(usa Debian)
Enviado em 16/08/2014 - 09:56h
Olá sou iniciante no Linux, uso o Debian, queria muito produzir músicas como eu fazia no Windows com o Sonar e o Guita Rig então achei o Audacity e o Rakarrack só que eu li que precisa de uma interface chamada Jack ctrl então instalei mas quando eu clico em "Start" da um erro, vou escrever o que aparece :
09:56:29.723 Patchbay deactivated.
09:56:29.727 Statistics reset.
09:56:29.791 ALSA connection change.
Cannot connect to server socket err = Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
09:56:29.806 ALSA connection graph change.
09:56:30.773 JACK is starting...
09:56:30.774 /usr/bin/jackd -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p128 -n2
Cannot connect to server socket err = Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
09:56:30.798 JACK was started with PID=3607.
Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted
Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted
Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted
jackdmp 1.9.9
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2012 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
Cannot lock down 82274202 byte memory area (Cannot allocate memory)
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Failed to acquire device name : Audio0 error : Method "RequestRelease" with signature "i" on interface "org.freedesktop.ReserveDevice1" doesn't exist
Audio device hw:0 cannot be acquired...
Cannot initialize driver
JackServer::Open failed with -1
Failed to open server
09:56:30.987 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.
09:56:32.809 Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info.
Cannot connect to server socket err = Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started