MailScanner (MailScanner.conf)
Arquivo de configuração do MailScanner Versão 4
Categoria: Miscelânea
Software: MailScanner
[ Hits: 40.346 ]
Por: Wanderson Berbert
Arquivo de configuração do MailScanner Versão 4 para ser utilizado no artigo sobre MailScanner:
# Main configuration file for the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
# It's good practice to check through configuration files to make sure
# they fit with your system and your needs, whatever you expect them to
# contain.
# Note: If your directories are symlinked (soft-linked) in any way,
# please put their *real* location in here, not a path that
# includes any links. You may get some very strange error
# messages from some of the virus scanners if you don't.
# Note for Version 4.00 and above:
# A lot of the settings can take a ruleset as well as just simple
# values. These rulesets are files containing rules which are applied
# to the current message to calculate the value of the configuration
# option. The rules are checked in the order they appear in the ruleset.
# Note for Version 4.03 and above:
# As well as rulesets, you can now include your own functions in
# here. Look at the directory containing and you will find
# In here, you can add your own "value" function and
# an Initvalue function to set up any global state you need such as
# database connections. Then for a setting below, you can put:
# Configuration Option = &ValueFunction
# where "ValueFunction" is the name of the function you have
# written in
# Definition of variables which are substituted into definitions below
# Set the directory containing all the reports in the required language
%report-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/reports/pt_br
# Configuration directory containing this file
%etc-dir% = /etc/MailScanner
# Rulesets directory containing your ".rules" files
%rules-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/rules
# Enter a short identifying name for your organisation below, this is
# used to make the X-MailScanner headers unique for your organisation.
# Multiple servers within one site should use an identical value here
# to avoid adding multiple redundant headers where mail has passed
# through several servers within your organisation.
# RULE: It must not contain any spaces!
# Note: Some Symantec scanners complain (incorrectly) about "."
# ***** characters appearing in the names of headers.
%org-name% = SERMAP
# System settings
# ---------------
# How many MailScanner processes do you want to run at a time?
# There is no point increasing this figure if your MailScanner server
# is happily keeping up with your mail traffic.
# If you are running on a server with more than 1 CPU, or you have a
# high mail load (and/or slow DNS lookups) then you should see better
# performance if you increase this figure.
# If you are running on a small system with limited RAM, you should
# note that each child takes just over 20MB.
# As a rough guide, try 5 children per CPU. But read the notes above.
Max Children = 1
# User to run as (not normally used for sendmail)
# If you want to change the ownership or permissions of the quarantine or
# temporary files created by MailScanner, please see the "Incoming Work"
# settings later in this file.
Run As User = mail
#Run As User = postfix
#Run As User = Debian-exim
# Group to run as (not normally used for sendmail)
Run As Group = mail
#Run As Group = postfix
#Run As Group = Debian-exim
# How often (in seconds) should each process check the incoming mail
# queue for new messages? If you have a quiet mail server, you might
# want to increase this value so it causes less load on your server, at
# the cost of slightly increasing the time taken for an average message
# to be processed.
Queue Scan Interval = 30
# Set location of incoming mail queue
# This can be any one of
# 1. A directory name
# Example: /var/spool/exim4_incoming/input
# 2. A wildcard giving directory names
# Example: /var/spool/*
# 3. The name of a file containing a list of directory names,
# which can in turn contain wildcards.
# Example: /etc/MailScanner/
Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim/incoming/input
# Set location of outgoing mail queue.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim/outgoing/input
# Set where to unpack incoming messages before scanning them
# This can completely safely use tmpfs or a ramdisk, which will
# give you a significant performance improvement.
Incoming Work Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming
# Set where to store infected and message attachments (if they are kept)
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Quarantine Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/quarantine
# Set where to store the process id number so you can stop MailScanner
PID file = /var/run/MailScanner/
# To avoid resource leaks, re-start periodically
Restart Every = 14400
# Set whether to use postfix, sendmail, exim or zmailer.
# If you are using postfix, then see the "SpamAssassin User State Dir"
# setting near the end of this file
MTA = exim
# Set how to invoke MTA when sending messages MailScanner has created
# (e.g. to sender/recipient saying "found a virus in your message")
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Sendmail = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim-incoming.conf
# Sendmail2 is provided for Exim users.
# It is the command used to attempt delivery of outgoing cleaned/disinfected
# messages.
# This is not usually required for sendmail.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
#For Exim users: Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim4_outgoing.conf
