Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

1. Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 19:14h

Boa tarde.

Venho pedir uma ajudinha a vocês amigos do vol.

Estou testando o Mint DE e modifiquei o fstab para deixar a montagem das partições automática na inicialização do sistema. Uma coisa que me incomoda é em relação aos nomes das partições montadas.
Na Área de Trabalho ou até mesmo na Barra Lateral do Nautilus aparecem as partições como: Sistema de arquivo de 52GB; Sistema de arquivo de 39GB; etc...

Então queria mudar esses nomes deixando personalizado.

Tem como executar essa mudança?

Obrigado desde já.



Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 03/11/2010 - 19:41h

lembra desse seu tópico:

tenta copiar aquele 'xorg' e veja se funciona, se não funcionar, altere o driver para 'nv' ou 'nouveau' e veja se o ambiente gráfico inicia.

* se iniciar remova os pacotes que tenha instalado e recomece.

segue um xorg.conf basicão:

# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 1.0 (buildmeister@builder58) Fri Mar 12 02:12:40 PST 2010

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen "Screen0"

Section "Files"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Unknown"
ModelName "Unknown"
HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0
VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0
Option "DPMS"

Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Device0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
Option "NoLogo" "True"
Option "RenderAccel" "True"
Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"
Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
Option "NvAGP" "1"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

Sobre o DHCP não sei como te ajudar.

3. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 19:34h

Cara muda o padrão de exibição do Nautilus para 'Árvore'

e no seu lugar eu tiraria os dispositivos da Área de Trabalho assim:

$ gconftool-2 --type boolean -s /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible false

* se quiser voltar atrás:

$ gconftool-2 --type boolean -s /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible true

* eu não sei como renomear a identificação desses dispositivos, mais deve haver um jeito.

enquanto isso um link sobre o LMDE fresquinho:

4. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 19:52h


eu consegui fazer isso no Gparted.

Caso naõ tenho instalado

sudo apt-get install gparted
depois de instalado va em sistema>administração>gparted com o programa aberto, clique com botão direito do mouse e cliqeu em rotulo, ai vc escolhe o nome desejado e aplica as alterações.
OBS: as partições devem estar desnomtadas.

Aqui isso funcionou

5. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 20:13h

Obrigado a vocês por me dar algumas opções.

Mas agora tá f***, pois tentei instalar o driver da nvidia com o script 'sgfxi' e não tá mais subindo a parte gráfica (gdm3). Estou atualmente com o Debian Lenny tentando alguma coisa para deixar ele ter acesso ao 'ext4' (partição onde está o LMDE) pois uso o 'kernel 2.6.32-bpo.5.686' e creio eu que com certeza já dá suporte ao ext4. Só estou bolado pois se eu fizer alguma mer** com o lenny, POW! Já era. Sem sistema operacional. Aí terei que reinstalar todos os dois de novo, rsrsrs...

Se vocês tiverem alguma ideia de como posso fazer isso com sucesso sem perder nada agradeço.

6. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 20:44h

Não sei em relação ao Lenny, mas pro LMDE os passos são esses:

* substitua gdm por gdm3

7. edps...

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 21:59h

To executando o procedimento que você indicou, sendo que com o comando 'chroot' dentro do Debian e depois eu reiniciarei para ver se deu certo.


Agora em relação ao ext4 da pra fazer a conversão do ext3 para o ext4 sem perder dados ou sempre dá alguma mer**?



O procedimento deu todo certo com o comando 'chroot', mas quando reinicie o mint... Não subiu!


mcnd2@debian:~$ su
debian:/home/mcnd2# mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
debian:/home/mcnd2# chroot /mnt
( Excellent day to have a rotten day. )
|o_o |
|:_/ |
// \ \
(| | )
/'\_ _/`\

