Problemas com atualização do calculate linux [RESOLVIDO]

1. Problemas com atualização do calculate linux [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 24/05/2015 - 23:18h

Sou novo aqui no viva o linux, mas sempre busquei tutoriais aqui. Hoje estou com um problema que não consegui achar a solução, estou utilizando o calculate a pouco tempo, não tenho muita experiência com essa distro. Fui atualiza-lo e apareceu essa mensagem:

(x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.4-r2:0/1.16.1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
x11-base/xorg-server:0/1.16.1= required by (x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.11:0/0::gentoo, installed)
(and 7 more with the same problem)

It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to
prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also
possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are
impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in
the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can
not be installed simultaneously. You may want to try a larger value of
the --backtrack option, such as --backtrack=30, in order to see if
that will solve this conflict automatically.

For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man
page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "=dev-util/boost-build-1.56*" have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
- dev-util/boost-build-1.56.0::gentoo (masked by: )

(dependency required by "dev-libs/boost-1.56.0-r1::gentoo" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "app-office/libreoffice-" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "@selected" [set])
(dependency required by "@world" [argument])
For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.

Alguém pode me ajudar com isso? obrigado!


2. Re: Problemas com atualização do calculate linux

Alberto Federman Neto.

(usa openSUSE)

Enviado em 25/05/2015 - 15:05h

Calculate é Gentoo, linux de compilação pura;;;

faz um favor, preciso da saida do comando COMPLETO,
que tipo de emerge, fez para atualizar, pq tem muitas opções.
vc está usando nvidia ou nouveau;

Rode de novo o comando que tentou usar para atualizar e poste a saída completa do comando aqui.

julgando apenas pela parte deerro que postou, a solução mais simples seria desmascarar o boost, mas pŕeciso ver todos ois erros.
Ribeirão Preto, S.P., Brasil.
Usuário Linux, Linux Counter: #479903.
Distros Favoritas: Sabayon, Gentoo, openSUSE, Mageia e OpenMandriva.

3. Re: Problemas com atualização do calculate linux


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 25/05/2015 - 15:49h

Eu usei o próprio gerenciador de atualização que vem com o calculate, mas também cheguei a tentar usando o comando cl-update e deu o mesmo problema.Uso aqui Nvidia!
Tentei resolver o problema do "boost" que o sistema estava pedindo para desmascarar e deu esse resultado:

