-1 interface library to sysfs
ii libt1-5 5.1.2-3+squeeze1 Type 1 font rasterizer library - runtime
ii libtag1-vanilla 1.6.3-1 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library (Vanilla flavour)
ii libtag1c2a 1.6.3-1 TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library
ii libtalloc2 2.0.1-1 hierarchical pool based memory allocator
ii libtdb1 1.2.1-2+b1 Trivial Database - shared library
ii libtelepathy-farsight0 0.0.14-2+b1 Glue library between telepathy and farsight2
ii libtelepathy-glib0 0.11.11-1 Telepathy framework - GLib library
ii libtextcat-data-utf8 2.2-4 Language detection library - data files
ii libthai-data 0.1.14-2 Data files for Thai language support library
ii libthai0 0.1.14-2 Thai language support library
ii libthreadweaver4 4:4.4.5-2+squeeze3 the ThreadWeaver Library for the KDE Platform
ii libtidy-0.99-0 20091223cvs-1 HTML syntax checker and reformatter - library
ii libtiff4 3.9.4-5+squeeze4 Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
ii libtokyocabinet8 1.4.37-6 Tokyo Cabinet Database Libraries [runtime]
ii libtotem-plparser17 2.30.3-1 Totem Playlist Parser library - runtime files
ii libtracker-client-0.8-0 0.8.17-1 metadata database, indexer and search tool - library
ii libts-0.0-0 1.0-7 touch screen library
ii libtwolame0 0.3.12-1 MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoding library
ii libudev0 164-3 libudev shared library
ii libunique-1.0-0 1.1.6-1.1 Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries
ii libupower-glib1 0.9.5-5 abstraction for power management - shared library
ii libusb-0.1-4 2:0.1.12-16 userspace USB programming library
ii libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.8-2 userspace USB programming library
ii libusbmuxd1 1.0.4-1 USB multiplexor daemon for iPhone and iPod Touch devices - library
ii libuuid1 2.17.2-9 Universally Unique ID library
ii libv4l-0 0.8.0-1 Collection of video4linux support libraries
ii libvamp-hostsdk3 2.1-1 helper library for Vamp hosts written in C++
ii libvcdinfo0 0.7.23-4+b2 library to extract information from VideoCD
ii libvirtodbc0 6.1.2+dfsg1-1 high-performance database - ODBC libraries
ii libvorbis0a 1.3.1-1+squeeze1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (Decoder library)
ii libvorbisenc2 1.3.1-1+squeeze1 The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec (Encoder library)
ii libvpx0 0.9.1-2 VP8 video codec (shared library)
ii libwavpack1 4.60.1-1 an audio codec (lossy and lossless) - library
ii libwbclient0 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 Samba winbind client library
ii libwebkit-1.0-2 1.2.7-0+squeeze2 Web content engine library for Gtk+
ii libwebkit-1.0-common 1.2.7-0+squeeze2 Web content engine library for Gtk+ - data files
ii libwildmidi1 software MIDI player library
ii libwine 1.0.1-3.1 Windows API implementation - library
ii libwmf0.2-7 Windows metafile conversion library
ii libwpd8c2a 0.8.14-1 Library for handling WordPerfect documents (shared library)
ii libwpg-0.1-1 0.1.3-1 WordPerfect graphics import/convert library (shared library)
ii libwps-0.1-1 0.1.2-1 Works text file format import filter library (shared library)
ii libwrap0 7.6.q-19 Wietse Venema's TCP wrappers library
ii libwww-perl 5.836-1 Perl HTTP/WWW client/server library
ii libwxbase2.8-0 wxBase library (runtime) - non-GUI support classes of wxWidgets toolkit
ii libx11-6 2:1.3.3-4 X11 client-side library
ii libx11-data 2:1.3.3-4 X11 client-side library
ii libx11-xcb1 2:1.3.3-4 Xlib/XCB interface library
ii libx86-1 1.1+ds1-6 x86 real-mode library
ii libxapian22 1.2.3-2 Search engine library
ii libxau6 1:1.0.6-1 X11 authorisation library
ii libxaw7 2:1.0.7-1 X11 Athena Widget library
ii libxcb-atom1 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Binding -- atom
ii libxcb-aux0 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Binding -- aux
ii libxcb-event1 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Binding -- event
ii libxcb-render-util0 0.3.6-1 utility libraries for X C Binding -- render-util
ii libxcomposite1 1:0.4.2-1 X11 Composite extension library
ii libxcursor1 1:1.1.10-2 X cursor management library
ii libxdamage1 1:1.1.3-1 X11 damaged region extension library
