Google Code Jam 2010 - Africa Classification Round
Publicado por Enzo de Brito Ferber (última atualização em 19/12/2011)
[ Hits: 3.452 ]
Problema B.
Dado um arquivo de entrada com n linhas, ler cada linha do arquivo e imprimir as PALAVRAS em ordem inversa.
Por exemplo:
// reverse.c // Enzo Ferber - dez 2011 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define LINES 101 #define LETTERS 1001 // reverse word from A to B void rword ( char *str, int a, int b ) { char *aux = (char *) malloc ( (b - a + 1) * sizeof ( char )); register int i; for ( i = a; i < b; i++ ) *(aux++) = str[i]; for ( i = a; i < b; i++ ) str[i] = *(--aux); // free memory free ( aux ); } // reverse the whole string void rstr ( char *str ) { char *backup = (char *) malloc ( strlen(str) * sizeof(char)); register int i, j; for ( i = 0, j = strlen(str) - 1; i < strlen(str); i++, j-- ) backup[i] = str[j]; strncpy ( str, backup, strlen(str) ); free ( backup ); } // main function ... int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { register int i = 0, j = 0, a, lines; char line[ LINES ][ LETTERS ], c; FILE *input; // arguments if ( argc < 2 ) { printf ( "Usage: %s <input_file>\n", argv[0] ); exit ( -1 ); } // try to open input file if( !(input = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) { printf ( "# Could not open file %s\n", argv[1] ); exit ( -1 ); } // read file while ( (c = fgetc(input)) && !feof(input) ) { if ( c != '\n' ) line[i][j++] = c; else { line[i][j] = 0x0; i++; j = 0; } } // store lines number lines = i; // reverse whole string, then words for ( i = 1; i < lines; i++) { rstr ( line[i] ); for ( j = 0; j < strlen(line[i]); j++ ) { for ( a = j; a <= strlen(line[i]); a++ ) { if ( line[i][a] == ' ' || line[i][a] == '{FONTE}' ) { rword(line[i], j, a); j = a; break; } } } } for ( i = 1; i < lines; i++ ) printf ( "Case #%d: %s\n", i, line[i] ); return 0; }
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