* Waiting for another update to be complete ... [ ok ]
Repositories synchronization
* Syncing the Distros repository ... [ ok ]
* Syncing the Calculate repository ... [ ok ]
* Syncing the Portage repository ... [ ok ]
* Updating the Distros repository cache ... [ ok ]
* Updating the Calculate repository cache ... [ ok ]
* Updating the eix cache ... [ ok ]
* Updating the package setup cache ... [ ok ]
* Removing obsolete distfiles and binary packages ... [ ok ]
* Synchronization finished
System configuration
* Fixing the settings ... [ ok ]
* Updating configuration files ... [ ok ]
Checking for updates
[ebuild U ] app-arch/xz-utils-5.2.1::gentoo [5.0.8::gentoo] USE="nls threads -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1421 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.6-r7::gentoo [1.0.6-r6::gentoo] USE="-static -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 764 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20150308::gentoo [20150304::gentoo] 46 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libogg-1.3.2::gentoo [1.3.1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 398 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/lzo-2.08-r1:2::gentoo [2.08:2::gentoo] USE="-examples -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 576 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/gentoo-functions-0.10::gentoo [0.8::gentoo] 12 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/automake-wrapper-10::gentoo [9::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2015d::gentoo [2015b::gentoo] USE="nls -leaps_timezone% (-right_timezone%)" 470 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libffi-3.2.1::gentoo [3.0.13-r1::gentoo] USE="-debug -pax_kernel -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 919 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/which-2.21::gentoo [2.20-r1::gentoo] 146 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/npth-1.1::gentoo USE="-static-libs" 287 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libdvdcss-1.3.99:1.2::gentoo [1.2.13-r1:1.2::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 369 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.8::gentoo [1.7.3::gentoo] 15 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/libutempter-1.1.6-r2::gentoo [1.1.6-r1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 16 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/dosfstools-3.0.28::gentoo [3.0.26::gentoo] 82 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/autoconf-archive-2015.02.24::gentoo [2015.02.04::gentoo] 565 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/mtools-4.0.18::gentoo [4.0.15::gentoo] USE="-X" 411 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/libexttextcat-3.4.4::gentoo [3.4.0::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 1002 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-db/lmdb-0.9.14::gentoo USE="-static-libs" 126 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/re2c-0.14.3::gentoo [] 2517 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-cpp/tbb-4.3.20141023::gentoo [4.1.20121003-r1::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc -examples" 2713 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-plugins/live-2013.02.11::gentoo [2012.01.07::gentoo] USE="-examples% -static-libs%" 558 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/pv-1.6.0-r1::gentoo [1.6.0::gentoo] USE="nls -debug" LINGUAS="de fr pl pt" 106 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/hdparm-9.45::gentoo [9.39::gentoo] USE="-static%" 127 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-boot/os-prober-1.65::gentoo [1.62::gentoo] 25 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-analyzer/traceroute-2.0.21::gentoo [2.0.20::gentoo] USE="-static" 68 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-process/lsof-4.88-r1::gentoo [4.87-r1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 -examples -rpc (-selinux) -static" 761 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/memtest86+-5.01::gentoo [4.20-r1::gentoo] USE="-floppy -serial" 210 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-wireless/b43-fwcutter-019::gentoo [018::gentoo] 46 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/m4-1.4.17::gentoo [1.4.16::gentoo] USE="-examples" 1123 KiB
[binary U ] app-misc/pax-utils-1.0.3::gentoo [0.8.1::gentoo] USE="-caps -python" 103 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60_p20141019041918::gentoo [1.60_p20130513023548::gentoo] USE="nls -old-output (-selinux) -static" 197 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-portage/portage-utils-0.55::gentoo [0.53::gentoo] USE="nls -static" 502 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/gmp-6.0.0a::gentoo [5.1.3-r1::gentoo] USE="cxx -doc -pgo -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1860 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/mpc-1.0.3::gentoo [1.0.2-r1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 655 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libpng-1.6.17:0/16::gentoo [1.6.16:0/16::gentoo] USE="apng (-neon) -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 908 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.9.4::gentoo [2.9.1-r1::gentoo] USE="nls zlib -python -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 608 KiB
[ebuild r U ] dev-libs/boost-1.56.0-r1:0/1.56.0::gentoo [1.55.0-r2:0/1.55.0::gentoo] USE="nls threads -context -debug -doc -icu -mpi -python -static-libs -tools" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/xapian-1.2.21::gentoo [1.2.19::gentoo] USE="brass chert inmemory -doc -static-libs" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse sse2" 3128 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/ccache-3.2.2::gentoo [3.1.9-r4::gentoo] 294 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-arch/advancecomp-1.16::gentoo [1.15::gentoo] USE="mng png" 274 KiB
[ebuild rR ] dev-libs/librevenge-0.0.2::gentoo USE="-doc {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 388 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/mdds-0.12.0:0/0.12.0::gentoo [0.10.3:0/0.10.3::gentoo] 149 KiB
[binary U ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.29::gentoo [1.0.28::gentoo] USE="-alisp -debug -doc -python" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 765 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-arch/rar-5.2.1::gentoo [4.2.0::gentoo] USE="-all_sfx -static" 1119 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-fonts/libertine- [] USE="X" 2931 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-drivers-1.17::gentoo [1.16::gentoo] INPUT_DEVICES="evdev keyboard mouse mutouch synaptics -acecad -aiptek -elographics -fpit -hyperpen -joystick (-libinput) -penmount -tslib -vmmouse -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="intel nouveau nv radeon vesa -apm -ast -chips -cirrus -dummy -epson -fbdev -fglrx (-freedreno) (-geode) -glint -i128 (-i740) -mach64 -mga -neomagic -nvidia (-omap) (-omapfb) -qxl -r128 -radeonsi -rendition -s3 -s3virge -savage -siliconmotion -sisusb (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx) -tdfx (-tegra) -tga -trident -tseng -via -virtualbox -vmware (-voodoo) (-modesetting%) (-v4l%)" 0 KiB
