Jogo da Velha com JavaScript e SVG
Publicado por Luiz (última atualização em 17/06/2015)
[ Hits: 6.326 ]
Jogo da Velha simples feito com JavaScript e SVG.
O SVG foi gerado e organizado usando o Inkscape.
O JavaScript não ficou uma maravilha mas funciona como o esperado. :)
Funciona muito bem em smartphones.
<!-- Copyright (C) 2015 Luiz Augusto R. C. ( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. 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}else{ jogo.alerta('Deu Velha !!'); } }, verificar: function (j){ if(mapa.a == j && mapa.b == j && mapa.c == j){return true;} else if(mapa.d == j && mapa.e == j && mapa.f == j){return true;} else if(mapa.g == j && mapa.h == j && mapa.i == j){return true;} else if(mapa.a == j && mapa.d == j && mapa.g == j){return true;} else if(mapa.b == j && mapa.e == j && mapa.h == j){return true;} else if(mapa.c == j && mapa.f == j && mapa.i == j){return true;} else if(mapa.a == j && mapa.e == j && mapa.i == j){return true;} else if(mapa.c == j && mapa.e == j && mapa.g == j){return true;} else if(j == 'v' && mapa.a != '' && mapa.b != '' && mapa.c != '' && mapa.d != '' && mapa.e != '' && mapa.f != '' && mapa.g != '' && mapa.h != '' && mapa.i != ''){ return true; } return false; }, jogar: function (posicao, jogador){ mapa[posicao.toLowerCase()] = jogador; if(jogo.verificar('x')){ //X ganhou xpontos++; jogada_anterior = 'o'; jogo.mensagemGanhador('x'); } else if(jogo.verificar('o')){ //O ganhou opontos++; jogada_anterior = 'x'; jogo.mensagemGanhador('o'); } else if(jogo.verificar('v')){ //Deu Velha vpontos++; jogo.mensagemGanhador('v'); } }, botaoClicado: function(posicao){ onalert = get($$('.alerta')); if(onalert != 'block'){ x = get($$('#X'+posicao)) o = get($$('#O'+posicao)) if (jogada_anterior != 'x' && x == 'none' && o == 'none') { jogada_anterior = 'x'; $$('#X' + posicao).style.display='block'; jogo.jogar(posicao, 'x'); } else if (jogada_anterior != 'o' && x == 'none' && o == 'none'){ jogada_anterior = 'o'; $$('#O'+posicao).style.display='block'; jogo.jogar(posicao, 'o'); } if(jogada_anterior == 'o'){ $$('#vez').innerHTML = 'Vez do X'; } else if(jogada_anterior == 'x'){ $$('#vez').innerHTML = 'Vez do O'; } } } }; window.botaoClicado = jogo.botaoClicado; </script> </head> <body onload="jogo.limparJogo()"> <div class="alerta"> <div class="msg"></div> <div class="botao"> <button type="button" id="ok" onclick="$$('.alerta').style.display='none'; jogo.limparJogo();">Jogar Novamente</button> </div> </div> <div class="titulo"> <h2>Jogo da Velha</h2> </div> <br/> <div id="fundo"> <svg xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.1" width="300" height="300" id="svg2"> <g transform="translate(0,-752.36224)" id="layer1"> <rect width="95" height="95" x="-5.0000004e-08" y="752.36224" id="A" style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" onclick="botaoClicado('A')"/> <rect width="95" height="95" x="102.5" y="752.36224" id="B" style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" onclick="botaoClicado('B')"/> <rect width="95" height="95" x="205" y="752.36224" id="C" style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" onclick="botaoClicado('C')"/> <rect width="95" height="95" x="0" y="854.86224" id="D" style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" onclick="botaoClicado('D')"/> <rect width="95" height="95" x="102.5" y="854.86224" id="E" style="fill:#ffffff;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none" onclick="botaoClicado('E')"/> <rect width="95" height="95" 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20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.8125 L 173.8125,755.70599 150,779.51849 126.1875,755.70599 z" id="XB" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 228.68749,755.70599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.8125 -20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,-23.8125 z" id="XC" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 90.913725,32.29937 a 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 -131.319824,0 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 131.319824,0 z" transform="matrix(0.47817191,0,0,0.4781719,35.424336,886.91759)" id="OD" style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:54.92282104;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 23.6875,858.20599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,-23.8125 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style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:54.92282104;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 228.6875,858.20599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.8125 -20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,-23.8125 z" id="XF" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 90.913725,32.29937 a 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 -131.319824,0 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 131.319824,0 z" transform="matrix(0.47817191,0,0,0.4781719,35.424336,989.41759)" id="OG" style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:54.92282104;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 23.6875,960.70599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.81246 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.3438 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.3438 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.81246 L 71.3125,960.70599 47.5,984.51849 23.6875,960.70599 z" id="XG" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 90.913725,32.29937 a 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 -131.319824,0 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 131.319824,0 z" transform="matrix(0.47817191,0,0,0.4781719,137.92434,989.41759)" id="OH" style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:54.92282104;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 126.1875,960.70599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.81246 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.3438 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.3438 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.81246 L 173.8125,960.70599 150,984.51849 126.1875,960.70599 z" id="XH" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 90.913725,32.29937 a 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 -131.319824,0 65.659912,65.659912 0 1 1 131.319824,0 z" transform="matrix(0.47817191,0,0,0.4781719,240.42434,989.41759)" id="OI" style="fill:none;stroke:#ff0000;stroke-width:54.92282104;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1;stroke-dasharray:none;display:none"/> <path class="path" d="m 228.6875,960.70599 -20.34375,20.34375 23.8125,23.81246 -23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,20.3438 23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,23.8125 20.34375,-20.3438 -23.8125,-23.8125 23.8125,-23.81246 -20.34375,-20.34375 -23.8125,23.8125 -23.8125,-23.8125 z" id="XI" style="fill:#008080;stroke:none;display:none"/> </g> </svg> </div> <ul> <li><b style="font-size:20pt;">X: </b><b id="xpontos" style="font-size:20pt;"></b></li> <li><b style="font-size:20pt;">O: </b><b id="opontos" style="font-size:20pt;"></b></li> <li><b style="font-size:20pt;">V: </b><b id="vpontos" style="font-size:20pt;"></b></li> </ul> <p><div id="vez" style="font-size:20pt;font-weight:bold;">Vez do X</div></p> </div> </body> </html>
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