ii libxdmcp6 1:1.0.3-2 X11 Display Manager Control Protocol library
ii libxdot4 2.26.3-5 rich set of graph drawing tools - xdot library
ii libxerces-c28 2.8.0+deb1-2+b1 validating XML parser library for C++
ii libxext6 2:1.1.2-1 X11 miscellaneous extension library
ii libxfce4util4 4.6.2-1 Utility functions library for Xfce4
ii libxfconf-0-2 4.6.2-1 Client library for Xfce4 configure interface
ii libxfixes3 1:4.0.5-1 X11 miscellaneous 'fixes' extension library
ii libxfont1 1:1.4.1-3 X11 font rasterisation library
ii libxft2 2.1.14-2 FreeType-based font drawing library for X
ii libxi6 2:1.3-7 X11 Input extension library
ii libxine1 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, meta-package
ii libxine1-bin 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, binary files
ii libxine1-plugins 1.1.19-2 the xine video/media player library, meta package
ii libxinerama1 2:1.1-3 X11 Xinerama extension library
ii libxkbfile1 1:1.0.6-2 X11 keyboard file manipulation library
ii libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-2+squeeze3 GNOME XML library
ii libxmu6 2:1.0.5-2 X11 miscellaneous utility library
ii libxmuu1 2:1.0.5-2 X11 miscellaneous micro-utility library
ii libxpm4 1:3.5.8-1 X11 pixmap library
ii libxrandr2 2:1.3.0-3 X11 RandR extension library
ii libxrender1 1:0.9.6-1 X Rendering Extension client library
ii libxres1 2:1.0.4-1 X11 Resource extension library
ii libxslt1.1 1.1.26-6 XSLT 1.0 processing library - runtime library
ii libxss1 1:1.2.0-2 X11 Screen Saver extension library
ii libxt6 1:1.0.7-1 X11 toolkit intrinsics library
ii libxtst6 2:1.1.0-3 X11 Testing -- Record extension library
ii libxv1 2:1.0.5-1 X11 Video extension library
ii libxvmc1 2:1.0.5-1 X11 Video extension library
ii libxxf86dga1 2:1.1.1-2 X11 Direct Graphics Access extension library
ii libxxf86vm1 1:1.1.0-2 X11 XFree86 video mode extension library
ii libzbar0 0.10+doc-4 bar code scanner and decoder (library)
ii locales 2.11.3-3 Embedded GNU C Library: National Language (locale) data [support]
ii odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-1 Support library for accessing odbc ini files
ii openjdk-6-jre-lib 6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze1 OpenJDK Java runtime (architecture independent libraries)
ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze5 office productivity suite -- shared library
ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze5 office productivity suite -- Java libraries for GIJ
ii 1:3.2.1-11+squeeze5 extension for building database reports -- libraries
ii pkg-config 0.25-1.1 manage compile and link flags for libraries
ii python-cairo 1.8.8-1+b1 Python bindings for the Cairo vector graphics library
ii python-evolution 2.30.0-4 Python bindings for the evolution libraries
ii python-gdata 2.0.8-1.1 Google Data Python client library
ii python-gnomeapplet 2.30.0-4 Python bindings for the GNOME panel applet library
ii python-gnomedesktop 2.30.0-4 Python bindings for the GNOME desktop library
ii python-gnomekeyring 2.30.0-4 Python bindings for the GNOME keyring library
ii python-gobject 2.21.4+is.2.21.3-1 Python bindings for the GObject library
ii python-httplib2 0.6.0-4 comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python
ii python-imaging 1.1.7-2 Python Imaging Library
ii python-libxml2 2.7.8.dfsg-2+squeeze3 Python bindings for the GNOME XML library
ii python-openssl 0.10-1 Python wrapper around the OpenSSL library
ii python-pam 0.4.2-12.2+squeeze1 A Python interface to the PAM library
ii python-pyasn1 0.0.11a-1 ASN.1 library for Python
ii python-rdflib 2.4.2-1+b1 RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer
ii python-wnck 2.30.0-4 Python bindings for the WNCK library
ii python-xdg 0.19-2 Python library to access standards
ii rarian-compat 0.8.1-5 Documentation meta-data library (compatibility tools)
ii readline-common 6.1-3 GNU readline and history libraries, common files
ii sane-utils 1.0.21-9 API library for scanners -- utilities
ii tsconf 1.0-7 touch screen library common files
ii uno-libs3 1.6.1+OOo3.2.1-11+squeeze5 UNO runtime environment -- public shared libraries
ii unrar-free 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 Unarchiver for .rar files
ii zlib1g 1: compression library - runtime

