Enviado em 16/12/2017 - 21:35h
Estou tentando clonar uma página apenas pra teste, já que sou novo no "mundo Kali".[*] Cloning the website: https://login.facebook.com/login.php
[*] This could take a little bit...
The best way to use this attack is if username and password form
fields are available. Regardless, this captures all POSTs on a website.
[*] The Social-Engineer Toolkit Credential Harvester Attack
[*] Credential Harvester is running on port 80
[*] Information will be displayed to you as it arrives below:
[*] Cloning the website: https://login.facebook.com/login.php
[*] This could take a little bit...
The best way to use this attack is if username and password form
fields are available. Regardless, this captures all POSTs on a website.
[*] The Social-Engineer Toolkit Credential Harvester Attack
[*] Credential Harvester is running on port 80
[*] Information will be displayed to you as it arrives below:
[*] Looks like the web_server can't bind to 80. Are you running Apache or NGINX?
Do you want to attempt to disable Apache? [y/n]:
[*] Try disabling Apache and try SET again.
[*] Printing error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
Press <return> to continue
[*] Try disabling Apache and try SET again.
[*] Printing error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
Press <return> to continue
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