debian / # ls -l
total 104
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 2 09:23 bin
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Nov 2 19:33 boot
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Ago 4 07:54 dev
drwxr-xr-x 132 root root 12288 Nov 2 19:47 etc
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 1 17:02 home
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Nov 1 16:47 initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-686
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 12288 Nov 2 09:34 lib
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Ago 4 07:52 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Nov 2 17:41 media
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 5 14:39 mnt
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Nov 2 18:21 opt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 5 14:39 proc
drwx------ 15 root root 4096 Nov 2 19:43 root
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 2 10:34 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 21 03:55 selinux
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Ago 4 07:53 srv
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 3 05:01 sys
drwxrwxrwt 4 root root 4096 Nov 2 19:43 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Ago 6 16:03 usr
drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 Ago 4 17:34 var
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Nov 1 16:47 vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686
debian / # apt-get update
Obter:1 testing Release.gpg [198 B]
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Obter:4 debian Release.gpg [198 B]
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Atingido testing/main Translation-pt
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Ign testing/non-free Translation-pt
Ign testing/non-free Translation-pt_BR
Ign ./ Release.gpg
Ign ./ Translation-en
Obter:5 testing Release.gpg [835 B]
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Ign testing/updates/main Translation-en
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Ign ./ Translation-pt
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Atingido ./ Release
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Ign ./ Packages/DiffIndex
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Atingido testing/non-free i386 Packages
Baixados 175 kB em 12s (14,5 kB/s)
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
debian / # apt-get install build-essential nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-kernel-195.36.24 nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig module-assistant
Lendo listas de pacotes... Pronto
Construindo árvore de dependências
Lendo informação de estado... Pronto
Note, a seleccionar 'nvidia-kernel-dkms' em vez de 'nvidia-kernel-195.36.24'
build-essential já é a versão mais nova.
module-assistant já é a versão mais nova.
Os pacotes extra a seguir serão instalados:
nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-vdpau-driver
Pacotes recomendados:
Os NOVOS pacotes a seguir serão instalados:
nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-settings
nvidia-vdpau-driver nvidia-xconfig
0 pacotes atualizados, 6 pacotes novos instalados, 0 a serem removidos e 3 não atualizados.
É preciso baixar 18,3 MB de arquivos.
Depois desta operação, 61,9 MB adicionais de espaço em disco serão usados.
Você quer continuar [S/n]?
AVISO: Os pacotes a seguir não podem ser autenticados!
nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-glx nvidia-settings
nvidia-vdpau-driver nvidia-xconfig
Aviso de autenticação sobreposto.
Obter:1 testing/contrib nvidia-kernel-common all 20100522+1 [7414 B]
Obter:2 testing/non-free nvidia-kernel-dkms i386 195.36.24-4 [7003 kB]
Obter:3 testing/non-free nvidia-glx i386 195.36.24-4 [9398 kB]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]
44% [3 nvidia-glx 1061 kB/9398 kB 11%]

Obter:4 testing/non-free nvidia-glx i386 195.36.24-4 [9398 kB]
Obter:5 testing/contrib nvidia-settings i386 195.36.24-1 [825 kB]
Obter:6 testing/non-free nvidia-vdpau-driver i386 195.36.24-4 [995 kB]
Obter:7 testing/contrib nvidia-xconfig i386 195.36.31-1 [71,7 kB]
Baixados 17,2 MB em 14min 14s (20,2 kB/s)
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-kernel-common.
(Lendo banco de dados ... 110435 files and directories currently installed.)
Desempacotando nvidia-kernel-common (de .../nvidia-kernel-common_20100522+1_all.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-kernel-dkms.
Desempacotando nvidia-kernel-dkms (de .../nvidia-kernel-dkms_195.36.24-4_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-glx.
Desempacotando nvidia-glx (de .../nvidia-glx_195.36.24-4_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-settings.
Desempacotando nvidia-settings (de .../nvidia-settings_195.36.24-1_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-vdpau-driver.
Desempacotando nvidia-vdpau-driver (de .../nvidia-vdpau-driver_195.36.24-4_i386.deb) ...
Selecionando pacote previamente não selecionado nvidia-xconfig.
Desempacotando nvidia-xconfig (de .../nvidia-xconfig_195.36.31-1_i386.deb) ...
Processando gatilhos para gnome-menus ...
Processando gatilhos para desktop-file-utils ...
Processando gatilhos para menu ...
Processando gatilhos para man-db ...
Impossível escrever log, openpty() falhou (/dev/pts não montado?)
Configurando nvidia-kernel-common (20100522+1) ...
Cannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted?
invoke-rc.d: -----------------------------------------------------
invoke-rc.d: WARNING: 'invoke-rc.d nvidia-kernel start' called
invoke-rc.d: during shutdown sequence.
invoke-rc.d: enabling safe mode: initscript policy layer disabled
invoke-rc.d: -----------------------------------------------------
Configurando nvidia-kernel-dkms (195.36.24-4) ...
Loading new nvidia-195.36.24 DKMS files...
First Installation: checking all kernels...
Building only for 2.6.32-bpo.5-686
Building initial module for 2.6.32-5-686

