O que fazer após instalar o Debian 8 - versão em Shell Script

Publicado por Kelvin Ferraz (última atualização em 31/05/2017)

[ Hits: 2.477 ]

Homepage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelvin-ferraz-3379a39a/

Download 6641.ProgramsDebianJessie.sh

Este script tem a ideia de ajudar os usuários novatos e usuários inteligentes. Sua operação é simples e intuitiva. Usando apenas script em  bash e a interface gráfica add-on "dialog".

Críticas e sugestões são bem vindas!

Lembrando: a intenção do script é ajudar o usuário básico ou até mesmo alguém que esteja com dificuldades para instalação de programas básicos.

Espero que gostem!


Esconder código-fonte


   #                                                                                                     #
   #                                                            #
   #                   DESENVOLVIDO POR Kelvin Ferraz (kelvinferrazsilva@gmail.com)                      #
   #               Edit: 02 - MAI - 2017                                    #
   #                                                      #
   #                                          #
   #                                           #
   #  ___   _____   ___   _   _    ___   _____      ___    ___     ___    ___   ___   ___   ___   _____  #
   # / __| |_   _| | _ \ | | | |  / __| |_   _|    / _ \  | __|   / __|  / __| | _ \ |_ _| | _ \ |_   _| #
   # \__ \   | |   |   / | |_| | | (__    | |     | (_) | | _|    \__ \ | (__  |   /  | |  |  _/   | |   #
   # |___/   |_|   |_|_\  \___/   \___|   |_|      \___/  |_|     |___/  \___| |_|_\ |___| |_|     |_|   #
   #                                                                                                     #
   #                                          #
   #                                          #
   #          +---------------------+                    +-------------+            #
   #          | Verify if is a Root |      IF NOT        |    ERROR    |             #
   #          +---------------------+--------------------+-------------+                   #
   #                |                              #
   #                  IF YES                              #
   #                |                              #
   #          +---------------------+               +-------------+         #
   #          |   Test Connection   |       IF NOT        |    ERROR    |           #
   #          +---------------------+----------------------------+-------------+         #
   #                |                              #
   #             IF YES                                   #
   #                |                                      #
   #      +---------------------+     +---------------------+            +-------------+      #
   #      |   Start a Script    |       | Verify dependencies |   IF NOT    |    ERROR    |      #
   #      +---------------------+------------+---------------------+-------+-------------+      #
   #                                          |                        #
   #                                      IF INSTALLED                     #
   #                                      |                        #
   #                   +---------------------+                  #
   #                               |       Begin         |                                   #
   #                   +---------------------+                                   #
   #                                                  #


#Full-Screen Option
echo "Deseja executar em fullscreen?"
echo "Entre com a opcao [S-N]" 
read opcaofullscreen

   if [ "$opcaofullscreen" = "s" ] || [ "$opcaofullscreen" = "S" ]; then
      printf '\e[8;600;800t'

   elif [ "$opcaofullscreen" = "n" ] || [ "$opcaofullscreen" = "N" ]; then
      echo "Opcao Invalida! Digite S ou N"

#Create file log
# Enables logging by copying the default output to the LOGFILE file
exec 1> >(tee -a "$LOGFILE")
# Does the same for ERROR output
exec 2>&1

#Check if its root
   if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
      echo "Voce deve executar este script como root! "


   fi #Check if it's root

#Test Connection
   echo "Testing Connection...."
   sleep 2

   wget -q --tries=10 --timeout=20 --spider http://www.google.com.br

      if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then

         echo "Connection OK"
         sleep 2


         echo "Connection Error!"
         echo "Check the connection or configuration"



#Start Script

   if [ -e /tmp/script.ok ]; then



      echo "Iniciando o Script...."
      sleep 2

      #Backup do Sources.list
      cd /etc/apt/
      mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bkp
      touch /etc/apt/sources.list

      if [ -e sources.list.bkp ]; then

         echo "Backup do sources.list realizado com sucesso!"
         echo "Verique se foi gerado o arquivo de backup do sourcesl.list"

