MyBF - Interpretador de BrainFuck
Publicado por Danillo Souza (última atualização em 26/08/2010)
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Pequeno interpretador da linguagem BrainFuck que eu criei, implementando mais 2 comandos adicionais (a descrição se encontra nos comentários do início). Para quem não conhece BrainFuck:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Author: Danillo Souza # Email: # Version: 0.1 # # This script implements the original syntax of BrainF*ck, with few modifications, # only two additional commands actually. The first is the '!' serving # to write the value of the current cell as an integer, and the second is '$' # used to read a number (actually, one digit) and store your value in the current cell. # # If you extend this script with new functionalities, please send me the # changes via email. I would be happy if I saw someone improving this little # interpreter and adding new stuff. # # And do not forget. if you extend this interpreter, do not use modules not # are patterns of Perl. The goal is to ensure that the interpreter is 100% portable, # not force people to install new modules. use strict; use diagnostics; # Opening file die "Usage: <scriptfile>\n" if scalar(@ARGV) < 1; open my $file, '<', $ARGV[0] or die "Can't open file.\n"; # Variables my $top = 30000; my $ptr = 0; my $cou = 0; my $src = ''; my @segment = (1..$top); foreach (@segment){$_ = 0;} my @loops = (); # Getting the source code while (<$file>) {$src .= $_;} close($file); # Eliminating non-bf characters $src =~ s/[^\+\-\.\!\[\],\$<>]//g; # Verifying the brackets equivalency my $lbrackets = scalar(grep(/[\[]/g, $src)); my $rbrackets = scalar(grep(/[\]]/g, $src)); print "Missing brackets -> ([: $lbrackets | ]: $lbrackets)\n" if ($lbrackets != $rbrackets); # Execution loop while ($cou < length($src)) { my $ch = substr($src, $cou, 1);$cou++; if ($ch eq '>') {$ptr++;if ($ptr>256){$ptr=0}} if ($ch eq '<') {$ptr--;if ($ptr<0){$ptr=256}} if ($ch eq '+') {$segment[$ptr]++} if ($ch eq '-') {$segment[$ptr]--} if ($ch eq '.') {print chr($segment[$ptr]);} if ($ch eq '!') {print int($segment[$ptr]);} if ($ch eq ',') {my $y=<STDIN>;$segment[$ptr]=ord(substr($y,0,1));} if ($ch eq '$') {my $y=<STDIN>;$segment[$ptr]=int(substr($y,0,1));} if ($ch eq '[') {push(@loops, $cou)} if ($ch eq ']') {if ($segment[$ptr]!=0){$cou=$loops[$#loops]}else{pop(@loops)}} }
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