Organizador de filmes para o IMDB

Publicado por Renan Samuel da Silva (última atualização em 31/01/2013)

[ Hits: 4.541 ]


Download sorter.c

Olá, como um grande fã de filmes estou sempre de olho no IMDB. Recentemente eu estava dando uma olhada no top 250 para procurar alguns bons filmes e senti a falta de um filtro, principalmente por datas. Então como um bom usuário de GNU/Linux, fiz um programa e estou compartilhando.


Esconder código-fonte

 * This program is intended to sort the movies from top250 of imdb acording to
 * the movies date.
 * There is no warranty that this will work and i am not respossibly for any
 * harm that this program may cause(but i doubt it can happen).
 * I know that there are better ways  to do what this program does, i just was
 * in a hurry to sort the movies and this come in my head fisrt.
 * This is a opensource code and you can do whatever you want with it. Be kind
 * and keep it opensource.
 * You can use curl to download the source code of the page and put that in a
 * file name 'dump' and the run this program.
 * You can compile it using gcc sorter.c -o sorter on terminal and running using
 * ./sorter case  you are using linux. If you use windows, i cannot help you.
 * Case you want to put the output in a file you can do something like
 * ./sorter > top250_sorted_by_year
 * This should work for more pages that are not the top250, i havenot tried.
 * You can emailme on to ask anything about this.
 * Use free software and be cool.
 * This was made bye Renan Samuel da Silva

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct{
    char name[100];
    int date;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  FILE *file=fopen("dump","rt");
  char c;
  char date[5];
  char name[100];
  int cont=0,pivot,w=0;
  int i,j;

  _movie movie[250];
  _movie tmp;

      if(c>='0' && c<='9'){
        if((strcmp(date,"1|2)")==0) || (strcmp(date,"9)) ")==0))
        //printf(" -- %s\n",name);


    printf("%d - %s\n",movie[i].date,movie[i].name);

  //printf(" -- cont=%d\n",cont);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

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