Monitorando processos, CPU e memória
Publicado por eli marques junior (última atualização em 21/08/2013)
[ Hits: 34.893 ]
Download (versão 2)
Simples script para monitorar processos, CPU e memória...
Apenas para brincar e aprender...
A função CPU foi copiada de "by Paul Colby (, no rights reserved ;)"
Para executá-lo basta dar permissão:
$ chmod u+x
E executá-lo:
$ ./
Versão 2 - Enviado por eli marques junior em 20/08/2013
Changelog: Uso:
$ ./ -t "time for sleep" -c "cpu crit" -p "process crit"
$ ./ -t 60 -c 80 -p 10
#!/bin/bash # ELI MARQUES JUNIOR # # trap 'echo -e "\n\t\t`tput blink`{FONTE}33[44;1;37mNão é possivel cancelar o script $0{FONTE}33[0m`tput sgr0`\n"; sleep 1; ' 2 process_number=0 function process(){ quant_proc=0 FILE="FILE.txt" ps -eo pid,%cpu,user,args | grep -v CPU > FILE.txt exec 3<&0 exec 0<$FILE # read $FILE using the file descriptors while read line do cpu=`echo $line | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d. -f1` process=`echo $line | awk '{print $4}'` if (( $cpu >= $1 )); then ((quant_proc++)) echo -e "{FONTE}33[41;1;37m$quant_proc - Process: $process, Uso CPU: $cpu%, Status: CRIT{FONTE}33[0m" #output=(0, $quant_proc) #echo ${output[@]} fi #quant_proc=`expr $quant_proc + 1` done exec 0<&3 return ${quant_proc[0]} } PREV_TOTAL=0 PREV_IDLE=0 function cpu(){ # by Paul Colby (, no rights reserved ;) CPU=(`cat /proc/stat | grep '^cpu '`) # Get the total CPU statistics. unset CPU[0] # Discard the "cpu" prefix. IDLE=${CPU[4]} # Get the idle CPU time. # Calculate the total CPU time. TOTAL=0 for VALUE in "${CPU[@]}"; do let "TOTAL=$TOTAL+$VALUE" done # Calculate the CPU usage since we last checked. let "DIFF_IDLE=$IDLE-$PREV_IDLE" let "DIFF_TOTAL=$TOTAL-$PREV_TOTAL" let "DIFF_USAGE=(1000*($DIFF_TOTAL-$DIFF_IDLE)/$DIFF_TOTAL+5)/10" #echo -en "\rCPU: $DIFF_USAGE% \b\b" # Remember the total and idle CPU times for the next check. PREV_TOTAL="$TOTAL" PREV_IDLE="$IDLE" # Wait before checking again. } function memoria(){ center=$(expr `tput cols` \/ 2 - 25) var=(`free -m | grep -i Mem:`) var_per=`expr 100 \* ${var[2]} \/ ${var[1]}` if (( $var_per >= 88 )); then red="{FONTE}33[0m{FONTE}33[41;1;37m" nred="{FONTE}33[0m{FONTE}33[46;1;37m" else red="" nred="" fi printf "%$center.s|----------------------------------------|\n" printf "%$center.s|{FONTE}33[44;1;37m MEMORIA EM MB {FONTE}33[0m|\n" printf "%$center.s|{FONTE}33[44;1;37m------------|-------------|-------------{FONTE}33[0m|\n" printf "%$center.s|{FONTE}33[44;1;37m Total | Used | Livre {FONTE}33[0m|\n" printf "%$center.s|------------|-------------|-------------|\n" printf "%$center.s|{FONTE}33[46;1;37m %4.4s | $red%4.4s$nred | %4.4s {FONTE}33[m|\n" "" "${var[1]}" "${var[2]}" "${var[3]}" printf "%$center.s|------------|-------------|-------------|\n" } function chama_tudo(){ while true; do printf "%*s\n" $(tput cols) "ELI MARQUES JUNIOR" #Chamando a Funcao teste memoria cpu if (($DIFF_USAGE >= 10 )); then printf "Uso CPU: `tput blink`{FONTE}33[41;1;37m%2.2s%%{FONTE}33[0m`tput sgr0`" $DIFF_USAGE else printf "Uso CPU: %2.2s%%" $DIFF_USAGE fi printf "\nProcess Crit:\n" #Chamando a Funcao process process $1 #contando=$? echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" count=0 while (($count <= $2)); do sleep 1 ((count++)) echo -en "\rTime refresh: $count{FONTE}33[179C" done process_number=$contando tput cup 0 0; tput ed #printf "{FONTE}33[1K{FONTE}33[H"; done } if [ "-c $2" == "$1 $2" ] && [ "-t $4" == "$3 $4" ]; then printf "{FONTE}33[2J{FONTE}33[H"; chama_tudo $2 $4 else echo -e "\t\t\t$0 -c \"arg crit\" -t \"time for sleep\"" fi
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