      #Adicionando linhas no repositorio

      echo "

      deb http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free
      deb-src http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian jessie main contrib non-free

      deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free
      deb-src http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main contrib non-free

      deb http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free
      deb-src http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free

      deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org jessie main non-free
      deb-src http://www.deb-multimedia.org jessie main non-free

      deb http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ jessie-backports main contrib non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list

      #Update Repository
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install debian-keyring  -y

      #Repository Java      
      echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu xenial main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list
      echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu xenial main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list
      apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys EEA14886

      #Fix package in pub multimedia key
      gpg --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg -a --export 5C808C2B65558117 | apt-key add -

      #Update Repository
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get upgrade -y
      #Variable receives packet (Dependencies needed to run the script)
      packet=$( dpkg --get-selections | grep dialog )

      if [ -n "$packet" ]; then

         echo "Paconte instalado!"

         touch /tmp/script.ok


         echo "Instalando Dependencias..."
         sleep 2

         debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install dialog

         if [ -n $packet ]; then

            echo "Dependencias Instaladas com Sucesso!"

            touch /tmp/script.ok



            echo " Pacote necessário: O script depende: dialog  "



#Menu Install Programs

 Option=$( dialog --backtitle 'Programs for Debian | Viva o Linux' --stdout --menu 'MENU PRINCIPAL:' \
      0 0 0                       \
      1 'Programas DevOps'        \
      2 'Plug-ins'                \
      3 'Programas Design'        \
      4 'Players (Audio e Video)' \
      5 'Programas Internet'      \
      6 'Sair')

      case $Option in
         1) ProgramsDevops ;;
         2) Plugins ;;
         3) ProgramsDesign ;;
         4) ProgramsPlayers ;;
         5) ProgramsInternet ;;
         6) Exit ;;

#Packet of DevOps

     Option=$(dialog --backtitle 'Viva o Linux | Packet for Development' --stdout --checklist 'Escolha sua IDE:' 0 0 0 \
      Atom       'IDE HTML,PYTHON, CSS'     on\
      Bluefish     'IDE HTML & CSS'          off\
      Codeblocks   'IDE C,C++,Assembly'        off\
      Eclipse       'IDE Java,C,C++,HTML'     off\
      Geany        'IDE Bash,C,'            off\
        Sublime-text 'IDE PHP,CSS,HTML (V3.1)' off)

   #case cancel button is selected back to Programs Menu
   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
   #To convert lowercase to uppercase
   OptionDev=$(echo "$Option" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')   
   #Sublime-Text Installation
   packetsublime=$( dpkg --get-selections | grep sublime-text )   
   #Atom Installation
   packetatom=$( which -a atom )
   if [[ -z $OptionDev ]]; then


      #Instalation Atom
      if echo "$OptionDev" | egrep 'atom' > /dev/null ; then
         if [ -n "$packetatom" ]; then

            dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao do Atom'\
               --title "AVISO"\
               --msgbox "O Sistema já possui o Atom"  10 23 \
             cd /tmp/
             rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
             rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*

             wget "$Atom" 2>&1 | \
             stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
             dialog --backtitle 'Atom' --gauge "Download Atom" 0 50

             #Installation packege
             debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install git -y
             dpkg -i deb              
             apt-get install -f -y
         if echo "$OptionDev" | egrep 'sublime-text' > /dev/null ; then   
            if [ -n "$packetsublime" ]; then
                  dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao do Sublime-Text 3.1'\
                        --title "AVISO"\
                        --msgbox "O Sistema já possui o Sublime-Text"  10 23 \
               arq=$( file /bin/bash | cut -d' ' -f3 )

               #condiction 32 or 64 bit
               if [ $arq = '64-bit' ]; then
                   cd /tmp/
                   rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
                   rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*

                   wget "$SublimeText64" 2>&1 | \
                   stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
                   dialog --backtitle 'Downloda do Sublime Text V3.126' --gauge "Download Sublime-Text 64-Bit" 0 50

                   #Installation packege
                   dpkg -i sublime-text_build-3126_amd64.deb
                   apt-get install -f

               elif [ $arq = '32-bit' ]; then
                   cd /tmp/
                   rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
                   rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*

                   wget "$SublimeText32" 2>&1 | \
                   stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
                   dialog --backtitle 'Downloda do Sublime Text V3.126' --gauge "Download Sublime-Text 32-Bit" 0 50