#For sendmail users: Sendmail2 = /usr/lib/sendmail
Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim-outgoing.conf
#Sendmail2 = /usr/lib/sendmail
# Incoming Work Dir Settings
# --------------------------
# You should not normally need to touch these settings at all,
# unless you are using ClamAV and need to be able to use the
# external archive unpackers instead of ClamAV's built-in ones.
# If you want to create the temporary working files so they are owned
# by a user other than the "Run As User" setting at the top of this file,
# you can change that here.
# Note: If the "Run As User" is not "root" then you cannot change the
# user but may still be able to change the group, if the
# "Run As User" is a member of both of the groups "Run As Group"
# and "Incoming Work Group".
Incoming Work User =
Incoming Work Group =
# If you want processes running under the same *group* as MailScanner to
# be able to read the working files (and list what is in the
# directories, of course), set to 0640. If you want *all* other users to
# be able to read them, set to 0644. For a detailed description, if
# you're not already familiar with it, refer to `man 2 chmod`.
# Typical use: external helper programs of virus scanners (notably ClamAV),
# like unpackers.
# Use with care, you may well open security holes.
Incoming Work Permissions = 0600
# Quarantine and Archive Settings
# -------------------------------
# If, for example, you are using a web interface so that users can manage
# their quarantined files, you might want to change the ownership and
# permissions of the quarantined so that they can be read and/or deleted
# by the web server.
# Don't touch this unless you know what you are doing!
# If you want to create the quarantine/archive so the files are owned
# by a user other than the "Run As User" setting at the top of this file,
# you can change that here.
# Note: If the "Run As User" is not "root" then you cannot change the
# user but may still be able to change the group, if the
# "Run As User" is a member of both of the groups "Run As Group"
# and "Quarantine Group".
Quarantine User =
Quarantine Group =
# If you want processes running under the same *group* as MailScanner to
# be able to read the quarantined files (and list what is in the
# directories, of course), set to 0640. If you want *all* other users to
# be able to read them, set to 0644. For a detailed description, if
# you're not already familiar with it, refer to `man 2 chmod`.
# Typical use: let the webserver have access to the files so users can
# download them if they really want to.
# Use with care, you may well open security holes.
Quarantine Permissions = 0600
# Processing Incoming Mail
# ------------------------
# In every batch of virus-scanning, limit the maximum
# a) number of unscanned messages to deliver
# b) number of potentially infected messages to unpack and scan
# c) total size of unscanned messages to deliver
# d) total size of potentially infected messages to unpack and scan
Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan = 100000000
Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan = 50000000
Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 30
Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30
# If more messages are found in the queue than this, then switch to an
# "accelerated" mode of processing messages. This will cause it to stop
# scanning messages in strict date order, but in the order it finds them
# in the queue. If your queue is bigger than this size a lot of the time,
# then some messages could be greatly delayed. So treat this option as
# "in emergency only".
Max Normal Queue Size = 1000
# The maximum number of attachments allowed in a message before it is
# considered to be an error. Some email systems, if bouncing a message
# between 2 addresses repeatedly, add information about each bounce as
# an attachment, creating a message with thousands of attachments in just
# a few minutes. This can slow down or even stop MailScanner as it uses
# all available memory to unpack these thousands of attachments.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Maximum Attachments Per Message = 200
# Expand TNEF attachments using an external program (or a Perl module)?
# This should be "yes" unless the scanner you are using (Sophos, McAfee) has
# the facility built-in. However, if you set it to "no", then the filenames
# within the TNEF attachment will not be checked against the filename rules.
Expand TNEF = yes
# Some versions of Microsoft Outlook generate unparsable Rich Text
# format attachments. Do we want to deliver these bad attachments anyway?
# Setting this to yes introduces the slight risk of a virus getting through,
# but if you have a lot of troubled Outlook users you might need to do this.
# We are working on a replacement for the TNEF decoder.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Deliver Unparsable TNEF = no
# Where the MS-TNEF expander is installed.
# This is EITHER the full command (including maxsize option) that runs
# the external TNEF expander binary,
# OR the keyword "internal" which will make MailScanner use the Perl
# module that does the same job.
# They are both provided as I am unsure which one is faster and which
# one is capable of expanding more file formats (there are plenty!).
# The --maxsize option limits the maximum size that any expanded attachment
# may be. It helps protect against Denial Of Service attacks in TNEF files.
#TNEF Expander = internal
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
TNEF Expander = /usr/bin/tnef --maxsize=100000000
# The maximum length of time the TNEF Expander is allowed to run for 1 message.
# (in seconds)
TNEF Timeout = 120
# Where the "file" command is installed.
# This is used for checking the content type of files, regardless of their
# filename.
# To disable Filetype checking, set this value to blank.
File Command = #/usr/bin/file
# The maximum length of time the "file" command is allowed to run for 1
# batch of messages (in seconds)
File Timeout = 20
# The maximum size, in bytes, of any message including the headers.
# If this is set to zero, then no size checking is done.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can have different
# settings for different users. You might want to set this quite small for
# dialup users so their email applications don't time out downloading huge
# messages.
Maximum Message Size = 0
# The maximum size, in bytes, of any attachment in a message.
# If this is set to zero, effectively no attachments are allowed.
# If this is set less than zero, then no size checking is done.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can have different
# settings for different users. You might want to set this quite small for
# large mailing lists so they don't get deluged by large attachments.
Maximum Attachment Size = -1
# Virus Scanning and Vulnerability Testing
# ----------------------------------------
# Do you want to scan email for viruses?
# A few people don't have a virus scanner licence and so want to disable
# all the virus scanning.
# NOTE: This switch actually switches on/off all processing of the email
# messages. If you just want to switch off actual virus scanning,
# then set "Virus Scanners = none" instead.
# If you want to be able to switch scanning on/off for different users or
# different domains, set this to the filename of a ruleset.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Virus Scanning = yes
