Coleta de utilização de rede utilizando SAR (systat package)
Publicado por Hertz Raya Zocolan Silva (última atualização em 11/07/2018)
[ Hits: 1.546 ]
Script para coleta de informações de rede. Informações coletadas:
Pacotes RX (ifconfig)
Pacotes TX (ifconfig)
Pacotes RX (sar)
Pacotes TX (sar)
Active Connections Openings (sar)
Passive Connection Openings (sar)
Failed Connection Attempts (sar)
Connection Resets Received (sar)
Connections Established (sar)
Segments Received (sar)
Segments Out (sar)
Segments Retransmited (sar)
Bad Segments Received (sar)
Formato do arquivo de saída: CSV com (;) separando os campos
#!/bin/bash # # Script : /usr/local/scripts/ # Feito : Hertz S. ( 11/04/2016 ) # Obs : Script para coleta de informacoes de utilizacao # de espaco em network # #exec 1>/dev/null #exec 2>&1 # # Rotina de Inclusao de Variaveis Globais ------------------------------------- # PROCESS_NAME="Coleta de Informacoes de Rede" DEVICE="$1" if [ -z ${DEVICE} ] then echo -e "\nSintaxe: $0 [NIC_NAME}\n" exit 23 else ifconfig ${DEVICE} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ERRO="$?" if [ ${ERRO} -gt 0 ] then echo -e "\nNIC ${DEVICE} invalida ! ...\n" echo -e "\nNIC valida(s) : `ifconfig -a | grep flag | grep -v LOOP | cut -d\: -f1,1 | sed 'N ; s/\n/ , /g'`\n" exit 23 else conf_nic="`ifconfig ${DEVICE} | grep inet | grep -v prefi | wc -l`" ; conf_nic="`echo ${conf_nic}`" if [ "${conf_nic}" -eq 0 ] then echo -e "NIC ${DEVICE} sem IP configurado !\n" exit 23 fi fi fi export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin SERVER="`hostname`" IP_LOCAL="`/sbin/ifconfig | grep \"cast\" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d\: -f2,2`" DT_FULL="`date +%d/%m/%Y`" DT_DT="`date +%d%m%Y`" DT_HORA="`date +%H:%M:%S`" DT_HR="`date +%H%M%S`" DT_MES="`date +%m_%Y`" DT_ano="`date +%Y`" DT_mes="`date +%m`" DT_DIA="`date +%a`" if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Sun" ] ; then DT_DIA="Domingo" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Mon" ] ; then DT_DIA="Segunda" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Tue" ] ; then DT_DIA="Terca" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Wed" ] ; then DT_DIA="Quarta" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Thu" ] ; then DT_DIA="Quinta" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Fri" ] ; then DT_DIA="Sexta" ; fi if [ "${DT_DIA}" = "Sat" ] ; then DT_DIA="Sabado" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "01" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Janeiro" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "02" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Fevereiro" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "03" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Marco" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "04" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Abril" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "05" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Maio" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "06" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Junho" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "07" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Julho" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "08" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Agosto" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "09" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Setembro" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "10" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Outubro" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "11" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Novembro" ; fi if [ "${DT_mes}" = "12" ] ; then DT_MES_NAME="Dezembro" ; fi # Declaracao de Variaveis ----------------------------------------------------- DIRCOL="/usr/local/coleta_`hostname`/network/${DT_MES}" mkdir -p ${DIRCOL} # # Inicio do Script ------------------------------------------------------------ # FSTXT="${DIRCOL}/${DT_DT}.txt" /usr/bin/sar -n DEV 1 2 | grep ${DEVICE} > /tmp/sarn.$$ netstat --statistic > /tmp/net.$$ COLISAO_NIC="`/sbin/ifconfig ${DEVICE} | grep -e col | awk '{print $11}'`" RX_NIC="`/sbin/ifconfig ${DEVICE} | grep RX | grep -v err | cut -d\( -f2,2 | cut -d\) -f1,1`" TX_NIC="`/sbin/ifconfig ${DEVICE} | grep TX | grep -v err | cut -d\( -f2,2 | cut -d\) -f1,1`" NIC_RX_PCK="`cat /tmp/sarn.$$ | tail -1 | grep ${DEVICE} | awk '{print $3}'`" NIC_TX_PCK="`cat /tmp/sarn.$$ | tail -1 | grep ${DEVICE} | awk '{print $4}'`" ; yes | rm /tmp/sarn.