Postando mensagem no Facebook com Perl
Publicado por Perfil removido (última atualização em 11/08/2014)
[ Hits: 6.577 ]
Caso ocorra algum problema, tente logar no Facebook para celular, e desative a mensagem que pede para colocar número de celular. Se mesmo assim continuar dando problema, aí já não sei o que fazer, haha.
Usando o script:
$ perl [email] [senha]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Coder: MMxM # # Post facebook message with perl use strict; use LWP; use HTTP::Cookies; use URI::Escape; die("\n[+] $0 <fb-email> <fb-password>\n\n") if(@ARGV!=2); my($email,$pw) = @ARGV; print "[*] Logging... (Wait)\n"; my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new; $browser->cookie_jar( {} ); $browser->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/31.0'); my $body = $browser->get('')->content; my %attr; my @elements = ($body =~ /(?<=<input type="hidden" name=").*?(?<=" value=").*?(?=["])/g); my $uri_login; ($body =~ /<form method="post" class="v w" id="login_form" novalidate="1" action="(.*?)">/) &&($uri_login=$1) || die("Error to get login URL\n"); foreach my $hidden(@elements){ my @tmp = split(/" value="/,$hidden); $attr{$tmp[0]} = uri_escape($tmp[1]); } $attr{'email'} = $email; $attr{'pass'} = $pw; my $header = $browser->post( $uri_login , \%attr )->as_string; my $location; if($header =~ /Location: (.*)/){ $location = $1; } else { die("[-] Unexpected Error\n"); } if($location =~ /^https:\/\/\/login.php/){ die("[-] Failed to login\n"); } print "[+] Sucessfull Login\n"; print "[*] GETing URL to post message... (Wait)\n"; $browser->get($location); $browser->get(''); $body = $browser->get('')->content; my %attr2; my @ele2 = ($body =~ /(?<=<input type="hidden" name=").*?(?<=" value=").*?(?=["])/g); ($body =~ /<form method="post" action="\/composer\/(.*?)">/) && ($location = ''.$1) || die("Error to get URL\n"); $location =~ s/&/&/g; for(0..12){ my @tmp = split (/" value="/ ,$ele2[$_]); next if($tmp[0] eq 'search' || $tmp[0] eq 'search_source'); $attr2{$tmp[0]} = uri_escape($tmp[1]); } $attr2{'xc_message'} = ''; $attr2{'rst_icv'} = ''; $header = $browser->post($location, \%attr2)->as_string; if($header =~ /Location: (.*)/){ $location = $1; } else { die("Error to get URL\n"); } ($location !~ /$attr2{'csid'}/) && die("Unexpected Error\n"); print "[+] OK\n"; print "[*] Acessing url ...(Wait)\n"; $body = $browser->get($location)->content; my %attr3; my @h = ($body =~ /(?<=<input type="hidden" name=").*?(?<=" value=").*?(?=["])/g); if($body =~ /<form method="post" action="\/composer\/mbasic\/(.*?)" enctype="multipart\/form-data">/){ $location=''.$1; } for(0..scalar(@h)-1){ my @tmp = split(/" value="/,$h[$_]); if($_ == 6){ $attr3{'target'} = $tmp[1]; next; } if($_ == 12){ $attr3{'waterfall_source'} = $tmp[1]; next; } $attr3{$tmp[0]} = $tmp[1]; } print "[*] Write your message:\n\n"; my $xms = <stdin>; $attr3{'xc_message'} = $xms; $attr3{'users_with'} = ''; $attr3{'album_id'} = ''; $attr3{'view_post'} = ''; $attr3{'file1'} = ''; $attr3{'file2'} = ''; $attr3{'file3'} = ''; my $x = $browser->post($location, Content_Type => 'multipart/form-data', Content => [ %attr3 ]); if($x->as_string =~ /Location: https:\/\/\/home.php/){ print "\n[+] Message posted successfully\n"; } else { print "\n[-] Possible error\n"; } #__EOF__
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