                   #Installation packege
                   dpkg -i sublime-text_build-3126_i386.deb
                   apt-get install -f -y
      #Installation of the chosen packages
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install $OptionDev -y

      dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao de pacotes'\
            --title "AVISO"\
             --msgbox "Os pacotes: $OptionDev  foram instalados!"  10 30 \




#Packet of Plugins
   Option=$(dialog --backtitle 'Viva o Linux | Plugins' --stdout --checklist 'Escolha os Plugins:' 0 0 0 \
      Msttcorefonts          'Fontes MS'                            on\
      Oracle-java8-installer  'Java 8'                                 off\
      Multimedia             'Principais plugins de audio e video'   off)
   #case cancel button is selected back to Programs Menu
   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then

   #To convert lowercase to uppercase
   OptionPlugin=$(echo "$Option" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')

   if [[ -z $OptionPlugin ]]; then


      #Instalation Multimedia
      if echo "$OptionPlugin" | egrep 'multimedia' > /dev/null ; then
         sleep 0.1


         debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad ffmpeg sox twolame vorbis-tools lame faad -y
         debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad -y

         #Installation of the chosen packages
         debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install $OptionPlugin -y

         dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao de pacotes'\
               --title "AVISO"\
               --msgbox "Os pacotes: $OptionPlugin foram instalados!"  10 30 \



#Packet of Desing Application

   Option=$(dialog --backtitle 'Viva o Linux | Design' --stdout --checklist 'Escolha seu Programa:' 0 0 0 \
      Blender   'Modelador 3D'                on\
      Gimp    'Editor de Imagem'         off\
      Inkscape 'Vetorização de Imagem'   off)
   #case cancel button is selected back to Programs Menu
   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then

   #To convert lowercase to uppercase
   OptionDesing=$(echo "$Option" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
   if [[ -z $OptionDesing ]]; then


      #Installation of the chosen packages
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install $OptionDesing -y

      dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao de pacotes'\
            --title "AVISO"\
            --msgbox "Os pacotes: $OptionDesing foram instalados!"  10 30 \

#Packet of Players

   Option=$(dialog --backtitle 'Viva o Linux | Players Audio e Video' --stdout --checklist 'Escolha seu Player' 0 0 0 \
      Amarok         'Player de Video base em KDE'                 on\
      Audacious      'Player de Audio interface do Winamp'        off\
      Clementine     'PLayer de Audio Completo'                   off\
      Kodi           'Media Center e Player de Audio/Video'       off\
      Qmmp           'Player de Audio interface do Winamp'        off\
      Smplayer       'Player de Video'                            off\
      Spotify-client 'Player de Audio Biblioteca Online'          off\
      Vlc            'Player de Vídeos com Recurso de Gravação'   off)
   #case cancel button is selected back to Programs Menu
   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
   #To convert lowercase to uppercase
   OptionPlayers=$(echo "$Option" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
   #if exist packet spotify
   packetspotify=$(dpkg --get-selections | grep spotify-client)

   if [[ -z $OptionPlayers ]]; then


      #Instalation Spotfy
      if echo "$OptionPlayers" | egrep 'spotify-client' > /dev/null ; then
         if [ -n "$packetspotify" ]; then
            dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao do Spotify'\
                  --title "AVISO"\
                  --msgbox "O Sistema já possui o Spotfy"  10 23 \

            # 1. Add the Spotify repository signing key to be able to verify downloaded packages
            apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys BBEBDCB318AD50EC6865090613B00F1FD2C19886

            # 2. Add the Spotify repository
            echo deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list

            # 3. Update list of available packages
            debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update

            # 4. Install Spotify
            #debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install spotify-client -y
      #Installation of the chosen packages
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install $OptionPlayers -y

      dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao de pacotes'\
            --title "AVISO"\
            --msgbox "Os pacotes: $OptionPlayers foram instalados!" 10 30 \