Running module version sanity check.
- Original module
- No original module exists within this kernel
- Installation
- Installing to /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/updates/dkms//


DKMS: install Completed.
Configurando nvidia-glx (195.36.24-4) ...
Configurando nvidia-settings (195.36.24-1) ...
Configurando nvidia-vdpau-driver (195.36.24-4) ...
Configurando nvidia-xconfig (195.36.31-1) ...
Processando gatilhos para nvidia-glx ...
Processando gatilhos para menu ...
debian / # exit

O "linux-headers-2.6.32-5-686" já está instalado. Esqueci de instalar junto ao comando como dito.

8. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 02/11/2010 - 22:48h

Tu devia ter aberto outro comentário, vi esse por sorte.

Inicia com a 2ª opção do Grub (Recovery Mode), ao chegar na tela para inserir a senha do root, pressione Ctrl+D para ver se o ambiente gráfico inicia, se não iniciar, tente:

$ su
<senha-de-root> ### caso não tenha definido use 'sudo su'
# /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop
# mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-BACKUP
# Xorg -configure
# mv xorg.conf-new /etc/X11/xorg.conf ### esse arquivo xorg.conf-new é criado em /root
# /etc/init.d/gdm3 start

Se ainda assim não iniciar, veja o log do xorg em cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

9. edps...

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 03/11/2010 - 19:13h

Desculpa por editar já o comentário existente.

"Inicia com a 2ª opção do Grub (Recovery Mode), ao chegar na tela para inserir a senha do root, pressione Ctrl+D para ver se o ambiente gráfico inicia."

Não iniciou!

"Se não iniciar, tente:"

$ su
# /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop
# mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-BACKUP
# Xorg -configure
(da erro de 'falha de configuração')

Se ainda assim não iniciar, veja o log do xorg em cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log

O arquivo 'Xorg.0.log':

X.Org X Server 1.7.7
Release Date: 2010-05-04
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux i686 Debian
Current Operating System: Linux mint 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sat Oct 30 22:47:19 UTC 2010 i686
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-686 root=UUID=4fd20b84-2f6a-433e-a63f-69e4f7947d76 ro single nomodeset
Build Date: 10 October 2010 11:57:07AM
xorg-server 2:1.7.7-8 (Cyril Brulebois <>)
Current version of pixman: 0.16.4
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Wed Nov 3 16:55:12 2010
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(==) No Layout section. Using the first Screen section.
(**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "Configured Monitor"
(==) No device specified for screen "Default Screen".
Using the first device section listed.
(**) | |-->Device "Configured Video Device"
(==) Automatically adding devices
(==) Automatically enabling devices
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(==) FontPath set to:
(==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
(II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
(II) Loader magic: 0x81ecca0
(II) Module ABI versions:
X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
X.Org Video Driver: 6.0
X.Org XInput driver : 7.0
X.Org Server Extension : 2.0
(--) using VT number 7

