Uebimiau no Xmail ajuda akee

1. Uebimiau no Xmail ajuda akee

William Maggi Pardalz

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 17/09/2007 - 12:28h

olá pessoal.. mais uma vez eu busco ajuda aki com vcs, oque acontece é o seguinte:
configurei o Xmail aki atravez deste tuto:
o servidor fico beleza, envia e recebe e-mails pelo outlook e pelo thunderbird.
então eu resolvi instalar o "UEBIMIAU" pois ouvi falar muito bem dele, blz, fui la, baixei, descompactei, o Install dele deu tudo "PASS" e boa. achei q ja tava funcionando.
quando fui acessar, fui premiado com um erro:
ERROR (2): fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to localhost:143 (webmail/inc/class.uebimiau_mail.php:78)
portanto, gostaria de saber se alguem usa o uebimiau com o xmail, se alguem usar, por favor... me mostre como está o config.php e o inc.php do seu uebimiau. o meu está assim

UebiMiau is a GPL'ed software developed by

- Aldoir Ventura - aldoir@users.sourceforge.net
- http://uebimiau.sourceforge.net

Fell free to contact, send donations or anything to me :-)
São Paulo - Brasil

#1 - Yes/On/True
#0 - No/Off/False
# do not remove or change this


$ALL_OK = false;

$themes = Array();
$languages = Array();

# _ Please attention _:
# The temporary files will be stored on this folder
# For security reasons, do not use web-shared folders

# ** The Web Server needs write-permission on this folder

# * Unix/Linux users use.
# /tmp/uebimiau
# * Win32 users
# c:/winnt/temp/uebimiau

# NEVER use backslashes (\). Always use forward slashes (/),
# for all operating systems, INCLUDING Windows

$temporary_directory = "database/";

# Your local SMTP Server (alias or IP) such as "smtp.yourdomain.com"
# eg. "server1;server2;server3" -> specify main and backup server

$smtp_server = "younoob.no-ip.org"; #YOU NEED CHANGE IT !!

# You should enable this option if you know what are doing
$allow_filters = no;

# The maximum size for stored files
# In order to keep you system fast, use values better than 5MB
# If you need disable it, set the value to 0 or leave it blank
$quota_limit = 10090; // in KB, eg. 4096 Kb = 4MB

# Use SMTP password (AUTH LOGIN type)
$use_password_for_smtp = no;

# Redirect new users to the preferences page at first login
$check_first_login = yes;

# Turn this option to 'yes' if you want allow users send messages using
# they 'Reply to' preference's option as your 'From' header, otherwise
# the From field will be the email wich the users log in
$allow_modified_from = yes;

# Language & themes settings


# Security related settings


# Server type:
# allowed values:

# "DETECT" --------> Guess the pop3 server. If you are running UM
# in a domain "www.company.com", the script will
# use "PREFIX.company.com" as your server. you
# can set the "PREFIX" in the var $mail_detect_prefix.
# Also, the var $mail_detect_remove can be set
# to "www.", then the script get rid the "www" and
# put the prefix, eg. pop3.company.com.br

#"ONE-FOR-EACH" --> Each domain have your own mail server.
# The script will load the list of domains/servers from
# var $mail_servers.

#"ONE-FOR-ALL" ---> If you use this option, your users must supply the
# full email address as username. You can set the mail
# server in the var $default_mail_server


# Note. You can supply the LOGIN_TYPE according to your MAIL SERVER.
# Eg. If your mail server requires usernames in user@domain.com, you must
# specify the LOGIN_TYPE as "%user%@%domain%". You can combine it according to
# your server. eg.

# %user%
# %user%@%domain%
# %user%.%domain%
# Choose "imap" as protocol to use the Internet Mail Access Protocol,
# or "pop3" to use the Post Office Protocol.
# The default ports are:
# pop3 -> 110
# imap -> 143
# The imap is more fast, but all functions of UebiMiau works with POP3


$mail_server_type = "ONE-FOR-EACH";

$mail_detect_remove = "www.";
$mail_detect_prefix = "mail.";
$mail_detect_login_type = "%user%@%domain%";
$mail_detect_protocol = "pop3";
$mail_detect_port = "110";
$mail_detect_folder_prefix = "";

# Each domain have your own mail server

$mail_servers[] = Array( //sample using POP3
"domain" => "uebimiaiu.org",
"server" => "localhost",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%",
"protocol" => "IMAP",
"port" => "143",
"folder_prefix" => "INBOX." //not used for pop3

$mail_servers[] = Array( //sample using IMAP
"domain" => "another-domain.com",
"server" => "mail.another-domain.com",
"login_type" => "%user%@%domain%",
"protocol" => "imap",
"port" => "143",
"folder_prefix" => "INBOX."