# Which Virus Scanning package to use:
# sophos from, or
# sophossavi (also from, using the SAVI perl module), or
# mcafee from, or
# command from, or
# drweb from, or
# kaspersky-4.5 from, or
# kaspersky from, or
# kavdaemonclient from, or
# etrust from, or
# inoculate from, or
# inoculan from, or
# nod32 from, or
# nod32-1.99 from, or
# f-secure from, or
# f-prot from, or
# panda from, or
# rav from, or
# antivir from, or
# clamav from, or
# clamavmodule (also from using the ClamAV perl module), or
# trend from, or
# norman from, or
# none (no virus scanning at all)
# Note for McAfee users: do not use any symlinks with McAfee at all. It is
# very strange but may not detect all viruses when
# started from a symlink or scanning a directory path
# including symlinks.
# Note: If you want to use multiple virus scanners, then this should be a
# space-separated list of virus scanners. For example:
# Virus Scanners = sophos f-prot mcafee
# Note: Make sure that you check that the base installation directory in the
# 3rd column of virus.scanners.conf matches the location you have
# installed each of your virus scanners. The supplied
# virus.scanners.conf file assumes the default installation locations
# recommended by each of the virus scanner installation guides.
Virus Scanners = f-secure, f-prot
# The maximum length of time the commercial virus scanner is allowed to run
# for 1 batch of messages (in seconds).
Virus Scanner Timeout = 300
# Should I attempt to disinfect infected attachments and then deliver
# the clean ones. "Disinfection" involves removing viruses from files
# (such as removing macro viruses from documents). "Cleaning" is the
# replacement of infected attachments with "VirusWarning.txt" text
# attachments.
# Less than 1% of viruses in the wild can be successfully disinfected,
# as macro viruses are now a rare occurrence. So the default has been
# changed to "no" as it gives a significant performance improvement.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Deliver Disinfected Files = yes
# Strings listed here will be searched for in the output of the virus scanners.
# It is used to list which viruses should be handled differently from other
# viruses. If a virus name is given here, then
# 1) The sender will not be warned that he sent it
# 2) No attempt at true disinfection will take place
# (but it will still be "cleaned" by removing the nasty attachments
# from the message)
# 3) The recipient will not receive the message,
# unless the "Still Deliver Silent Viruses" option is set
# Other words that can be put in this list are the 3 special keywords
# HTML-IFrame : inserting this will stop senders being warned about
# HTML Iframe tags, when they are not allowed.
# HTML-Codebase : inserting this will stop senders being warned about
# HTML Object Codebase tags, when they are not allowed.
# HTML-Form : inserting this will stop senders being warned about
# HTML Form tags, when they are not allowed.
# All-Viruses : inserting this will stop senders being warned about
# any virus, while still allowing you to warn senders
# about HTML-based attacks.
# The default of "All-Viruses" means that no senders of viruses will be
# notified (as the sender address is always forged these days anyway),
# but anyone who sends a message that is blocked for other reasons will
# still be notified.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses
# Still deliver (after cleaning) messages that contained viruses listed
# in the above option ("Silent Viruses") to the recipient?
# Setting this to "yes" is good when you are testing everything, and
# because it shows management that MailScanner is protecting them,
# but it is bad because they have to filter/delete all the incoming virus
# warnings.
# Note: Once you have deployed this into "production" use, you should set
# Note: this option to "no" so you don't bombard thousands of people with
# Note: useless messages they don't want!
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Still Deliver Silent Viruses = yes
# Should encrypted messages be blocked?
# This is useful if you are wary about your users sending encrypted
# messages to your competition.
# This can be a ruleset so you can block encrypted message to certain domains.
Block Encrypted Messages = no
# Should unencrypted messages be blocked?
# This could be used to ensure all your users send messages outside your
# company encrypted to avoid snooping of mail to your business partners.
# This can be a ruleset so you can just check mail to certain users/domains.
Block Unencrypted Messages = no
# Options specific to Sophos Anti-Virus
# -------------------------------------
# Anything on the next line that appears in brackets at the end of a line
# of output from Sophos will cause the error/infection to be ignored.
# Use of this option is dangerous, and should only be used if you are having
# trouble with lots of corrupt PDF files, for example.
# If you need to specify more than 1 string to find in the error message,
# then put each string in quotes and separate them with a comma.
# For example:
#Allowed Sophos Error Messages = "corrupt", "format not supported"
Allowed Sophos Error Messages =
# The directory (or a link to it) containing all the Sophos *.ide files.
# This is only used by the "sophossavi" virus scanner, and is irrelevant
# for all other scanners.
Sophos IDE Dir = /usr/local/Sophos/ide
# The directory (or a link to it) containing all the Sophos *.so libraries.
# This is only used by the "sophossavi" virus scanner, and is irrelevant
# for all other scanners.
Sophos Lib Dir = /usr/local/Sophos/lib
# SophosSAVI only: monitor each of these files for changes in size to
# detect when a Sophos update has happened. The date of the Sophos Lib Dir
# is also monitored.
# This is only used by the "sophossavi" virus scanner, not the "sophos"
# scanner setting.
Monitors For Sophos Updates = /usr/local/Sophos/ide/*
# Options specific to ClamAV Anti-Virus
# -------------------------------------
# ClamAVModule only: monitor each of these files for changes in size to
# detect when a ClamAV update has happened.
# This is only used by the "clamavmodule" virus scanner, not the "clamav"
# scanner setting.
Monitors for ClamAV Updates = /usr/local/share/clamav/*.cvd
# Removing/Logging dangerous or potentially offensive content
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Do you want to allow partial messages, which only contain a fraction of
# the attachments, not the whole thing? There is absolutely no way to
# scan these "partial messages" properly for viruses, as MailScanner never
# sees all of the attachment at the same time. Enabling this option can
# allow viruses through. You have been warned.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset so you can, for example, allow
# them in outgoing mail but not in incoming mail.
Allow Partial Messages = no
# Do you want to allow messages whose body is stored somewhere else on the
# internet, which is downloaded separately by the user's email package?
# There is no way to guarantee that the file fetched by the user's email
# package is free from viruses, as MailScanner never sees it.
# This feature is dangerous as it can allow viruses to be fetched from
# other Internet sites by a user's email package. The user would just
# think it was a normal email attachment and would have been scanned by
# MailScanner.
# It is only currently supported by Netscape 6 anyway, and the only people
# who it are the IETF. So I would strongly advise leaving this switched off.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Allow External Message Bodies = no
# Do you want to allow <IFrame> tags in email messages? This is not a good
# idea as it allows various Microsoft Outlook security vulnerabilities to
# remain unprotected, but if you have a load of mailing lists sending them,
# then you will want to allow them to keep your users happy.
# Value: yes => Allow these tags to be in the message
# no => Ban messages containing these tags
# disarm => Allow these tags, but stop these tags from working
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can allow them from
# known mailing lists but ban them from everywhere else.
Allow IFrame Tags = no
# Banning <IFrame> tags completely is likely to break some common HTML
# mailing lists, such as Dilbert and other important things like that.
# So before you implement any restriction on them, you can log the sender
# of any message containing an <IFrame>, so that you can set the option
# above to be a ruleset allowing IFrame tags from named "From" addresses
# and banning all others.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Log IFrame Tags = no
# Do you want to allow <Form> tags in email messages? This is a bad idea
# as these are used as scams to pursuade people to part with credit card
# information and other personal data.
# Value: yes => Allow these tags to be in the message
# no => Ban messages containing these tags
# disarm => Allow these tags, but stop these tags from working
# Note: Disarming can be defeated, it is not 100% safe!
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Allow Form Tags = yes
# Do you want to allow <Object Codebase=...> tags in email messages?
# This is a bad idea as it leaves you unprotected against various
# Microsoft-specific security vulnerabilities. But if your users demand
# it, you can do it.
# Value: yes => Allow these tags to be in the message
# no => Ban messages containing these tags
# disarm => Allow these tags, but stop these tags from working
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can allow them just
# for specific users or domains.
Allow Object Codebase Tags = no
# This option interacts with the "Allow ... Tags" options above like this:
# Allow...Tags Convert Danger... Action Taken on HTML Message
# ============ ================= ============================
# no no Blocked
# no yes Blocked
# disarm no Specified HTML tags disarmed
# disarm yes Specified HTML tags disarmed
# yes no Nothing, allowed to pass
# yes yes All HTML tags stripped
# If an "Allow ... Tags = yes" is triggered by a message, and this
# "Convert Dangerous HTML To Text" is set to "yes", then the HTML
# message will be converted to plain text. This makes the HTML
# harmless, while still allowing your users to see the text content
# of the messages. Note that all graphical content will be removed.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can make this apply
# only to specific users or domains.
Convert Dangerous HTML To Text = no
# Do you want to convert all HTML messages into plain text?
# This is very useful for users who are children or are easily offended
# by nasty things like pornographic spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can switch this
# feature on and off for particular users or domains.
Convert HTML To Text = no
# Attachment Filename Checking
# ----------------------------
# Set where to find the attachment filename ruleset.
# The structure of this file is explained elsewhere, but it is used to
# accept or reject file attachments based on their name, regardless of
# whether they are infected or not.
# This can also point to a ruleset, but the ruleset filename must end in
# ".rules" so that MailScanner can determine if the filename given is
# a ruleset or not!
Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/filename.rules.conf
# Set where to find the attachment filetype ruleset.
# The structure of this file is explained elsewhere, but it is used to
# accept or reject file attachments based on their content as determined
# by the "file" command, regardless of whether they are infected or not.
# This can also point to a ruleset, but the ruleset filename must end in
# ".rules" so that MailScanner can determine if the filename given is
# a ruleset or not!
# To disable this feature, set this to just "Filetype Rules =" or set
# the location of the file command to a blank string.
Filetype Rules = %etc-dir%/filetype.rules.conf
# Reports and Responses
# ---------------------
# Do you want to store copies of the infected attachments and messages?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Quarantine Infections = no
# Do you want to quarantine the original *entire* message as well as
# just the infected attachments?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Quarantine Whole Message = no
# When you quarantine an entire message, do you want to store it as
# raw mail queue files (so you can easily send them onto users) or
# as human-readable files (header then body in 1 file)?
Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no
# Set where to find all the strings used so they can be translated into
# your local language.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset so you can produce different
# languages for different messages.
Language Strings = %report-dir%/languages.conf
# Set where to find the message text sent to users when one of their
# attachments has been deleted from a message.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Deleted Bad Content Message Report = %report-dir%/deleted.content.message.txt
Deleted Bad Filename Message Report = %report-dir%/deleted.filename.message.txt
Deleted Virus Message Report = %report-dir%/deleted.virus.message.txt
# Set where to find the message text sent to users when one of their
# attachments has been deleted from a message and stored in the quarantine.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Stored Bad Content Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.content.message.txt
Stored Bad Filename Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.filename.message.txt
Stored Virus Message Report = %report-dir%/stored.virus.message.txt
# Set where to find the message text sent to users explaining about the
# attached disinfected documents.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Disinfected Report = %report-dir%/
# Set where to find the HTML and text versions that will be added to the
# end of all clean messages, if "Sign Clean Messages" is set.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Inline HTML Signature = %report-dir%/inline.sig.html
Inline Text Signature = %report-dir%/inline.sig.txt
# Set where to find the HTML and text versions that will be inserted at
# the top of messages that have had viruses removed from them.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Inline HTML Warning = %report-dir%/inline.warning.html
Inline Text Warning = %report-dir%/inline.warning.txt
# Set where to find the messages that are delivered to the sender, when they
# sent an email containing either an error, banned content, a banned filename
# or a virus infection.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Sender Content Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Error Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Bad Filename Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Virus Report = %report-dir%/
# Hide the directory path from all virus scanner reports sent to users.
# The extra directory paths give away information about your setup, and
# tend to just confuse users.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Hide Incoming Work Dir = yes
# Include the name of the virus scanner in each of the scanner reports.
# This also includes the translation of "MailScanner" in each of the report
# lines resulting from one of MailScanner's own checks such as filename,
# filetype or dangerous HTML content. To change the name "MailScanner", look
# in reports/...../languages.conf.
# Very useful if you use several virus scanners, but a bad idea if you
# don't want to let your customers know which scanners you use.
Include Scanner Name In Reports = yes
# Changes to Message Headers
# --------------------------
# Add this extra header to all mail as it is processed.
# This *must* include the colon ":" at the end.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Mail Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner:
# Add this extra header to all messages found to be spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-SpamCheck:
# Add this extra header if "Spam Score" = yes. The header will
# contain 1 character for every point of the SpamAssassin score.
Spam Score Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-SpamScore:
# Add this extra header to all mail as it is processed.
# The contents is set by "Information Header Value" and is intended for
# you to be able to insert a help URL for your users.
# If you don't want an information header at all, just comment out this
# setting or set it to be blank.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
#Information Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-Information:
# The character to use in the "Spam Score Header".
# Don't use: x as a score of 3 is "xxx" which the users will think is [*****],
# # as it will cause confusion with comments in procmail as well
# as MailScanner itself,
# * as it will cause confusion with pattern matches in procmail,
# . as it will cause confusion with pattern matches in procmail,
# ? as it will cause the users to think something went wrong.
# "s" is nice and safe and stands for "spam".
Spam Score Character = s
# If this option is set to yes, you will get a spam-score header saying just
# the value of the spam score, instead of the row of characters representing
# the score.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
SpamScore Number Instead Of Stars = no
# This sets the minimum number of "Spam Score Characters" which will appear
# if a message triggered the "Spam List" setting but received a very low
# SpamAssassin score. This means that people who only filter on the "Spam
# Stars" will still be able to catch messages which receive a very low
# SpamAssassin score. Set this value to 0 to disable it.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Minimum Stars If On Spam List = 0
# Set the "Mail Header" to these values for clean/infected/disinfected messages.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Clean Header Value = Found to be clean
Infected Header Value = Found to be infected
Disinfected Header Value = Disinfected
# Set the "Information Header" to this value.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Information Header Value = Please contact the ISP for more information
# Do you want the full spam report, or just a simple "spam / not spam" report?
Detailed Spam Report = yes
# Do you want to include the numerical scores in the detailed SpamAssassin
# report, or just list the names of the scores
Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes
# What to do when you get several MailScanner headers in one message,
# from multiple MailScanner servers. Values are
# "append" : Append the new data to the existing header
# "add" : Add a new header
# "replace" : Replace the old data with the new data
# Default is "append"
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Multiple Headers = append
# Name of this host, or a name like "the MailScanner" if you want to hide
# the real hostname. It is used in the Help Desk note contained in the
# virus warnings sent to users.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Hostname = MailScanner
# If this is "no", then (as far as possible) messages which have already
# been processed by another MailScanner server will not have the clean
# signature added to the message. This prevents messages getting many
# copies of the signature as they flow through your site.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Sign Messages Already Processed = no
# Add the "Inline HTML Signature" or "Inline Text Signature" to the end
# of uninfected messages?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Sign Clean Messages = yes
# Add the "Inline HTML Warning" or "Inline Text Warning" to the top of
# messages that have had attachments removed from them?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Mark Infected Messages = yes
# When a message is to not be virus-scanned (which may happen depending
# upon the setting of "Virus Scanning", especially if it is a ruleset),
# do you want to add the header advising the users to get their email
# virus-scanned by you?
# Very good for advertising your MailScanning service and encouraging
# users to give you some more money and sign up to virus scanning.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Mark Unscanned Messages = yes
# This is the text used by the "Mark Unscanned Messages" option above.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Unscanned Header Value = Not scanned: please contact your Internet E-Mail Service Provider for details
# Do you want to deliver messages once they have been cleaned of any
# viruses?
# By making this a ruleset, you can re-create the "Deliver From Local"
# facility of previous versions.
Deliver Cleaned Messages = yes
# Notifications back to the senders of blocked messages
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Do you want to notify the people who sent you messages containing
# viruses or badly-named filenames?
# The default value has been changed to "no" as most viruses now fake
# sender addresses and therefore should be on the "Silent Viruses" list.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notify Senders = no
# *If* "Notify Senders" is set to yes, do you want to notify people
# who sent you messages containing viruses?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notify Senders Of Viruses = no
# *If* "Notify Senders" is set to yes, do you want to notify people
# who sent you messages containing attachments that are blocked due to
# their filename or file contents?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notify Senders Of Blocked Filenames Or Filetypes = yes
# *If* "Notify Senders" is set to yes, do you want to notify people
# who sent you messages containing other blocked content, such as
# partial messages or messages with external bodies?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notify Senders Of Other Blocked Content = yes
# If you supply a space-separated list of message "precedence" settings,
# then senders of those messages will not be warned about anything you
# rejected. This is particularly suitable for mailing lists, so that any
# MailScanner responses do not get sent to the entire list.
Never Notify Senders Of Precedence = list bulk
# Changes to the Subject: line
# ----------------------------
# When the message has been scanned but no other subject line changes
# have happened, do you want modify the subject line?
# This can be 1 of 3 values:
# no = Do not modify the subject line, or
# start = Add text to the start of the subject line, or
# end = Add text to the end of the subject line.
# This makes very good advertising of your MailScanning service.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Scanned Modify Subject = no # end
# This is the text to add to the start/end of the subject line if the
# "Scanned Modify Subject" option is set.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Scanned Subject Text = {Scanned}
# If the message contained a virus, do you want to modify the subject line?
# This makes filtering in Outlook very easy.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Virus Modify Subject = yes
# This is the text to add to the start of the subject if the
# "Virus Modify Subject" option is set.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Virus Subject Text = {Virus?}
# If an attachment triggered a filename check, but there was nothing
# else wrong with the message, do you want to modify the subject line?
# This makes filtering in Outlook very easy.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Filename Modify Subject = yes
# This is the text to add to the start of the subject if the
# "Filename Modify Subject" option is set.
# You might want to change this so your users can see at a glance
# whether it just was just the filename that MailScanner rejected.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Filename Subject Text = {Filename?}
# If an attachment triggered a content check, but there was nothing
# else wrong with the message, do you want to modify the subject line?
# This makes filtering in Outlook very easy.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Content Modify Subject = yes
# This is the text to add to the start of the subject if the
# "Content Modify Subject" option is set.
# You might want to change this so your users can see at a glance
# whether it just was just the content that MailScanner rejected.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Content Subject Text = {Blocked Content}