(--) PCI:*(0:1:0:0) 10de:0322:1682:203c nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] rev 161, Mem @ 0xfb000000/16777216, 0xe0000000/268435456, BIOS @ 0x????????/131072
(II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension SELinux
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Loading extension X-Resource
(II) LoadModule: "dbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"
compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
(II) NVIDIA GLX Module 195.36.24 Thu Apr 22 10:38:29 PDT 2010
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "record"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.13.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension RECORD
(II) LoadModule: "dri"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "dri2"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dri2: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension DRI2
(==) Matched nouveau as autoconfigured driver 0
(==) Matched nv as autoconfigured driver 1
(==) Matched vesa as autoconfigured driver 2
(==) Matched fbdev as autoconfigured driver 3
(==) Assigned the driver to the xf86ConfigLayout
(II) LoadModule: "nouveau"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module nouveau: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 0.0.15
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: "nv"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module nv: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 2.1.17
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: "vesa"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module vesa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 2.3.0
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: "fbdev"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module fbdev: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 0.4.2
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) NOUVEAU driver Date: Tue Mar 16 13:08:37 2010 +1000
(II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :
GeForce 256 (NV10)
GeForce 2 (NV11, NV15)
GeForce 4MX (NV17, NV18)
GeForce 3 (NV20)
GeForce 4Ti (NV25, NV28)
GeForce FX (NV3x)
GeForce 6 (NV4x)
GeForce 7 (G7x)
GeForce 8 (G8x)
(II) NOUVEAU driver Date: Tue Mar 16 13:08:37 2010 +1000
(II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :
GeForce 256 (NV10)
GeForce 2 (NV11, NV15)
GeForce 4MX (NV17, NV18)
GeForce 3 (NV20)
GeForce 4Ti (NV25, NV28)
GeForce FX (NV3x)
GeForce 6 (NV4x)
GeForce 7 (G7x)
GeForce 8 (G8x)
(II) VESA: driver for VESA chipsets: vesa
(II) FBDEV: driver for framebuffer: fbdev
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01@00:00:0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID pci:0000:01:00.0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns 8
drmOpenByBusid: drmGetBusid reports pci:0000:01:00.0
(II) [drm] nouveau interface version: 0.0.15
(EE) [drm] KMS not enabled
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fbdev
(II) Loading sub module "fbdevhw"
(II) LoadModule: "fbdevhw"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/linux/
(II) Module fbdevhw: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 0.0.2
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory
(II) Loading sub module "vbe"
(II) LoadModule: "vbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
(II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
(II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.7.7, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) VESA(0): initializing int10
(II) VESA(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(II) VESA(0): VESA BIOS detected
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 262144 kB
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 4.52
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: NV34 Board - p162-2nz
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: Chip Rev
(II) VESA(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
"Default Screen" for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) VESA(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) VESA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) VESA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(==) VESA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"
(II) Module "ddc" already built-in
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC supported
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC Level 2
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC transfer in appr. 1 sec.
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE DDC read failed
(II) VESA(0): VESA VBE PanelID read successfully
(II) VESA(0): PanelID returned panel resolution 80x255
(II) VESA(0): Searching for matching VESA mode(s):
Mode: 100 (640x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 640
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 14
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
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MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 101 (640x480)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 640
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 480
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 10
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
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LinBytesPerScanLine: 640
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 10
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MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 102 (800x600)
ModeAttributes: 0x31f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 100
XResolution: 800
YResolution: 600
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 4
BitsPerPixel: 4
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 3
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 14
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
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LinBytesPerScanLine: 100
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 14
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LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 108500000
Mode: 103 (800x600)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 800
XResolution: 800
YResolution: 600
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 6
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 800
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 104 (1024x768)
ModeAttributes: 0x31f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 128
XResolution: 1024
YResolution: 768
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 4
BitsPerPixel: 4
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 3
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 6
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0x0
LinBytesPerScanLine: 128
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 108500000
Mode: 105 (1024x768)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1024
XResolution: 1024
YResolution: 768
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 3
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1024
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 3
LinNumberOfImagePages: 3
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 106 (1280x1024)
ModeAttributes: 0x31f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 160
XResolution: 1280
YResolution: 1024
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 4
BitsPerPixel: 4
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 3
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 3
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
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PhysBasePtr: 0x0
LinBytesPerScanLine: 160
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 3
LinNumberOfImagePages: 3
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 108500000
Mode: 107 (1280x1024)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 1280
YResolution: 1024
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinGreenMaskSize: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 10e (320x200)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 640
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 200
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 30
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
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PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 640
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinRedMaskSize: 5
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LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 10f (320x200)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 200
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 14
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 14
LinNumberOfImagePages: 14
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 111 (640x480)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 480
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 4
