Publicado por C00L3R_ (última atualização em 27/03/2012)
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biblioteca em C com funções diversas como tarefas em arquivos,strings,números,macros,bitwise etc....
/* last check up 25/01/2012 ------------ _____________ ( ) (____________ ) | | | | _| |_ / \ / \ (___________________) | | | ...:::Beer::: | |..::Version:0.05::.| | | |___________________| | | | | | | | | | | (___________________) 0101010101010110101010101010101101010101010 is held by Apache license 2.0 ----------------------- Beer simple C header Authors: Cooler_,m0nad,ryonagana,b4r0n,utroz,mentebinaria E-mail: c00f3r[at]gmail[dot]com date: 03/08/2011 thanks: _mlk_,m0nad, I4K,sigsegv,b-man,kov,utroz,eremitah,vorazbr,mentebinaria delfo,c0lt7r,B4r0n,joey,fokerbug, zepplin,voidpointer,muzgo,memset,b4r0n,novato_br... Beer is a C header to help you in small problems Have a lot functions how math functions(mmc,mdc,bitwise_sqrt,quadratic equation,factorial,test if number is prime..) parsers, string functions (split,strrev..), validate e-mail, SQL query filter, Files Jobs how READ,WRITE,COPY,list DIRs,bytes of file... strings,numbers convert |-hex2int |-dec2bin |-char2hex |-hex2char |-string2hex bitwise macros ,another things do you want help us ? send your function... in the future this header will a dynamic library... */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> //time functions... #include <time.h> // use to dir functions #include <dirent.h> //macro to read stdin string #define ReadString(a) fgets(a,sizeof(a),stdin),a[strlen(a)-1] = '{FONTE}'; //return elements of array #define array_elements(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof *(array)) //hide and unhide strings #define UNHIDE_STR(str) do { char *p = str; while (*p) *p++ += 0x19; } while (0) #define HIDE_STR(str) do { char *p = str; while (*p) *p++ -= 0x19; } while (0) // bitwise macros #define XorSwap(a, b) (((a) ^= (b)), ((b) ^= (a)), ((a) ^= (b))) #define BIT_POS(N) ( 1U << (N) ) #define SET_FLAG(N, F) ( (N) |= (F) ) #define CLR_FLAG(N, F) ( (N) &= -(F) ) #define TST_FLAG(N, F) ( (N) & (F) ) #define BIT_RANGE(N, M) ( BIT_POS((M)+1 - (N))-1 << (N) ) #define BIT_SHIFTL(B, N) ( (unsigned)(B) << (N) ) #define BIT_SHIFTR(B, N) ( (unsigned)(B) >> (N) ) #define SET_MFLAG(N, F, V) ( CLR_FLAG(N, F), SET_FLAG(N, V) ) #define CLR_MFLAG(N, F) ( (N) &= ~(F) ) #define GET_MFLAG(N, F) ( (N) & (F) ) // COLORS macros #define LAST "{FONTE}33[0m" #define WHITE "{FONTE}33[01;37m" #define BLACK "{FONTE}33[22;30m" #define RED "{FONTE}33[22;31m" #define GREEN "{FONTE}33[22;32m" #define BLUE "{FONTE}33[22;34m" #define CYAN "{FONTE}33[22;36m" #define GRAY "{FONTE}33[22;37m" #define DGRAY "{FONTE}33[01;30m" #define LRED "{FONTE}33[01;31m" #define LGREEN "{FONTE}33[01;32m" #define YELLOW "{FONTE}33[01;33m" #define LBLUE "{FONTE}33[01;34m" #define LMAGENTA "{FONTE}33[01;35m" #define MAGENTA "{FONTE}33[22;35m" #define LCYAN "{FONTE}33[01;36m" #define BROWN "{FONTE}33[22;33m" #define BUGVIEW 1 #define DEBUG(x, s...) do { \ if (!BUGVIEW) { break; } \ time_t t = time(NULL); \ char *d = ctime(&t); \ fprintf(stderr, "%.*s %s[%d] %s(): ", \ (int)strlen(d) - 1, d, __FILE__, \ __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \ fprintf(stderr, x, ## s); \ } while (0); // HEAP alignment :-X void *xmalloc(unsigned int len) { void *ptr; ptr=malloc(len); if(ptr==NULL) DEBUG("fail malloc"); return ptr; } // convert decimal to binary char * dec2bin(int n, char * string) { int i; static int size = 8 * sizeof(int); for(i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--, n >>= 1) string[i] = (01 & n) + '0'; string[size] = '{FONTE}'; return string; } // Hexadecimal to Character // with bitwise char Hex2Char(char *Hex) { char rch=0; int i=0; while(i<2) { if ( *(Hex + i) >= '0' && *(Hex + i) <= '9' ) rch = (rch << 4) + (*(Hex + i) - '0'); else if ( *(Hex + i) >= 'A' && *(Hex + i) <= 'F' ) rch = (rch << 4) + (*(Hex + i) - 