[ebuild N ] net-dialup/ppp-scripts-0::gentoo 2 KiB
[ebuild NS ] www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins-43.0.2357.73_beta1:beta::gentoo [43.0.2357.65_p1:stable::gentoo] USE="flash widevine" 46600 KiB
[uninstall ] www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins-43.0.2357.65_p1:stable::gentoo USE="flash widevine"
[blocks b ] www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:stable ("www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:stable" is blocking www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins-43.0.2357.73_beta1)
[blocks b ] www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:beta ("www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:beta" is blocking www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins-43.0.2357.65_p1)
[ebuild U ] net-misc/netifrc-0.3.1::gentoo [0.2.2::gentoo] 68 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-text/libwps-0.3.1::gentoo USE="-debug -doc -static-libs" 401 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/libodfgen-0.1.4::gentoo [0.1.3::gentoo] USE="-doc" 349 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-nds/rpcbind-0.2.3::gentoo [0.2.0-r1::gentoo] USE="tcpd -debug% (-selinux) -systemd% -warmstarts%" 119 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/udev-217::gentoo [215::gentoo] USE="-systemd" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/cron-0-r1::gentoo [0::gentoo] 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-python-20140125::gentoo [20111108::gentoo] 71 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20141227::gentoo [20131227::gentoo] 2 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-vi-1.1.9::gentoo [1.1.7-r1::gentoo] 7 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/ctags-5.8-r1::gentoo [5.8::gentoo] USE="-ada" 469 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4::gentoo [1.2.7::gentoo] 3 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libusb-compat-0.1.5-r3::gentoo [0.1.5-r2::gentoo] USE="-debug -examples -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 271 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/acl-0-r2::gentoo [0-r1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/sed-4.2.2::gentoo [4.2.1-r1::gentoo] USE="acl nls (-selinux) -static" 1035 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/findutils-4.5.14-r1::gentoo [4.4.2-r1::gentoo] USE="nls -debug% (-selinux) -static" 3454 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.19::gentoo [1.13::gentoo] USE="nls -common-lisp -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 744 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libv4l-1.6.2::gentoo [1.0.0::gentoo] USE="jpeg%*" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1122 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dns/libidn-1.30::gentoo [1.29::gentoo] USE="nls -doc -emacs -java -mono -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 3394 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/elfutils-0.161::gentoo [0.158::gentoo] USE="bzip2 nls static-libs utils zlib -lzma {-test} (-threads)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 5458 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/gawk-4.1.3::gentoo [4.0.2::gentoo] USE="nls readline -mpfr%" 2258 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/bison-3.0.4-r1::gentoo [2.4.3::gentoo] USE="nls -examples% -static {-test%}" 1928 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/yasm-1.3.0::gentoo [1.2.0-r1::gentoo] USE="nls -python" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 1458 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-portage/eix-0.30.8::gentoo [0.30.4::gentoo] USE="dep nls -debug -doc -optimization -security -sqlite -strong-optimization -strong-security -swap-remote -tools" LINGUAS="de ru" 546 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libnl-3.2.26:3::gentoo [3.2.25:3::gentoo] USE="-python -static-libs -utils" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 876 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libassuan-2.2.1::gentoo [2.1.1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 530 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dns/dnsmasq-2.72-r2::gentoo [2.72::gentoo] USE="dbus dhcp ipv6 nls -auth-dns -conntrack -dhcp-tools -dnssec -idn -lua -script (-selinux) -static -tftp" LINGUAS="de es fr it pl pt_BR ro -fi -id -no" 444 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-cdparanoia-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.36-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2576 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-gfx/optipng-0.7.5::gentoo [0.7.3::gentoo] 2092 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/binutils-2.25::gentoo [2.24-r3::gentoo] USE="cxx nls zlib (-multislot) -multitarget -static-libs {-test} -vanilla" 23497 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/pcmciautils-018_p8-r1::gentoo [018_p8::gentoo] USE="-debug -staticsocket" 59 KiB
[ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-4.9.2:4.9::gentoo [4.8.4:4.8::gentoo] USE="cxx fortran (multilib) nls nptl openmp sanitize (-altivec) (-awt) -cilk -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -go -graphite (-hardened) (-libssp) (-multislot) -nopie -nossp -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -regression-test -vanilla" 87874 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-i18n/man-pages-fr-3.40.1::gentoo [2.39.0::gentoo] 1110 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-pages-4.00::gentoo [3.83::gentoo] USE="nls" LINGUAS="de fr it pl ro ru -da -ja -nl -zh_CN" 1342 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/build-docbook-catalog-1.20::gentoo [1.19.1::gentoo] 5 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.9-r4:5::gentoo [5.9-r3:5::gentoo] USE="cxx gpm unicode -ada -debug -doc -minimal -profile -static-libs -tinfo -trace" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2761 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-shells/bash-4.3_p39::gentoo [4.3_p33-r2::gentoo] USE="net nls (readline) -afs -bashlogger -examples -mem-scramble -plugins -vanilla" 7990 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/bc-1.06.95-r1::gentoo [1.06.95::gentoo] USE="readline -libedit -static" 284 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-process/procps-3.3.10-r1::gentoo [3.3.9-r2::gentoo] USE="ncurses nls unicode -modern-top% (-selinux) -static-libs -systemd {-test}" 642 KiB