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 4
LinNumberOfImagePages: 4
LinRedMaskSize: 5
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LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 112 (640x480)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 2560
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 480
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
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LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 114 (800x600)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1600
XResolution: 800
YResolution: 600
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 2
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1600
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2
LinNumberOfImagePages: 2
LinRedMaskSize: 5
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LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 115 (800x600)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 3200
XResolution: 800
YResolution: 600
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 3200
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
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LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 117 (1024x768)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 2048
XResolution: 1024
YResolution: 768
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 2048
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
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LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 118 (1024x768)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 4096
XResolution: 1024
YResolution: 768
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 4096
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
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LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 11a (1280x1024)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 2560
XResolution: 1280
YResolution: 1024
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
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LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 11b (1280x1024)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 5120
XResolution: 1280
YResolution: 1024
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 0
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 5120
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 0
LinNumberOfImagePages: 0
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 130 (320x200)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 320
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 200
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 62
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 320
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 62
LinNumberOfImagePages: 62
LinRedMaskSize: 0
LinRedFieldPosition: 0
LinGreenMaskSize: 0
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 131 (320x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 320
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 30
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 320
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinRedMaskSize: 0
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LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 132 (320x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 640
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 14
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 640
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 14
LinNumberOfImagePages: 14
LinRedMaskSize: 5
LinRedFieldPosition: 11
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LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
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LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 133 (320x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 6
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 134 (320x240)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 320
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 240
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 30
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 320
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinNumberOfImagePages: 30
LinRedMaskSize: 0
LinRedFieldPosition: 0
LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
LinBlueMaskSize: 0
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 135 (320x240)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 640
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 240
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 19
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 640
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 19
LinNumberOfImagePages: 19
LinRedMaskSize: 5
LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 136 (320x240)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 320
YResolution: 240
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 8
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 10
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 10
LinNumberOfImagePages: 10
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 13d (640x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1280
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 6
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1280
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinNumberOfImagePages: 6
LinRedMaskSize: 5
LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 13e (640x400)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 2560
XResolution: 640
YResolution: 400
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 2
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 2560
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 2
LinNumberOfImagePages: 2
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 145 (1600x1200)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1600
XResolution: 1600
YResolution: 1200
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1600
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinRedMaskSize: 0
LinRedFieldPosition: 0
LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
LinBlueMaskSize: 0
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 146 (1600x1200)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 3200
XResolution: 1600
YResolution: 1200
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 3200
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinRedMaskSize: 5
LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 147 (1400x1050)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 1400
XResolution: 1400
YResolution: 1050
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 14
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 8
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 4
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 0
RedFieldPosition: 0
GreenMaskSize: 0
GreenFieldPosition: 0
BlueMaskSize: 0
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 1400
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinRedMaskSize: 0
LinRedFieldPosition: 0
LinGreenMaskSize: 0
LinGreenFieldPosition: 0
LinBlueMaskSize: 0
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
Mode: 148 (1400x1050)
ModeAttributes: 0x39f
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 2800
XResolution: 1400
YResolution: 1050
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 14
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 16
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 1
RedMaskSize: 5
RedFieldPosition: 11
GreenMaskSize: 6
GreenFieldPosition: 5
BlueMaskSize: 5
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 0
RsvdFieldPosition: 0
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 2800
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinNumberOfImagePages: 1
LinRedMaskSize: 5
LinRedFieldPosition: 11
LinGreenMaskSize: 6
LinGreenFieldPosition: 5
LinBlueMaskSize: 5
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 0
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 0
MaxPixelClock: 229500000
*Mode: 152 (2048x1536)
ModeAttributes: 0x3db
WinAAttributes: 0x7
WinBAttributes: 0x0
WinGranularity: 64
WinSize: 64
WinASegment: 0xa000
WinBSegment: 0x0
WinFuncPtr: 0xc000b1f5
BytesPerScanline: 8192
XResolution: 2048
YResolution: 1536
XCharSize: 8
YCharSize: 16
NumberOfPlanes: 1
BitsPerPixel: 32
NumberOfBanks: 1
MemoryModel: 6
BankSize: 0
NumberOfImages: 0
RedMaskSize: 8
RedFieldPosition: 16
GreenMaskSize: 8
GreenFieldPosition: 8
BlueMaskSize: 8
BlueFieldPosition: 0
RsvdMaskSize: 8
RsvdFieldPosition: 24
DirectColorModeInfo: 0
PhysBasePtr: 0xe0000000
LinBytesPerScanLine: 8192
BnkNumberOfImagePages: 0
LinNumberOfImagePages: 0
LinRedMaskSize: 8
LinRedFieldPosition: 16
LinGreenMaskSize: 8
LinGreenFieldPosition: 8
LinBlueMaskSize: 8
LinBlueFieldPosition: 0
LinRsvdMaskSize: 8
LinRsvdFieldPosition: 24
MaxPixelClock: 229500000

