Enviado em 03/12/2017 - 21:56h
Boa noitesudo systemctl start lxdm.serviceele mostra a tela de login mas no boot cai no login via terminal
[daniel@Notebook ~]$ systemctl status lxdm
● lxdm.service - LXDE Display Manager
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Sun 2017-12-03 01:03:16 -02; 14min ago
Main PID: 1147 (lxdm-binary)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/lxdm.service
├─1147 /usr/sbin/lxdm-binary
└─1149 /usr/lib/xorg-server/Xorg -background none :0 vt01 -nolisten tcp -novtswitch -auth /var/run/lxdm/lxdm-:0.auth
dez 03 01:03:16 Notebook systemd[1]: Started LXDE Display Manager.
dez 03 01:03:39 Notebook lxdm-session[1158]: pam_unix(lxdm:session): session opened for user daniel by (uid=0)
[daniel@Notebook ~]$
daniel@Notebook ~]$ cat /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf | grep startxfce4
[daniel@Notebook ~]$
## uncomment and set autologin username to enable autologin
# autologin=dgod
## uncomment and set timeout to enable timeout autologin,
## the value should >=5
# timeout=10
## default session or desktop used when no systemwide config
## uncomment and set to set numlock on your keyboard
# numlock=0
## set this if you don't want to put xauth file at ~/.Xauthority
# xauth_path=/tmp
# not ask password for users who have empty password
# skip_password=1
## greeter used to welcome the user
## arg used to start xserver, not fully function
arg=/usr/bin/X -background vt1
# uncomment this if you really want xserver listen to tcp
# tcp_listen=1
# uncoment this if you want reset the xserver after logou
# reset=1
## gtk theme used by greeter
## background of the greeter
## if show bottom pane
## if show language select control
## if show keyboard layout select control
## the theme of greeter
## if disable the user list control at greeter
## whitelist user
## blacklist user
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