# If the message is spam, do you want to modify the subject line?
# This makes filtering in Outlook very easy.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Modify Subject = yes
# This is the text to add to the start of the subject if the
# "Spam Modify Subject" option is set.
# The exact string "_SCORE_" will be replaced by the numeric
# SpamAssassin score.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Subject Text = {Spam?}
# This is just like the "Spam Modify Subject" option above, except that
# it applies then the score from SpamAssassin is higher than the
# "High SpamAssassin Score" value.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
High Scoring Spam Modify Subject = yes
# This is just like the "Spam Subject Text" option above, except that
# it applies then the score from SpamAssassin is higher than the
# "High SpamAssassin Score" value.
# The exact string "_SCORE_" will be replaced by the numeric
# SpamAssassin score.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
High Scoring Spam Subject Text = {Spam?}
# Changes to the Message Body
# ---------------------------
# When a virus or attachment is replaced by a plain-text warning,
# should the warning be in an attachment? If "no" then it will be
# placed in-line. This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Warning Is Attachment = yes
# When a virus or attachment is replaced by a plain-text warning,
# and that warning is an attachment, this is the filename of the
# new attachment.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Attachment Warning Filename = %org-name%-Attachment-Warning.txt
# What character set do you want to use for the attachment that
# replaces viruses (VirusWarning.txt)?
# The default is "us-ascii" but if you speak anything other than
# English, you will probably want "ISO-8859-1" instead.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Attachment Encoding Charset = us-ascii
# Mail Archiving and Monitoring
# -----------------------------
# Space-separated list of any combination of
# 1. email addresses to which mail should be forwarded,
# 2. directory names where you want mail to be stored,
# 3. file names (they must already exist!) to which mail will be appended
# in "mbox" format suitable for most Unix mail systems.
# If you give this option a ruleset, you can control exactly whose mail
# is archived or forwarded. If you do this, beware of the legal implications
# as this could be deemed to be illegal interception unless the police have
# asked you to do this.
#Archive Mail = /var/spool/MailScanner/archive
Archive Mail =
# Notices to System Administrators
# --------------------------------
# Notify the local system administrators ("Notices To") when any infections
# are found?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Send Notices = yes
# Include the full headers of each message in the notices sent to the local
# system administrators?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notices Include Full Headers = yes
# Hide the directory path from all the system administrator notices.
# The extra directory paths give away information about your setup, and
# tend to just confuse users but are still useful for local sys admins.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Hide Incoming Work Dir in Notices = no
# What signature to add to the bottom of the notices.
# To insert a line-break in there, use the sequence "\n".
Notice Signature = -- \nMailScanner\nEmail Virus Scanner\
# The visible part of the email address used in the "From:" line of the
# notices. The <user@domain> part of the email address is set to the
# "Local Postmaster" setting.
Notices From = MailScanner
# Where to send the notices.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Notices To =
# Address of the local Postmaster, which is used as the "From" address in
# virus warnings sent to users.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Local Postmaster =
# Spam Detection and Virus Scanner Definitions
# --------------------------------------------
# This is the name of the file that translates the names of the "Spam List"
# values to the real DNS names of the spam blacklists.
Spam List Definitions = %etc-dir%/spam.lists.conf
# This is the name of the file that translates the names of the virus
# scanners into the commands that have to be run to do the actual scanning.
Virus Scanner Definitions = %etc-dir%/virus.scanners.conf
# Spam Detection and Spam Lists (DNS blocklists)
# ----------------------------------------------
# Do you want to check messages to see if they are spam?
# Note: If you switch this off then *no* spam checks will be done at all.
# This includes both MailScanner's own checks and SpamAssassin.
# If you want to just disable the "Spam List" feature then set
# "Spam List =" (i.e. an empty list) in the setting below.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Checks = yes
# This is the list of spam blacklists (RBLs) which you are using.
# See the "Spam List Definitions" file for more information about what
# you can put here.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam List = # ORDB-RBL # MAPS-RBL+ costs money (except
# This is the list of spam domain blacklists which you are using
# (such as the "rfc-ignorant" domains). See the "Spam List Definitions"
# file for more information about what you can put here.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Domain List =
# If a message appears in at least this number of "Spam Lists" (as defined
# above), then the message will be treated as "High Scoring Spam" and so
# the "High Scoring Spam Actions" will happen. You probably want to set
# this to 2 if you are actually using this feature. 5 is high enough that
# it will never happen unless you use lots of "Spam Lists".
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Lists To Reach High Score = 5
# If an individual "Spam List" or "Spam Domain List" check takes longer
# that this (in seconds), the check is abandoned and the timeout noted.
Spam List Timeout = 10
# The maximum number of timeouts caused by any individual "Spam List" or
# "Spam Domain List" before it is marked as "unavailable". Once marked,
# the list will be ignored until the next automatic re-start (see
# "Restart Every" for the longest time it will wait).
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Max Spam List Timeouts = 7
# Spam Whitelist:
# Make this point to a ruleset, and anything in that ruleset whose value
# is "yes" will *never* be marked as spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
#Is Definitely Not Spam = no
Is Definitely Not Spam = %rules-dir%/spam.whitelist.rules
# Spam Blacklist:
# Make this point to a ruleset, and anything in that ruleset whose value
# is "yes" will *always* be marked as spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Is Definitely Spam = no
# Setting this to yes means that spam found in the blacklist is treated
# as "High Scoring Spam" in the "Spam Actions" section below. Setting it
# to no means that it will be treated as "normal" spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Definite Spam Is High Scoring = no
# SpamAssassin
# ------------
# Do you want to find spam using the "SpamAssassin" package?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Use SpamAssassin = yes
# SpamAssassin is not very fast when scanning huge messages, so messages
# bigger than this value will be truncated to this length for SpamAssassin
# testing. The original message will not be affected by this. This value
# is a good compromise as very few spam messages are bigger than this.
Max SpamAssassin Size = 30000
# This replaces the SpamAssassin configuration value 'required_hits'.
# If a message achieves a SpamAssassin score higher than this value,
# it is spam. See also the High SpamAssassin Score configuration option.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so the SpamAssassin
