(usa Debian)
Enviado em 01/07/2013 - 17:44h
lcavalheiro escreveu:
Estranho a Oracle autorizar um empacotamento automático e distribuição sem aquela palhaçada de clicar no "aceito os termos dessa caral...a toda"...
Veja aqui o link deles recomendando:
Esta foi uma indicação do próprio site oficial:
“Nota: Para fazer download do Java para outras distribuições do GNU/Linux, consulte: "Java para Ubuntu", "Java para Fedora.”
***eu uso sem problemas desde Outubro de 2012 e houve algumas atualizações automáticas.
O a página do Java deu o link abaixo:
Script (JRE only)
Only supports Oracle (Sun) Java 7 JRE (which covers the needs of 99 % of all computer users). It pulls the packages from Oracle's website and installs them, comparable to the way Adobe Flash Player is being installed. Plus it adds a dedicated repository, from which you'll receive updates automatically.
Command line methods
Do-it-yourself methods, but very easy to apply (basically: you copy/paste some terminal commands).
Using webupd8.org's strikingly simple method.
How do I install Oracle JRE 7?
http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/java (for JRE, more extensive explanation of the commands than in askubuntu.com)
How do I install Oracle JDK 7?
Create a local apt Java repository
Using webupd8.org's method has a great benefit in that the package will be updated as Oracle releases Java updates, which means that there will be no need to keep track of updates and reinstall them manually.
A note (hopefully temporary) about the Eugene San PPA for those who are attempting to use it and are having issues: As of the time of this entry, the eugenesan/java PPA is broken. If you have attempted to use it, you may do the following to remove it and use webupd8.org's PPA method (above) instead
sudo apt-get purge oracle-java7-installer*
sudo apt-get install ppa-purge
sudo ppa-purge ppa:eugenesan/java
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update
If the preceding does not work, you may try the f