video2gif: converta videoclipes em GIFs animados
Publicado por Douglas Augusto 05/11/2007
[ Hits: 7.977 ]
Com o video2gif é possível converter um trecho de vídeo em GIF animado. Sua interface é bem simples, cabe ao usuário indicar apenas o vídeo de origem (basta ser reconhecido pelo ffmpeg), o tempo inicial e a duração desejada do clipe.
Além disso, o script possui algumas opções interessantes, como tamanho máximo e dimensões do GIF, velocidade, taxa de quadros e número de cores.
Versão de 30/10/2007.
#!/bin/sh # video2gif - Convert a video clip into an animated GIF # # Copyright (C) 2007 Douglas A. Augusto ( # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. VERSION="20071030" usage() { SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $0` echo "video2gif - Convert a video clip into an animated GIF (v. $VERSION)" echo "" echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME -t <secs> filename [-o <file> -s <hh:mm:ss>" echo " -kb <size> -fps <n> -size <WxH> -c <n> -speed <f> -d -h]" echo echo "where:" echo echo " -t <n>" echo " clip duration in seconds (n>0)" echo " -s hh:mm:ss[.xxx]" echo " start time (default = 00:00:00)" echo " -kb <n>" echo " maximum kilobytes allowed (n>0; default = unlimited)" echo " -fps <n>" echo " frame rate (1<=n<=30; default = 30, may be adjusted to satisfy the maximum size)" echo " -size <WxH>" echo " width and height of output (imagemagick syntax; default height=120px, width=auto)" echo " -o <filename>" echo " output file (default = anim.gif)" echo " -c <n>" echo " restrict GIF colors to maximum n colors (n>=2)" echo " -speed <f>" echo " speed factor (0.1<=f<=10; default = 1.0)" echo " -d" echo " debug (don't delete the log file)" echo " -h" echo " this help" echo echo "Example: $SCRIPT_NAME -t 10 -s 00:05:25 -kb 1000 video.avi -o video.gif" echo "" echo "This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms" echo "of the GNU General Public License <>." echo "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law." echo "" echo "Written by Douglas Adriano Augusto (daaugusto)." exit 1 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check dependencies DEP="ffmpeg mplayer mogrify gifsicle calc du cut" for d in $DEP; do if ! type $d >> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Error: $d is required!"; echo -e "\nvideo2gif's dependencies:" echo "" echo "ffmpeg -" echo "mplayer -" echo "mogrify -" echo "calc -" echo "gifsicle -" echo "coreutils -" exit 1; fi done # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CURDIR=`pwd` TMPDIR="/tmp/v2g-$$" LOG="$TMPDIR/video2gif.log" mkdir -p $TMPDIR; # Print the command-line into LOG file (echo "$*"; echo) >> $LOG # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIZE="x120" # pixels FPS=30 # first try START="00:00:00" DURATION="" MAXSIZE=0 OUTPUT="anim.gif" FILE="" COLORS="" COLORS_CMD="" SPEED=1.0; DEBUG="" # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case $1 in -s) shift; START="$1";; -t) shift; DURATION="$1";; -kb) shift; MAXSIZE="$1";; -fps) shift; FPS="$1";; -size) shift; RESIZE="$1";; -o) shift; OUTPUT="$1";; -c) shift; COLORS="$1";; -speed) shift; SPEED="$1";; -d) DEBUG="1";; -h) usage;; *) FILE="$1";; esac shift done # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # check input args if [ -z "$DURATION" ]; then echo "Error: missing '-t'." usage fi if [ -z "$OUTPUT" ]; then echo "Error: -o is invalid." usage fi if [ ! -e "$FILE" ]; then echo "Error: a valid source video (filename) is required." usage fi if [ `echo "$SPEED < 0.1 || $SPEED > 10.0" | calc -p` -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: option '-speed' is out of range." usage fi if [ `echo "$FPS < 1 || $FPS > 30.0" | calc -p` -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: option '-fps' is out of range." usage fi if [ -n "$COLORS" ]; then if [ `echo "$COLORS < 2" | calc -p` -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: option '-colors' is out of range." usage else COLORS_CMD="--colors $COLORS" fi fi if [ `echo "$MAXSIZE < 0" | calc -p` -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error: option '-kb' is out of range." usage fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "video2gif - Convert a video clip into an animated GIF (v. $VERSION)" echo "" echo "> Log file: $LOG" SIZE=0 echo; echo "> Trying with FPS=$FPS..."; while true; do rm -f $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.png $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.gif $TMPDIR/*.avi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mplayer -ss is inaccurate CMD_FFMPEG="ffmpeg -y -b 2000k -an -ss $START -t $DURATION -i $FILE -r $FPS $TMPDIR/ffmpeg.avi >> $LOG 2>&1" echo $CMD_FFMPEG >> $LOG echo; echo "Running ffmpeg..."; if ! eval $CMD_FFMPEG; then echo "An error occurred in ffmpeg, aborting..."; exit 1; fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_MPLAYER="mplayer -nosound -vf hqdn3d,pp=lb/ha:128:7/va/dr ffmpeg.avi -vo png:z=1 >> $LOG 2>&1" echo $CMD_MPLAYER >> $LOG cd $TMPDIR echo; echo "Running mplayer..."; if ! eval $CMD_MPLAYER; then echo "An error occurred in mplayer, aborting..."; exit 1; fi cd $CURDIR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_MOGRIFY="mogrify -resize $RESIZE -format gif $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.png >> $LOG 2>&1" echo $CMD_MOGRIFY >> $LOG echo; echo "Running mogrify..."; if ! eval $CMD_MOGRIFY; then echo "An error occurred in mogrify, aborting..."; exit 1; fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD_GIFSICLE="gifsicle --loop=forever $COLORS_CMD -O2 -d $(echo "round((100/$FPS)/$SPEED)"|calc -p) $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.gif -o $OUTPUT >> $LOG 2>&1" echo $CMD_GIFSICLE >> $LOG echo; echo "Running gifsicle..."; if ! eval $CMD_GIFSICLE; then echo "An error occurred in gifsicle, aborting..."; exit 1; fi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- rm -f $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.png $TMPDIR/[0-9]*.gif $TMPDIR/*.avi # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # check the final size (in KB) SIZE=$(echo "round(`du -b $OUTPUT | cut -f 1`/1024)"|calc -p) if [ $MAXSIZE -eq 0 -o $SIZE -le $MAXSIZE -o $FPS -eq 1 ]; then # delete only if DEBUG mode isn't enabled if [ -z "$DEBUG" ]; then rm -f $LOG; rmdir $TMPDIR; fi echo; echo "Done! Saved GIF as $OUTPUT (FPS=$FPS, final size=${SIZE}KB)" exit 0; else # calculating the next FPS guess FPS=`echo "floor($FPS * $MAXSIZE/$SIZE)"|calc -p` if [ $FPS -lt 1 ]; then FPS=1; fi fi echo; echo "> Trying with FPS=$FPS... (last size was ${SIZE}KB)"; done
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