# the default mail server for all domains

$default_mail_server = "younoob.no-ip.org";
$one_for_all_login_type = "%user%@%domain%";
$default_protocol = "pop3";
$default_port = "110";
$default_folder_prefix = "";

# Specify mail transport
# Allowed values:
# "smtp" - To use an external SMTP Server specified in $smtp_server
# "sendmail" - To server's sendmail-compatible MTA. If you need to change
# the path, look into /inc/class.phpmailer.php and search for
# var $Sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
# "mail" - To use default PHP's mail() function

$mailer_type = "smtp";

# In some POP3 servers, if you send a "RETR" command, your
# message will be automatically deleted :(
# This option prevents this inconvenience

$mail_use_top = yes;

# Name and Version, it's used in many places, like as
# "X-Mailer" field, footer

$appversion = "2.7.9";
$appname = "UebiMiau";

# Add a "footer" to sent mails

$footer = "

Message sent using $appname $appversion

# Enable debug :)
# no - disabled
# 1 or yes -> enabled with full results
# 2 -> enable with servers communications only
# ********************************************************/
$enable_debug = no;

# Order setting

$default_sortby = "date";
$default_sortorder = "DESC";

# Default preferences...

$default_preferences = Array(
"send_to_trash_default" => yes, # send deleted messages to trash
"st_only_ready_default" => yes, # only read messages, otherwise, delete it
"save_to_sent_default" => yes, # send sent messages to sent
"empty_trash_default" => yes, # empty trash on logout
"sortby_default" => "date", # alowed: "attach","subject","fromname","date","size"
"sortorder_default" => "DESC", # alowed: "ASC","DESC"
"rpp_default" => 20, # records per page (messages), alowed: 10,20,30,40,50,100,200
"add_signature_default" => no, # add the signature by default
"signature_default" => "", # a default signature for all users, use text only, with multiple lines if needed
"timezone_default" => "+0000", # timezone, format (+|-)HHMM (H=hours, M=minutes)
"display_images_default" => yes, # automatically show attached images in the body of message
"editor_mode_default" => "html", # use "html" or "text" to set default editor. "html" will be used only in IE5+ browsers
"refresh_time_default" => 10 # after this time, the message list will be refreshed, in minutes
don't touch here
$ALL_OK = true;


UebiMiau is a GPL'ed software developed by

- Aldoir Ventura - aldoir@users.sourceforge.net
- http://uebimiau.sourceforge.net

Fell free to contact, send donations or anything to me :-)
São Paulo - Brasil

$sid = session_id();


$temporary_directory = realpath($temporary_directory).'/';

$smarty = new Smarty;
$smarty->compile_dir = $temporary_directory;

//$smarty->debugging = false;

$SS = New Session();
$SS->temp_folder = $temporary_directory;
$SS->sid = $sid;
$SS->timeout = $idle_timeout;

$sess = $SS->Load();

if(!array_key_exists("start", $sess )) $sess["start"] = time();
$start = $sess["start"];

$UM = new UebiMiau();

if(isset($f_pass) && strlen($f_pass) > 0) {

switch(strtoupper($mail_server_type)) {

case "DETECT":
$f_server = strtolower(getenv("HTTP_HOST"));
$f_server = str_replace($mail_detect_remove,"",$f_server);
$f_server = $mail_detect_prefix.$f_server;

if(ereg("(.*)@(.*)",$f_email,$regs)) {
$f_user = $regs[1];
$domain = $regs[2];
if($mail_detect_login_type != "") $f_user = eregi_replace("%user%",$f_user,eregi_replace("%domain%",$domain,$mail_detect_login_type));

$f_protocol = $mail_detect_protocol;
$f_port = $mail_detect_port;
$f_prefix = $mail_detect_folder_prefix;


case "ONE-FOR-EACH":
$domain = $mail_servers[$six]["domain"];
$f_email = $f_user."@".$domain;
$f_server = $mail_servers[$six]["server"];
$login_type = $mail_servers[$six]["login_type"];