'A' + 10); else break; i++; } return rch; } //simple version static char char2Hex(unsigned char c) { static const char *HexCharacters = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if(c > 15) { DEBUG("error in char2Hex() %c",HexCharacters[c]); return -1; } return HexCharacters[c]; } // unsigned char x[]={""}; string2hex(y,x,16)... static void string2hex(char *Output, unsigned char *Input, int Length) { char *Out; char First; char Second; Out = Output; while (Length > 0) { First = *Input / 0x10; Second = *Input % 0x10; *Out = char2Hex(First); Out++; *Out = char2Hex(Second); Out++; Length--; Input++; } *Out = '{FONTE}'; return; } unsigned long hex2int(char *a, unsigned int len) { int i=0; unsigned long val = 0; while(i<len) { if(a[i] <= 57) val += (a[i]-48)*(1<<(4*(len-1-i))); else val += (a[i]-55)*(1<<(4*(len-1-i))); i++; } return val; } // Math functions /* MDC Máximo Divisor Comum,dois números inteiros é o maior número inteiro que divide ambos sem deixar resto. */ int mdc(int a,int b) { if(!b) return a; else return mdc(b,a%b); } /* MMC = mínimo múltiplo comum entre dois números é representado pelo menor valor comum pertencente aos múltiplos dos números. */ int mmc(int a,int b) { int formula; if(!b) return a; else formula = (a*b)/(mdc(a,b)); return (formula); } // quadratic equation char * baskara(float a, float b, float c, float *raizes) { float delta=((b*b)-4*(a*c)); float x1=0,x2=0; char *reply; if((!a)||(delta<0)) { DEBUG("error in equation baskara(), delta: %f ",delta); return 0; } if(delta>0) x1=((-b + ((float)bit_sqrt(delta)) )/(2*a)); x2=((-b - ((float)bit_sqrt(delta)) )/(2*a)); snprintf(reply,sizeof(reply)," X1 : %5.2f \n X2 : %5.2f\n",x1,x2); return reply; } // simple factorial int factorial( int n ) { if(n<=1) return 1; else return n*factorial(n-1); } // test if var is prime int isprime(int n) { int d=2; if(n<=0) { DEBUG("error isprime(), n = %d ",n); return -1; } while(d<n) { if(!(n%d)) return 0; d+=2; } return 1; } //square root by Cooler_ int bit_sqrt(int num) { //so 32 is sizeof(int)<<3 int num0=num,result=0,tbit=1<<((sizeof(int)<<3)-2); if(num<=0) { DEBUG("error bit_sqrt(), num = %d ",num); return -1; } while(tbit>num0) tbit>>=2; while(tbit^0) { if(num0>=result+tbit) { num0-=result+tbit; result=(result>>1)+tbit; }else result>>=1; tbit>>=2; } return result; } // test if is palindrome int palindrome(const char *s) { int x,y; y = strlen(s); for(x=0; x<y/2; x++) { if( s[x] != s[y-x-1] ) return 0; } return 1; } // return time // example OutPut Wed Aug 3 18:26:24 2011 char *TimeNow() { struct tm *local; time_t t; t = time(NULL); local = localtime(&t); local = gmtime(&t); return asctime(local); } // Files jobs ############################################################## int CopyFile(char *fromfile, char *tofile) { FILE *ifp, *ofp; int c; if((ifp = fopen(fromfile, "r")) == NULL) return -1; if((ofp = fopen(tofile, "w")) == NULL) { fclose(ifp); DEBUG("Error CopyFile()"); return -1; } while((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF) putc(c, ofp); fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); return 0; } int WriteFile(char *file,char *str) { FILE *arq; arq=fopen(file,"a"); if(!arq) { DEBUG("error in WriteFile() %s",file); return 0; } fprintf(arq,"%s\n",str); fclose(arq); return 1; } // return lines from file, example: const char *buff=readLine("log.txt"),printf("%s",buff); const char *readLine(char * NameFile) { FILE * file; file = fopen(NameFile, "r"); if(!file) { DEBUG("error in file"); return; } char *lineBuffer=calloc(1,1), line[128]; if(!lineBuffer) { DEBUG("error in readLine() at %s",NameFile); return; } while(fgets(line,sizeof line,file)) { lineBuffer=realloc(lineBuffer,strlen(lineBuffer)+strlen(line)+1); if(!lineBuffer) { DEBUG("error in readLine() at %s",NameFile); return; } strcat(lineBuffer,line); } return lineBuffer; } // ListDir(directory_name_2_list,Max_chars) char *ListDir(char *file2list,int MAX) { DIR *d; struct