Automatizando configuração e conexão wireless

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[ Hits: 2.894 ]

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Código simples, com algumas funções e que visa tornar ainda mais fácil a configuração do wpa_supplicant.

Este programa lê alguns dados fornecidos pelo usuário como ssid/usuário/login/interface etc.

Escreve alguns arquivos e faz a conexão com base nestes dados; obtendo o endereço por dhcp.

Suporte para as encriptações Open, WEP e WPA/WPA2.


Esconder código-fonte

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define MAX 100
#define MIN 50
FILE *wireless_conf;
FILE *custom_path_out;
FILE *wpa_bin;
char custom_path_outputopen[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/custom_open";
char custom_path_outputwep[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/custom_wep";
char custom_path_outputwpa[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/custom_wpa";
char default_path_wpa[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/default_wpa.conf";
char default_path_wep[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/default_wep.conf";
char default_path_open[MIN] = "/etc/wpa_supplicant/default_open.conf";
char wpa_supplicant[MIN] = "/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant";

int associate_open(){
   char ssid[MIN];
   char custom_path[MAX];
   char op_path[1];

   printf("Network ssid: ");
   if(scanf("%[a-zA-Z0-9/,.|_-]%*[^\n]%*1[\n]",ssid)==1 && strlen(ssid)>1)
        printf("default/custom path file (d/c): ");
   if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
        if(op_path[0] == 'c')
      printf("Path (with name file): ");
       if((wireless_conf = fopen(custom_path,"w"))==NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR OPEN custom path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
          printf("Wireless conf file at: %s\n",custom_path);
      if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputopen,"w"))==NULL)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to create output file: %s\n",strerror(errno));
    if(op_path[0] == 'd')
      if((wireless_conf = fopen(default_path_open,"w"))==NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR OPEN default path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
          printf("Wireless conf file at: %s\n",default_path_open);
    printf("invalid option.\n");
    printf("invalid ssid.\n");
int associate_wep(){
   char ssid[MIN];
   char pass[MIN];
   char cmd[MAX];
   char op_path[1];
   char custom_path[MAX];

   printf("Network ssid: ");
   if(scanf("%[a-zA-Z0-9/,.|_-]%*[^\n]%*1[\n]",ssid)==1 && strlen(ssid)>1)
        printf("Network password: ");
   if(scanf("%[a-zA-Z0-9/,.|_-]%*[^\n]%*1[\n]",pass)==1 && strlen(pass)>1)
        printf("default/custom path file (d/c): ");
   if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
        if(op_path[0] == 'c')
      printf("Path (with name file): ");
      if((wireless_conf = fopen(custom_path,"w"))==NULL)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR WEP custom path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
            printf("Wireless conf file at: %s\n",custom_path);
      if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputwep,"w"))==NULL)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to create output file: %s\n",strerror(errno));
   if(op_path[0] == 'd')
      if((wireless_conf = fopen(default_path_wep,"w"))==NULL)
            fprintf(stderr,"ERROR WEP default path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
            printf("Wireless default file at: %s\n",default_path_wep);
    printf("invalid password.\n");
    printf("invalid ssid.\n");
int associate_wpa(){
   char ssid[MIN];
   char pass[MIN];
   char cmd[MAX];
   char op_path[1];
   char custom_path[MAX];

   printf("Network ssid: ");
   if(scanf("%[a-zA-Z0-9/,.|_-]%*[^\n]%*1[\n]",ssid)==1 && strlen(ssid)>1)
        printf("Network password: ");
   if(scanf("%[a-zA-Z0-9/,.|_-]%*[^\n]%*1[\n]",pass)==1 && strlen(pass)>1)
        printf("default/custom path file (d/c): ");
   if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
        if(op_path[0] == 'c')
      printf("Path (with name file): ");

