![Marco Brainiac Marco Brainiac](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/1345348149.linux_inside.jpg)
(usa Debian)
Enviado em 11/12/2012 - 20:19h
Aqui fala de como criar um pendrive híbrido que roda linux ou windows sem usar wine.
Make Firefox Portable between Windows and Linux (without Wine)
ra.one - November 17, 2011 - 12:19pm
Here's way to make firefox portable for windows and linux (native, not wine) with same profile.
First make 4 folders for Firefox on your hard drive like:
Now let's install Firefox. Download Firefox installer for windows(exe) and linux(tar.gz) and save them. Open windows(exe) installer in 7-Zip and extract all files from core folder to FirefoxBrowser\Windows folder so firefox.exe is saved in path like:
Similarly, open linux(tar.gz) installer in 7-Zip. It is compressed twice, so open tar file again. Extract all files from firefox folder to FirefoxBrowser\Linux folder so firefox-bin is saved in path like:
In FirefoxBrowser\Profile folder, copy your current Firefox profile or create prefs.js file to use fresh profile.
Don't run firefox yet! We need to create shortcuts to run both versions for different operating systems.
For Windows, create FirefoxBrowser\Firefox.bat and save following code:
@echo off
start .\Windows\Firefox.exe -profile .\Profile -no-remote
For Linux, create FirefoxBrowser\Firefox.sh and save following code (DriveLabel is volume name of D: drive):
cd /media/DriveLabel/FirefoxBrowser/Linux
./firefox -profile ../Profile/ -no-remote
That's it! Now you can use bat file for Windows and sh file for Linux to use Firefox on both OS with same profile.
1. Make sure to install same version on both folders (Windows and Linux).
2. For Flash player support on both OS, copy libflashplayer.so and NPSWF32.DLL in plugins folder of profile.
3. For VLC plugin support on both OS, copy libvlc.dll, libvlccore.dll, npvlc.dll, libvlcplugin.so and VLC's plugins folder to plugins folder of profile. You might need VLC installed on Linux.
4. Everytime you use Firefox on different OS, all plugins (except in plugins folder) will be enabled again.