Cup - um gerenciador de notas simples
Publicado por Artur Rabelo (última atualização em 28/06/2022)
[ Hits: 2.159 ]
Fiz esse programa pela necessidade de criar, modificar e gerenciar notas rapidamente pelo terminal, tirando a necessidade de abrir um programa com interface gráfica apenas para isso. Repositório no GitHub:
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import sys import argparse import os import logging import datetime import json logging.basicConfig( filename="logfile.log", filemode="w", format="[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - line %(lineno)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default variables default = "notes" fp = default + ".json" wdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) logging.debug(f"Working directory: {wdir}") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class Notebook: """ Defines a Notebook object.""" def __init__(self, title=default, path=None, notes=[], last_updated=None): self.title = title if path is None: self.path = os.path.join(wdir, title + ".json") else: self.path = path self.notes = notes self.last_updated = last_updated def update_changes(self): """ Updates unsaved changes to file. This method should be called whenever a change is made.""" # Fix for notes ids getting messed up when removing a note for note in self.notes: note_index = self.notes.index(note) + 1 if note["id"] != note_index: note["id"] = note_index # Update JSON file data = self.__dict__ logging.debug(f"Data to be written: '{data}'") with open(self.path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2)"Sucessfully updated file") """except Exception as e: logging.error(f"couldn't update json file: {e}") print(f"'{self.title}' notebook couldn't be updated ({e})")""" def get_note(self, note_id): """Returns a note with index N.""" if self.notes: if note_id > 0: note_id -= 1 try: note = self.notes[note_id]"Getting note with id {note_id}") return note except IndexError: logging.error(f"A note with id ({note_id}) was not found") print(f"Note ({note_id+1}) not found.") def current_time(self): """Get current time.""" return def create_note(self, content, title=None): """Creates a new note.""" note_id = 1 if not self.notes else len(self.notes) + 1 created = self.current_time().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") title = "Untitled" if title is None else title[0] content_data = {"id": note_id, "created": created, "title": title, "content": content} self.notes.append(content_data) self.last_updated = content_data["created"] print("Note created.") self.update_changes() def edit_note(self, note_id): """Edits a note with index N.""" note = self.get_note(note_id) if note: try: note["title"] = input("New title: ") if not note["title"]: note["title"] = "Untitled" note["content"] = input("Note:\n") print("Note edited.") note["last_edited"] = self.current_time().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") self.update_changes() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nAborting.") def read_note(self, note_id, card=False): """Reads a note with index N.""" note = self.get_note(note_id) if note: index, text, title = note["id"], note["content"], note["title"] edited = note["created"] if not "edited" in note.keys() else note["edited"] last_edited = datetime.datetime.strptime(edited, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") time = last_edited.strftime("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M") if card: """ If running using note index, i.e. " rd 1", it will print the full content. --------------------------------------------- Title ----- This is an example and contains a title. Last edited: 2022-05-27, 21:59. --------------------------------------------- """ print(f"{title}") print("-" * len(title)) print("".join(text)) if text and not text[len(text)-1].endswith("\n"): print() print(f"Last edited: {time}.") else: """ By default, it will print notes in list view. ----------------------------------------------- [1] 2022-05-27, 21:59 - This is another example ----------------------------------------------- """ if title == "Untitled": if "\n" in text: text = text.splitlines()[0] + "(...)" title = text print(f"[{index}] {time} - {title}") def show_notes(self): """Prints notes to the terminal.""" if self.notes: print("Your notes:") for i in range(1, len(self.notes)+1): self.read_note(i) else: print("You don't have any notes yet.") print(f"Try adding a note with ' add [note]'") def delete_note(self, note_id): """Deletes a note with index N.""" note = self.get_note(note_id) if note:"Removing note ({note_id})") self.notes.remove(note) self.update_changes() self.show_notes() def load_notebook(): """Check if a notebook already exists.""" if os.path.exists(fp): with open(fp, "r") as filepath: content = return json.loads(content) else: return None def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="cup", description="A simple command-line note manager.") subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest="com") add = subparser.add_parser("add", help="creates a new note") add.add_argument("text", nargs="?", help="note's content") add.add_argument("-t", nargs="+", help="note's title") ed = subparser.add_parser("ed", help="edits a note") ed.add_argument("id", type=int, help="note's ID") rd = subparser.add_parser("cat", help="reads a note") rd.add_argument("id", type=int, help="note's ID") rm = subparser.add_parser("rm", help="removes a note") rm.add_argument("id", type=int, help="note's ID") args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): # Check if a notebook already exists in directory data = load_notebook() if data is None: n = Notebook() else: n = Notebook(**data) if len(sys.argv) == 1: n.show_notes() else: args = get_args() if == "add": text, title = args.text, None if not args.t else args.t n.create_note(text, title) n.show_notes() elif in ["cat", "ed", "rm"]: funcs = { "cat": n.read_note, "ed": n.edit_note , "rm": n.delete_note } if == "cat": funcs[](, card=True) else: funcs[]( if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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