       if((wireless_conf = fopen(custom_path,"w"))==NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR WPA custom path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
          sprintf(cmd,"wpa_passphrase %s %s > %s",ssid,pass,custom_path);
          printf("Wireless conf file at: %s\n",custom_path);
               if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputwpa,"w"))==NULL)
                        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to create output file: %s\n",strerror(errno));
   if(op_path[0] == 'd')
      if((wireless_conf = fopen(default_path_wpa,"w"))==NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR WPA default path: %s\n",strerror(errno));
          sprintf(cmd,"wpa_passphrase %s %s > %s",ssid,pass,default_path_wpa);
          printf("Wireless default file at: %s\n",default_path_wpa);
    printf("invalid option.\n");
    printf("invalid password.\n");
    printf("invalid ssid.\n");
int connect_open(){
   char op_path[1];
   char custom_path[MAX];
   char iface[MIN];
   char cmd[MAX];
   char cmd2[MIN];

   if((wpa_bin = fopen(wpa_supplicant,"rb"))==NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR install wpa_supplicant package: %s",strerror(errno));
      printf("Connect using default/custom file (d/c): ");
      if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
            if(op_path[0] == 'd')
         printf("Interface: ");
         system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
         sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",default_path_open,iface);
         sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
             printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
                printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
       if(op_path[0] == 'c')
            if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputopen,"r"))==NULL)
                fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to read output file: %s\n");
                printf("Interface: ");
                system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
                sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",custom_path,iface);
                sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
                        printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
                        printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
            printf("invalid option.\n");
int connect_wep(){
   char op_path[1];
   char custom_path[MAX];
   char iface[MIN];
   char cmd[MAX];
   char cmd2[MIN];

   if((wpa_bin = fopen(wpa_supplicant,"rb"))==NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR install wpa_supplicant package: %s",strerror(errno));
      printf("Connect using default/custom file (d/c): ");
      if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
          if(op_path[0] == 'd')
         printf("Interface: ");
         system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
         sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",default_path_wep,iface);
         sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
             printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
                         printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
       if(op_path[0] == 'c')
                if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputwep,"r"))==NULL)
                fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to read output file: %s\n",strerror(errno));
                printf("Interface: ");
                system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
                sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",custom_path,iface);
                sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
                        printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
                        printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
            printf("invalid option.\n");
int connect_wpa(){
   char op_path[1];
   char custom_path[MAX];
   char iface[MIN];
   char cmd[MAX];
   char cmd2[MIN];

   if((wpa_bin = fopen(wpa_supplicant,"rb")) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR install wpa_supplicant package: %s",strerror(errno));
       printf("Connect using default/custom file (d/c): ");
    if(scanf("%[dc]",op_path)==1 && strlen(op_path)==1)
        if(op_path[0] == 'd')
        printf("Interface: ");
   system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
   sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",default_path_wpa,iface);
   sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
       printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
             printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
   if(op_path[0] == 'c')
            if((custom_path_out = fopen(custom_path_outputwpa,"r"))==NULL)
                fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to read output file: %s\n",strerror(errno));
                printf("Interface: ");
                system("killall wpa_supplicant dhcpcd");
                sprintf(cmd,"wpa_supplicant -B -c %s -i %s\n",custom_path,iface);
                sprintf(cmd2,"dhcpcd %s",iface);
                        printf("\nSucessfully connected!\n");
                        printf("\nFailed to make connection.\n");
            printf("invalid option.\n");
int verify_user(){
    FILE *id_out;
    char idp[15] = "/var/tmp/id";
    char id[MIN];
    int contador = 0;
    char aux;

    system("id > /var/tmp/id");
    if((id_out = fopen(idp,"r"))==NULL)
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR failed to read id: %s",strerror(errno));
            if(id[4] == '0')
                system("rm /var/tmp/id");
                printf("Launch as root!\n");
                system("rm /var/tmp/id");
int main(void){
   int menu = 0;

   printf("\n0 (Exit) \n1 Open Wireless     | 2 Connect Open\n3 WEP Wireless      | 4 Connect WEP\n");
   printf("5 WPA/WPA2 Wireless | 6 Connect WPA/WPA2\n7 (About)\n\n");
   while(menu >= 0)
      printf("[2wireless]# ");
         case 0:
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
         case 4:
         case 5:
         case 6:
         case 7:
             printf("\nThis is a small C code to connect wireless device to the internet through ");
             printf("Open, WEP and WPA/WPA2 encryption.\n");
             printf("2wireless Developed by Cristhoffer Corrêa.\n");
   return 0;

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