![Luís paulo Paradiso Luís paulo Paradiso](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/2addf74c92c17.gif)
(usa Linux Mint)
Enviado em 03/09/2023 - 02:58h
É um bug do tipo que não se sabe sequer por onde começar : O Bash do meu Linux Mint deixou completamente de funcionar. Quando a máquina inicia, ele fica inativo. É preciso abrir um terminal e invocar o comando "bash" para que ele volte a funcionar; mas tão logo esta janela de terminal é fechada, deixa de funcionar outra vez. Os comandos nohup e bg também não funcionam, mas era de se esperar, já que esses operam através do bash, justamente. O arquivo .bashrc, está com permissões de usuário e de execução ( o resultado de ls -l .bashrc é -rwxrwxr-- 1 invernos invernos 3771 set 3 02:28 .bashrc ).
Havia uma postagem em
https://www.vivaolinux.com.br/topico/Iniciantes-no-Linux/Login-terminal-nao-executa-basrc, mass não serve para o meu caso
Pesquisando, descobri um comando para depuração ( bash -v -x ), mas não sei ler a saída, que é uma coisa quilométrica:
invernos@Valentine:~$ bash -v -x
# System-wide .bashrc file for interactive bash(1) shells.
# To enable the settings / commands in this file for login shells as well,
# this file has to be sourced in /etc/profile.
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
+ '[' -z '\s-\v\$ ' ']'
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
+ shopt -s checkwinsize
# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
if [ -z "${debian_chroot:-}" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ '[' -r /etc/debian_chroot ']'
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, overwrite the one in /etc/profile)
# but only if not SUDOing and have SUDO_PS1 set; then assume smart user.
if ! [ -n "${SUDO_USER}" -a -n "${SUDO_PS1}" ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
+ '[' -n '' -a -n '' ']'
+ PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
# Commented out, don't overwrite xterm -T "title" -n "icontitle" by default.
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
#case "$TERM" in
# PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"'
# ;;
# ;;
# enable bash completion in interactive shells
#if ! shopt -oq posix; then
# if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
# . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
# elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
# . /etc/bash_completion
# fi
# sudo hint
if [ ! -e "$HOME/.sudo_as_admin_successful" ] && [ ! -e "$HOME/.hushlogin" ] ; then
case " $(groups) " in *\ admin\ *|*\ sudo\ *)
if [ -x /usr/bin/sudo ]; then
cat <<-EOF
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.
+ '[' '!' -e /home/invernos/.sudo_as_admin_successful ']'
# if the command-not-found package is installed, use it
if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found -o -x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ]; then
function command_not_found_handle {
# check because c-n-f could've been removed in the meantime
if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ]; then
/usr/lib/command-not-found -- "$1"
return $?
elif [ -x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ]; then
/usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found -- "$1"
return $?
printf "%s: command not found\n" "$1" >&2
return 127
+ '[' -x /usr/lib/command-not-found -o -x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ']'
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)
# for examples
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
case $- in
*i*) ;;
*) return;;
+ case $- in
# don't put duplicate lines or lines starting with space in the history.
# See bash(1) for more options
+ HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend
+ shopt -s histappend
# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
# check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
# update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.
shopt -s checkwinsize
+ shopt -s checkwinsize
# If set, the pattern "**" used in a pathname expansion context will
# match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories.
#shopt -s globstar
# make less more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
[ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
+ '[' -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ']'
++ SHELL=/bin/sh
++ lesspipe
+ eval 'export LESSOPEN="| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s";
export LESSCLOSE="/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s";'
export LESSOPEN="| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s";
++ export 'LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s'
++ LESSOPEN='| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s'
export LESSCLOSE="/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s";
++ export 'LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s'
++ LESSCLOSE='/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s'
# set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
if [ -z "${debian_chroot:-}" ] && [ -r /etc/debian_chroot ]; then
debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/debian_chroot)
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ '[' -r /etc/debian_chroot ']'
# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;;
+ case "$TERM" in
+ color_prompt=yes
# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt
if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
# (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
# a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)
+ '[' -n '' ']'
if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
+ '[' yes = yes ']'
+ PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
+ unset color_prompt force_color_prompt
# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir
case "$TERM" in
PS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"
+ case "$TERM" in
+ PS1='\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
if [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then
test -r ~/.dircolors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dircolors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
+ '[' -x /usr/bin/dircolors ']'
+ test -r /home/invernos/.dircolors
++ dircolors -b
+ eval 'LS_COLORS='\''rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:'\'';
export LS_COLORS'
++ LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:'
export LS_COLORS
++ export LS_COLORS
+ alias 'ls=ls --color=auto'
+ alias 'grep=grep --color=auto'
+ alias 'fgrep=fgrep --color=auto'
+ alias 'egrep=egrep --color=auto'
# colored GCC warnings and errors
#export GCC_COLORS='error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:caret=01;32:locus=01:quote=01'
# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
+ alias 'll=ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A'
+ alias 'la=ls -A'
alias l='ls -CF'
+ alias 'l=ls -CF'
# Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so:
# sleep 10; alert
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
+ alias 'alert=notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash_aliases
+ '[' -f /home/invernos/.bash_aliases ']'
+ . /home/invernos/.bash_aliases
alias nalup="sudo nala update"
++ alias 'nalup=sudo nala update'
alias nalug="sudo nala upgrade"
++ alias 'nalug=sudo nala upgrade'
alias nalin="sudo nala install -f"
++ alias 'nalin=sudo nala install -f'
alias nalau="sudo nala autoremove"
++ alias 'nalau=sudo nala autoremove'
alias nalcl="sudo nala clean"
++ alias 'nalcl=sudo nala clean'
alias aprin="sudo apt install --reinstall"
++ alias 'aprin=sudo apt install --reinstall'
# enable programmable completion features (you don't need to enable
# this, if it's already enabled in /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile
# sources /etc/bash.bashrc).
if ! shopt -oq posix; then
if [ -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ]; then
. /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
elif [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
. /etc/bash_completion
+ shopt -oq posix
+ '[' -f /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ']'
+ . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
# -*- shell-script -*-
# bash_completion - programmable completion functions for bash 4.2+
# Copyright © 2006-2008, Ian Macdonald <ian@caliban.org>
# © 2009-2020, Bash Completion Maintainers
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# The latest version of this software can be obtained here:
if [[ $- == *v* ]]; then
++ [[ himvxBH == *v* ]]
if [[ ${BASH_COMPLETION_DEBUG-} ]]; then
set -v
set +v
++ [[ -n '' ]]
++ set +v
++ _blacklist_glob='@(acroread.sh)'
++ shopt -s extglob progcomp
++ complete -u groups slay w sux
++ complete -A stopped -P '"%' -S '"' bg
++ complete -j -P '"%' -S '"' fg jobs disown
++ complete -v readonly unset
++ complete -A setopt set
++ complete -A shopt shopt
++ complete -A helptopic help
++ complete -a unalias
++ complete -c command type which
++ complete -b builtin
++ [[ linux-gnu == *@(solaris|aix)* ]]
++ _backup_glob='@(#*#|*@(~|.@(bak|orig|rej|swp|dpkg*|rpm@(orig|new|save))))'
++ complete -F _service service
++ _sysvdirs
++ sysvdirs=()
++ [[ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d ]]
++ [[ -d /etc/init.d ]]
++ sysvdirs+=(/etc/init.d)
++ [[ -f /etc/slackware-version ]]
++ return 0
++ for svcdir in "${sysvdirs[@]}"
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/acpid ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/acpid
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/alsa-utils ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/alsa-utils
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/anacron ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/anacron
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/apache2 ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/apache2
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/apache-htcacheclean
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/apparmor ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/apparmor
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/bash.sh ]]
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/binfmt-support ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/binfmt-support
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/bluetooth ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/bluetooth
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/console-setup.sh ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/console-setup.sh
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cpulimit ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cpulimit
