(usa Slackware)
Enviado em 11/03/2014 - 13:25h
zezaocapoeira escreveu:
Salve galera .Estou testando o SimpleScreenRecorder ( , ) tá tudo instalado .O programa grava mas não captura o aúdio .
Chamo ele pelo terminal configuro e em uma parte do log aparece isso :
PageRecord::StartPage] Starting page ...
[JACKInput::Init] Error: Could not connect to JACK!
[PageRecord::StartPage] Error: Something went wrong during initialization.
[PageRecord::StartPage] Started page.
[SimpleSynth::Init] Warning: Period size 512 is not supported, using 940 instead. This is not a problem.
[SimpleSynth::Init] Warning: Buffer size 2048 is not supported, using 1881 instead. This is not a problem.
[SimpleSynth::SynthThread] Synth thread started.
Como fazer o JACK Audio Connection Kit funcionar com o programa .(
obs --->testei o SimpleScreenRecorder no Gentoo , e ele funciona normalmente )
Obrigado pela atenção , salve !!!
Zezão, eu cito aqui o grande amigo AlienBOB pra você:
Unfortunately it turned out that SimpleScreenRecorder was not capable of recording my Slackware desktop’s sound, and therefore game videos are silent.
That is a show stopper… apparently you need a sound server like PulseAudio in order to record the audio as well. I am not prepared to install PulseAudio on Slackware – as you are well aware, this is a personal issue I have with the PA author and the way he writes code. So I investigated further, and found out that the unreleased GIT sources of SimpleScreenRecorder support JACK as a new sound source next to ALSA (and PulseAudio). I built the program from its GIT sources and then went on to learn about JACK Audio Connection Kit. I knew that JACK is primarily used by audio professionals and musicians because of its low-latency core design. But as it goes with versatile programs, it is inherently difficult to grasp its concepts and complex to configure. But I persevered and ultimately found a way to configure JACK on my desktop, and reconfigure my ALSA setup so that all the programs that I use can still emit sound, and SimpleScreenRecorder is now capable of recording video and audio! I put a demo video online which I recorded for the intro sequence from the Metro: Last Light game.
My next post will be about how I built and configured JACK, and what I had to change in my ALSA configuration so that for instance Steam games (using SDL for audio) and MineCraft (using OpenAL for audio) would still make sounds.
Como AlienBOB é um cara legal, ele já disponibilizou os SlackBuilds necessários para instalar o SimpleScreenRecorder: - para compilar o programa em si - para compilar o ffmpeg, uma dependência do SimpleScreenRecord - para compilar o JACK, a outra dependência.
Para configurar o JACK: