OPL Manager para Linux em SHELL
Publicado por José Lucas (última atualização em 09/09/2020)
[ Hits: 7.317 ]
Homepage: https://github.com/NIDObr
Olá, fiz este script para ser usado em conjunto com o OPL, maiores informações sobre o OPL:
Ele altera/formata o nome dos jogos para ser usado com o OPL e gerencia as arts dos jogos, funciona com ISOs de PS2 e VCDs de PS1, ainda falta muita coisa.
Poderiam avaliar como o script está? Valeu VOL!
GitHub: https://github.com/NIDObr/Nido_oplmanager
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------ # Author: nido # More: < https://github.com/NIDObr > # Version: 0.1.6-beta 06/09/2020 # Tested on: # GNU bash, versão 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) # Info: OPL MANAGER for linux # License: GPLv3+ #------------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------Vars---------------------------------- [ -e "$1" ] && { opl_path="$1" # OPL Path } || { opl_path='/media/hd2_160/samba/opl' # OPL Path #opl_path='/media/sd64/ps2opl' # OPL Path } arts_path='/media/hd2_160/samba/opl/ART/PS2/' # ARTS Path tmp_list="/tmp/${RANDOM}" # TMP file #----------------------------Functions----------------------------- game_manager(){ if $(echo "$1" | egrep -q "([A-Z]{4}\_[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{2}\.([A-Z|a-z|0-9| |\-]|[\(\)\.\!\'\,]){1,}\.[a-z|A-Z]{3})");then # Check if the name is already formatted return 2 else local id=$(cat "$1" | egrep -a -o -m 1 "([A-Z]{4}\_[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{2})") # Extract the game ID [ -z "$id" ] && return 3 # Check if you have a valid ID. fi local id_data=$(printf '%s\n' "${id}" | awk -F "_" '{print $2}' | awk -F "." '{print $1$2}') # convert the format used in the database (from: 213.12 to: 21312) local url_db='https://psxdatacenter.com/' # main "database" url local pal_2='psx2/plist2.html' local ntsc_e2='psx2/jlist2.html' local ntsc_u2='psx2/ulist2.html' local pal_1='plist.html' local ntsc_u1='ulist.html' local ntsc_j1='jlist.html' local disc="$3" local cont='1' local pre='0' case "${disc}" in "/DVD/"|"/CD/") for db_region in "${ntsc_u2}" "${ntsc_e2}" "${pal_2}";do local info=$(curl "${url_db}${db_region}" 2>&1 | grep -a -m 1 "${id_data}") # check if the game is in the database if $(printf '%s\n' "$info" | grep -q "INFO");then local info_url=$(printf '%s\n' "${info}" | awk -F "\"" '{print $10}') local name=$(curl "${url_db}/psx2/${info_url}" 2>&1 | grep -A 2 "OFFICIAL TITLE" | grep "nbsp;" | awk -F ";" '{print $2}' | awk -F "<" '{print $1}') echo "$name" break fi local name=$(curl "${url_db}${db_region}" 2>&1 | grep -a -A 1 "${id_data}" | grep "nbsp" | awk -F ";" '{print $2}' | awk -F "<" '{print $1}') # get the name of the database break done ;; "/POPS/") for db_region in "${ntsc_u1}" "${ntsc_j1}" "${pal_1}";do local info=$(curl "${url_db}${db_region}" 2>&1 | grep -a -m 1 "${id_data}") # check if the game is in the database if $(printf '%s\n' "${info}" | grep -q "INFO");then local info_url=$(printf '%s\n' "${info}" | awk -F "\"" '{print $10}') local info_page=$(curl -s "${url_db}${info_url}" 2>&1) local name=$(printf '%s\n' "${info_page}" | grep -A 2 "Official Title" | grep "nbsp;" | awk -F ";" '{print $2}' | awk -F '<' '{print $1}') break fi local name=$(curl "${url_db}${db_region}" 2>&1 | grep -a -A 1 "${id_data}" | grep "nbsp" | awk -F ";" '{print $2}' | awk -F "<" '{print $1}') # get the name of the database break done ;; esac if [ -z "${name}" ];then # If the game is not in the database, just add the ID. printf '%s\n' "Jogo não encontrado no banco de dados: " new_name="${id}.$(echo "${1}" | awk -F "${disc}" '{print $2}' | awk -F "." '{print $1}')" else new_name="${id}.${name}" fi if [ "${disc}" = "/POPS/" ];then # Change the extension. local format="VCD" mkdir "${2}${disc}${new_name}/" else local format="iso" fi printf '%s\n' "After: ` printf "${1}" | awk -F "\/" '{print $7}'`" printf '%s\n' "Before: ${new_name}.${format}" printf '%s\n\n' "ID: ${id}" mv "${1}" "${2}${disc}${new_name}.${format}" # Rename the game. art_manager "${4}" "${2}" "${id}" } art_manager(){ cp "${1}${3}/"* "${2}/ART/" for prefix in "BG" "SCR" "COV" "ICO" "LAB" "LGO";do for artname in $(ls "${2}/ART/" | egrep "${prefix}(\_[0-9]{2})");do pre=$(printf '%s\n' "$artname" | egrep -o "(\_[0-9]{2}\.)") case "${pre}" in "_00.") new_art=$(printf '%s\n' $artname | sed -r s/_00././g) mv ${2}/ART/$artname ${2}/ART/$new_art ;; "_01.") if [ "$prefix" = "BG" ];then rm "${2}/ART/${artname}" else new_art=$(printf '%s\n' $artname | sed -r s/_01./1./g) mv ${2}/ART/$artname ${2}/ART/$new_art fi ;; *)rm "${2}/ART/${artname}";; esac done done } #----------------------------Header-------------------------------- > "${tmp_list}" for disc_type in "/DVD/" "/CD/" "/POPS/";do # Check the directories for games if [ "${disc_type}" = "/POPS/" ];then # If it is PS1 run: for pops in $(ls "${opl_path}${disc_type}"*.VCD | sed -r 's/ /+_/g');do old_name=$(printf '%s\n' "${pops}" | sed -r 's/\+\_/ /g') # Old name game_manager "$old_name" "${opl_path}" "${disc_type}" "${arts_path}" # Call main function done else for dvd in $(ls "${opl_path}${disc_type}"*.iso | sed -r 's/ /+_/g');do # If it is PS2 run: old_name=$(printf '%s\n' "${dvd}" | sed -r 's/\+\_/ /g') # Old name game_manager "$old_name" "${opl_path}" "${disc_type}" "${arts_path}" # Call main function done fi done rm "${tmp_list}"
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