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cron ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cron
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cryptdisks ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cryptdisks
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cryptdisks-early ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cryptdisks-early
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cups ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cups
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/cups-browsed ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/cups-browsed
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/dbus ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/dbus
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/dhcpcd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/dhcpcd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/dns-clean ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/dns-clean
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/edac ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/edac
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/gdomap ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/gdomap
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/grub-common ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/grub-common
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/hddtemp ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/hddtemp
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/irqbalance ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/irqbalance
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/iwd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/iwd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/kerneloops ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/kerneloops
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/keyboard-setup.sh ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/keyboard-setup.sh
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/kmod ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/kmod
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/lightdm ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/lightdm
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/lm-sensors ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/lm-sensors
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/lvm2 ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/lvm2
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/lvm2-lvmpolld ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/lvm2-lvmpolld
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/mintsystem ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/mintsystem
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4 ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/mono-xsp4
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/netifyd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/netifyd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/networking ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/networking
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/nmbd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/nmbd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/openvpn ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/openvpn
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/pcscd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/pcscd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/plymouth ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/plymouth
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/plymouth-log ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/plymouth-log
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/postfix ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/postfix
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/preload ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/preload
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/privoxy ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/privoxy
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/procps ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/procps
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/pulseaudio-enable-autospawn
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/rsync ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/rsync
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/samba-ad-dc ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/samba-ad-dc
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/saned ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/saned
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/smartmontools ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/smartmontools
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/smbd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/smbd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/squid ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/squid
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/ssh ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/ssh
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/tor ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/tor
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/udev ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/udev
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/ufw ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/ufw
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/unattended-upgrades
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/uuidd ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/uuidd
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/warsaw ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/warsaw
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/x11-common ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/x11-common
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/xpra ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/xpra
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/zfs-import ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/zfs-import
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/zfs-mount ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/zfs-mount
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/zfs-share ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/zfs-share
++ for svc in $svcdir/!($_backup_glob)
++ [[ -x /etc/init.d/zfs-zed ]]
++ complete -F _service /etc/init.d/zfs-zed
++ unset svc svcdir sysvdirs
++ [[ linux-gnu == *freebsd* ]]
++ shopt -u hostcomplete
++ complete -F _user_at_host talk ytalk finger
++ complete -F _known_hosts traceroute traceroute6 fping fping6 telnet rsh rlogin ftp dig mtr ssh-installkeys showmount
++ shopt -q cdable_vars
++ complete -F _cd -o nospace cd pushd
++ complete -F _command aoss command do else eval exec ltrace nice nohup padsp then time tsocks vsound xargs