$f_protocol = $mail_servers[$six]["protocol"];
$f_port = $mail_servers[$six]["port"];
$f_prefix = $mail_servers[$six]["folder_prefix"];

if($login_type != "") $f_user = eregi_replace("%user%",$f_user,eregi_replace("%domain%",$domain,$login_type));

case "ONE-FOR-ALL":
if(ereg("(.*)@(.*)",$f_email,$regs)) {
$f_user = $regs[1];
$domain = $regs[2];
if($one_for_all_login_type != "") $f_user = eregi_replace("%user%",$f_user,eregi_replace("%domain%",$domain,$one_for_all_login_type));
$f_server = $default_mail_server;

$f_protocol = $default_protocol;
if($f_protocol == "imap")
$f_port = "143";
if($f_protocol == "pop3")
$f_port = "110";
$f_prefix = $default_folder_prefix;

$UM->mail_email = $sess["email"] = stripslashes($f_email);
$UM->mail_user = $sess["user"] = stripslashes($f_user);
$UM->mail_pass = $sess["pass"] = stripslashes($f_pass);
$UM->mail_server = $sess["server"] = stripslashes($f_server);

$UM->mail_port = $sess["port"] = intval($f_port);
$UM->mail_protocol = $sess["protocol"] = strtolower($f_protocol);
$UM->mail_prefix = $sess["folder_prefix"] = $f_prefix;

$sess['remote_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

$refr = 1;

} elseif (
($sess["auth"] && intval((time()-$start)/60) < $idle_timeout)
&& $require_same_ip && ($sess["remote_ip"] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])
) {

$UM->mail_user = $f_user = $sess["user"];
$UM->mail_pass = $f_pass = $sess["pass"];
$UM->mail_server = $f_server = $sess["server"];
$UM->mail_email = $f_email = $sess["email"];

$UM->mail_port = $f_port = $sess["port"];
$UM->mail_protocol = $f_protocol = $sess["protocol"];
$UM->mail_prefix = $f_prefix = $sess["folder_prefix"];

} else {
$sess["start"] = time();


$userfolder = $temporary_directory.ereg_replace("[^a-z0-9\._-]","_",strtolower($f_user))."_".strtolower($f_server)."/";

$UM->debug = $enable_debug;
$UM->use_html = $allow_html;

$UM->user_folder = $userfolder;
$UM->temp_folder = $temporary_directory;
$UM->timeout = $idle_timeout;

$prefs = load_prefs();

$UM->timezone = $prefs["timezone"];
$UM->charset = $default_char_set;

Don't remove the fallowing lines, or you will be problems with browser's cache

Header("Expires: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 11:11:11 GMT\r\n");
Header("Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n");
Header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate\r\n");
Header("Pragma: no-cache");

$nocache = "
<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Cache-Control\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\">
<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Expires\" CONTENT=\"-1\">";

// Sort rules

if(!isset($sortby) || !ereg("(subject|fromname|date|size)",$sortby)) {
if(array_key_exists("sort-by",$prefs) && ereg("(subject|fromname|date|size)",$prefs["sort-by"]))
$sortby = $prefs["sort-by"];
$sortby = $default_sortby;
} else {
$need_save = true;
$prefs["sort-by"] = $sortby;

if(!isset($sortorder) || !ereg("ASC|DESC",$sortorder)) {
if(array_key_exists("sort-order",$prefs) && ereg("ASC|DESC",$prefs["sort-order"]))
$sortorder = $prefs["sort-order"];
$sortorder = $default_sortorder;
} else {
$need_save = true;
$prefs["sort-order"] = $sortorder;

if(isset($need_save)) save_prefs($prefs);

while(list($key, $value) = each($sess["sysmap"]))
if(strtolower($folder) == $key)
$folder = $value;

if(!isset($folder) || $folder == "" || strpos($folder,"..") !== false ) {
$folder = $sess["sysmap"]["inbox"];

} elseif (!file_exists($userfolder.$folder)) {


agradeço a colaboração de todos


2. Re: Uebimiau no Xmail ajuda akee

William Maggi Pardalz

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 17/09/2007 - 18:16h

lembrando q ja testei com "Detect" "One-for-all" "one-for-each"

3. Consegui!!

William Maggi Pardalz

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 17/09/2007 - 20:39h

Galera.. seguinte.. com o xmail soh usando o uebimiau 2.7.2 msm.. com a versao nova nao vai nem a pau.. no 2.7.2 é so configurar $server="dominio"


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