(usa Nenhuma)
Enviado em 03/09/2013 - 10:17h
#root escreveu:
Apenas complementando, o GUNZIP serve para descompactar arquivos do GZIP. O UNZIP, serve para descompactar arquivos do ZIP. Portanto, quando desejar realizar qualquer procedimento neste sentido, lembre-se destas diferenças.
Portanto: unzip (seria o comando correto).
$ man gunzip
gunzip can currently decompress files created by gzip, zip, compress, compress -H or pack. The detection of the input format is automatic. When
using the first two formats, gunzip checks a 32 bit CRC. For pack, gunzip checks the uncompressed length. The standard compress format was not
designed to allow consistency checks. However gunzip is sometimes able to detect a bad .Z file. If you get an error when uncompressing a .Z file,
do not assume that the .Z file is correct simply because the standard uncompress does not complain. This generally means that the standard uncom-
press does not check its input, and happily generates garbage output. The SCO compress -H format (lzh compression method) does not include a CRC
but also allows some consistency checks.
Files created by zip can be uncompressed by gzip only if they have a single member compressed with the 'deflation' method. This feature is only
intended to help conversion of files to the tar.gz format. To extract a zip file with a single member, use a command like gunzip <
or gunzip -S .zip To extract zip files with several members, use unzip instead of gunzip.