(usa Kurumin)
Enviado em 23/08/2007 - 00:12h
Nuss....meu....axo q nunk vo intende esses comandos...só intendi q eh q eu quiria instala um jogo(eu sei que aqui não eh a seçao)....o Tibia...axo q tds conheç eu num conseguia....então um cara posto meio q um turto pa mim...só q eu num intendo nd disso...sera q alguem podia me explika q q isso signifika??:
It would be very helpful to know which distribution (e.g. Gentoo, Ubuntu) and version of Linux you are using in the event that you have further problems. In order to start the Linux client you must open a terminal and go to the directory where Tibia is...
* type cd Desktop/Tibia
* type ./Tibia to launch Tibia
If you receive an error like this - X Error of failed request: GLXUnsupportedPrivateRequest - then it is likely that you have not installed the proper drivers for your video card. Please keep in mind that usually only nVidia or ATI video cards will work as they are the best supported video cards on Linux. If you need help installing the drivers then please refer to the dedicated forum for your distribution.
If you are not using an nVidia or ATI video card then you can probably still play Tibia using Wine...
se vc pudé me ajuda vo se mtooo grato...xD