++ complete -F _root_command fakeroot gksu gksudo kdesudo really
++ complete -F _longopt a2ps awk base64 bash bc bison cat chroot colordiff cp csplit cut date df diff dir du enscript env expand fmt fold gperf grep grub head irb ld ldd less ln ls m4 md5sum mkdir mkfifo mknod mv netstat nl nm objcopy objdump od paste pr ptx readelf rm rmdir sed seq shasum sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum sha384sum sha512sum shar sort split strip sum tac tail tee texindex touch tr uname unexpand uniq units vdir wc who
++ declare -Ag _xspecs
++ _install_xspec '!*.?(t)bz?(2)' bunzip2 bzcat pbunzip2 pbzcat lbunzip2 lbzcat
++ local 'xspec=!*.?(t)bz?(2)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.?(t)bz?(2)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(zip|[aegjswx]ar|exe|pk3|wsz|zargo|xpi|s[tx][cdiw]|sx[gm]|o[dt][tspgfc]|od[bm]|oxt|epub|apk|aab|ipa|do[ct][xm]|p[op]t[mx]|xl[st][xm]|pyz|whl)' unzip zipinfo
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(zip|[aegjswx]ar|exe|pk3|wsz|zargo|xpi|s[tx][cdiw]|sx[gm]|o[dt][tspgfc]|od[bm]|oxt|epub|apk|aab|ipa|do[ct][xm]|p[op]t[mx]|xl[st][xm]|pyz|whl)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(zip|[aegjswx]ar|exe|pk3|wsz|zargo|xpi|s[tx][cdiw]|sx[gm]|o[dt][tspgfc]|od[bm]|oxt|epub|apk|aab|ipa|do[ct][xm]|p[op]t[mx]|xl[st][xm]|pyz|whl)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(zip|[aegjswx]ar|exe|pk3|wsz|zargo|xpi|s[tx][cdiw]|sx[gm]|o[dt][tspgfc]|od[bm]|oxt|epub|apk|aab|ipa|do[ct][xm]|p[op]t[mx]|xl[st][xm]|pyz|whl)'
++ _install_xspec '*.Z' compress znew
++ local 'xspec=*.Z' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.Z'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.Z'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(Z|[gGd]z|t[ag]z)' gunzip zcat
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(Z|[gGd]z|t[ag]z)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(Z|[gGd]z|t[ag]z)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(Z|[gGd]z|t[ag]z)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(Z|[gGdz]z|t[ag]z)' unpigz
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(Z|[gGdz]z|t[ag]z)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(Z|[gGdz]z|t[ag]z)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.Z' uncompress
++ local 'xspec=!*.Z' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.Z'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(tlz|lzma)' lzcat lzegrep lzfgrep lzgrep lzless lzmore unlzma
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(tlz|lzma)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(tlz|lzma)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(t)xz|tlz|lzma)' unxz xzcat
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(t)xz|tlz|lzma)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(t)xz|tlz|lzma)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(t)xz|tlz|lzma)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.lrz' lrunzip
++ local 'xspec=!*.lrz' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.lrz'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx)' ee
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|svg)' qiv
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|svg)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|svg)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g?(2)|j2[ck]|jp[2f]|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|?(e)ps)' xv
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g?(2)|j2[ck]|jp[2f]|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|?(e)ps)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(gif|jp?(e)g?(2)|j2[ck]|jp[2f]|tif?(f)|png|p[bgp]m|bmp|x[bp]m|rle|rgb|pcx|fits|pm|?(e)ps)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))' gv ggv kghostview
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(@(?(e)ps|?(E)PS|pdf|PDF)?(.gz|.GZ|.bz2|.BZ2|.Z))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))' xdvi kdvi
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dvi|DVI)?(.@(gz|Z|bz2))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.dvi' dvips dviselect dvitype dvipdf advi dvipdfm dvipdfmx
++ local 'xspec=!*.dvi' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.dvi'
++ _install_xspec '!*.[pf]df' acroread gpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.[pf]df' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[pf]df'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[pf]df'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|Z))' xpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|Z))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(pdf|fdf)?(.@(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|Z))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' kpdf
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|xz|XZ)))' okular
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|xz|XZ)))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(okular|@(?(e|x)ps|?(E|X)PS|[pf]df|[PF]DF|dvi|DVI|cb[rz]|CB[RZ]|djv?(u)|DJV?(U)|dvi|DVI|gif|jp?(e)g|miff|tif?(f)|pn[gm]|p[bgp]m|bmp|xpm|ico|xwd|tga|pcx|GIF|JP?(E)G|MIFF|TIF?(F)|PN[GM]|P[BGP]M|BMP|XPM|ICO|XWD|TGA|PCX|epub|EPUB|odt|ODT|fb?(2)|FB?(2)|mobi|MOBI|g3|G3|chm|CHM)?(.?(gz|GZ|bz2|BZ2|xz|XZ)))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.pdf' epdfview pdfunite
++ local 'xspec=!*.pdf' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.pdf'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.pdf'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)' zathura
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(cb[rz7t]|djv?(u)|?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' ps2pdf ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 ps2pdf14 ps2pdfwr
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(e)ps|pdf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.texi*' makeinfo texi2html
++ local 'xspec=!*.texi*' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.texi*'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.texi*'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)' tex latex slitex jadetex pdfjadetex pdftex pdflatex texi2dvi xetex xelatex luatex lualatex
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?(la)tex|texi|dtx|ins|ltx|dbj)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.mp3' mpg123 mpg321 madplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.mp3' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.mp3'
++ _install_xspec '!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))' xine aaxine fbxine
++ local 'xspec=!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ _install_xspec '!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))' kaffeine dragon totem
++ local 'xspec=!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*@(.@(mp?(e)g|MP?(E)G|wm[av]|WM[AV]|avi|AVI|asf|vob|VOB|bin|dat|divx|DIVX|vcd|ps|pes|fli|flv|FLV|fxm|FXM|viv|rm|ram|yuv|mov|MOV|qt|QT|web[am]|WEB[AM]|mp[234]|MP[234]|m?(p)4[av]|M?(P)4[AV]|mkv|MKV|og[agmvx]|OG[AGMVX]|t[ps]|T[PS]|m2t?(s)|M2T?(S)|mts|MTS|wav|WAV|flac|FLAC|asx|ASX|mng|MNG|srt|m[eo]d|M[EO]D|s[3t]m|S[3T]M|it|IT|xm|XM|iso|ISO)|+([0-9]).@(vdr|VDR))?(.@(crdownload|part))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)' aviplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(avi|asf|wmv)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))' realplay