11. Non-free

André Canhadas

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 14:06h

Você não adicionou os repositorios non-free:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Apague tudo e cole o conteudo abaixo:

deb squeeze main non-free contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze main non-free contrib non-free

deb squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

# squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb squeeze main

Salve e execute os comandos: (Deixe acabar totalmente de executar os comandos)

apt-get update
apt-get install unrar unrar-free p7zip-rar

12. Re: descompactação no debian


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 29/05/2012 - 17:11h

andrecanhadas escreveu:

Você não adicionou os repositorios non-free:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Apague tudo e cole o conteudo abaixo:

deb"> squeeze main non-free contrib non-free
deb-src"> squeeze main non-free contrib non-free

deb"> squeeze/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src"> squeeze/updates main contrib non-free

# squeeze-updates, previously known as 'volatile'
deb"> squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src"> squeeze-updates main contrib non-free
deb"> squeeze main

Salve e execute os comandos: (Deixe acabar totalmente de executar os comandos)

apt-get update
apt-get install unrar unrar-free p7zip-rar

o resultado do update foi esse:

Err squeeze Release.gpg
Conexão falhou
Err"> squeeze/contrib Translation-en
Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)
Err squeeze/updates Release.gpg
Conexão falhou
Err"> squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-en
Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)
Err"> squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/main Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze Release.gpg
Conexão falhou
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-en
Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err stable Release.gpg
Conexão falhou
Err stable/main Translation-en
Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)
Err stable/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err stable/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze Release.gpg
Conexão falhou
Err squeeze/main Translation-en
Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)
Err squeeze/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/contrib Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/non-free Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/non-free Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze-updates Release.gpg
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/contrib Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/contrib Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/contrib Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/main Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/main Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates Release

Err stable Release

Err squeeze Release

Err"> squeeze-updates/non-free Translation-en
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/non-free Translation-pt
Não foi possível ligar a
Err"> squeeze-updates/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze Release

Err squeeze Release

Ign squeeze/updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign stable/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign squeeze/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign squeeze/main i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/main Sources
Ign squeeze/updates/contrib Sources/DiffIndex
Ign squeeze/updates/non-free Sources
Ign squeeze/updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign squeeze/updates/contrib i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign squeeze/updates/non-free i386 Packages
Ign stable/main i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/main i386 Packages
Err squeeze/main i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Ign squeeze/non-free Sources
Ign squeeze/contrib Sources
Ign squeeze/main i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/contrib i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/updates/main Sources
Ign squeeze/updates/contrib Sources
Err squeeze/updates/non-free Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Ign squeeze/updates/main i386 Packages
Ign squeeze/updates/contrib i386 Packages
Err stable/main i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/main i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/main Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/non-free Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/contrib Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/main i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates/non-free i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates/main Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates/contrib Sources
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates/main i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/non-free i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/contrib i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Err squeeze/updates/contrib i386 Packages
Não foi possível ligar a
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
N: Ignoring file '' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
W: Falhou ao buscar"> Conexão falhou

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Conexão falhou

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Conexão falhou

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Conexão falhou

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Conexão falhou

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível conectar em ( - connect (111: Conexão recusada)

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar">

W: Falhou ao buscar">

W: Falhou ao buscar">

W: Falhou ao buscar

W: Falhou ao buscar

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Falhou ao buscar"> Não foi possível ligar a

W: Alguns arquivos de índice falharam para baixar, eles foram ignorados ou os antigos foram usados no lugar.

o da instalação foi esse:

Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
O pacote p7zip-rar não está disponível, mas é referenciado por outro pacote.
Isto pode significar que o pacote está faltando, ficou obsoleto ou
está disponível somente a partir de outra fonte

N: Ignoring file '' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension
E: O pacote 'p7zip-rar' não tem candidato para instalação

01 02


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