Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

1. Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP


(usa Outra)

Enviado em 26/07/2011 - 07:24h


My name is Vincent, i live in France. I help to develop Movim, an internationnal social network, it haven't the goal to be a concurrent against Facebook but to purpose a free and decentralized alternative, in respect to Free Software philosophy.

I invite you to discover our project : (it's still in development).

Screenshot :

-= How to contribute ? =-

We need translators : we wish Movim to be understandable in as many languages as possible, and even in some dialects for each country !

So we think to purpose Movim in your language (or in the dialect of your choice) could permit to enlarge the diffusion of this new Social Network.

-= Are you motivated ? Good ! =-

If you have the courage to translate everything it would be perfect, but i'll be happy if you try to translate some pieces of text. A lot of line do not contain more than 2 words, don't be scared !

If you want to contribute like me, add some strings in your list



2. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 26/07/2011 - 11:58h

I consider the idea interesting. I speak English, Italian, some French but also i may read Spanish, French and some German.

3. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Sergio Teixeira - Linux User # 499126

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 26/07/2011 - 12:38h

(O Vincente140 mora na França e está solicitando voluntários para traduzir textos da MOVIM, uma rede social desenvolvida por ele.
Precisa de traduções tanto para idiomas quanto para dialetos conhecidos ao redor do mundo.
Segundo ele, MOVIM não pretende ser um concorrente do Facebook, porém uma alternativa livre e descentralizada, de acordo com a filosofia do Software Livre.
Ele também fornece o link para visitarmos o projeto, que se encontra ainda em desenvolvimento.
Ele pede para ninguém se atemorizar diante do desafio, pois a maioria dos textos tem no máximo duas linhas.
Se puder traduzir TUDO, ótimo, mas pelo menos as partes principais.
Ao que parece, ele já conseguiu a adesão de nosso colega albfneto).

Congrats and good luck!

4. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 26/07/2011 - 13:55h

I inform that accepted. I Begin revising the Brazilian Portuguese translation of
the Home-Page. example, the strings:

Javascript-free fetching and processing of data on the server-side.

was translated to:
"Javascript livre busca e processamento de dados no lado do servidor."

Corrigida para:
"Javascript livre busca e processa dados ao lado do servidor.

5. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Sergio Teixeira - Linux User # 499126

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 26/07/2011 - 19:53h


Pequeno detalhe:

"Javascript-free" significa "isento de Javascript" e não "javascript livre".
A diferença está no uso do hífen.

6. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP


(usa Outra)

Enviado em 27/07/2011 - 06:46h

Yes, "javascript-free" mean "without javascript" =)

albfneto, please take care to don't change the sense of the sentences you edit, and to respect the spelling of the translations : some of them are put between predefined words.*

We also need italians contributors to complete this translation :) If you speak this language, you're welcomed !

7. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Sergio Teixeira - Linux User # 499126

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 27/07/2011 - 15:49h


I'm in!
(This means you can count on me for the task).

I'm currently working on translations to Catalán and Galician as well.

Unfortunately i made the Galician first but placed it in the wrong place.
( I'll be fixing it the next weekend ).

But I noticed there's actually no room for a Galician translation.
Is there any need of it?

If so, how cound i manage to publish it?

8. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Sergio Teixeira - Linux User # 499126

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 27/07/2011 - 16:04h

Um esclarecimento para os amigos do VOL, que devem estar "boiando" nesse tópico:

Existe uma pequena equipe de desenvolvedores principais de um software que pretende ser ume rede social de cunho internacional, de caráter ora privativo ora aberto, de acordo com a vontade de seus usuários. Ou seja, baixa-se o software para seu próprio servidor doméstico ou empresarial, e faz-se com ele aquilo que desejarmos, sem expor os dados privativos dos usuários.

Movim é um desenvolvimento paralelo à rede Diaspora, e que tem como diferencial podermos fazer pequenas redes fechadas ou uma grande rede abrangendo o mundo inteiro.

O projeto Movim, ao que tudo indica, está mais adiantado que o americano Diaspora, o qual está à espera de polpudos recursos financeiros, enquanto esse projeto europeu está sendo feito sem dinheiro mesmo.

No momento, estão sendo feitos alguns ajustes no código, mas ele já pode ser baixado (em inglês).

As inúmeras traduções ainda são incipientes, e abrangem apenas uma pequena parte do produto (inicialmente são 58 strings).

A única tradução realmente pronta é em Francês (óbvio, não?).

Aqui do VOL o albfneto (e agora eu) estamos ajudando nesse trabalho.
Embora não seja fluente, leio e escrevo em Galego e Catalão, e estou ajudando nessa parte - pelo menos para traduzir aquelas 58 strings...

Está sendo necessário o trabalho de tradução para outros idiomas.
Quem puder ajudar, será bem recebido.

9. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP


(usa Outra)

Enviado em 28/07/2011 - 05:45h

Hello Teixeira !

I made the request to add galician, it will be added in the current day. It was very difficult to find a catalan translator, i'm very surprized.

If your galician translation is in the catalan field, don't worry, Edhelas will not publish it. First, copy/paste your galician translation in the right place. Then, you will make a revision for each catalan string with the correct translation, and it will be O.K !

As you said, Movim and Diaspora haven't the same financial support. Movim is developped by two main characters : Edhelas and Etenil. You could meet them (and me ^^) on this Chan :

Movim is developed voluntarily and therefore does not suffer any economic pressure.

I've seen many and many others projects, based on a Facebook-like interface. It's such a shame to have to settle for it when you have the freedom to do better!

Movim is a project on a human scale, so he asks in return a lot of development time, and a motivated community. I don't know when Movim will be ready to use, but i want to give it every chance to succeed, by opening it up to a maximum of languages.

10. Awesome!

Júlio Hoffimann Mendes

(usa Ubuntu)

Enviado em 28/07/2011 - 07:53h

Hi Vincent, hi all,

Congrats, the Movim project looks promising. I've always looked for an open source, high-quality alternative for today social networks, maybe it's time to create my account. :-)

I tried to clone from but the server returns an error:

fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?

Please let us know what could we do to help you. Perhaps some of our friends have time to promote the network by writing an article for "Viva o Linux" website? :-) I think brazilian free software lovers would like the idea.

Best regards,

P.S.: Teixeira how do you know Catalán and Galician?! Hehehe.

11. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP

Sergio Teixeira - Linux User # 499126

(usa Linux Mint)

Enviado em 28/07/2011 - 10:15h

I'm really not fluent in those languages, but 'somehow' I can understand a little of each one - just enough to translate a few strings (basically a mix of latin-based languages like Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian which are not 'that' difficult).
In fact, there is so few literature in Catalán this way I think the Movim translation could be of any help.
It's a beginning, anyway.

12. Re: Need translations for a new Open Social Network over XMPP


(usa Outra)

Enviado em 28/07/2011 - 10:17h

I don't know "what" you are able to do. I propose you to read our Wiki (in english :P) >

I'm sure you could help, but i repeat : common on our Chan

There is a few developpers, it could be useful to be more than 2 main contributors, of course.

About Gitorious, it's normal, Movim has switched to Bazaar Repository (see in main page on I don't know how to download the lastest version. I will ask to actualize the page :) But you should wait Movim 0.3 (release scheduled for end of July)

Edit : Ha! That's what I forgot: YES you can talk around you, make blog entries, etc. "We need contributors" ;)



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