Conversor de logs do svn para rss
Publicado por Pedro Robson Leão 29/10/2008
[ Hits: 4.269 ]
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Os seguintes parâmetros podem estar incluídos em um arquivo /home/pleao/../
<pre> #default action="SNV_CHANGE"; webrepository="http://localhost/svnwebclient/content.jsp"; webparam="crev"; domain="localhost"; title="SVN TAGS"; description="Tags SVN"; lang="pt-br"; repository="http://svn/repositorio"; revisions=20; function manpage() { cat ${1} | grep "##" | grep -v cat | cut -c 3- | while read line ; do eval "echo \"${line}\""; done exit; } ############################################### ## Pedro Robson Leao - 20081021 ## ## Conversor de log svn para rss ## ## Versao 1.0 ## ## uso: script >file.xml ## ## Os seguinte parametros podem estar incluidos em um arquivo ${HOME}/.${0}.rc ## ###acao incluida no xml ##action="SNV_CHANGE"; ###url do snvwebclient ou similar #testado com svnwebclient ##webrepository="http://localhost/svnwebclient/content.jsp"; ###parametro para pegar revisao na interface web do controlador de versao ##webparam="crev"; ###domain para os usuarios - composicao do email ##domain="localhost"; ###titulo do rss ##title="SVN TAGS"; ###descricao do rss ##description="Tags SVN"; ###language do rss ##lang="pt-br"; ###endereco do repositorio ##repository="http://svn/repositorio"; ###quantidade de revisoes para ser verificada ##revisions=20; ################################################ [ "${1}" == "-h" ] && manpage "${0}"; rev=$( svn --non-interactive info ${repository} | grep ^Revision: | cut -d : -f 2 ); rev2=$((rev-revisions)); [ "${rev2}" -lt "0" ] && { rev2=0; } [ -f ~/.${0}.rc ] && { source ~/.${0}.rc; } date=$(date +%Y%m%d ); svn --non-interactive log ${repository} -r ${rev}:${rev2} -v | awk \ -v action="${action}" \ -v webrepository="${webrepository}" \ -v webparam="${webparam}" \ -v domain="${domain}" \ -v title="${title}" \ -v description="${description}" \ -v lang="${lang}" \ -v date="${date}" \ ' BEGIN { # x=i="a"; # action="SNV_CHANGE"; # webrepository="http://csaad:8085/svnwebclient/content.jsp"; # webparam="crev"; # domain=""; # title="SVN TAGS"; # description"Tags SVN"; # lang="pt-br"; # date="20081020"; STATUS[" "] = "no modifications"; STATUS["A"] = "Added"; STATUS["C"] = "Conflicted"; STATUS["D"] = "Deleted"; STATUS["I"] = "Ignored"; STATUS["M"] = "Modified"; STATUS["R"] = "Replaced"; STATUS["X"] = "item is unversioned, but is used by an externals definition"; STATUS["?"] = "item is not under version control"; STATUS["!"] = "item is missing (removed by non-svn command) or incomplete"; STATUS["~"] = "versioned item obstructed by some item of a different kind"; print "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:content=\"\" xmlns:wfw=\"\" xmlns:dc=\"\" >"; print "<channel>"; print "<title>" title "</title>"; print "<link>" webrepository "</link>"; print "<description>" description "</description>"; print "<pubDate>" date "</pubDate>"; print "<generator></generator>"; print "<language>" lang "</language>"; } function mount_item() { repository = webrepository; if(webparam) { repository = sprintf("%s%s%s%s%s", repository, "?", webparam, "=", release); } if(domain) { user = sprintf("%s@%s", user, domain); } print "<item>"; print " <title>Revision " release, "by", user"</title>"; print " <link>", repository, "</link>"; #trocar parametrizavel print " <dc:creator>" user "</dc:creator>"; print " <pubDate>" date, hour "</pubDate>"; print " <category><![CDATA[",action,"]]></category>"; print " <description><![CDATA["; print ":: <b>Links:</b><br>"; for (s in _src) { if(_src[s]) { a=_action[s]; status = STATUS[a] ? STATUS[a] : a; print "<b>" status "</b>: " "<a href=" repository "&url=" substr(_src[s],2) ">" _src[s] "</a><br>"; } _src[s]=0; } print "<br><br>:: <b>Info:</b><br>"; for (c in comment) { if(comment[c]) { #if(!index(coment[c],"<br>$")) { # print comment[c]; #} else { print comment[c], "<br>"; #} } comment[c]=0; } print " <hr>]]></description>"; print "</item>"; } /^---------/ { #start if(flg) { mount_item(); i=x="a"; } flg=1; } /r[0-9]/ { #release #r3075 | pleao | 2008-10-17 11:53:08 -0300 (Fri, 17 Oct 2008) | 7 lines release=substr($1,2); user=$3; date=$5; hour=$6; tz=$4; } /Changed paths:/ { #tira o changed paths } /^ [A-Z] \// { #Changed paths: # M /legacy/gkpromo/trunk/interface/front-end/default.css _action[i]=$1; _src[i]=$2; i++; } { comment[x]=$0; x++; } END { mount_item(); print "</channel></rss>"; } '; </pre>
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