#Packet of Internet

   Option=$(dialog --backtitle 'Viva o Linux | Players Audio e Video' --stdout --checklist 'Escolha seu Programa:' 0 0 0 \
      Qbittorrent 'Gerenciador Torrent'          on\
      Skype       'Chat de Mensagem Voz e Video' off\
      Teamviewer  'Acesso remoto'                off)
   ##case cancel button is selected back to Programs Menu
   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
   #To convert lowercase to uppercase
   OptionInternet=$(echo "$Option" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')
   #if exist teamviwer
   packetteamviewer=$(which -a teamviewer)
   packetskype=$(which -a skypeforlinux)
   if [[ -z $OptionInternet ]]; then


      #Instalation Team Viwer
      if echo "$OptionInternet" | egrep 'teamviewer' > /dev/null ; then
         if [ -n "$packetteamviewer" ]; then
            dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao do Teamviewer 12'\
                  --title "AVISO"\
                  --msgbox "O Sistema já possui o Teamviewer 12"  10 23 \
            cd /tmp/
            rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
            rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*
            wget "$Teamviewer" 2>&1 | \
            stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
            dialog --backtitle 'Teamviewer' --gauge "Download Teamviewer" 0 50
            dpkg --add-architecture i386
            debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update
            dpkg -i teamviewer_i386.deb
            apt-get install -f -y
      #Instalation Skype
      if echo "$OptionInternet" | egrep 'skype' > /dev/null ; then
         if [ -n "$packetskype" ]; then
            dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao do Skype'\
                  --title "AVISO"\
                  --msgbox "O Sistema já possui o Skype"  10 23 \

            arq=$( file /bin/bash | cut -d' ' -f3 )

            #condiction 32 or 64 bit
            if [ $arq = '64-bit' ]; then
               cd /tmp/
               rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
               rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*
               wget "$Skype" 2>&1 | \
               stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
               dialog --backtitle 'Skype' --gauge "Download Skype" 0 50
               dpkg --add-architecture i386         
               debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update
               gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key 1F3045A5DF7587C3
               gpg -a --export 1F3045A5DF7587C3 | sudo apt-key add -
               debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update      
               dpkg -i skypeforlinux-64.deb            
               apt-get   install -f -y
            elif [ $arq = '32-bit' ]; then
               cd /tmp/
               rm -rf /tmp/*.deb
               rm -rf /tmp/*.deb.*
               Skype="wget skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb"
               wget "$Skype" 2>&1 | \
               stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | \
               dialog --backtitle 'Skype' --gauge "Download Skype" 0 50
               dpkg --add-architecture i386         
               debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update
               gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key 1F3045A5DF7587C3
               gpg -a --export 1F3045A5DF7587C3 | sudo apt-key add -
               debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get update      
               dpkg -i getskype-linux-deb         
               apt-get   install -f -y

      #Installation of the chosen packages
      debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get install $OptionInternet -y

      dialog --backtitle 'Instalacao de pacotes'\
            --title "AVISO"\
            --msgbox "Os pacotes: $OptionInternet  foram instalados!"  10 30 \





   debconf-apt-progress -- apt-get autoremove -y


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[1] Comentário enviado por removido em 01/06/2017 - 02:19h

A ideia é boa.

Eu havia começado a fazer uma coisa destas, até com algum tipo de banco de dados, mas o ideal seria usar os dados do sistema APT/DPKG.


Nem direita, nem esquerda. Quando se trata de corrupção o Brasil é ambidestro.

Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. — Edward Snowden

[2] Comentário enviado por kelvinferraz em 01/06/2017 - 08:17h

[1] Comentário enviado por listeiro_037 em 01/06/2017 - 02:19h

A ideia é boa.

Eu havia começado a fazer uma coisa destas, até com algum tipo de banco de dados, mas o ideal seria usar os dados do sistema APT/DPKG.


Nem direita, nem esquerda. Quando se trata de corrupção o Brasil é ambidestro.

Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on. Unfortunately, endpoint security is so terrifically weak that NSA can frequently find ways around it. — Edward Snowden

Opa valeu! é ainda não bolei algo com BD mas seria muito interessante mesmo!
Se quiser fuçar eu disponibilizei ele no github: https://github.com/KelvinFerraz/ProgramsforDebian

Fiquemos a vontade, a ideia é sempre melhorar, principalmente para os usuários que se assustam quando começam utilizar o Linux

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