[binary U ] media-sound/alsa-utils-1.0.29:0.9::gentoo [1.0.28:0.9::gentoo] USE="libsamplerate ncurses nls -doc (-selinux)" 969 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/less-477::gentoo [458::gentoo] USE="pcre unicode" 505 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-db/unixODBC-2.3.2-r2::gentoo [2.3.2-r1::gentoo] USE="minimal unicode -odbcmanual -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1806 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/mythes-1.2.4::gentoo [1.2.3::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 4796 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/hyphen-2.8.8::gentoo [2.8.6::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 624 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-office/libreoffice-l10n- [] USE="-offlinehelp" LINGUAS="bg de en es fr it pl pt pt_BR ro ru uk -af -am -ar -as -ast -be -bn -bn_IN -bo -br -brx -bs -ca -ca_valencia -cs -cy -da -dgo -dz -el -en_GB -en_ZA -eo -et -eu -fa -fi -ga -gd -gl -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -kmr_Latn -kn -ko -kok -ks -lb -lo -lt -lv -mai -mk -ml -mn -mni -mr -my -nb -ne -nl -nn -nr -nso -oc -om -or -pa_IN -rw -sa_IN -sat -sd -si -sid -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr_Latn -ss -st -sv -sw_TZ -ta -te -tg -th -tn -tr -ts -tt -ug -uz -ve -vi -xh -zh_CN -zh_TW -zu" 34274 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/openrc-0.16.3::gentoo [0.13.11::gentoo] USE="ncurses netifrc pam unicode -audit% -debug -newnet (-prefix) (-selinux) -static-libs -tools" 156 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/ffmpeg-9-r2::gentoo [9-r1::gentoo] USE="X encode jpeg2k mp3 sdl speex theora threads truetype vaapi vdpau x264 -gsm -libav% -opus" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-admin/python-updater-0.13::gentoo [0.11::gentoo] 11 KiB
[binary U ] media-plugins/alsa-plugins-1.0.29::gentoo [1.0.28::gentoo] USE="ffmpeg pulseaudio speex -debug -jack -libsamplerate" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 141 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache-3.14.13::gentoo 300 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/pciutils-3.3.1::gentoo [3.2.0::gentoo] USE="kmod udev%* zlib -dns% -static-libs" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)" 385 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.2::gentoo [3.0s::gentoo] 133 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-power/powertop-2.7-r1::gentoo [2.6::gentoo] USE="X nls%* unicode" 639 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/mdadm-3.3.2-r1::gentoo [3.3.1-r2::gentoo] USE="-static" 526 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-cpp/pangomm-2.36.0:1.4::gentoo [2.34.0-r1:1.4::gentoo] USE="-doc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 756 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-3.14.1-r1::gentoo [3.14.1::gentoo] USE="-branding" 17170 KiB
[ebuild N ] virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.125.0-r1::gentoo 0 KiB
[ebuild N ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Command-1.180.0-r2::gentoo 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-admin/sudo-1.8.13::gentoo [1.8.12::gentoo] USE="nls pam sendmail -ldap -offensive (-selinux) -skey" 2457 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-video/smplayer- [14.9.0-r1::gentoo] USE="autoshutdown qt4%* -bidi -debug -qt5% -streaming%" LINGUAS="bg de es fr it pl pt pt_BR ru_RU -ar% -ar_SY -ca -cs -da -el_GR -en_GB% -en_US -et -eu -fi -gl -he_IL -hr -hu -ja -ka -ko -ku -lt -mk -ms_MY -nl -ro_RO -sk -sl_SI -sq_AL% -sr -sv -th -tr -uk_UA -vi_VN -zh_CN -zh_TW" 3724 KiB
[ebuild N ] virtual/perl-Exporter-5.710.0-r1::gentoo 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.69-r1:2.5::gentoo [2.69:2.5::gentoo] USE="-emacs (-multislot)" 1187 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2::gentoo [2.4.47-r1::gentoo] USE="nls -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 336 KiB
[blocks b ] <sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2 ("<sys-apps/attr-2.4.47-r2" is blocking sys-apps/man-pages-4.00)
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/coreutils-8.23::gentoo [8.21::gentoo] USE="acl nls xattr -caps -gmp -multicall% (-selinux) -static -vanilla" 5298 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-arch/tar-1.28-r1::gentoo [1.27.1-r2::gentoo] USE="acl nls xattr -minimal (-selinux) -static" 2631 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-editors/vim-core-7.4.712::gentoo [7.4.273::gentoo] USE="acl nls -minimal" 10486 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-editors/vim-7.4.712::gentoo [7.4.273::gentoo] USE="X acl gpm nls -cscope -debug -lua -luajit -minimal -perl -python -racket -ruby (-selinux) -tcl -vim-pager" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="(-python2_7%*) (-python3_3%) (-python3_4%)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-vim/gentoo-syntax-20141129::gentoo [20130619::gentoo] USE="-ignore-glep31" 25 KiB
[ebuild NS ] sys-devel/automake-1.15:1.15::gentoo [1.11.6-r1:1.11::gentoo, 1.13.4:1.13::gentoo, 1.14.1:1.14::gentoo] 1462 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/libtool-2.4.6-r1:2::gentoo [2.4.6:2::gentoo] USE="-vanilla" 951 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.11.93:1.0::gentoo [2.11.1-r2:1.0::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1529 KiB
[ebuild r U ] dev-libs/icu-55.1:0/55::gentoo [54.1-r1:0/54a::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc -examples -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 25001 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.60::gentoo [2.4.59::gentoo] USE="libkms -static-libs -valgrind%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="intel nouveau radeon vmware (-exynos) (-freedreno) (-omap) (-tegra)" 569 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-proto/randrproto-1.4.1::gentoo [1.4.0-r1::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 141 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.3.5::gentoo [1.3.4::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1166 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-db/sqlite- [] USE="readline -debug -doc -icu -secure-delete -static-libs -tcl {-test} -tools" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2002 KiB
[ebuild r U ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6.3:0/20::gentoo [1.5.4-r1:0/11::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2436 KiB
[ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-6.0.30-r1:6.0::gentoo [4.8.30-r2:4.8::gentoo] USE="cxx -doc -examples -java -tcl {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 35727 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libdvdread-5.0.3::gentoo [4.2.1::gentoo] USE="css -static-libs%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 386 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/e2fsprogs-libs-1.42.13::gentoo [1.42.12::gentoo] USE="nls -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 592 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.1.2::gentoo [1.1.1-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 324 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libdc1394-2.2.3:2::gentoo [2.2.1:2::gentoo] USE="X -doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 595 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/nettle-2.7.1-r4:0/4::gentoo [2.7.1-r1:0/4::gentoo] USE="gmp -doc (-neon) -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1523 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/json-c-0.12::gentoo [0.11-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 490 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/xcb-util-cursor-0.1.2::gentoo [0.1.1-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 283 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/shadow-4.2.1-r1::gentoo [] USE="acl cracklib nls pam -audit (-selinux) -skey -xattr" LINGUAS="de%* es%* fr%* it%* pl%* pt_BR%* ru%* -cs% -da% -fi% -hu% -id% -ja% -ko% -sv% -tr% -zh_CN% -zh_TW%" 1558 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libev-4.19::gentoo [4.15-r1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 513 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/kbd-2.0.2::gentoo [1.15.5-r1::gentoo] USE="nls pam {-test%}" 1000 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-fonts/font-util-1.3.1::gentoo [1.3.0::gentoo] 150 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-proto/glproto-1.4.17-r1::gentoo [1.4.17::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 124 KiB
[blocks b ] <x11-proto/glproto-1.4.17-r1 ("<x11-proto/glproto-1.4.17-r1" is blocking app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4)
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/ntfs3g-2014.2.15-r1::gentoo [2014.2.15::gentoo] USE="acl external-fuse ntfsprogs -debug -ntfsdecrypt -static-libs -suid -xattr" 1117 KiB
[ebuild NS ] sys-libs/db-5.3.28-r2:5.3::gentoo [4.8.30-r2:4.8::gentoo] USE="cxx -doc -examples -java -tcl {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 34268 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/ragel-6.8::gentoo [6.7-r1::gentoo] USE="-vim-syntax" 1183 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.4.1::gentoo [0.3.2-r1::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 183 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libnfsidmap-0.25-r1::gentoo [0.24::gentoo] USE="-ldap -static-libs" 339 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r4::gentoo [1.5.2-r3::gentoo] USE="nls -doc -static-libs {-test}" 1486 KiB
[ebuild U ] sci-libs/blas-reference-20070226-r2::gentoo [20070226::gentoo] USE="-doc" 5208 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-admin/hddtemp-0.3_beta15-r25::gentoo [0.3_beta15-r7::gentoo] USE="nls -network-cron% (-selinux)" 256 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libsrtp-1.5.2-r1:0/1::gentoo [1.4.4_p20121108-r1:0/0::gentoo] USE="-aesicm -console -debug -doc -openssl% -static-libs -syslog {-test%}" 1651 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/tcl-8.6.4:0/8.6::gentoo [8.5.17:0/8.5::gentoo] USE="threads -debug" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 5677 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/perl-5.20.2-r1:0/5.20::gentoo [5.20.2:0/5.20::gentoo] USE="berkdb gdbm -debug -doc -ithreads" 13412 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libX11-1.6.3::gentoo [1.6.2::gentoo] USE="ipv6 -doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2309 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/pam-1.2.0::gentoo [1.1.8-r2::gentoo] USE="berkdb cracklib nls pie%* -audit -debug -nis (-selinux) {-test} -vim-syntax" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1728 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/nss-3.19::gentoo [3.17.4::gentoo] USE="cacert nss-pem -utils" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 6840 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libdvdnav-5.0.3::gentoo [4.2.1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 364 KiB
[ebuild N ] x11-libs/libxkbcommon-0.5.0::gentoo USE="X -doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libverto-0.2.6::gentoo [0.2.5-r1::gentoo] USE="libev threads -glib -libevent -static-libs -tevent" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 345 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-text/libmspub-0.1.2::gentoo USE="-doc -static-libs" 338 KiB
[ebuild rR ] media-libs/libcdr-0.1.1::gentoo USE="-doc -static-libs" 552 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-fonts/font-alias-1.0.3-r1::gentoo [1.0.3::gentoo] 101 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.26.2::gentoo [2.25.2-r2::gentoo] USE="cramfs ncurses nls pam suid udev unicode -caps -fdformat -python (-selinux) -slang -static-libs -systemd {-test} -tty-helpers" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 3774 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-4.0::gentoo [3.18::gentoo] 3732 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/hwids-20150421::gentoo [20150129::gentoo] USE="net pci udev usb" 1687 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/giflib-4.2.3-r1::gentoo [4.1.6-r3::gentoo] USE="X -static-libs (-rle%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 548 KiB
[ebuild NS ] dev-qt/qtcore-5.4.1:5::gentoo [4.8.6-r2:4::gentoo] USE="-debug -icu -systemd {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-apps/xauth-1.0.9-r2::gentoo [1.0.9-r1::gentoo] USE="ipv6" 152 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.9::gentoo [1.0.8::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 306 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/libintl-perl-1.230.0::gentoo 512 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/qpdf-5.1.2:0/13::gentoo [5.1.1:0/13::gentoo] USE="-doc -examples -static-libs {-test}" 7485 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/gtk-doc-am-1.23::gentoo [1.21::gentoo] 646 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/help2man-1.46.6::gentoo [1.45.1::gentoo] USE="nls" 168 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/nasm-2.11.08::gentoo [2.11.06::gentoo] USE="-doc" 747 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.440.0::gentoo [2.410.0-r2::gentoo] 232 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/glew-1.12.0:0/1.12::gentoo [1.10.0-r2:0/1.10::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 597 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/lm_sensors-3.3.5::gentoo [3.3.4-r1::gentoo] USE="-sensord -static-libs" 170 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/klibc-2.0.4::gentoo [1.5.25::gentoo] USE="-custom-cflags% -debug {-test%}" 75074 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/Error-0.170.230::gentoo [0.170.210::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 31 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/whois-5.2.8::gentoo [5.1.5::gentoo] USE="iconv nls -idn" 77 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/xosd-2.2.14-r2::gentoo [2.2.14-r1::gentoo] USE="xinerama" 422 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] USE="nls orc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2961 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/libcap-2.24::gentoo [2.22-r2::gentoo] USE="pam -static-libs%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 62 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-wireless/bluez-5.30:0/3::gentoo [5.25:0/3::gentoo] USE="cups obex readline udev -debug (-selinux) -systemd {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1558 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-libs/gst-plugins-ugly-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] USE="nls orc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 827 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/iproute2-4.0.0-r2::gentoo [3.19.0::gentoo] USE="berkdb iptables ipv6 -atm -minimal (-selinux)" 449 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-1.4.0::gentoo [1.3.1::gentoo] USE="-java -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1504 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/gptfdisk-1.0.0::gentoo [0.8.10::gentoo] USE="ncurses -static" 189 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.7.5::gentoo [0.7.4::gentoo] USE="-python -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 400 KiB
