Biblioteca estática para manipulação de pilhas
Publicado por Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira (última atualização em 17/11/2009)
[ Hits: 8.447 ]
Precisei fazer uma biblioteca de manipulação de pilhas em C, então estou compartilhando (GPL) ela. Ela manipula pilhas (aqui chega a 32768) de todos os tipos (é só modificar um typedef). Ela usa comentários estilo doxygen.
Stack_id minha_pilha = stack_new();
a = stack_pop(minha_pilha);
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, // MA 02110-1301, USA. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "vinipsmaker_stacks.h" /** *@file pilhas.c *@brief A static library to manipulate stacks * *@details It can manipulate up to SHRT_MAX + 1 stacks. *\n *@code * #include <stdio.h> * #include <limits.h> * * int main(){ * printf("You can use up to %u stacks\n",SHRT_MAX + 1); * } * @endcode * Each stack can store up to UINT_MAX plates. *@code * #include <stdio.h> * #include <limits.h> * * int main(){ * printf("Each stack that you use can store up to %u plates\n",UINT_MAX); * @endcode * Some examples\n * 32-bit \> 32,768 stacks with 4,294,967,295 plates * *@author 2009 Vinícius dos Santos Oliveira * *@todo Encontrar se o número de pilhas esgotou * antes de tentar criar uma nova pilha. * */ static unsigned short int number_of_stacks = 0; static struct { Plate_t * stack; Stack_size_t size; Stack_id id; } * stacks = NULL,aux,* err; /** *@addtogroup pilhas *@{ */ inline Stack_id stack_get_index(Stack_id id){ register int i; if(id<0) return -1; for(i=0;i<number_of_stacks;++i){ if(id == stacks[i].id){ return i; } } return -1; } /** *@fn unsigned short int stacks_see_number *@code * printf("There are %hu stacks now\n",stacks_see_number()); * @endcode * *@return It returns the number os stacks in the memory. * */ unsigned short int stacks_see_number( void ){ /** *@{ */ return number_of_stacks; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Stack_id stack_new *@brief It create a stack * *@details Example of use *@code * Stack_id my_stack = stack_new(); * if(my_stack < 0){ * fprintf(stderr,"Failure on stack creating\n"); * } * @endcode * *@return It returns -1 if no stack was created * or the stack id if a stack was created. * *@see Stack_id * */ Stack_id stack_new( void ){ /** *@{ */ err = stacks; stacks = realloc(stacks,sizeof(aux)*(++number_of_stacks)); if(stacks == NULL){ stacks = err; --number_of_stacks; return -1; } stacks[number_of_stacks-1].stack = NULL; stacks[number_of_stacks-1].size = 0; stacks[number_of_stacks-1].id = -1; { register int i,j,num=0; register Bool_t nfound = TRUE; for(i=0;nfound;num=0){ for(j=0;j<number_of_stacks;++j){ if(i == stacks[j].id){ ++i; }else{ ++num; } } if(num == number_of_stacks) nfound = FALSE; } stacks[number_of_stacks-1].id = i; } return stacks[number_of_stacks-1].id; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Bool_t stack_exist * *@details Example of use *@code * if(!stack_exist(my_stack)){ * my_stack = -1; * printf("Stack already was destroyed\n"); * }else{ * printf("Stack still exist\n"); * } * @endcode * *@return It returns TRUE if the stack exist * and FALSE if the stack don't exist. * */ Bool_t stack_exist(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1) return FALSE; else return TRUE; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Bool_t stack_is_empty * *@details Example of use *@code * if(stack_is_empty(my_stack)){ * printf("Stack is empty or not exist\n"); * } * @endcode * *@warning You don't must use this function * with invalid stack indexs to discovery * if the stack exist. You must use stack_exist * instead or you'll get a warning on stderr. * */ Bool_t stack_is_empty(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack not exist: %hi\n",stack); return TRUE; } if(stacks[index].size){ return FALSE; }else{ return TRUE; } /** *@} */ } /** *@fn