$$ 2>/dev/null ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"active connections openings\" | awk '{print $1}'`" PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"passive connection openings\" | awk '{print $1}'`" FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"failed connection attempts\" | awk '{print $1}'`" CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"connection resets received\" | awk '{print $1}'`" CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"connections established\" | awk '{print $1}'`" SEGMENTS_RECEIVED="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"segments received\" | grep -v \"bad\" | awk '{print $1}'`" SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"segments send out\" | awk '{print $1}'`" SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"segments retransmited\" | awk '{print $1}'`" BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED="`cat /tmp/net.$$ | grep \"bad segments received\" | awk '{print $1}'`" yes | rm /tmp/net.$$ 2>/dev/null COLISAO_NIC="`echo ${COLISAO_NIC}`" RX_NIC="`echo ${RX_NIC}`" TX_NIC="`echo ${TX_NIC}`" NIC_RX_PCK="`echo ${NIC_RX_PCK}`" NIC_TX_PCK="`echo ${NIC_TX_PCK}`" ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS="`echo ${ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS}`" PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS="`echo ${PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS}`" FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS="`echo ${FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS}`" CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED="`echo ${CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED}`" CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED="`echo ${CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED}`" SEGMENTS_RECEIVED="`echo ${SEGMENTS_RECEIVED}`" SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT="`echo ${SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT}`" SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED="`echo ${SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED}`" BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED="`echo ${BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED}`" COLISAO_NIC_X="Colisao" RX_NIC_X="Pacotes RX (ifconfig)" TX_NIC_X="Pacotes TX (ifconfig)" NIC_RX_PCK_X="Pacotes RX (sar)" NIC_TX_PCK_X="Pacotes TX (sar)" ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS_X="Active Connections Openings (sar)" PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS_X="Passive Connection Openings (sar)" FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_X="FAiled Connection Attempts (sar)" CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED_X="Conection Resets Received (sar)" CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED_X="Connections Established (sar)" SEGMENTS_RECEIVED_X="Segments Received (sar)" SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT_X="Segments Out (sar)" SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED_X="Segments Retransmited (sar)" BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED_X="Bad Segments Received (sar)" if [ -f "${FSTXT}" ] then echo $FSTXT existe > /dev/null echo "${DT_FULL};${DT_HORA};${COLISAO_NIC};${RX_NIC};${TX_NIC};${NIC_RX_PCK};${NIC_TX_PCK};${ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS};${PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS};${FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS};${CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED};${CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED};${SEGMENTS_RECEIVED};${SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT};${SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED};${BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED}" >> ${FSTXT} else echo $FSTXT nao > /dev/null echo "[ ${SERVER} ${IP_LOCAL} ] - ${DT_MES_NAME} de ${DT_ano}" > ${FSTXT} echo "" >> ${FSTXT} echo "Data;Hora;${COLISAO_NIC_X};${RX_NIC_X};${TX_NIC_X};${NIC_RX_PCK_X};${NIC_TX_PCK_X};${ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS_X};${PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS_X};${FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_X};${CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED_X};${CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED_X};${SEGMENTS_RECEIVED_X};${SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT_X};${SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED_X};${BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED_X}" >> ${FSTXT} echo "${DT_FULL};${DT_HORA};${COLISAO_NIC};${RX_NIC};${TX_NIC};${NIC_RX_PCK};${NIC_TX_PCK};${ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS_OPENINGS};${PASSIVE_CONNECTION_OPENINGS};${FAILED_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS};${CONNECTION_RESETS_RECEIVED};${CONNECTIONS_ESTABLISHED};${SEGMENTS_RECEIVED};${SEGMENTS_SEND_OUT};${SEGMENTS_RETRANSMITED};${BAD_SEGMENTS_RECEIVED}" >> ${FSTXT} fi # # Final do Script ------------------------------------------------------------ #
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