HTA - HTML Application Um exemplo com todas as propriedades

Publicado por Emiliano Eloi Silva Barbosa 23/01/2006

[ Hits: 16.348 ]


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HTA! É um histórinha ai da microsoft, significa HTML Application, muito interessante por sinal. Trata-se de uma janélinha do internet explorer toda configurável, excelente pra fazer programinhas pra Web funcionárem como programas cliente. Ainda mais nos dias de hoje com o bom e velho AJAX em alta!


Esconder código-fonte

    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
      function verPropriedades(){
        //Application Name ==================================================
        vAN = oHTA.applicationName;
        //Border ============================================================
        // thick Default. Thick window border, plus a size grip and sizing border for resizing the window. 
        // dialog Dialog window border. 
        // none No window border. 
        // thin Thin window border with a caption. 
        vB = oHTA.border;
        //BorderStyle ========================================================
        // normal Default. Normal border. 
        // complex Raised and sunken border. 
        // raised Raised 3-D border. 
        // static 3-D border typically used for windows that do not accept user input. 
        // sunken Sunken 3-D border. 
        vBS = oHTA.borderStyle;
        //Caption ============================================================
        // yes Default. Title bar is displayed. 
        // no Title bar is not displayed. 
        vC = oHTA.caption;
        //CommandLine ========================================================
        vCL = oHTA.commandLine;
        //ContextMenu ========================================================
        // yes Default. Context menus are displayed. 
        // no Context menus are not displayed. 
        vCM = oHTA.contextMenu;
        //Icon ===============================================================
        vI = oHTA.icon;
        //InnerBorder ========================================================
        // yes Default. Three-dimensional inner border is displayed. 
        // no Inner border is not displayed. 
        vIB = oHTA.innerBorder;
        //MaximizeButton =====================================================
        // yes Default. Maximize button is displayed. 
        // no Maximize button is not displayed. 
        vMB = oHTA.maximizeButton;
        //MinimizeButton ===================================================== 
        // yes Default. Minimize button is displayed. 
        // no Minimize button is not displayed. 
        vMB2 = oHTA.minimizeButton;
        //Navigable ==========================================================
        // no Default. Links in the main HTA window will be loaded in a new browser window. 
        // yes Links in the main HTA window will be loaded in the main HTA window. 
        vN = oHTA.navigable;
        //Scroll =============================================================
        // yes Default. Scroll bars are displayed. 
        // no Scroll bars are not displayed. 
        // auto Scroll bars are displayed only when the content exceeds what can fit in the client area. 
        vS = oHTA.scroll;
        //ScrollFlat ==========================================================
        // yes Scroll bars are flat. 
        // no Default. Scroll bars are 3-D. 
        vSF = oHTA.scroll;
        //Selection ===========================================================
        // yes Default. Content can be selected with the mouse or keyboard. 
        // no Content cannot be selected with the mouse or keyboard.  
        vSE = oHTA.selection;
        //ShowInTaskBar =======================================================
        // yes Default. Application is displayed in the Windows taskbar. 
        // no Application is not displayed in the Windows taskbar. 
        vSIT = oHTA.showInTaskBar;
        //SingleInstance ======================================================
        // yes Only one instance of the specified application can run at a time. 
        // no Default. Multiple instances of the specified application can run at the same time. 
        vSI = oHTA.singleInstance;
        //SysMenu =============================================================
        vSM = oHTA.sysMenu;
        //Version =============================================================
        vV = oHTA.version;
        //WindowState =========================================================
        // normal Default. Window is the default size for Microsoft Internet Explorer. 
        // minimize Window does not display on launch. Instead, the title of the minimized application appears in the taskbar. 
        //maximize Window is sized to fill the screen. 
        vWS = oHTA.windowState;
    <style type="text/css">
      body {
        font-family: Georgia;
      span {
        float: left;
      .opcao {
        font-family: Courier New;
        color: RED;
    <TITLE>HTA - HTML Application</TITLE>
    <H1>HTA - HTML Aplication</H1>
    <span>Nome da aplicação: </span><span id="dApplicationname" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Borda: </span><span id="dBorder" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Estilo da Borda: </span><span id="dBorderStyle" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Subtítulo: </span><span id="dCaption" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Linha de comando: </span><span id="dCommandLine" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Contexto de menu: </span><span id="dContextMenu" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Icone: </span><span id="dIcon" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Borda Interna: </span><span id="dInnerBorder" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Botão de Maximizar: </span><span id="dMaximizeButton" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Botão de Manimizar: </span><span id="dMinimizeButton" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Navegável: </span><span id="dNavigable" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Barra de rolagem: </span><span id="dScroll" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Barra de rolagem chata: </span><span id="dScrollFlat" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Seleção: </span><span id="dSelection" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Exibir no gerenciador de tarefas: </span><span id="dShowInTaskBar" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Única Instância: </span><span id="dSingleInstance" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Menu do Sistema: </span><span id="dSysMenu" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Versão: </span><span id="dVersion" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <span>Estado da Janela: </span><span id="dWindowState" class="opcao"></span><br />
    <br clear="all">
    <a HRef="#" onClick="verPropriedades();" Title="clique para ver propriedades do HTA">Ver Propriedades</a>

Scripts recomendados

Html e suas principais Tags.

Contador de acesso melhorado

Script de um programa de HTML em java

Script simples



[1] Comentário enviado por emilianoeloi em 23/01/2006 - 10:36h

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