Queda da internet total no proxy

1. Queda da internet total no proxy

Francisco Jarbas de Sousa Silva

(usa Fedora)

Enviado em 04/11/2010 - 09:14h

Bom dia.
A mais de um mês estou com um enorme problema. Administro uma rede em uma escola usando o squid para fazer cache de aulas na internet de intitutos parceiros da escola.
O problema é a internet funciona por uma meia hora, cai totalmente e para retornar é preciso reiniciar o modem(DW7000) que recebe o sinal do satelite.É como se estivesse dando um retorno para o recepitor do satelite e ele esteja bloqueando o acesso total. Já foi testado colocando toda a rede sem o servidor proxy e não apresenta nenhum problema e nenhuma perda com o satelite. Foi testado colocando um outro servidor com outra internet da com modem da velox e funciona normalmente. Não sei mais o que fazer.

S.O.: Fedora 11
squid -v: Squid Cache: Version 3.0.STABLE13
# squid.conf

# opções para suportar proxy transparente
# não esquecer de trocar a faixa de ip pela da sua rede
http_port 3128 transparent

#diz ao Squid que ele deve buscar os dados diretamente na origem
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?

#diz ao Squid para não armazenar em cache o conteúdo dos CGIs
acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
no_cache deny QUERY

#memória usada pelo squid
cache_mem 128 MB

#esvazia o cache
cache_swap_low 90
cache_swap_high 95

#tamanho máximo para gravação no cache Squid
maximum_object_size 150 MB
#tamanho mínimo para gravação no cache Squid
minimum_object_size 0 KB
# Tamanho máximo dos objetos mantidos em memória.
maximum_object_size_in_memory 2048 KB

# política de substituição dos objetos quando se esgota o espaço destinado ao cache em disco.
# lru: mantem os objetos referenciados recentemente.
# heap GDSF: otimiza o "hit rate" por manter objetos pequenos e
# e populares no cache, guardando assim um numero maior de objetos.
# heap LFUDA: otimiza o "byte hit rate" por manter objetos populares
# no cache sem levar em conta o tamanho. Se for utilizado este, o
# maximum_object_size devera ser aumentado para otimizar o LFUDA.
cache_replacement_policy heap LFUDA

#define a política de substituição dos objetos em memória
#da mesma forma como o cache_replacement_policy
memory_replacement_policy heap GDSF

#determina onde e como será feito o cache e o tamanho
#a cada 1GB (1024), deve separar 15mb de memória
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 45000 64 256
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 50000 64 256

#Log de requisições.
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log

# Log de objetos guardados. Pode ser desativado
cache_store_log none

# Log do cache.
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log

#Pode ser usada para especificar uma lista de servidores DNS no
#lugar no /etc/resolv.confdns_nameservers Endereço_IP
#não esquecer de trocar a faixa de dns pela da sua faixa
# caso tenha um servidor dns instalado na mesma máquina, deixe assim: dns_nameservers

#TAG's referentes ao processo de autenticação
auth_param basic children 5
auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
auth_param basic casesensitive off

## Aumentando o tempo do CACHE WINDOWS UPDATE
refresh_pattern -i w?xpsp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 100% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i w2ksp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 100% 20160 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 0 100% 43200 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200 reload-into-ims
refresh_pattern -i download\.macromedia\.com/ 0 100% 20160 reload-into-ims

#configuram como serão tratados os tempos de vida dos objetos no cache
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 15 20% 2280
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 15 20% 2280
refresh_pattern (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320

#O cache pode ser configurado para continuar com o download de requisições abortadas
quick_abort_min -1 KB
quick_abort_max 0 KB
quick_abort_pct 100%

#Tempo de vida para resultados mal sucedidos de resolução DNS
negative_ttl 2 minutes

#Tempo de vida para resultados bem sucedidos de resolução DNS, não deixe inferior a 1 minuto
#Padrão de 6 horas
positive_dns_ttl 5 minutes

#Alguns clientes podem parar o envio de pacotes TCP enquanto deixam o recebimento em aberto
#Algumas vezes o Squid não consegue diferenciar conexões TCP totalmente fechadas e parcialmente fechadas
#Mudando essa opção para off fará com que o Squid imediatamente feche a conexão quando a leitura do socket

