(usa Linux Mint)
Enviado em 06/02/2016 - 20:29h
luiztux escreveu:
Qual a versão do qt você tem instalado?
Tente fazer o seguinte:
sudo USE="-qt(4 ou 5)" emerge -av vlc
Se você tem o qt4 instalado, coloque o -qt5, e vice-versa. Ou entao,
Já aconteceu comigo mas com outro pacote...
Cara, tem muita coisa que se pode fazer, muitas possibilidades..é na base da tentativa para este tipo de problema.
Pode ajudar você postando a saída do emerge --info vlc
Computer users fall into two groups:-
those that do backups
those that have never had a hard drive fail.
Nenhum "qt" instalado.
Dá erro tbm:
002966 >>> Failed to install dev-qt/qtsvg-4.8.7, Log file:
002968 >>> '/var/tmp/portage/dev-qt/qtsvg-4.8.7/temp/build.log'
002970 * GNU info directory index is up-to-date.
002972 !!! existing preserved libs:
002973 >>> package: dev-libs/icu-56.1
002974 * - /usr/lib64/
002975 * - /usr/lib64/
002976 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002977 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002978 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002979 * used by 2 other files
002980 * - /usr/lib64/
002981 * - /usr/lib64/
002982 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002983 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002984 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002985 * used by 2 other files
002986 * - /usr/lib64/
002987 * - /usr/lib64/
002988 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002989 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002990 * used by /usr/lib64/ (dev-libs/boost-1.57.0)
002991 * used by 3 other files
002992 Use emerge @preserved-rebuild to rebuild packages using these libraries
002994 * IMPORTANT: 11 config files in '/etc' need updating.
002995 * See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge
002996 * man page to learn how to update config files.
002998 * IMPORTANT: 3 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
002999 * Use eselect news read to view new items.
003001 *** process completed ***