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(rm?(j)|ra?(m)|smi?(l))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)' xanim
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mpg|mpeg|avi|mov|qt)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)' ogg123
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(og[ag]|m3u|flac|spx)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)' gqmpeg freeamp
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp3|og[ag]|pls|m3u)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.fig' xfig
++ local 'xspec=!*.fig' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.fig'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)' playmidi
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mid?(i)|cmf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)' timidity
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mid?(i)|rmi|rcp|[gr]36|g18|mod|xm|it|x3m|s[3t]m|kar)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|oct|okt?(a)|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)' modplugplay modplug123
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|oct|okt?(a)|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|oct|okt?(a)|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(669|abc|am[fs]|d[bs]m|dmf|far|it|mdl|m[eo]d|mid?(i)|mt[2m]|oct|okt?(a)|p[st]m|s[3t]m|ult|umx|wav|xm)'
++ _install_xspec '*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)' vi vim gvim rvim view rview rgvim rgview gview emacs xemacs sxemacs kate kwrite
++ local 'xspec=*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='*.@([ao]|so|so.!(conf|*/*)|[rs]pm|gif|jp?(e)g|mp3|mp?(e)g|avi|asf|ogg|class)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)' bzme
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(zip|z|gz|tgz)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))' netscape mozilla lynx galeon dillo elinks amaya epiphany
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(?([xX]|[sS])[hH][tT][mM]?([lL]))'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm|pdf)' oowriter lowriter
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm|pdf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm|pdf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxw|stw|sxg|sgl|doc?([mx])|dot?([mx])|rtf|txt|htm|html|?(f)odt|ott|odm|pdf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)' ooimpress loimpress
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxi|sti|pps?(x)|ppt?([mx])|pot?([mx])|?(f)odp|otp)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)' oocalc localc
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxc|stc|xls?([bmx])|xlw|xlt?([mx])|[ct]sv|?(f)ods|ots)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)' oodraw lodraw
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxd|std|sda|sdd|?(f)odg|otg)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)' oomath lomath
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(sxm|smf|mml|odf)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.odb' oobase lobase
++ local 'xspec=!*.odb' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.odb'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.odb'
++ _install_xspec '!*.[rs]pm' rpm2cpio
++ local 'xspec=!*.[rs]pm' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[rs]pm'
++ _install_xspec '!*.aux' bibtex
++ local 'xspec=!*.aux' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.aux'
++ _install_xspec '!*.po' poedit gtranslator kbabel lokalize
++ local 'xspec=!*.po' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.po'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])' harbour gharbour hbpp
++ local 'xspec=!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@([Pp][Rr][Gg]|[Cc][Ll][Pp])'
++ _install_xspec '!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]' hbrun
++ local 'xspec=!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.[Hh][Rr][Bb]'
++ _install_xspec '!*.ly' lilypond ly2dvi
++ local 'xspec=!*.ly' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.ly'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.ly'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))' cdiff
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(dif?(f)|?(d)patch)?(.@([gx]z|bz2|lzma))'
++ _install_xspec '!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)' portecle
++ local 'xspec=!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!@(*.@(ks|jks|jceks|p12|pfx|bks|ubr|gkr|cer|crt|cert|p7b|pkipath|pem|p10|csr|crl)|cacerts)'
++ _install_xspec '!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)' kid3 kid3-qt
++ local 'xspec=!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)' cmd
++ shift
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)'
++ for cmd in "$@"
++ _xspecs[$cmd]='!*.@(mp[234c]|og[ag]|@(fl|a)ac|m4[abp]|spx|tta|w?(a)v|wma|aif?(f)|asf|ape)'
++ unset -f _install_xspec
++ complete -F _minimal ''
++ complete -D -F _completion_loader
++ compat_dir=/etc/bash_completion.d
++ [[ -d /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
++ [[ -r /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
++ [[ -x /etc/bash_completion.d ]]
++ for i in "$compat_dir"/*
++ [[ apt-linux-mint != @(@(#*#|*@(~|.@(bak|orig|rej|swp|dpkg*|rpm@(orig|new|save))))|Makefile*|@(acroread.sh)) ]]
++ [[ -f /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-linux-mint ]]
++ [[ -r /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-linux-mint ]]
++ . /etc/bash_completion.d/apt-linux-mint
+++ have apt
+++ unset -v have
+++ _have apt
+++ PATH=/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin:/home/invernos/.pyenv/shims:/home/invernos/.pyenv/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin:/home/invernos/.local/bin:/home/invernos/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
+++ type apt
+++ have=yes
+++ complete -F _apt apt
++ for i in "$compat_dir"/*
++ [[ git-prompt != @(@(#*#|*@(~|.@(bak|orig|rej|swp|dpkg*|rpm@(orig|new|save))))|Makefile*|@(acroread.sh)) ]]
++ [[ -f /etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt ]]
++ [[ -r /etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt ]]
++ . /etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt
+++ [[ -e /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt ]]
+++ . /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt
++++ __git_printf_supports_v=
++++ printf -v __git_printf_supports_v -- %s yes
++ unset compat_dir i _blacklist_glob
++ user_completion=/home/invernos/.bash_completion
++ [[ /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion != \/\h\o\m\e\/\i\n\v\e\r\n\o\s\/\.\b\a\s\h\_\c\o\m\p\l\e\t\i\o\n ]]
++ [[ -r /home/invernos/.bash_completion ]]
++ unset user_completion
++ unset -f have
++ unset have
++ set -v