Kmess (account.cpp)
Configurações personalizadas de usuários padrões
Categoria: Miscelânea
Software: Kmess
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Alterações principais: Mostra foto pequena na lista de contatos, Agrupa lista de contatos por status Online/Offline, Fonte padrão de usuário FreeSerif, Agrupamento de janelas desativado, CharStyle padrão Dim, Não oculta notificações no Status Ocupado, Tempo para inatividade 3 minutos, Caixa de busca de contatos desativada.
/* account.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sun Jan 5 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Mike K. Bennett email : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "account.h" #include "contact/msnobject.h" #include "utils/kmessconfig.h" #include "accountsmanager.h" #include "kmessdebug.h" #include <QDir> #include <QRegExp> #include <KConfigGroup> #include <KGlobal> #include <KLocale> #include <KStandardDirs> #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT #define KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_GENERAL // #define KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY // #define KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_MSNOBJECT #endif // The constructor Account::Account() : autoreplyMessage_( i18n("I am away from my computer") ), chatStyle_( "Dim" ), contactFontColor_("#000000"), contactListDisplayMode_(VIEW_BYSTATUS), deleted_(false), dirty_(false), emailSupported_(true), // Assume true (for new accounts), until the msn server proves the opposite emoticonStyle_("KMess-new"), fontColor_("#000000"), friendlyName_( i18n("Your name"), false ), // Do not parse this name, CurrentAccount is not ready when initializing guestAccount_(true), groupFollowupMessages_(true), handle_( i18n("") ), hideNotificationsWhenBusy_(false), idleTime_(3), initialStatus_(STATUS_ONLINE), listPictureSize_(32), notificationDuration_(10), saveChats_(false), saveChatsToFile_(false), saveChatsFormat_(EXPORT_HTML), savedChatDirectoryStructure_( 0 ), savePassword_(false), shakeNudge_(true), showAllowedContacts_(false), showChatUserPicture_(true), showContactEmail_(false), showContactListBird_(true), showEmail_(true), showEmptyGroups_(true), showMessageTime_(true), showNowListening_(false), showOfflineContacts_(true), showOtherFolders_(true), showRemovedContacts_(false), showHistoryBox_(false), showSearchBar_(false), showSessionInfo_(false), showWinks_(true), tabbedChatMode_( 2 ), timestampShowSeconds_(false), timestampShowDate_(false), useAutologin_(false), useContactFont_(false), useEmoticons_(true), useFontEffects_(true), useIdleTimer_(true), useListFormatting_(true), useChatFormatting_(true), verified_(true), showPicture_(true), msnObject_(0) { font_.setFamily("FreeSerif"); font_.setBold(false); font_.setItalic(true); font_.setUnderline(false); font_.setPointSize(12); contactFont_.setFamily("Arial"); contactFont_.setBold(false); contactFont_.setItalic(false); contactFont_.setUnderline(false); saveChatPath_ = QDir::home().absolutePath(); } // The destructor Account::~Account() { if ( msnObject_ ) delete msnObject_; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_GENERAL kmDebug() << "DESTROYED. [handle=" << handle_ << "]"; #endif } // Copy an account void Account::copyAccount( const Account *account ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_GENERAL kmDebug() << "Copying account data..."; #endif // This method is used to clone the settings of an Account to the CurrentAccount, // or vice-versa. // The method calls update all properties for which // we need to send signals to the rest of the application. setChatInformation ( account->getUseContactFont(), account->getUseEmoticons(), account->getShowWinks(), account->getUseFontEffects(), account->getUseChatFormatting(), account->getShakeNudge(), account->getShowMessageTime(), account->getTimestampShowDate(), account->getTimestampShowSeconds(), account->getGroupFollowupMessages(), account->getTabbedChatMode(), account->getChatStyle() ); setContactListDisplayMode ( account->getContactListDisplayMode() ); setContactListOptions ( account->getShowNowListening(), account->getShowContactEmail(), account->getUseListFormatting() ); setEmailInformation ( account->getShowEmail(), account->getShowOtherFolders() ); setFontInformation ( account->getFont(), account->getFontColor(), account->getContactFont(), account->getContactFontColor() ); setGuestAccount ( account->isGuestAccount() ); setListPictureSize ( account->getListPictureSize() ); setLoginInformation ( account->getHandle(), account->getFriendlyName( STRING_ORIGINAL ), account->getPassword() ); setPersonalMessage ( account->getPersonalMessage( STRING_ORIGINAL ) ); setShowAllowedContacts ( account->getShowAllowedContacts() ); setShowChatUserPicture ( account->getShowChatUserPicture() ); setShowContactListBird ( account->getShowContactListBird() ); setShowEmptyGroups ( account->getShowEmptyGroups () ); setShowOfflineContacts ( account->getShowOfflineContacts() ); setShowRemovedContacts ( account->getShowRemovedContacts() ); setStatusOptions ( account->getUseIdleTimer(), account->getIdleTime(), account->getHideNotificationsWhenBusy() ); setEmoticonStyle ( account->getEmoticonStyle() ); // With direct copying we can quickly duplicate those properties // for which we don't need to send updates autoreplyMessage_ = account->autoreplyMessage_; deleted_ = account->deleted_; dirty_ = account->dirty_; displayPicturePath_ = account->displayPicturePath_; emailSupported_ = account->emailSupported_; initialStatus_ = account->initialStatus_; originalDisplayPicturePath_ = account->originalDisplayPicturePath_; saveChats_ = account->saveChats_; saveChatsToFile_ = account->saveChatsToFile_; saveChatsFormat_ = account->saveChatsFormat_; saveChatPath_ = account->saveChatPath_; savedChatDirectoryStructure_ = account->savedChatDirectoryStructure_; savePassword_ = account->savePassword_; showHistoryBox_ = account->showHistoryBox_; showPicture_ = account->showPicture_; showSearchBar_ = account->showSearchBar_; showSessionInfo_ = account->showSessionInfo_; tabbedChatMode_ = account->tabbedChatMode_; temporaryPassword_ = account->temporaryPassword_; useAutologin_ = account->useAutologin_; verified_ = account->verified_; // The MSN object needs to be replaced updateMsnObject(); } // Set the account as deleted void Account::setDeleted() { // Can be called twice, avoid warnings. if( deleted_ ) { return; } // Mark as deleted, so other classes avoid saving the settings again. deleted_ = true; guestAccount_ = true; } // Read the auto-reply message. const QString& Account::getAutoreplyMessage() const { return autoreplyMessage_; } // Return the chat style name. const QString& Account::getChatStyle() const { return chatStyle_; } // Return the font used for contact messages, if forced to. const QFont& Account::getContactFont() const { return contactFont_; } // Return the color of the forced contact font. const QString& Account::getContactFontColor() const { return contactFontColor_; } // Read how contacts are shown, by group, by online/offline, or mixed. Account::ContactListDisplayMode Account::getContactListDisplayMode() const { return contactListDisplayMode_; } // Return whether email notifications are supported bool Account::getEmailSupported() const { return emailSupported_; } // Return the user message font. const QFont& Account::getFont() const { return font_; } // Return the color of the user message font. const QString& Account::getFontColor() const { return fontColor_; } // Return the user's friendlyName QString Account::getFriendlyName( FormattingMode mode ) const { return friendlyName_.getString( mode ); } // Whether follow-up messages from the contact should be grouped. bool Account::getGroupFollowupMessages() const { return groupFollowupMessages_; } // Return the user's handle const QString& Account::getHandle() const { return handle_; } // Return the length of time waited before the user goes idle. const int& Account::getIdleTime() const { return idleTime_; } // Return whether now listening information should be displayed. bool Account::getShowNowListening() const { return showNowListening_; } // Return the user's password QString Account::getPassword() const { return password_; } // Return the personal message QString Account::getPersonalMessage( FormattingMode mode ) const { return personalMessage_.getString( mode ); } // Return the selected emoticon's style const QString& Account::getEmoticonStyle() const { return emoticonStyle_; } // Return whether to hide notifications when busy bool Account::getHideNotificationsWhenBusy() const { return hideNotificationsWhenBusy_; } // Return the status to set upon connection Status Account::getInitialStatus() const { return initialStatus_; } // Return whether or not to save chats. bool Account::getSaveChats() const { return saveChats_; } // Return whether or not to save chats to external files bool Account::getSaveChatsToFile() const { return saveChatsToFile_; } // Return the format in which chats will be saved Account::ChatExportFormat Account::getSaveChatsFormat() const { return saveChatsFormat_; } // Return the base directory to which chats are saved. const QString& Account::getSaveChatPath() const { return saveChatPath_; } // Return the code of the structure used to save chats. const int& Account::getSavedChatDirectoryStructure() const { return savedChatDirectoryStructure_; } // Return the user's saved password QString Account::getSavedPassword() const { return savedPassword_; } // Read whether the password must be stored bool Account::getSavePassword() const { return savePassword_; } // Read whether the chat window should shake when a nudge is received or sent. bool Account::getShakeNudge() const { return shakeNudge_; } // Read whether or not allowed contacts are shown. bool Account::getShowAllowedContacts() const { return showAllowedContacts_; } // Read whether to show the user picture in chat windows bool Account::getShowChatUserPicture() const { return showChatUserPicture_; } // Read whether or not to show the email of contacts in the contact list instead of their friendly name bool Account::getShowContactEmail() const { return showContactEmail_; } // Get whether to show the contact list background image bool Account::getShowContactListBird() const { return showContactListBird_; } // Read whether the email information should be shown in the main view. bool Account::getShowEmail() const { return showEmail_; } // Read whether empty groups should be shown. bool Account::getShowEmptyGroups() const { return showEmptyGroups_; } // Read whether or not to show the contact list history box bool Account::getShowHistoryBox() const { return showHistoryBox_; } // Read whether message times should be shown. bool Account::getShowMessageTime() const { return showMessageTime_; } // Read whether offline contacts should be shown. bool Account::getShowOfflineContacts() const { return showOfflineContacts_; } // Read property of bool showOtherFolders. bool Account::getShowOtherFolders() const { return showOtherFolders_; } // Read