#retornar "sem mais dados para leitura"
half_closed_clients off
read_timeout 60 seconds
pconn_timeout 120 seconds

#Estas ACL's fazem parte da configuração padrão do Squid e é o mínimo
#recomendável para seu uso não sendo necessária nenhuma alteração nas mesmas

acl libera_sites src "/etc/squid/libera_sites.txt"
acl extban_livre src "/etc/squid/extban_livre.txt"
acl blocked url_regex -i "/etc/squid/bloqueados/block.txt"
acl unblocked url_regex -i "/etc/squid/bloqueados/unblock.txt"
acl extban url_regex -i "/etc/squid/extban.txt"

acl manager proto cache_object

acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSl_ports port 443 563
acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 563 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 #unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http

acl libera_msn src "/etc/squid/libera_msn.txt"
acl ultrasurf dstdom_regex -i ([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}($|:.+|/))
acl msn url_regex -i gateway.dll
acl msn_bloq dstdomain "/etc/squid/msn.txt"
acl msn1 url_regex passport.com confi.messenger.msn.com
acl msn2 req_mime_type ^application/x-msn-messenger$


http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
http_access allow libera_sites
http_access allow extban_livre
http_access deny blocked !unblocked
http_access deny extban

#acl html rep_mime_type text/html
#reply_body_max_size 0 allow html
#reply_body_max_size 524288000 allow all

http_access deny CONNECT ultrasurf
http_access allow libera_msn
http_access deny msn !libera_msn
http_access deny msn_bloq !libera_msn
http_access deny msn1 !libera_msn
http_access deny msn2 !libera_msn

#não se esquecer de trocar a faixa de ip pela da sua rede
acl rede src

#Definição de regras de acesso referentes as ACL's da parte da configuração
#padrão do Squid, também não é necessária nenhuma alteração, portanto apenas
#acrescente as suas próprias regras a estas;
http_access allow localhost
http_access allow rede
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports

#Ela diz ao Squid que se nenhuma das regras anteriores for
#aplicada o acesso será então negado
http_access deny all

# Usuário sob o qual ira rodar o Squid.
cache_effective_user squid

# Grupo sob o qual ira rodar o Squid.
cache_effective_group squid

#Mostra o nome do servidor configurado nas mensagens de erro
visible_hostname caa.unopar

#Desligando essa variável, faz com que o Squid descarregue a memória não
#utilizada, chamando uma função interna free() do Squid
memory_pools off

#Por padrão o Squid irá incluir o ip ou nome da sua máquina nas solicitações HTTP.
#Para o site visitado não interessa para ele qual seu ip interno, o importante é que você visitou o site.
forwarded_for off

#mensagens de erro em Português
error_directory /usr/share/squid/errors/Portuguese

#essa opção como off mostra no log o endereço completo.
strip_query_terms off
ie_refresh on

# Resolve um problema com conexões persistentes que ocorre com certos servidores,
detect_broken_pconn on

#o Squid irá trabalhar com 2 requisições paralelamente
pipeline_prefetch on

# This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

touch /var/lock/subsys/local

modprobe ip_tables
modprobe ip_conntrack
modprobe iptable_filter
modprobe iptable_nat
modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
modprobe ip_nat_ftp

# Limpando Regras
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -F FORWARD
iptables -F -t nat
iptables -X -t nat
iptables -F -t mangle
iptables -X -t mangle
echo " Limpando Regras ..............................[ OK ]"

# Definindo Política Padrão
iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
echo " Alterando política padrão.....................[ OK ]"

iptables -A FORWARD -s -p tcp --dport 1863 -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -p udp --dport 5190 -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d loginnet.passport.com -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d login.live.com -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d login.passport.com -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d gateway.messenger.hotmail.com -j REJECT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d hotmail.com -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -s -d hotmail.com.br -j ACCEPT

# Redireciona todo tráfego http(80) que não seja para a conectividade social, para o Squid (3128),
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport -s --dport 80 -i eth1 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport -s --dport 8080 -i eth1 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3128

# Compartilha Conexão
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


2. Re: Queda da internet total no proxy

Guilherme Domingues de Oliveira

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 04/11/2010 - 09:34h

Confere no parar da internet:

Consumo de memória
Logs de hardware
Logs de daemon

Troubleshotting comum de rede: ping, traceroute, wget. A partir das estações e servidor.