# required_hits value can be set to different values for different messages.
Required SpamAssassin Score = 6
# If a message achieves a SpamAssassin score higher than this value,
# then the "High Scoring Spam Actions" are used. You may want to use
# this to deliver moderate scores, while deleting very high scoring messsages.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
High SpamAssassin Score = 20
# Set this option to "yes" to enable the automatic whitelisting functions
# available within SpamAssassin. This will cause addresses from which you
# get real mail, to be marked so that it will never incorrectly spam-tag
# messages from those addresses.
SpamAssassin Auto Whitelist = no
# Set the location of the SpamAssassin user_prefs file. If you want to
# stop SpamAssassin doing all the RBL checks again, then you can add
# "skip_rbl_checks = 1" to this prefs file.
SpamAssassin Prefs File = %etc-dir%/spam.assassin.prefs.conf
# If SpamAssassin takes longer than this (in seconds), the check is
# abandoned and the timeout noted.
SpamAssassin Timeout = 40
# If SpamAssassin times out more times in a row than this, then it will be
# marked as "unavailable" until MailScanner next re-starts itself.
# This means that remote network failures causing SpamAssassin trouble will
# not mean your mail stops flowing.
Max SpamAssassin Timeouts = 20
# If the message sender is on any of the Spam Lists, do you still want
# to do the SpamAssassin checks? Setting this to "no" will reduce the load
# on your server, but will stop the High Scoring Spam Actions from ever
# happening.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List = yes
# Do you want to always include the Spam Report in the SpamCheck
# header, even if the message wasn't spam?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Always Include SpamAssassin Report = no
# Do you want to include the "Spam Score" header. This shows 1 character
# (Spam Score Character) for every point of the SpamAssassin score. This
# makes it very easy for users to be able to filter their mail using
# whatever SpamAssassin threshold they want. For example, they just look
# for "sssss" for every message whose score is > 5, for example.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Spam Score = yes
