(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 05/02/2022 - 11:04h
Ao rodar o comando flatpak update está me retornando essa mensagem:
Procurando por atualizações…
Info: org.freedesktop.Platform está em fim de vida, com motivo: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version
Info: org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel está em fim de vida, com motivo: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version
Info: org.freedesktop.Platform.Locale está em fim de vida, com motivo: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version
Info: org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default está em fim de vida, com motivo: The Freedesktop SDK 19.08 runtime is no longer supported as of September 1, 2021. Please ask your application developer to migrate to a supported version
Nada para fazer.
Esses são os apps instalados com flatpak:
Nome ID de aplicativo Versão Ramo Instalação
Discord com.discordapp.Discord 0.0.16 stable system
Planner com.github.alainm23.planner 2.7 stable system
Agenda com.github.dahenson.agenda 1.1.0 stable system
OBS Studio com.obsproject.Studio 27.1.3 stable system
Spotify com.spotify.Client stable system
Seletor de cor nl.hjdskes.gcolor3 2.4.0 stable system
TAP-plugins org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.TAP 1.0.1 20.08 system
TAP-plugins org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.TAP 1.0.1 21.08 system
SWH org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh 0.4.17 20.08 system
SWH org.freedesktop.LinuxAudio.Plugins.swh 0.4.17 21.08 system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform 19.08.15 19.08 system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform 20.08.17 20.08 system
Freedesktop Platform org.freedesktop.Platform 21.08.10 21.08 system
default org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 19.08 system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 21.1.8 20.08 system
Mesa org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default 21.3.5 21.08 system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 19.08 system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 20.08 system
Intel org.freedesktop.Platform.VAAPI.Intel 21.08 system
ffmpeg-full org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full 21.08 system
openh264 org.freedesktop.Platform.openh264 2.1.0 2.0 system
Freedesktop SDK org.freedesktop.Sdk 21.08.10 21.08 system
Conexões org.gnome.Connections 41.1 stable system
GNOME Application Platform version 3.38 org.gnome.Platform 3.38 system
GNOME Application Platform version 40 org.gnome.Platform 40 system
GNOME Application Platform version 41 org.gnome.Platform 41 system
Vídeos org.gnome.Totem 3.38.2 stable system
Codecs org.gnome.Totem.Codecs stable system
yt-dl totem-pl-parser plugin org.gnome.Totem.Videosite.YouTubeDl stable system
GnuCash org.gnucash.GnuCash 4.9+ (Flathub 4.9-2) stable system
Yaru Gtk Theme org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Yaru 3.22 system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 5.15 system
Adwaita theme org.kde.KStyle.Adwaita 5.15-21.08 system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 5.15 system
KDE Application Platform org.kde.Platform 5.15-21.08 system
QGnomePlatform org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform 5.15 system
QGnomePlatform org.kde.PlatformTheme.QGnomePlatform 5.15-21.08 system
QtSNI org.kde.PlatformTheme.QtSNI 5.15 system
QtSNI org.kde.PlatformTheme.QtSNI 5.15-21.08 system
QGnomePlatform-decoration org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration 5.15 system
QGnomePlatform-decoration org.kde.WaylandDecoration.QGnomePlatform-decoration 5.15-21.08 system
Kdenlive org.kde.kdenlive 21.12.2 stable system
LibreOffice org.libreoffice.LibreOffice stable system
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors 7.0.0 stable system
Telegram Desktop org.telegram.desktop 3.5.1 stable system
Telegram Desktop Webview Add-on org.telegram.desktop.webview 2.34.4 stable system
Tux Paint org.tuxpaint.Tuxpaint 0.9.27 stable system