Este servidor foi instalado recente ? Houve mudanças no mesmo durante este período ?

3. Resposta para korvoman

Francisco Jarbas de Sousa Silva

(usa Fedora)

Enviado em 04/11/2010 - 10:27h

O consumo de memoria atualmete é:
[root@localhost dados]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 497 447 49 0 17 92
-/+ buffers/cache: 337 160
Swap: 1023 192 831

Desculpe-me, sou iniciante em servidores linux.
Como vejo o Log de hardware e os comandos Troubleshotting?
Só sei usar o ping. Eu consigo pingar servidor com estação e virce-versa mais não consigo pingar com o modem que tem ip fixo.
Esse servidor foi instalado recentemente.
Com a parada da internet
log da memoria:
[root@localhost dados]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 497 348 149 0 7 55
-/+ buffers/cache: 285 212
Swap: 1023 243 780

[root@localhost dados]# traceroute www.uol.com.br
traceroute to www.uol.com.br (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 * * *
2 ( 619.803 ms 619.959 ms 659.737 ms
3 ( 669.405 ms 759.489 ms 771.569 ms
4 ( 829.552 ms 839.410 ms 861.685 ms
5 ( 869.203 ms 909.249 ms 919.151 ms
6 atm3-0-1-155M.cr1.CUR1.CWB.gblx.net ( 979.615 ms 849.815 ms 939.540 ms
7 ge5-2-1000M.cr1.CTA1.GRU.gblx.net ( 1190.948 ms 1189.880 ms 1239.803 ms
8 so0-1-3-2488M.scr2.GRU1.gblx.net ( 1277.749 ms 1229.846 ms 1440.211 ms
9 te8-1-10G.asr1.GRU1.gblx.net ( 1427.457 ms te3-4-10G.asr1.GRU1.gblx.net ( 1590.243 ms 1550.262 ms
10 uol-1.asr1.GRU1.gblx.net ( 1550.130 ms 1639.432 ms 1299.624 ms
11 200-147-26-81.static.uol.com.br ( 1210.853 ms 918.679 ms 911.533 ms
12 200-147-26-182.static.uol.com.br ( 1000.112 ms 958.906 ms 1129.631 ms
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * *
23 * * *
24 * * *
25 * * *
26 * * *
27 * * *
28 * * *
29 * * *
30 * * *
O ip é do modem que recebe o sinal do satelite que é usado no servidor como geteway. O interessante é o servidor não ping para esse ip mais pinga para sites. As estações clientes pinga para o ip do servidor e pinga para sites também.
[root@localhost dados]# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=8 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=12 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=14 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=15 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=16 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=18 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=19 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=20 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=22 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=23 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=24 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
25 packets transmitted, 0 received, +18 errors, 100% packet loss, time 25004ms
pipe 3
[root@localhost dados]# ping www.terra.com.br
PING www.terra.com.br ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=246 time=859 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=246 time=949 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=246 time=1340 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=246 time=790 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=246 time=870 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=246 time=1550 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=246 time=1081 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=246 time=1461 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=246 time=740 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=10 ttl=246 time=731 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=11 ttl=246 time=762 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=12 ttl=246 time=952 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=13 ttl=246 time=1452 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=14 ttl=246 time=823 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=15 ttl=246 time=1263 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=16 ttl=246 time=923 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=17 ttl=246 time=714 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=18 ttl=246 time=1465 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=19 ttl=246 time=845 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=20 ttl=246 time=765 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=21 ttl=246 time=1385 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=22 ttl=246 time=1095 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=23 ttl=246 time=746 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=24 ttl=246 time=1346 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=25 ttl=246 time=776 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=26 ttl=246 time=767 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=27 ttl=246 time=787 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=28 ttl=246 time=957 ms
64 bytes from www.terra.com.br ( icmp_seq=29 ttl=246 time=817 ms

--- www.terra.com.br ping statistics ---
29 packets transmitted, 29 received, 0% packet loss, time 29723ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 714.933/1000.992/1550.690/271.233 ms, pipe 2
[root@localhost dados]#
Esse é o erro exibido pelos clientes:

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to process the request:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: www.uol.com.br
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/530.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/530.5
Referer: http://www.uol.com.br/
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Cookie: ReachVita=0; s_vi=[CS]v1|264EFA430515BC3C-40000175E026B3E3[CE]; __gads=ID=2bad15a1c54abe6d:T=1285701963:S=ALNI_Mb3lYZmWaXkokVuWTMbkl4jo9G2vQ; UOL_VIS=B||1287167248.850140|1288879149; ReachDia=0; ReachMes=0; POPhomeUOL=0; rotativoDeChamadasStop=0; s_sess=%20s_cc%3Dtrue%3B%20s_sq%3D%3B
Accept-Language: pt-BR,pt;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3

The following error was encountered:

Invalid Response
The HTTP Response message received from the contacted server could not be understood or was otherwise malformed. Please contact the site operator. Your cache administrator may be able to provide you with more details about the exact nature of the problem if needed.

Your cache administrator is root.
Generated Thu, 04 Nov 2010 16:44:33 GMT by caa.unopar (squid/3.0.STABLE13)
Ainda não sei como ver Logs de hardware
Logs de daemon.

4. Re: Queda da internet total no proxy

Guilherme Domingues de Oliveira

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 04/11/2010 - 22:10h

Comente algumas linhas para desencargo.
# Resolve um problema com conexões persistentes que ocorre com certos servidores,
#detect_broken_pconn on

#o Squid irá trabalhar com 2 requisições paralelamente
#pipeline_prefetch on

Pare o squid: service squid stop
e ponha de castigo no debug: squid -d 3

Em outro shell monitore também nos diretórios : tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log e access.log

Filtre se há algum warning nos logs: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-log-files-location-and-how-do-i-view-logs-files/

Se há espaço em disco : df -h

5. mesmo problema ainda

Francisco Jarbas de Sousa Silva

(usa Fedora)

Enviado em 05/11/2010 - 09:48h

Bom dia.

Segui sua orientação mais ainda continua caindo. Veja alguns logs abaixo.

[root@localhost log]# tail -f /var/log/messages
Nov 4 16:17:15 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Policy set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for routing and DNS.
Nov 4 16:17:15 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (eth1): device state change: 7 -> 8
Nov 4 16:17:15 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth1) successful, device activated.
Nov 4 16:17:15 localhost NetworkManager: <info> Activation (eth1) Stage 5 of 5 (IP Configure Commit) complete.
Nov 5 03:07:09 localhost pcscd: winscard.c:309:SCardConnect() Reader E-Gate 0 0 Not Found
Nov 5 03:07:09 localhost pcscd: winscard.c:309:SCardConnect() Reader E-Gate 0 0 Not Found
Nov 5 03:07:09 localhost pcscd: winscard.c:309:SCardConnect() Reader E-Gate 0 0 Not Found
Nov 5 03:07:09 localhost pcscd: winscard.c:309:SCardConnect() Reader E-Gate 0 0 Not Found
Nov 5 07:35:44 localhost squid[1568]: Squid Parent: child process 1570 exited with status 0
Nov 5 07:36:00 localhost squid[5308]: Squid Parent: child process 5310 started
2010/11/05 07:57:23| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:23| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:38| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:38| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:38| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:38| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:58:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:58:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:58:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:58:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:17| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:17| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:17| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:17| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:47| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:47| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:47| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:47| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:17| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:17| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:17| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:17| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:47| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:47| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:47| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:47| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:24| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:24| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:02:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:02:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:02:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:02:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
[root@localhost antonio]# cd /var/log
[root@localhost log]# more -f /var/log/messages
Oct 31 03:31:09 localhost kernel: imklog 3.21.11, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Oct 31 03:31:09 localhost rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="3.21.11" x-pid="1152" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] restart
Oct 31 03:34:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:34:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:39:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:39:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:44:18 localhost dhcpd: Wrote 5 leases to leases file.
Oct 31 03:44:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:44:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:49:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:49:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:54:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:54:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:59:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 03:59:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:04:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:04:18 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:09:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:09:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:14:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:14:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:19:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:19:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
Oct 31 04:24:17 localhost dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from 00:26:5a:5e:9f:c7 (My Host) via eth1
[antonio@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost antonio]# tail -f /var/log/squid/cache.log
2010/11/05 07:36:02| 0 Objects expired.
2010/11/05 07:36:02| 0 Objects cancelled.
2010/11/05 07:36:02| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2010/11/05 07:36:02| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2010/11/05 07:36:02| Took 1.10 seconds (16864.77 objects/sec).
2010/11/05 07:36:02| Beginning Validation Procedure
2010/11/05 07:36:02| Completed Validation Procedure
2010/11/05 07:36:02| Validated 37043 Entries
2010/11/05 07:36:02| store_swap_size = 764584
2010/11/05 07:36:02| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2010/11/05 07:45:40| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:45:40| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:46:05| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:46:05| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:46:05| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:46:05| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:46:05| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:46:35| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:46:35| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:46:35| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:46:35| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:47:05| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:47:05| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:47:05| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:47:05| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:47:35| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:47:35| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:47:35| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:47:35| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:48:05| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:48:05| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:48:05| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:48:05| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:48:35| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:48:35| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:48:35| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:48:35| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:49:05| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:49:05| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:49:05| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:49:05| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:49:21| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:49:21| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:49:21| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:49:21| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:49:36| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:49:36| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:49:36| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:49:36| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:49:51| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:49:51| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:49:51| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:49:51| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:50:06| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:50:06| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:50:06| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:50:06| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:50:21| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:50:21| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:50:21| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:50:21| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:50:36| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:50:36| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:50:36| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:50:36| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:50:57| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:50:57| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:51:06| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:51:06| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:51:06| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:51:06| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:51:06| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:51:22| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:51:22| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:51:22| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:51:22| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:51:36| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:51:36| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:51:36| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:51:36| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:51:52| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:51:52| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:51:52| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:51:52| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:52:06| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:52:06| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:52:06| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:52:06| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:52:22| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:52:22| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:52:22| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:52:22| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:52:36| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:52:36| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:52:36| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:52:36| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:52:52| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:52:52| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:52:52| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:52:52| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:53:06| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:53:06| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:53:06| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:53:06| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:53:22| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:53:22| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:53:22| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:53:22| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:53:36| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:53:36| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:53:36| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:53:36| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:53:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:53:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:53:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:53:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:54:07| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:54:07| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:54:07| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:54:07| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:54:23| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:54:23| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:54:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:54:23| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:54:37| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:54:37| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:54:37| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:54:37| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:54:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:54:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:54:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:54:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:55:07| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:55:07| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:55:07| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:55:07| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:55:23| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:55:23| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:55:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:55:23| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:55:37| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:55:37| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:55:37| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:55:37| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:55:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:55:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:55:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:55:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:56:13| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:56:13| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:56:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:56:23| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:56:23| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:56:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:56:23| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:56:38| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:56:38| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:56:38| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:56:38| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:56:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:56:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:56:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:56:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:08| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:08| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:08| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:08| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:23| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:23| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:23| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:23| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:38| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:38| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:38| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:38| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:57:53| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:57:53| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:57:53| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:57:53| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:58:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:58:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:58:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:58:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:17| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:17| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:17| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:17| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:47| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:47| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:47| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:47| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 07:59:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 07:59:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 07:59:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 07:59:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:17| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:17| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:17| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:17| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:47| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:47| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:47| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:47| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:00:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:00:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:00:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:00:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:24| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:24| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:24| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:01:48| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:01:48| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:01:48| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:02:18| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:02:18| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:02:18| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:02:18| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:31:26| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://backup.avg.cz/softw/90/update/avg9infowin.ctf'
2010/11/05 08:31:26| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 800
2010/11/05 08:34:31| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:34:31| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:34:31| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:34:55| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:34:55| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:34:55| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:34:55| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:34:55| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:35:25| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:35:25| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:35:25| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:35:25| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";
2010/11/05 08:35:56| ctx: enter level 0: 'http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx'
2010/11/05 08:35:56| http.cc(561) HttpStateData::cacheableReply: unexpected http status code 100
2010/11/05 08:35:56| ctx: exit level 0
2010/11/05 08:35:56| statusIfComplete: Request not yet fully sent "POST http://prev.explabs.net/sspost3.aspx";


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