SStack_size_t stack_size *@return It returns the stack size or * -1 if the stack don't exist. * *@see SStack_size_t * */ SStack_size_t stack_size(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ return -1; } return stacks[index].size; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Bool_t stack_push *@brief Add a element to stack. * *@details You can use this function to * put a \p plate on the \p stack. \n * Example *\n *@code * Plate_t my_plate; * if(stack_push(my_stack,my_plate)){ * printf("A new plate was added to the stack\n"); * } * @endcode * *@return It returns TRUE on success and * FALSE on failure. * */ Bool_t stack_push(Stack_id stack,Plate_t plate){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack not exist: %hi\n",stack); return FALSE; } aux = stacks[index]; stacks[index].stack = realloc(stacks[index].stack,sizeof(Plate_t)*(stacks[index].size+1)); if(stacks[index].stack == NULL){ stacks[index] = aux; fprintf(stderr,"\nFailure on realloc\n"); return FALSE; } (stacks[index].stack)[(stacks[index].size)++] = plate; return TRUE; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Plate_t stack_pop *@brief Remove one plate from the \p stack * *@details Example *@code * Plate_t new_plate = stack_pop(my_stack); * @endcode * *@return It returns the plate or garbage * when the memory is empty or the stack * don't exist. * */ Plate_t stack_pop(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack not exist: %hi\n",stack); return; } if(stack_is_empty(stack)){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack %hi is empty!\n",stack); return; } Plate_t plate = (stacks[index].stack)[stacks[index].size-1]; aux = stacks[index]; stacks[index].stack = realloc(stacks[index].stack,sizeof(Plate_t)*(--(stacks[index].size))); if((stacks[index].stack == NULL)&&(stacks[index].size != 0)){ stacks[index] = aux; fprintf(stderr,"\nFailure on realloc\n"); ++(stacks[index].size); } return plate; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Plate_t stack_see_top *@brief Returns one plate of the stack * without removing it. * *@details Example *@code * Plate_t new_plate = stack_see_top(my_stack); * @endcode * *@return It returns the plate or garbage * when the memory is empty or the stack * don't exist. * *@see stack_pop * */ Plate_t stack_see_top(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack not exist: %hi\n",stack); return; } if(stack_is_empty(stack)){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack %hi is empty!\n",stack); return; } return (stacks[index].stack)[stacks[index].size-1]; /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Bool_t stack_free *@brief Destroy \p stack * *@return Returns TRUE on succes and * FALSE on FAILURE * *@see stacks_free * */ Bool_t stack_free(Stack_id stack){ /** *@{ */ Stack_id index = stack_get_index(stack); if(index == -1){ fprintf(stderr,"\nStack not exist: %hi\n",stack); return FALSE; } if(number_of_stacks == 1){ free(stacks[0].stack); free(stacks); stacks = NULL; number_of_stacks = 0; return TRUE; } aux = stacks[number_of_stacks-1]; err = stacks; stacks = realloc(stacks,sizeof(aux)*(--number_of_stacks)); if(stacks == NULL){ stacks = err; ++number_of_stacks; fprintf(stderr,"\nFailure on realloc\n"); return FALSE; } if(index == number_of_stacks-1){ free(aux.stack); return TRUE; }else{ free(stacks[index].stack); stacks[index] = aux; return TRUE; } /** *@} */ } /** *@fn Bool_t stacks_free *@brief Destroy all stacks * *@return It returns TRUE on success * and FALSE on failure. * *@see stack_free * */ Bool_t stacks_free( void ){ /** *@{ */ if(number_of_stacks==0){ return TRUE; } { register unsigned short int i; for(i=0;i<number_of_stacks;++i){ free(stacks[i].stack); } } free(stacks); stacks = NULL; number_of_stacks = 0; return TRUE; /** *@} */ } /** *@} */
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