![Andre (pinduvoz) Andre (pinduvoz)](//static.vivaolinux.com.br/imagens/fotos/2534dc3c78c8a.png)
(usa Debian)
Enviado em 19/12/2012 - 03:02h
Para quem usa Gnome, parece que o file-roller faz isso.
You can also use file roller to make password protected archives of your sensitive file. To do this open a terminal and enter...
the archive manager window will open. Follow these steps to create password protected archive...
1-Click the new icon in the upper left corner (another window will open)
2-Choose a Name for the zip archive and use the menu to Navigate to where you want to save the archive
3-From the Archive type menu at the bottom of the window choose zip and then click the new button in the bottom right corner
4-From the edit menu select password and enter desired password
5-Click the add files or add folder icon to add files and folders to archive
6-Your files should now be in password protected zip files