[ebuild NS ] dev-qt/qtdbus-5.4.1:5::gentoo [4.8.6-r1:4::gentoo] USE="-debug {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/busybox-1.23.2::gentoo [1.23.1-r1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 pam static -debug -livecd -make-symlinks -math -mdev -savedconfig (-selinux) -sep-usr -syslog -systemd" 2200 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.110::gentoo [2.02.109::gentoo] USE="readline thin udev -clvm -cman -device-mapper-only -lvm1 -lvm2create_initrd (-selinux) -static -static-libs -systemd" 1453 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/xfsprogs-3.2.2::gentoo [3.2.1::gentoo] USE="nls readline -libedit -static -static-libs" 1444 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-apps/xinit-1.3.4-r1::gentoo [1.3.3-r1::gentoo] USE="minimal -systemd%" 162 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/imlib2-1.4.7::gentoo [1.4.6-r2::gentoo] USE="X bzip2 gif jpeg mp3 nls png tiff zlib -doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="(-mmx)" 1004 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/usbutils-008-r1::gentoo [008::gentoo] USE="-python (-zlib%*)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 281 KiB
[ebuild N ] net-misc/ofono-1.16::gentoo USE="atmodem bluetooth cdmamodem datafiles isimodem phonesim provision qmimodem threads udev -doc -dundee -examples -tools" 835 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-fs/cifs-utils-6.4::gentoo [6.1-r1::gentoo] USE="ads caps caps-ng -acl -creds" 384 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-soup-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-dv-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mpeg2dec-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-wavpack-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-x264-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-dvdread-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-v4l2-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] USE="udev" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-a52dec-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] USE="orc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.19-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/dhcp-4.3.2::gentoo [4.3.1-r2::gentoo] USE="client ipv6 server ssl -ldap (-selinux) -vim-syntax" 9015 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libpcap-1.7.3::gentoo [1.6.2-r1::gentoo] USE="bluetooth dbus ipv6 -canusb -netlink -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 648 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-gfx/feh-2.12.1::gentoo [2.9.3::gentoo] USE="exif xinerama -curl -debug {-test}" 2068 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-firewall/shorewall-4.6.9::gentoo [] USE="init ipv4 ipv6 -doc -lite4 -lite6" 794 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/vpnc-0.5.3_p550::gentoo [0.5.3_p527-r1::gentoo] USE="gnutls -resolvconf (-selinux)" 100 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2a::gentoo [1.0.1m::gentoo] USE="asm%* tls-heartbeat zlib -bindist -gmp -kerberos -rfc3779 -sctp% -static-libs {-test} -vanilla" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="(sse2)" 5143 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-2.7.9-r2:2.7::gentoo [2.7.9-r1:2.7::gentoo] USE="gdbm ipv6 ncurses readline sqlite ssl threads (wide-unicode) xml (-berkdb) -build -doc -examples -hardened -tk -wininst" 11893 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/curl-7.42.1-r1::gentoo [7.42.1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 samba ssl threads -adns -http2% -idn -kerberos -ldap -metalink -rtmp -ssh -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CURL_SSL="openssl -axtls -gnutls -nss -polarssl (-winssl)" 3250 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/iputils-20121221-r2::gentoo [20121221-r1::gentoo] USE="filecaps ipv6 ssl -SECURITY_HAZARD -arping% -caps -clockdiff% -doc -gnutls -idn -rarpd% -rdisc% -static -tftpd% -tracepath% -traceroute%" 175 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/openssh-6.8_p1-r5::gentoo [6.7_p1::gentoo] USE="X hpn pam pie ssh1%* ssl%* -X509 -bindist -debug% -kerberos -ldap -ldns -libedit -sctp (-selinux) -skey -static" 1476 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.16.3::gentoo [1.16::gentoo] USE="ipv6 nls pcre ssl zlib -debug -gnutls -idn -ntlm -static {-test} -uuid" 1753 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-3.4.3:3.4::gentoo [3.4.1:3.4::gentoo] USE="gdbm ipv6 ncurses readline sqlite ssl threads xml -build -examples -hardened -tk -wininst" 14096 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libevent-2.1.5::gentoo [2.0.22::gentoo] USE="ssl threads -debug -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 950 KiB
[ebuild U ] www-client/links-2.9:2::gentoo [2.8-r1:2::gentoo] USE="bzip2 gpm ipv6 jpeg ssl tiff unicode zlib -X -directfb -fbcon -livecd -lzma (-suid) (-svga)" 4028 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-analyzer/nmap-6.47-r3::gentoo [6.47-r1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 nls nse%* ssl -ncat -ndiff -nmap-update -nping (-system-lua) -zenmap (-lua%*)" LINGUAS="de fr it pl pt_BR ru -hr -ja (-es%*) (-hu%) (-id%) (-pt_PT%) (-ro%*) (-sk%) (-zh%)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 7697 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dns/bind-tools-9.10.2::gentoo [9.10.1_p1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 readline ssl -doc -gost -gssapi -idn -urandom -xml" 8283 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libvncserver-0.9.10-r3::gentoo [0.9.10-r1::gentoo] USE="24bpp ipv6 jpeg png ssl threads zlib -gcrypt -gnutls -static-libs {-test} (-vaapi%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1383 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.7.3::gentoo [5.7.3_pre5-r1::gentoo] USE="X bzip2 ipv6 lm_sensors ssl tcpd zlib -doc -elf -mfd-rewrites -minimal -mysql -netlink -pci -perl -python -rpm (-selinux) -ucd-compat" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 6237 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/openvpn-2.3.6-r2::gentoo [2.3.6::gentoo] USE="lzo pam plugins ssl -down-root -examples -iproute2 -passwordsave -pkcs11 (-polarssl) (-selinux) -static -systemd" 1185 KiB