whether or not removed (reverse) contacts are shown. bool Account::getShowRemovedContacts() const { return showRemovedContacts_; } // Read whether or not we need to show a search bar in the contact list bool Account::getShowSearchBar() const { return showSearchBar_; } // Read whether or not to show join/part messages in chat bool Account::getShowSessionInfo() const { return showSessionInfo_; } // Read whether to show winks bool Account::getShowWinks() const { return showWinks_; } // Read the way the chats will be grouped together int Account::getTabbedChatMode() const { return tabbedChatMode_; } // Return the a temporary password for the account for login attempts from the initialview dialog const QString & Account::getTemporaryPassword() const { return temporaryPassword_; } // Returns whether the seconds should be shown in message timestamp bool Account::getTimestampShowDate() const { return timestampShowDate_; } // Returns whether the seconds should be shown in message timestamp bool Account::getTimestampShowSeconds() const { return timestampShowSeconds_; } // Return whether or not to autologin with this profile. bool Account::getUseAutologin() const { return useAutologin_; } // Return whether or not to enable MSN Plus! formatting in chat bool Account::getUseChatFormatting() const { return useChatFormatting_; } // Return whether or not to show contact messages in the stored font. bool Account::getUseContactFont() const { return useContactFont_; } // Return whether or not to show emoticons in chats. bool Account::getUseEmoticons() const { return useEmoticons_; } // Return whether or not to use the bold/italic/underline effects. bool Account::getUseFontEffects() const { return useFontEffects_; } // Return whether the idle timer should be used. bool Account::getUseIdleTimer() const { return useIdleTimer_; } // Return whether or not to enable MSN Plus! formatting in the contact list bool Account::getUseListFormatting() const { return useListFormatting_; } // Returns whether or not to send our display picture bool Account::getShowPicture() const { return showPicture_; } // Returns display mode used to show pictures in contact list. int Account::getListPictureSize() const { return listPictureSize_; } // Return the path to the current display picture const QString Account::getPicturePath( bool fallBack ) const { static QString defaultPicture( KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data", "kmess/pics/kmesspic.png" ) ); // Return the picture path if the user has selected to show it; else return an empty string if( ! showPicture_ ) { return QString(); } // if the user has selected a custom picture, it will be located in // ~/.kde/share/apps/kmess/<account@handle>/displaypics/<pictureHash>.png // If the file can't be found, fallback to the default picture if( fallBack && ( displayPicturePath_.isEmpty() || ! QFile::exists( displayPicturePath_ ) ) ) { return defaultPicture; } if( ! fallBack && ( displayPicturePath_ == defaultPicture || displayPicturePath_.isEmpty() ) ) { return QString(); } return displayPicturePath_; } // Return location of the display picture original const QString Account::getOriginalPicturePath() const { return originalDisplayPicturePath_; } // Returns the string representation of the MsnObject const QString Account::getMsnObjectString() const { if ( msnObject_ ) return msnObject_->objectString(); else return ""; } // Whether the account is marked to be deleted bool Account::isDeleted() const { return deleted_; } // Whether the account has unsaved settings changes bool Account::isDirty() const { return dirty_; } // Whether the account is a guest account, not permanently saved on the computer bool Account::isGuestAccount() const { return guestAccount_; } // Validate a contact email bool Account::isValidEmail( QString email ) { return email.contains( QRegExp( "^[A-Z0-9._%\\-]+@(?:[A-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)+[A-Z]{2,4}$", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ); } // Return whether the account's passport is verified bool Account::isVerified() const { return verified_; } // Read in account properties void Account::readProperties( const QString &handle ) { handle_ = handle; QDir homeDir; QString defaultPath; homeDir = QDir::home(); defaultPath = homeDir.absolutePath(); // Choose the main group KConfigGroup profileGroup = KMessConfig::instance()->getAccountConfig( handle_, "Account" ); autoreplyMessage_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "autoreplymessage", i18n("I am away from my computer") ); chatStyle_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "chatStyle", "Fresh" ); contactFont_.setFamily ( profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontfamily", "Arial" ) ); contactFont_.setBold ( profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontbold", false ) ); contactFont_.setItalic ( profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontitalic", false ) ); contactFont_.setUnderline ( profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontunderline", false ) ); contactFont_.setPointSize ( profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontpointsize", 10 ) ); contactFontColor_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "contactfontcolor" , "#000000" ); contactListDisplayMode_ = (Account::ContactListDisplayMode) profileGroup.readEntry( "contactListDisplayMode", (int)VIEW_MIXED ); displayPicturePath_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "displayPicturePath", "" ); originalDisplayPicturePath_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "originalDisplayPicturePath", "" ); emailSupported_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "emailSupported", true ); emoticonStyle_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "emoticonStyle", "KMess-new" ); font_.setFamily ( profileGroup.readEntry( "fontfamily", "Arial" ) ); font_.setBold ( profileGroup.readEntry( "fontbold", false ) ); font_.setItalic ( profileGroup.readEntry( "fontitalic", false ) ); font_.setPointSize ( profileGroup.readEntry( "fontpointsize", 12 ) ); font_.setUnderline ( profileGroup.readEntry( "fontunderline", false ) ); fontColor_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "fontColor" , "#000000" ); friendlyName_.setString ( profileGroup.readEntry( "friendlyName", handle_ ) ); groupFollowupMessages_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "groupfollowupmessages", true ); hideNotificationsWhenBusy_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "hideNotificationsWhenBusy", true ); idleTime_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "idleTime", 5 ); initialStatus_ = (Status)profileGroup.readEntry( "initialStatus", (int) STATUS_ONLINE); listPictureSize_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "listPictureSize", 0 ); notificationDuration_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "notification", 5 ); personalMessage_.setString ( profileGroup.readEntry( "personalMessage", "" ) ); saveChatPath_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "saveChatPath", defaultPath ); saveChats_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "saveChats", false ); saveChatsToFile_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "saveChatsToFile", false ); saveChatsFormat_ = (ChatExportFormat)profileGroup.readEntry( "saveChatsFormat", (int) EXPORT_HTML ); savedChatDirectoryStructure_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "savedChatDirectoryStructure", 0 ); savePassword_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "savePassword", false ); shakeNudge_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "shakeNudge", true ); showAllowedContacts_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showAllowed", false ); showChatUserPicture_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showChatUserPicture", true ); showContactEmail_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showContactEmail", false ); showContactListBird_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showContactListBird", true ); showEmail_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showEmail", true ); showEmptyGroups_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showEmptyGroups", true ); showHistoryBox_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showHistoryBox", false ); showPicture_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showPicture", true ); showMessageTime_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showMessageTime", true ); showNowListening_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showNowListening", false ); showOfflineContacts_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showOfflineContacts", true ); showOtherFolders_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showOtherFolders", true ); showRemovedContacts_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showRemoved", false ); showSearchBar_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showSearchBar", true ); showSessionInfo_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showSessionInfo", false ); showWinks_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "showWinks", true ); tabbedChatMode_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "tabbedChatMode", 2 ); timestampShowDate_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "timestampShowDate", false ); timestampShowSeconds_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "timestampShowSeconds", false ); useAutologin_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useAutologin", false ); useChatFormatting_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useChatFormatting", true ); useContactFont_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useContactFont", false ); useEmoticons_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useEmoticons", true ); useFontEffects_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useFontEffects", true ); useIdleTimer_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useIdleTimer", true ); useListFormatting_ = profileGroup.readEntry( "useListFormatting", true ); updateMsnObject(); // After reading options from file, consider "dirty" to still be false guestAccount_ = false; dirty_ = false; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Resetting 'dirty' to false."; #endif // If a chat style is removed, fall back to the default. // This default is "Fresh" as of 1.5 final, to improve the first impression a user gets. // The previous "Default" theme has been renamed to "Classic". // This code also makes the migration from 1.5-pre2 to 1.5 (and beyond) easier. if( KGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data", "kmess/styles/" + chatStyle_ + '/' + chatStyle_ + ".xsl" ).isEmpty() ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Auto-corrected chat & setting, setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif // Fall back to our new default. chatStyle_ = "Fresh"; groupFollowupMessages_ = true; // Make sure Fresh looks good. dirty_ = true; } } // Save account properties void Account::saveProperties() { // Protect