(II) VESA(0): Total Memory: 4096 64KB banks (262144kB)
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using hsync range of 31.50-15.62 kHz
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 56.00-57.03 Hz
(WW) VESA(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "2048x1536" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1024x768" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "800x600" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x480" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x400" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x400" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x240" (no mode of this name)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x200" (no mode of this name)
(WW) VESA(0): No valid modes left. Trying less strict filter...
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using hsync range of 31.50-15.62 kHz
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 56.00-57.03 Hz
(WW) VESA(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "2048x1536" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x480" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x240" (illegal horizontal timings)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x200" (illegal horizontal timings)
(WW) VESA(0): No valid modes left. Trying aggressive sync range...
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using hsync range of 31.50-15.62 kHz
(II) VESA(0): Configured Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 50.00-57.03 Hz
(WW) VESA(0): Unable to estimate virtual size
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "2048x1536" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1024x768" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "800x600" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x480" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "640x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x400" (hsync out of range)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x240" (illegal horizontal timings)
(II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "320x200" (illegal horizontal timings)
(EE) VESA(0): No valid modes
(II) UnloadModule: "vesa"
(II) UnloadModule: "int10"
(II) Unloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
(II) UnloadModule: "vbe"
(II) Unloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
for help.
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

Será que dá pra voltar com o driver padrão e iniciar normalmente?

Pra funfar a net (DHCP automático) pelo console 'tty1' tem que configurar qual arquivo? Pois com o lynx ele não encontra o servidor e assim se tiver que instalar alguma coisa pelo 'tty1' não seria possível.

Desde já abrigado pela ajuda que está me dando.

Só assim mexendo que agente aprende. Poderia muito bem ir com o DVD de boot e instalar de novo, mas vamos tentar resolver até o extremo deixando esse para último caso. rsrsrs!!!

10. edps...

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 03/11/2010 - 20:34h

Fiz o procedimento de copiar o 'xorg.conf' mas não deu certo. Não subiu!

Modifiquei o 'driver' para 'nv' e executei o comando '/etc/init.d/gdm3 start'. Subiu o 'dgm', mas com uma resolução muito estranha. Fui para 'tty1' e /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop' e depois executei o procedimento da instalação da placa com o script 'sgfxi -c'.

# cd /usr/local/bin
# wget -Nc
# chmod +x sgfxi
# sgfxi -c

Instalação concluída com sucesso.
Após copiei o 'xorg.conf' do 'Debian' que ta funfando numa boa e colei no 'Mint'.

Lógico que teve alguns pacotes para ser instalado que você me passou necessários para o script rodar numa boa. Se você souber quais são, coloque ai para complementar a instalação do script para que outros que tenha o mesmo problema consiga resolver com êxito.

Valeu mais uma vez pela ajuda.



Só mais uma coisa.
Agora os ícones do menu não aparecem. Só está um ponto na frente do nome do menu.

Sabe como resolver esse problema minúsculo em comparação ao vídeo, rsrssrsrs...?

11. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Perfil removido

(usa Nenhuma)

Enviado em 03/11/2010 - 20:57h

"Lógico que teve alguns pacotes para ser instalado que você me passou necessários para o script rodar numa boa."

não entendi, que pacotes?

sobre os ícones do menu, tenta:

$ sudo update-menus


A minha dica sobre placas Nvidia no Debian não servirá para você (em parte):

alterando ficaria assim:

1° passo - feche o ambiente gráfico:


2° passo - logue-se com seu usuário normal e pare seu Gerenciador de Login:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 stop

3° passo - atualize as listas de pacotes e instale os programas necessários:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-kernel-legacy-173xx-dkms nvidia-glx-legacy-173xx nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig module-assistant

*** informações:

4° passo:

$ sudo nvidia-xconfig

5° passo:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm3 start

*** já teve vezes que precisei reiniciar, veja se funciona.

12. Re: Mudar nome das partições. [RESOLVIDO]

Glauber GF

(usa Debian)

Enviado em 03/11/2010 - 21:13h

Já esta funcionando numa boa como dito anteriormente.

Mais em relação aos pacotes não me lembro qual foi, pois na primeira tentativa com o 'sgfxi' ele retornou um erro dizendo que faltava determinado pacote e só depois que eu executei o 'apt-get install xxx' como você me passou que o 'sgfxi -c' rodou numa boa, entende.

Mas tá maneiro.

01 02


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