(usa Debian)
Enviado em 17/06/2024 - 20:52h
Aqui foi quando eu erroneamente fiz upgrade no sistema, se soubesse que ia dar m.... talvez não tivesse feito.
Desde então sigo estudando traduzindo fóruns de outros países, mas nada solucionou meu problema, meu sistema já deve estar cheio de porcarias inúteis, mas preciso resolver a impressora antes de limpar a máquina.
Sobre os Erros: Esse quando tento instalar a impressora, ele não faz o download automático da HP.
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.22.10)
Printer/Fax Setup Utility ver. 9.0
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
Searching... (bus=usb, search=(None), desc=0)
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.22.10)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.22.10)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread
Checking for network connection...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/hplip/ui5/plugindialog.py", line 237, in NextButton_clicked
ok = utils.check_network_connection()
File "/usr/share/hplip/base/utils.py", line 2294, in check_network_connection
status = download_via_curl(url, head=True)
File "/usr/share/hplip/base/utils.py", line 2273, in download_via_curl
log.debug("curl returned: %d" % status)
TypeError: %d format: a real number is required, not NoneType
error: The device you are trying to setup requires a binary plug-in. Some functionalities may not work as expected without plug-ins. Please run 'hp-plugin' as normal user to install plug-ins. Visit
http://hplipopensource.com for more infomation.
E esse quando tento fazer manualmente. a instalação do plugin
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.22.10)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.22.10)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
QSocketNotifier: Can only be used with threads started with QThread