(usa Mandrake)
Enviado em 04/12/2019 - 12:36h
tentei aqui não funcionou ainda
GNS3 management console.
Running GNS3 version 2.2.3 on Linux (64-bit) with Python 3.6.9 Qt 5.9.5 and PyQt 5.10.1.
Copyright (c) 2006-2019 GNS3 Technologies.
Use Help -> GNS3 Doctor to detect common issues.
=> You have unsaved preferences in Qemu VMs.
Continue without saving?
QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name mkt012-1 -m 256M -smp cpus=1 -enable-kvm -machine smm=off -boot order=c -drive file=/home/itamar/GNS3/projects/re3/project-files/qemu/f2f4172e-bcc4-4b0a-b371-1bdc531ffd22/hda_disk.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -uuid f2f4172e-bcc4-4b0a-b371-1bdc531ffd22 -serial telnet:,server,nowait -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -net none -device e1000,mac=0c:9a:76:fd:22:00,netdev=gns3-0 -netdev socket,id=gns3-0,udp=,localaddr= -nographic
Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name mkt012-1 -m 256M -smp cpus=1 -enable-kvm -machine smm=off -boot order=c -drive file=/home/itamar/GNS3/projects/re3/project-files/qemu/d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146/hda_disk.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -uuid d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146 -serial telnet:,server,nowait -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -net none -device e1000,mac=0c:9a:76:d1:46:00,netdev=gns3-0 -netdev socket,id=gns3-0,udp=,localaddr= -nographic
Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
This node has no working directory
QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name mkt012-1 -m 256M -smp cpus=1 -enable-kvm -machine smm=off -boot order=c -drive file=/home/itamar/GNS3/projects/re3/project-files/qemu/d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146/hda_disk.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -uuid d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146 -serial telnet:,server,nowait -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -net none -device e1000,mac=0c:9a:76:d1:46:00,netdev=gns3-0 -netdev socket,id=gns3-0,udp=,localaddr= -nographic
Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
At least one node must be started before a console can be opened
QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name mkt012-1 -m 256M -smp cpus=1 -enable-kvm -machine smm=off -boot order=c -drive file=/home/itamar/GNS3/projects/re3/project-files/qemu/d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146/hda_disk.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -uuid d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146 -serial telnet:,server,nowait -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -net none -device e1000,mac=0c:9a:76:d1:46:00,netdev=gns3-0 -netdev socket,id=gns3-0,udp=,localaddr= -nographic
Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
QEMU process has stopped, return code: 1
Start QEMU with /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -name mkt012-1 -m 256M -smp cpus=1 -enable-kvm -machine smm=off -boot order=c -drive file=/home/itamar/GNS3/projects/re3/project-files/qemu/d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146/hda_disk.qcow2,if=ide,index=0,media=disk,id=drive0 -uuid d9ad14ad-dd64-4ec4-92ad-a33054cdd146 -serial telnet:,server,nowait -monitor tcp:,server,nowait -net none -device e1000,mac=0c:9a:76:d1:46:00,netdev=gns3-0 -netdev socket,id=gns3-0,udp=,localaddr= -nographic
Execution log:
Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied