PHP SMTPmail v1.1
Publicado por Perfil removido 26/04/2005
[ Hits: 5.347 ]
Script para enviar emails via servidor SMTP.Possuí opções para evio de arquivos em anexo e suporte para mútiplos destinatários.
*************** O outro restante está no Download !************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php /* ******************************************************** * SMTPMAIL v1.1 - Send E-mail with file attached * * using SMTP server * * * * 2004 By Estevão Ferreira <> * * * * This Script is free to non-comercial use. * * For commercial use, please send-me a e-mail * * * * ******************************************************** */ Class SMPT{ //Declare Globals Variables var $_errno = 0; var $_errmsg = ''; var $_errors = array( 1 => 'Invalid Data Input - ', 2 => 'Unable to Establish Connection', 3 => 'Connection Timed Out', 4 => 'SMTP error returned', 5 => 'Error Send Attached File(s)', 6 => 'Error Sending Message!!',); var $_smtpserver = ""; var $_conn = false; var $_to = array(); var $_cc = array(); var $_from = ""; var $_msgtype = ""; var $_subject = ""; var $_message = ""; var $_attach = array(); /* Open connection to smtpd on port 25 (fsockopen) */ function SMTP($host,$timeout=10) { if (strlen($host)<=0) return $this->error(1, 'server'); else $this->_smtpserver=$host; if (!$this->_conn = fsockopen($host, 25, &$errno, &$errstr, $timeout)) return $this->error(2); if (!socket_set_blocking($this->_conn, true)) return $this->error(4, 'set blocking'); if (!$this->GetFeedback()) return $this->error(2, 'during onset'); return true; } function GetFeedback() { if (!$response=fgets($this->_conn, 1024)) return false; if ($this->IsOK($response)) return true; else return false; } Function IsOK ($input) { if (!ereg("((^[0-9])([0-9]*))", $input, $regs)) return $this->error(1, 'input'); $code=$regs[1]; switch ($code) { case '220': case '221': case '250': case '251': case '354': return true; break; default: return $this->error(4, $input); break; } } function Error($errno,$msg="") { $this->_errno = $errno; $this->_errmsg .= $msg; return false; } function ErrMsg($error=false) { if (false===$error) { $errno=$this->_errno; return $this->_errors[$errno].' '.$this->_errmsg; } else return $this->_errors[$error]; } function ErrNo() { return $this->_errno; } function ResetData() { $_from = ""; $_msgtype = ""; $_subject = ""; $_message = ""; $_attach = array(); $_type = ""; return true; } function AddDest($dest) { if (strlen($dest) <=0) return $this->Error(1, 'To not defined!'); if (strlen($dest) >= 129) return $this->Error(1, '"To" length too long'); $this->_to[] = $dest; return true; } function AddSender($sender) { if (strlen($sender) <=0) return $this->Error(1, 'Sender not defined!'); if (strlen($sender) >= 129) return $this->Error(1, 'Sender length too long'); $this->_from = $sender; return true; } function AddCc($cc) { if (!$this->AddDest($cc)) return false; $this->_cc = $cc; return true; } function AddSubject($subject) { if (strlen($subject) <=0) return false; $this->_subject = $subject; return true; } function AddMessage($mailtext) { if (strlen($mailtext) <=0) return $this->Error(1, 'Message Empty'); $this->_message = $mailtext; return true; } function AddAttached($attached) { $this->_attach[] = $attached; return true; } //Send Message function Send($mtype="html"){ $this->_msgtype = $mtype; $subject = stripslashes($this->_subject); $strHELO = "HELO ".$this->_smtpserver."\r\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$strHELO); if (!$this->GetFeedback()) return $this->error($this->errno(), "($strHELO)"); $strMAIL = "MAIL FROM: <".$this->_from.">\r\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$strMAIL); if (!$this->GetFeedback()) return $this->error($this->errno(), "($strMAIL)"); while (list($key,$t) =each ($this->_to)) { $strRCPT .= "RCPT TO: <".$t.">\r\n"; } $strRCPT .= "\r\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$strRCPT); if (!$this->GetFeedback()) return $this->error($this->errno(), "($t)"); $strDATA1 = "DATA\r\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$strDATA1); if (!$this->GetFeedback()) return $this->error($this->errno(), "($strDATA1)"); if($this->_subject != "") { $strS = "Subject: ".$this->_subject."\r\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$strS); } $OB="----=_OuterBoundary_000"; $IB="----=_InnerBoundery_001"; $Html=$Html?$Html:preg_replace("/\n/","{br}",$this->_message) or die("neither text nor html part present."); $Text=$Text?$Text:"Sorry, but you need an html mailer to read this mail."; $this->_from or die("sender address missing"); $this->_to or die("recipient address missing"); $headers ="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers.="From: ".$this->_from." <".$this->_from.">\r\n"; if (sizeof($this->_to) >=1) foreach( $this->_to as $to) $headers.= "To: ".$to."\r\n"; if (sizeof($this->_cc) >=1) foreach( $this->_cc as $cc) $headers.= "Cc: ".$cc."\r\n"; $headers.="Reply-To: ".$this->_from." <".$this->_from.">\n"; $headers.="X-Priority: 1\n"; $headers.="X-MSMail-Priority: High\n"; $headers.="X-Mailer: PHP SMTPMail\n"; $headers.="Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=\"".$OB."\"\n"; //Messages start with text/html alternatives in OB $Msg ="This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n"; $Msg.="\n--".$OB."\n"; $Msg.="Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\n\tboundary=\"".$IB."\"\n\n"; if (strtoupper($this->_msgtype) != "HTML") { //plaintext section $Msg.="\n--".$IB."\n"; $Msg.="Content-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n"; $Msg.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n\n"; // plaintext goes here $Msg.=$this->_message."\n\n"; } else { // html section $Msg.="\n--".$IB."\n"; $Msg.="Content-Type: text/html;\n\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n"; $Msg.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; // html goes here $Msg.=chunk_split(base64_encode($this->_message))."\n\n"; } // end of IB $Msg.="\n--".$IB."--\n"; // attachments if (sizeof($this->_attach) > 0) foreach($this->_attach as $FileN) { $FileContent = ""; $patharray = ""; $FileName = ""; $patharray = explode ("/",$FileN); $FileName=$patharray[count($patharray)-1]; $Msg.= "\n--".$OB."\n"; $Msg.="Content-Type: application/octetstream;\n\tname=\"".$FileName."\"\n"; $Msg.="Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $Msg.="Content-Disposition: attachment;\n\tfilename=\"".$FileName."\"\n\n"; //file goes here if (($fd = @fopen($FileN, "rb", $use_include_path))==False) { return $this->Error(5); } else { if ($fd) { while (!feof($fd)) $FileContent .= fread($fd, 1024); fclose($fd); } } $FileContent=chunk_split(base64_encode($FileContent)); $Msg.=$FileContent; $Msg.="\n\n"; } //message ends $Msg.="\n--".$OB."--\n"; fputs($this->_conn,$headers."\r\n"); $strDATA2 = $Msg."\r\n\r\n.\r\n"; sleep(1); fputs($this->_conn,$strDATA2,strlen($strDATA2)); if (!$this->_conn) return $this->error(3, 'function end'); fputs($this->_conn,"QUIT\r\n"); if ($this->GetFeedback()) { fclose($this->_conn); $this->ResetData(); return true; } else { return $this->error(6); ; } } } ?>
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