# If you are using the Bayesian statistics engine on a busy server,
# you may well need to force a Bayesian database rebuild and expiry
# at regular intervals. This is measures in seconds.
# 1 day = 86400 seconds.
# To disable this feature set this to 0.
Rebuild Bayes Every = 0
# The Bayesian database rebuild and expiry may take a 2 or 3 minutes
# to complete. During this time you can either wait, or simply
# disable SpamAssassin checks until it has completed.
Wait During Bayes Rebuild = no
# What to do with spam
# --------------------
# This is a list of actions to take when a message is spam.
# It can be any combination of the following:
# deliver - deliver the message as normal
# delete - delete the message
# store - store the message in the quarantine
# forward - forward a copy of the message to
# striphtml - convert all in-line HTML content to plain text.
# You need to specify "deliver" as well for the
# message to reach the original recipient.
# attachment - Convert the original message into an attachment
# of the message. This means the user has to take
# an extra step to open the spam, and stops "web
# bugs" very effectively.
# notify - Send the recipients a short notification that
# spam addressed to them was not delivered. They
# can then take action to request retrieval of
# the original message if they think it was not
# spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
#Spam Actions = store forward
Spam Actions = deliver
# This is just like the "Spam Actions" option above, except that it applies
# then the score from SpamAssassin is higher than the "High SpamAssassin Score"
# value.
# deliver - deliver the message as normal
# delete - delete the message
# store - store the message in the quarantine
# forward - forward a copy of the message to
# striphtml - convert all in-line HTML content to plain text.
# You need to specify "deliver" as well for the
# message to reach the original recipient.
# attachment - Convert the original message into an attachment
# of the message. This means the user has to take
# an extra step to open the spam, and stops "web
# bugs" very effectively.
# notify - Send the recipients a short notification that
# spam addressed to them was not delivered. They
# can then take action to request retrieval of
# the original message if they think it was not
# spam.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
High Scoring Spam Actions = deliver
# This is just like the "Spam Actions" option above, except that it applies
# to messages that are *NOT* spam.
# deliver - deliver the message as normal
# delete - delete the message
# store - store the message in the quarantine
# forward - forward a copy of the message to
# striphtml - convert all in-line HTML content to plain text
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Non Spam Actions = deliver
# There are 3 reports:
# Sender Spam Report - sent when a message triggers both a Spam
# List and SpamAssassin,
# Sender Spam List Report - sent when a message triggers a Spam List,
# Sender SpamAssassin Report - sent when a message triggers SpamAssassin.
# These can also be the filenames of rulesets.
Sender Spam Report = %report-dir%/
Sender Spam List Report = %report-dir%/
Sender SpamAssassin Report = %report-dir%/
# If you use the 'attachment' Spam Action or High Scoring Spam Action
# then this is the location of inline spam report that is inserted at
# the top of the message.
Inline Spam Warning = %report-dir%/inline.spam.warning.txt
# If you use the 'notify' Spam Action or High Scoring Spam Action then
# this is the location of the notification message that is sent to the
# original recipients of the message.
Recipient Spam Report = %report-dir%/
# Logging
# -------
# This is the syslog "facility" name that MailScanner uses. If you don't
# know what a syslog facility name is, then either don't change this value
# or else go and read "man syslog.conf". The default value of "mail" will
# cause the MailScanner logs to go into the same place as all your other
# mail logs.
Syslog Facility = mail
# Do you want to log the processing speed for each section of the code
# for a batch? This can be very useful for diagnosing speed problems,
# particularly in spam checking.
Log Speed = no
# Do you want all spam to be logged? Useful if you want to gather
# spam statistics from your logs, but can increase the system load quite
# a bit if you get a lot of spam.
Log Spam = no
# Do you want all non-spam to be logged? Useful if you want to see
# all the SpamAssassin reports of mail that was marked as non-spam.
# Note: It will generate a lot of log traffic.
Log Non Spam = no
# Log all the filenames that are allowed by the Filename Rules, or just
# the filenames that are denied?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Log Permitted Filenames = no
# Log all the filenames that are allowed by the Filetype Rules, or just
# the filetypes that are denied?
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
Log Permitted Filetypes = no
# Advanced SpamAssassin Settings
# ------------------------------
# If you are using Postfix you may well need to use some of the settings
# below, as the home directory for the "postfix" user cannot be written
# to by the "postfix" user.
# You may also need to use these if you have installed SpamAssassin
# somewhere other than the default location.
# The per-user files (bayes, auto-whitelist, user_prefs) are looked
# for here and in ~/.spamassassin/. Note the files are mutable.
# If this is unset then no extra places are searched for.
# If using Postfix, you probably want to set this as shown in the example
# line at the end of this comment, and do
# mkdir /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin
# chown postfix.postfix /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin
#SpamAssassin User State Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/spamassassin
SpamAssassin User State Dir = /var/lib/MailScanner
# This setting is useful if SpamAssassin is installed in an unusual place,
# e.g. /opt/MailScanner. The install prefix is used to find some fallback
# directories if neither of the following two settings work.
# If this is set then it adds to the list of places that are searched;
# otherwise it has no effect.
#SpamAssassin Install Prefix = /opt/MailScanner
SpamAssassin Install Prefix =
# The site rules are searched for here.
# Normal location on most systems is /etc/mail/spamassassin.
SpamAssassin Site Rules Dir = /etc/mail/spamassassin
# The site-local rules are searched for here, and in prefix/etc/spamassassin,
# prefix/etc/mail/spamassassin, /usr/local/etc/spamassassin, /etc/spamassassin,
# /etc/mail/spamassassin, and maybe others.
# If this is set then it adds to the list of places that are searched;
# otherwise it has no effect.
#SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir = /etc/MailScanner/mail/spamassassin
SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir =
# The default rules are searched for here, and in prefix/share/spamassassin,
# /usr/local/share/spamassassin, /usr/share/spamassassin, and maybe others.
# If this is set then it adds to the list of places that are searched;
# otherwise it has no effect.
#SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir = /opt/MailScanner/share/spamassassin
SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir =
# Advanced Settings
# -----------------
# Don't bother changing anything below this unless you really know
# what you are doing, or else if MailScanner has complained about
# your "Minimum Code Status" setting.
# When trying to work out the value of configuration parameters which are
# using a ruleset, this controls the behaviour when a rule is checking the
# "To:" addresses.
# If this option is set to "yes", then the following happens when checking
# the ruleset:
# a) 1 recipient. Same behaviour as normal.
# b) Several recipients, but all in the same domain ( for example).
# The rules are checked for one that matches the string "*".
# c) Several recipients, not all in the same domain.
# The rules are checked for one that matches the string "*@*".
# If this option is set to "no", then some rules will use the result they
# get from the first matching rule for any of the recipients of a message,
# so the exact value cannot be predicted for messages with more than 1
# recipient.
# This value *cannot* be the filename of a ruleset.
Use Default Rules With Multiple Recipients = no
# Set Debug to "yes" to stop it running as a daemon and just process
# one batch of messages and then exit.
Debug = no
# Do you want to debug SpamAssassin from within MailScanner?
Debug SpamAssassin = no
# If you are using an LDAP server to read the configuration, these
# are the details required for the LDAP connection. The connection
# is anonymous.
#LDAP Server = localhost
#LDAP Base = o=fsl
#LDAP Site = default
# This option is intended for people who want to log more information
# about messages than what is put in syslog. It is intended to be used
# with a Custom Function which has the side-effect of logging information,
# perhaps to an SQL database, or any other processing you want to do
# after each message is processed.
# Its value is completely ignored, it is purely there to have side
# effects.
# If you want to use it, read
Always Looked Up Last = no
# When attempting delivery of outgoing messages, should we do it in the
# background or wait for it to complete? The danger of doing it in the
# background is that the machine load goes ever upwards while all the
# slow sendmail processes run to completion. However, running it in the
# foreground may cause the mail server to run too slowly.
Deliver In Background = yes
# Attempt immediate delivery of messages, or just place them in the outgoing
# queue for the MTA to deliver when it wants to?
# batch -- attempt delivery of messages, in batches of up to 20 at once.
# queue -- just place them in the queue and let the MTA find them.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset. For example, you could use a
# ruleset here so that messages coming to you are immediately delivered,
# while messages going to any other site are just placed in the queue in
# case the remote delivery is very slow.
Delivery Method = batch
# Are you using Exim with split spool directories? If you don't understand
# this, the answer is probably "no". Refer to the Exim documentation for
# more information about split spool directories.
Split Exim Spool = no
# Where to put the virus scanning engine lock files.
# These lock files are used between MailScanner and the virus signature
# "autoupdate" scripts, to ensure that they aren't both working at the
# same time (which could cause MailScanner to let a virus through).
Lockfile Dir = /tmp
# How to lock spool files.
# Don't set this unless you *know* you need to.
# For sendmail, it defaults to "flock".
# For Exim, it defaults to "posix".
# No other type is implemented.
#Lock Type = flock
# Minimum acceptable code stability status -- if we come across code
# that's not at least as stable as this, we barf.
# This is currently only used to check that you don't end up using untested
# virus scanner support code without realising it.
# Levels used are:
# none - there may not even be any code.
# unsupported - code may be completely untested, a contributed dirty hack,
# anything, really.
# alpha - code is pretty well untested. Don't assume it will work.
# beta - code is tested a bit. It should work.
# supported - code *should* be reliable.
# Don't even *think* about setting this to anything other than "beta" or
# "supported" on a system that receives real mail until you have tested it
# yourself and are happy that it is all working as you expect it to.
# Don't set it to anything other than "supported" on a system that could
# ever receive important mail.
# READ and UNDERSTAND the above text BEFORE changing this.
Minimum Code Status = supported
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