against unwanted usage if( guestAccount_ ) { kmWarning() << "Application attempted to save a guest account!"; return; } if( deleted_ ) { kmWarning() << "Application attempted to save the deleted account again!"; return; } // Choose the main group KConfigGroup profileGroup = KMessConfig::instance()->getAccountConfig( handle_, "Account" ); if ( dirty_ ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Account " << handle_ << " is 'dirty', save properties."; #endif // Write new settings profileGroup.writeEntry( "autoreplymessage", autoreplyMessage_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "chatStyle", chatStyle_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontfamily", ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontbold", contactFont_.bold() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontitalic", contactFont_.italic() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontunderline", contactFont_.underline() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontpointsize", contactFont_.pointSize() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactfontcolor", contactFontColor_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "contactListDisplayMode", (int)contactListDisplayMode_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "displayPicturePath", displayPicturePath_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "originalDisplayPicturePath", originalDisplayPicturePath_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "emailSupported", emailSupported_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "emoticonStyle", emoticonStyle_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontfamily", ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontbold", font_.bold() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontitalic", font_.italic() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontunderline", font_.underline() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontpointsize", font_.pointSize() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "fontColor", fontColor_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "friendlyName", friendlyName_.getOriginal() ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "groupfollowupmessages", groupFollowupMessages_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "hideNotificationsWhenBusy", hideNotificationsWhenBusy_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "idleTime", idleTime_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "listPictureSize", listPictureSize_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "notification", notificationDuration_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "personalMessage", personalMessage_.getOriginal()); profileGroup.writeEntry( "saveChatPath", saveChatPath_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "saveChats", saveChats_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "saveChatsToFile", saveChatsToFile_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "saveChatsFormat", (int) saveChatsFormat_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "savePassword", savePassword_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "savedChatDirectoryStructure", savedChatDirectoryStructure_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "shakeNudge", shakeNudge_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showAllowed", showAllowedContacts_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showChatUserPicture", showChatUserPicture_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showContactEmail", showContactEmail_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showContactListBird", showContactListBird_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showEmail", showEmail_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showEmptyGroups", showEmptyGroups_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showHistoryBox", showHistoryBox_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showMessageTime", showMessageTime_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showNowListening", showNowListening_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showOfflineContacts", showOfflineContacts_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showOtherFolders", showOtherFolders_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showRemoved", showRemovedContacts_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showSearchBar", showSearchBar_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showSessionInfo", showSessionInfo_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showWinks", showWinks_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "initialStatus", (int)initialStatus_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "tabbedChatMode", tabbedChatMode_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "timestampShowDate", timestampShowDate_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "timestampShowSeconds", timestampShowSeconds_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useAutologin", useAutologin_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useChatFormatting", useChatFormatting_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useContactFont", useContactFont_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useEmoticons", useEmoticons_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useFontEffects", useFontEffects_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useListFormatting", useListFormatting_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "useIdleTimer", useIdleTimer_ ); profileGroup.writeEntry( "showPicture", showPicture_ ); if( ! savePassword_ ) { // Remove the cached password password_ = QString(); temporaryPassword_= QString(); // When storing the passwords, it will be removed from the password manager also } } #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY else { kmDebug() << "Account " << handle_ << " is NOT 'dirty', don't save properties."; } #endif // Save to disk the changes now, to avoid losing data. profileGroup.config()->sync(); } // The login succeeded with the new password. Save the temporary password as new account password. void Account::saveTemporaryPassword() { if( ! temporaryPassword_.isEmpty() && temporaryPassword_ != password_ ) { password_ = temporaryPassword_; temporaryPassword_ = QString(); } } /** * * @brief Set contact list options * * @param showNowListening whether to show the song played at the moment * @param useListFormatting whether or not to enable MSN Plus! formatting in the contact list * @param showContactEmail whether to show contact email instead of friendly name in the contact list */ void Account::setContactListOptions( bool showNowListening, bool showContactEmail, bool useListFormatting ) { if( useListFormatting_ != useListFormatting || showContactEmail_ != showContactEmail ) { useListFormatting_ = useListFormatting; showContactEmail_ = showContactEmail; //let the contact list update to reflect the new changes emit changedContactListOptions(); } emit changedTimerSettings(); if( showNowListening_ != showNowListening ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_GENERAL kmDebug() << "Now listening settings changed, notifying listeners."; #endif showNowListening_ = showNowListening; emit changedNowListeningSettings(); } dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the auto-reply message. void Account::setAutoreplyMessage( const QString& autoreplyMessage) { if ( autoreplyMessage_ != autoreplyMessage ) { autoreplyMessage_ = autoreplyMessage; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } /** * * @brief Set chat information * * Set options related to chatting * @param useContactFont whether or not the contact's font should be forced to some value. * @param useEmoticons whether or not emoticons should be used. * @param showWinks whether to show winks * @param useFontEffects whether or not to use bold/italic/underline effects in chats. * @param useChatFormatting whether to show MSN Plus formatting in chat. * @param shakeNudge whether the chat window should shake when a nudge is received or sent. * @param showMessageTime whether or not time information is shown for chat messages. * @param timestampShowDate whether to show date in message timestamps. * @param timestampShowSeconds whether to show seconds in message timestamps. * @param groupFollowupMessages whether follow-up messages from the contact should be grouped. * @param tabbedChatMode whether or not chats should be tabbed in one window. * @param chatStyle the chat style to use. * */ void Account::setChatInformation( bool useContactFont, bool useEmoticons, bool showWinks, bool useFontEffects, bool useChatFormatting, bool shakeNudge, bool showMessageTime, bool timestampShowDate, bool timestampShowSeconds, bool groupFollowupMessages, int tabbedChatMode, const QString &chatStyle ) { bool changedSettings = ( useContactFont_ != useContactFont ) || ( useEmoticons_ != useEmoticons ) || ( showWinks_ != showWinks ) || ( useFontEffects_ != useFontEffects ) || ( useChatFormatting_ != useChatFormatting ) || ( shakeNudge_ != shakeNudge ) || ( showMessageTime_ != showMessageTime ) || ( timestampShowDate_ != timestampShowDate ) || ( timestampShowSeconds_ != timestampShowSeconds ) || ( groupFollowupMessages_ != groupFollowupMessages ) || ( tabbedChatMode_ != tabbedChatMode ) || ( chatStyle_ != chatStyle ); // Avoid signals because the chat windows will regenerate all messages. if( ! changedSettings ) { return; } useContactFont_ = useContactFont; useEmoticons_ = useEmoticons; useFontEffects_ = useFontEffects; useChatFormatting_ = useChatFormatting; shakeNudge_ = shakeNudge; showMessageTime_ = showMessageTime; showWinks_ = showWinks; timestampShowDate_ = timestampShowDate; timestampShowSeconds_ = timestampShowSeconds; groupFollowupMessages_ = groupFollowupMessages; tabbedChatMode_ = tabbedChatMode; chatStyle_ = chatStyle; emit changedChatStyleSettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set chat logging information void Account::setChatLoggingInformation( bool saveChats, bool saveChatsToFile, Account::ChatExportFormat saveChatsFormat, const QString& saveChatPath, int directoryStructure ) { if( saveChats_ == saveChats && saveChatsToFile_ == saveChatsToFile && saveChatsFormat_ == saveChatsFormat && saveChatPath_ == saveChatPath && savedChatDirectoryStructure_ == directoryStructure ) { return; } saveChats_ = saveChats; saveChatsToFile_ = saveChatsToFile; saveChatsFormat_ = saveChatsFormat; saveChatPath_ = saveChatPath; savedChatDirectoryStructure_ = directoryStructure; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set how contacts are shown, by group, by online/offline, or mixed. void Account::setContactListDisplayMode( ContactListDisplayMode displayMode ) { if ( displayMode != contactListDisplayMode_ ) { contactListDisplayMode_ = displayMode; emit changedViewMode(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set email information void Account::setEmailInformation( bool showEmail, bool showOtherFolders ) { if( showEmail_ != showEmail || showOtherFolders_ != showOtherFolders ) { showEmail_ = showEmail; showOtherFolders_ = showOtherFolders; emit changedEmailDisplaySettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Update the email-supported state (protected method) void Account::setEmailSupported(bool emailSupported) { if( emailSupported_ != emailSupported ) { dirty_ = true; } emailSupported_ = emailSupported; } // Set the font void Account::setFont( const QFont& font ) { if( font != font_ ) { font_ = font; emit changedFontSettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set the font color void Account::setFontColor( const QString& fontColor ) { if( fontColor != fontColor_ ) { fontColor_ = fontColor; emit changedFontSettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set the fonts and font colors void Account::setFontInformation( const QFont& font, const QString &fontColor, const QFont& contactFont, const QString &contactFontColor) { bool changedSettings = (font_ != font) || (fontColor_ != fontColor) || (contactFont_ != contactFont) || (contactFontColor_ != contactFontColor); // Avoid signals because the chat windows will regenerate all messages. if( ! changedSettings ) { return; } font_ = font; fontColor_ = fontColor; contactFont_ = contactFont; contactFontColor_ = contactFontColor; emit changedFontSettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the emoticon path void Account::setEmoticonStyle( const QString& emoticonStyle ) { if( emoticonStyle != emoticonStyle_ ) { // Set the new style, and signal EmoticonManager about it. emoticonStyle_ = emoticonStyle; emit changedEmoticonSettings(); // update friendly name. horrible. friendlyName_.setString( friendlyName_.getOriginal() ); // Tell the account settings changed and need to be saved dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Change the friendly name void Account::setFriendlyName(const QString& newName) { if( newName.isEmpty() || newName == friendlyName_.getOriginal() ) { return; } friendlyName_.setString( newName ); emit changedFriendlyName(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Whether the account is a guest account, not permanently saved on the computer void Account::setGuestAccount( bool guestAccount ) { guestAccount_ = guestAccount; // Undelete when user did restore the account. if( ! guestAccount_ ) { deleted_ = false; } } // Change the status to set upon connection void Account::setInitialStatus( Status status ) { if( initialStatus_ == status ) { return; } initialStatus_ = status; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the mode of display list pictures void Account::setListPictureSize( int mode ) { // No need to update if( mode == listPictureSize_ ) { return; } listPictureSize_ = mode; emit changedDisplaySettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set basic account data void Account::setLoginInformation( QString handle, QString friendlyName, QString password ) { #ifdef KMESSTEST KMESS_ASSERT( handle.contains("@") ); KMESS_ASSERT( ! handle.isEmpty() ); #endif handle = handle.toLower(); if( handle_ == handle && friendlyName_.getOriginal() == friendlyName && password == password_ ) { return; } handle_ = handle; // Never change the nickname if the account is not verified. We would receive a server error if( verified_ ) { friendlyName_.setString( friendlyName ); emit changedFriendlyName(); } if( ! password.isEmpty() ) { password_ = password; } dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the account's login password void Account::setPassword( const QString &password ) { password_ = password; } // Set the personal message void Account::setPersonalMessage(const QString& newMessage) { if( newMessage == personalMessage_.getOriginal() ) { return; } personalMessage_.setString( newMessage ); emit changedPersonalMessage(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the display picture file void Account::setPicturePath( const QString& picturePath ) { if( displayPicturePath_ == picturePath ) { return; } displayPicturePath_ = picturePath; // Update the MSN Object linked to this account updateMsnObject(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Save the location of the display picture original void Account::setOriginalPicturePath( const QString& picturePath ) { if( originalDisplayPicturePath_ == picturePath ) { return; } originalDisplayPicturePath_ = picturePath; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the account's saved password void Account::setSavedPassword( const QString &password ) { savedPassword_ = password; } // Set if the password must be stored void Account::setSavePassword( bool savePassword ) { savePassword_ = savePassword; if( ! savePassword ) { // Clear the password so the accountsmanager will remove it password_.clear(); } dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set whether or not allowed contacts are shown. void Account::setShowAllowedContacts( bool showAllowedContacts ) { if( showAllowedContacts != showAllowedContacts_ ) { showAllowedContacts_ = showAllowedContacts; emit changedDisplaySettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set whether to show the user picture in chat windows void Account::setShowChatUserPicture( bool showChatUserPicture ) { if( showChatUserPicture == showChatUserPicture_ ) { return; } showChatUserPicture_ = showChatUserPicture; emit changedMsnObject(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set whether to show the contact list background image void Account::setShowContactListBird( bool showBird ) { if( showBird == showContactListBird_ ) { return; } showContactListBird_ = showBird; emit changedContactListOptions(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set whether empty groups are shown void Account::setShowEmptyGroups( bool showEmptyGroups ) { if( showEmptyGroups == showEmptyGroups_ ) { return; } showEmptyGroups_ = showEmptyGroups; emit changedViewMode(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set whether or not to show the contact list history box void Account::setShowHistoryBox( bool showHistoryBox ) { if ( showHistoryBox_ == showHistoryBox ) { return; } showHistoryBox_ = showHistoryBox; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set wether to show now listening void Account::setShowNowListening( bool showNowListening ) { showNowListening_ = showNowListening; emit changedNowListeningSettings(); #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_GENERAL kmDebug() << "Setting 'showNowListening' to " << showNowListening; #endif } // Set whether offline contacts should be shown. void Account::setShowOfflineContacts( bool showOfflineContacts ) { if( showOfflineContacts != showOfflineContacts_ ) { showOfflineContacts_ = showOfflineContacts; emit changedDisplaySettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set whether or not removed (reverse) contacts are shown. void Account::setShowRemovedContacts( bool showRemovedContacts ) { if( showRemovedContacts != showRemovedContacts_ ) { showRemovedContacts_ = showRemovedContacts; emit changedDisplaySettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set whether or not we need to show a search bar in the contact list at login void Account::setShowSearchBar( bool showSearchBar ) { if ( showSearchBar_ == showSearchBar ) { return; } showSearchBar_ = showSearchBar; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set whether or not to show join/part messages in chat void Account::setShowSessionInfo( bool showSessionInfo ) { if( showSessionInfo_ == showSessionInfo ) { return; } showSessionInfo_ = showSessionInfo; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } /** * * @brief Set the options on the status * * @param useIdleTimer whether to set the status as Idle after a while * @param idleTime the time without activity before being marked as idle * @param hideNotificationsWhenBusy whether to hide all the notifications when the status is set to Busy * */ void Account::setStatusOptions( bool useIdleTimer, int idleTime, bool hideNotificationsWhenBusy ) { if( useIdleTimer_ == useIdleTimer && idleTime_ == idleTime && hideNotificationsWhenBusy_ == hideNotificationsWhenBusy ) { return; } useIdleTimer_ = useIdleTimer; idleTime_ = idleTime; hideNotificationsWhenBusy_ = hideNotificationsWhenBusy; emit changedTimerSettings(); dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Set the way the chats will be grouped together void Account::setTabbedChatMode( int tabbedChatMode ) { tabbedChatMode_ = tabbedChatMode; } // Set a temporary password for the account for login attempts from the initialview dialog void Account::setTemporaryPassword( const QString &temporaryPassword ) { temporaryPassword_ = temporaryPassword; } // Set whether or not to login with this account. void Account::setUseAutologin( bool useAutologin) { if( useAutologin != useAutologin_ ) { useAutologin_ = useAutologin; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } } // Set whether or not to show emoticons in chats. void Account::setUseEmoticons( bool useEmoticons) { useEmoticons_ = useEmoticons; dirty_ = true; #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif emit changedChatStyleSettings(); } // Set whether the account's passport is verified void Account::setVerified( bool verified ) { verified_ = verified; } // Set whether or not to send our display picture void Account::setShowPicture( bool showPicture ) { if( showPicture == showPicture_ ) { return; } showPicture_ = showPicture; dirty_ = true; updateMsnObject(); #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_DIRTY kmDebug() << "Setting 'dirty' to true."; #endif } // Creates the MsnObject only if the user wants to show a display picture void Account::updateMsnObject() { QString oldMsnString; QString newMsnString; // Remove the previous msn object if there is one if( msnObject_ ) { oldMsnString = msnObject_->objectString(); delete msnObject_; msnObject_ = 0; } // Verify if the picture exists: if not, change it to the default one as returned // by getPicturePath() QString picturePath( getPicturePath() ); if( picturePath != displayPicturePath_ ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_MSNOBJECT kmDebug() << "Replacing picture" << displayPicturePath_ << "with" << picturePath; #endif displayPicturePath_ = picturePath; } #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_MSNOBJECT kmDebug() << "Show the picture?" << showPicture_ << "- Set picture path:" << displayPicturePath_; #endif if ( showPicture_ ) { QFile iFile( displayPicturePath_ ); if ( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { const QByteArray data( iFile.readAll() ); iFile.close(); msnObject_ = new MsnObject( handle_, "KMess.tmp", "", MsnObject::DISPLAYPIC, data ); newMsnString = msnObject_->objectString(); } else { kmWarning() << "Picture could not be loaded: " << displayPicturePath_; } } // Detect if there was a change. if( oldMsnString != newMsnString ) { #ifdef KMESSDEBUG_ACCOUNT_MSNOBJECT kmDebug() << "result is: '" << newMsnString << "'"; #endif emit changedMsnObject(); } } #include "account.moc"
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