dirent *dir; char *ret=xmalloc(sizeof(char)*MAX); d = opendir(file2list); if(!d) { DEBUG("error in directory"); return NULL; } while((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) { strncat(ret,dir->d_name,strlen(dir->d_name)); strncat(ret,"\n",1); } free(ret); closedir(d); return ret; } // return size of bytes on file , same to unix cmd "du -b file" long FileSize(const char *file) { long ret; FILE *fh = fopen(file, "r"); if(!fh) { DEBUG("error in file"); return 0; } fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END); ret = ftell(fh); fclose(fh); return ret; } /* ################################################################################# to use with Sort functions example: char *list[] = { "madruga", "chaves", "kiko", "chiquinha", "inhonho" }; qsort((void *)list, array_elements(list), sizeof(list[0]), sort_char); */ int sort_char( const void *a, const void *b) { return( strcmp(a,b) ); } int sort_int(const void *a, const void *b) { long *a1, *b1; a1 = (long *)a; b1 = (long *)b; return (*a1 > *b1); } //example mergesort(a, 0, sizeof(a)/sizeof(i) - 1); void mergesort(int *array, size_t first, size_t last) { int middle; if(first>=last) return; middle = (first + last) / 2; mergesort(array, first, middle); mergesort(array, middle + 1, last); int *temp; size_t i = first,j = middle + 1,tp = 0; temp = (int *) xmalloc(sizeof(int) * (last - first + 1)); while(i <= middle && j <= last) { if(array[i] <= array[j]) { temp[tp] = array[i]; ++i; } else { temp[tp] = array[j]; ++j; } ++tp; } while(j<=last) { temp[tp] = array[j]; ++tp; j++; } while(i<=middle) { temp[tp] = array[i]; ++tp; i++; } i=first; while(i<=last) { array[i] = temp[i - first]; i++; } free(temp); } void bubbleSort(void *p, int width, int N, int(*fptr)(const void *, const void *)) { int i, j, k; unsigned char buf[256]; unsigned char *bp = p; for (i = N-1; i >= 0; i--) { for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) { k = fptr((void *)(bp + width*(j-1)), (void *)(bp + j*width)); if(k > 0) { memcpy(buf, bp + width*(j-1), width); memcpy(bp + width*(j-1), bp + j*width , width); memcpy(bp + j*width, buf, width); } } } } // ########################### other functions char *RandomIp(void) { char *ipRand=NULL; int r1,r2,r3,r4; r1 = 1+(int) (255.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); r2 = 1+(int) (255.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); r3 = 1+(int) (255.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); r4 = 1+(int) (255.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); ipRand=xmalloc(12*sizeof(char *)); sprintf(ipRand,"%d.%d.%d.%d",r1,r2,r3,r4); return ipRand; } //test if e-mails is valid int email_isvalid(const char *address) { int count = 0; const char *c, *domain; static char *rfc822_specials = "()<>@,;:\\\"[]"; /* first we validate the name portion (name@domain) */ for (c = address; *c; c++) { if (*c == '\"' && (c == address || *(c - 1) == '.' || *(c - 1) == '\"')) { while (*++c) { if (*c == '\"') break; if (*c == '\\' && (*++c == ' ')) continue; if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0; } if(!*c++) return 0; if(*c == '@') break; if(*c != '.') return 0; continue; } if(*c == '@') break; if(*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0; if(strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return 0; } if(c == address || *(c - 1) == '.') return 0; /* next we validate the domain portion (name@domain) */ if(!*(domain = ++c)) return 0; do { if (*c == '.') { if (c == domain || *(c - 1) == '.') return 0; count++; } if (*c <= ' ' || *c >= 127) return 0; if (strchr(rfc822_specials, *c)) return 0; } while (*++c); return (count >= 1); } //use input to escape SQL Injection char *scapeSQL(const char *input, char quote, int wildcards) { char *out, *ptr; const char *c; /* If every character in the input needs to be escaped, the resulting string * would at most double in size. Also, include room for the surrounding * quotes. */ if (quote != '\'' && quote != '\"') return 0; if (!