![Buckminster Buckminster](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/26ad35e7cf5cf.jpg)
(usa Debian)
Enviado em 03/07/2017 - 00:53h
Isso é uma piada.
É só ler o item 3.3 - Pré-requisitos e o item 4 - Operação do suposto manual da wikileaks.
Além disso esse suposto programa somente cria uma tabela netfilter falsa com um nome falso, ou seja, age no Iptables. Mas precisa que o kernel seja 2.6, seja compatível com versão 64 bit do CentOS/RHEL 6.x com kernel 2.6.32, o operador deve ter acesso ao shell e deve ter privilégio de root, além de outras coisas.
OutlawCountry v1.0 User Manual
3.2 (U) Concept of Operation (CONOP)
(S//NF) The OutlawCountry tool consists of a kernel module for Linux 2.6. The Operator
loads the module via shell access to the target. When loaded, the module creates a new
netfilter table with an obscure name. The new table allows certain rules to be created
using the “iptables” command. These rules take precedence over existing rules, and are
only visible to an administrator if the table name is known. When the Operator removes
the kernel module, the new table is also removed.
3.3 (U) Prerequisites
(S//NF) The target must be running a compatible 64-bit version of CentOS/RHEL 6.x
(kernel version 2.6.32).
(S//NF) The Operator must have shell access to the target.
(S//NF) The target must have a “nat” netfilter table.
4. (U) Operation
(S//NF) For operational use, shell access is assumed, and root privileges are required.
4.1 (U) Installation
(S//NF) First, select the appropriate kernel module for the target system. For 64-bit
CentOS/RHEL 6.x targets, use the “nf_table_6_64.ko” module. Copy the module to the
target system, preferably with “nf_table.ko” as the file name.
(S//NF) Make sure that the target has a “nat” table:
TARG# iptables -t nat -L -nv