(out = ptr = (char *)sbrk(strlen(input) * 2 + 2 + 1))) return 0; *ptr++ = quote; for (c = input; *c; c++) { switch (*c) { case '\'': case '\"': if (quote == *c) *ptr++ = *c; *ptr++ = *c; break; case '%': case '_': case '[': case ']': if (wildcards) *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = *c; break; case '\\': *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = '\\'; break; case '\b': *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = 'b'; break; case '\n': *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = 'r'; break; case '\t': *ptr++ = '\\'; *ptr++ = 't'; break; default: *ptr++ = *c; break; } } *ptr++ = quote; *ptr = 0; return out; } // func by m0nad void urlobfuscator (char * url, char * obf) { int i; for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen (url); i++) snprintf (obf+strlen(obf), sizeof obf, "%02X", url [i]); // obf [strlen (obf)] = 0; obf[i*2] = 0; } //base 64 encode static inline char* b64_encode(char* str, unsigned long len) { const char b64[64] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; char *ret, *chunk; chunk = malloc(((len + 3) << 2) / 4); ret=chunk; do { if (len >= 3) { unsigned long bitwise = (str[0] << 16) | (str[1] << 8) | str[2]; *(chunk++) = b64[bitwise >> 18]; *(chunk++) = b64[(bitwise >> 12) & 0x3F]; *(chunk++) = b64[(bitwise >> 6) & 0x3F]; *(chunk++) = b64[bitwise & 0x3F]; len -= 3; str += 3; } else if (len == 2) { unsigned long bitwise = (str[0] << 16) | (str[1] << 8); *(chunk++) = b64[bitwise >> 18]; *(chunk++) = b64[(bitwise >> 12) & 0x3F]; *(chunk++) = b64[(bitwise >> 6) & 0x3D]; *(chunk++) = '='; len -= 2; str += 2; } else { unsigned long bitwise = (str[0] << 16);; *(chunk++) = b64[bitwise >> 18]; *(chunk++) = b64[(bitwise >> 12) & 0x3F]; *(chunk++) = '='; *(chunk++) = '='; len--; str++; } } while(len); *chunk=0; return ret; } //func by ryonagana void changeCharacter(char *dest, const char* str, const char search, const char replace) { while(*dest = *str) { if(*dest == search) *dest = replace; *dest++; *str++; } } // return reverse string char *strrev(char *str) { char *p1, *p2; if(! str || ! *str) return str; for(p1 = str, p2 = str + strlen(str) - 1; p2 > p1; ++p1, --p2) { *p1 ^= *p2; *p2 ^= *p1; *p1 ^= *p2; } return str; } char *StrChunk(char *src, const int start, const int count) { char *tmp; tmp = (char *)xmalloc(count+1); if (tmp == NULL) { DEBUG("error"); return NULL; } strncpy(tmp, src+start, count); tmp[count] = '{FONTE}'; free(tmp); return tmp; } // simple split return array of strings between string separator char **split(char *src, const char *token, int *total) { char **str; register int i, j, count, item, start; int len; if(!src || !token) { *total = 0; return NULL; } count = item = start = 0; j = 1; len = strlen(src); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(src[i] == *token) count++; } if(!count) { *total = 0; return NULL; } str = (char **)xmalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if(str == NULL) DEBUG("error"); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(src[i] != *token) j++; else { str[item] = (char *)xmalloc(j-start); if (str[item] == NULL) { DEBUG("error"); return NULL; } *(str+item) = StrChunk(src, start, j-1); str[item][j-start-1] = '{FONTE}'; item++; start = j++; } } *(str+count) = (char *)xmalloc(j); if(str[count] == NULL) DEBUG("error"); str[count] = StrChunk(src, start, j); str[count][j-start] = '{FONTE}'; *total = ++count; free(str); return str; } // return string of bin file, coded by Mente Binária "" void strings(FILE *fp) { unsigned char byte; int aux=0; int ofs=0; while (fread(&byte, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, fp)) { if (aux==1) { putchar('\n'); printf("%#x ", ofs); } else if (!ofs && isprint(byte)) printf("0x0 "); if (isprint(byte)) { putchar(byte); aux=0; } else aux++; ofs++; } putchar('\n'); }
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