[ebuild rR ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.2-r1:2::gentoo USE="icu ipv6 python readline -debug -examples -lzma -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 5318 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20141019.3.19::gentoo [20140927.3.17.2::gentoo] USE="cacert" 283 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/portage-2.2.20::gentoo [2.2.18::gentoo] USE="(ipc) -build -doc -epydoc (-selinux) -xattr" LINGUAS="ru" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 929 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/file-5.22-r1::gentoo [5.22::gentoo] USE="python zlib -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy% -python3_3 -python3_4" 716 KiB
[ebuild R ] sys-libs/tdb-1.3.4::gentoo USE="python*" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
[ebuild R ] sys-libs/tevent-0.9.24::gentoo USE="python*" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/llvm-3.6.0:0/3.6::gentoo [3.5.0:0/3.5::gentoo] USE="libffi ncurses static-analyzer -clang -debug -doc -gold -libedit -multitarget -ocaml -python {-test} -xml" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy" VIDEO_CARDS="radeon" 12487 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-wireless/crda-3.18::gentoo [1.1.3-r1::gentoo] USE="-gcrypt%" 61 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.13.2::gentoo [1.13-r1::gentoo] USE="keyutils pkinit threads -doc -openldap (-selinux) {-test} -xinetd" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 11830 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/setuptools-16.0::gentoo [12.0.1::gentoo] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 615 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libevdev-1.4::gentoo [1.3::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 388 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/scons-2.3.4::gentoo [2.3.0::gentoo] USE="-doc" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy%" 608 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libixion-0.9.1:0/0.10::gentoo [0.7.0:0/0::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%*" 349 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/sip-4.16.7:0/11::gentoo [4.16.2:0/11::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 933 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/idna-2.0::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 132 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/ninja-1.5.3::gentoo [1.5.1::gentoo] USE="-doc -emacs {-test} -vim-syntax -zsh-completion" 165 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-fs/nfs-utils-1.3.2-r6::gentoo [1.3.1-r5::gentoo] USE="ipv6 libmount nfsidmap nfsv4 tcpd uuid -caps -kerberos -nfsdcld -nfsv41 (-selinux)" 772 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p2::gentoo [4.2.8-r1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 readline%* samba ssl threads%* -caps -debug -openntpd -parse-clocks (-selinux) -snmp -vim-syntax -zeroconf" 6707 KiB
[ebuild R ] sys-apps/bleachbit-1.4::gentoo USE="gtk nls" LINGUAS="bg* de* es* fr* it* pl* pt* pt_BR ro* ru* uk* -ar -ast -be -bn -bs -ca -cs -da -el -en_AU -en_GB -eo -et -eu -fa -fi -fo -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -hy -ia -id -ja -ko -ku -ky -lt -ms -my -nb -nds -nl -se -si -sk -sl -sr -sv -ta -te -th -tr -ug -uz -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-misc/tmux-2.0::gentoo [1.9a::gentoo] USE="-debug (-selinux) -vim-syntax" 446 KiB
[ebuild rR ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.8.6-r1:4::gentoo USE="exceptions gstreamer icu jit (-aqua) -debug -pch" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 235961 KiB
[ebuild rR ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.28-r4::gentoo USE="crypt -debug -python -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 3356 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-editors/nano-2.4.1::gentoo [2.3.6::gentoo] USE="magic ncurses nls spell unicode -debug -justify -minimal -slang" 1847 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-devel/autogen-5.18.4::gentoo [5.18.1::gentoo] USE="-libopts -static-libs" 995 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/six-1.9.0-r1::gentoo [1.8.0::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 29 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/ply-3.6-r1::gentoo [3.4-r1::gentoo] USE="-examples" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 276 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/numpy-1.9.2::gentoo [1.9.0-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -lapack {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 3893 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pytz-2015.4::gentoo [2014.10::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 154 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-text/libebook-0.1.2::gentoo USE="-doc {-test}" 456 KiB
[ebuild rR ] media-libs/libvisio-0.1.1::gentoo USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" 404 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/p11-kit-0.23.1::gentoo [0.20.7::gentoo] USE="asn1 libffi trust -debug" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 970 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/liborcus-0.7.1::gentoo [0.7.0::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 1439 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/liblangtag-0.5.6::gentoo [0.5.1::gentoo] USE="-introspection -static-libs {-test}" 654 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/libetonyek-0.1.2::gentoo [0.1.1::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" 339 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-cpp/libcmis-0.5.0-r1:0.5::gentoo [0.5.0:0.5::gentoo] USE="-man -static-libs {-test}" 733 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/libmwaw-0.3.5::gentoo [0.3.4::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" 1044 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/chardet-2.3.0::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 161 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/ipaddress-1.0.7::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy" 15 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/py-1.4.27::gentoo [1.4.25::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3% -python3_3 -python3_4" 187 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/simplejson-3.7.2::gentoo [3.6.4::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3% -python3_3 -python3_4" 74 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pyinotify-0.9.5::gentoo [0.9.4-r1::gentoo] USE="-examples" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3% -python3_3 -python3_4" 61 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/pyasn1-modules-0.0.5-r1::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 38 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/exfat-utils-1.1.1::gentoo [1.0.1::gentoo] 48 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/fuse-exfat-1.1.0::gentoo [1.0.1::gentoo] 36 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-portage/gentoolkit-dev-0.3.0::gentoo [] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 58 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pip-7.0.1::gentoo [1.5.6::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 1029 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/raptor-2.0.14:2::gentoo [2.0.9:2::gentoo] USE="curl unicode -debug -json -static-libs" 1834 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/requests-2.7.0::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3 -python3_3 -python3_4" 442 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pycparser-2.13::gentoo [2.10::gentoo] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 293 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pytest-2.7.0-r1::gentoo [2.6.3::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -pypy3% -python3_3 -python3_4" 515 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/lxml-3.4.4::gentoo [3.4.2::gentoo] USE="threads -beautifulsoup3 -doc -examples {-test%}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 3455 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/po4a-0.45-r2::gentoo [0.45-r1::gentoo] USE="{-test}" LINGUAS="de%* es%* fr%* it%* pl%* pt%* pt_BR%* ru%* uk%* -af% -ca% -cs% -da% -eo% -et% -eu% -hr% -id% -ja% -kn% -ko% -nb% -nl% -sl% -sv% -vi% -zh_CN% -zh_HK%" 2158 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.11.3::gentoo [4.11.1::gentoo] USE="X dbus declarative kde opengl script sql svg webkit -debug -designer -doc -examples -help -multimedia -phonon -scripttools -testlib% -xmlpatterns" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 10860 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-i18n/man-pages-de-1.8::gentoo [1.7::gentoo] 1314 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/rasqal-0.9.32::gentoo [0.9.29::gentoo] USE="crypt mhash pcre -gmp -static-libs {-test} -xml (-doc%)" 1509 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/cffi-1.0.2:0/1.0.2::gentoo [0.9.2:0/0.9.2::gentoo] USE="-doc" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 310 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/redland-1.0.17-r1::gentoo [1.0.16::gentoo] USE="berkdb -iodbc -mysql -odbc -postgres -sqlite -static-libs (-xml%*)" 1584 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/cryptography-0.9::gentoo [0.7.2::gentoo] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 296 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pyopenssl-0.15.1::gentoo [0.14::gentoo] USE="-doc -examples" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 147 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/ndg-httpsclient-0.3.2::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy" 22 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-python/ssl-fetch-0.3::gentoo PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 12 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libva-1.5.1::gentoo [1.3.1::gentoo] USE="X drm opengl vdpau -egl -wayland" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="intel nouveau%* nvidia -dummy -fglrx" 744 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libva-vdpau-driver-0.7.4-r3::gentoo [0.7.4-r2::gentoo] USE="opengl -debug" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 310 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/mesa-10.5.6::gentoo [10.3.7-r1::gentoo] USE="classic dri3 egl gallium gbm llvm nptl udev vaapi%* vdpau xvmc -bindist -d3d9% -debug -gles1 -gles2 -opencl -openmax -osmesa -pax_kernel -pic (-selinux) -wayland -xa (-openvg%) (-r600-llvm-compiler%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="i915 i965 intel nouveau r100 r200 r300 r600 radeon vmware (-freedreno) -ilo -radeonsi" 6828 KiB
[blocks b ] =media-libs/mesa-10.3.7-r1 ("=media-libs/mesa-10.3.7-r1" is blocking app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4)
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/libva-intel-driver-1.5.1::gentoo [1.3.0::gentoo] USE="X drm -wayland" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1023 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/cairo-1.14.2::gentoo [1.12.18-r1::gentoo] USE="X glib opengl svg (-aqua) -debug (-directfb) (-gles2) -static-libs -valgrind -xcb -xlib-xcb (-drm%) (-gallium%) (-openvg%) (-qt4%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 34548 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.23-r2:0.10::gentoo] USE="X nls opengl orc -egl -gles2 -introspection -vnc -wayland" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 3736 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.17.1-r1:0/1.17.1::gentoo [1.16.4:0/1.16.1::gentoo] USE="ipv6 nptl suid udev xorg -dmx -doc -glamor -kdrive -minimal (-selinux) -static-libs -systemd -tslib -unwind -wayland -xephyr% -xnest -xvfb" 5716 KiB
[blocks b ] <x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.4-r1 ("<x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.4-r1" is blocking app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.1-r4)
[blocks b ] >=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.0 (">=app-eselect/eselect-opengl-1.3.0" is blocking x11-base/xorg-server-1.16.4)
[ebuild U ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.9:2::gentoo [2.40.8:2::gentoo] USE="-introspection -tools -vala" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 508 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/harfbuzz-0.9.40:0/0.9.18::gentoo [0.9.38:0/0.9.18::gentoo] USE="cairo glib graphite icu truetype -introspection -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1156 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-faad-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.23-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mplex-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.23-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-resindvd-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.23-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild N ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-vaapi-0.5.10:1.0::gentoo USE="X opengl -wayland" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1303 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-libs/glamor-0.6.0-r1::gentoo USE="xv -gles -static-libs" 419 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917::gentoo USE="dri sna udev xvmc -debug -uxa" 2207 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-2.3.3::gentoo 294 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.0::gentoo 317 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nouveau-1.0.11::gentoo USE="-glamor" 569 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.9.1::gentoo 341 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-2.1.20-r1::gentoo 388 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics-1.8.2::gentoo [1.8.1::gentoo] 473 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-2.9.2::gentoo [2.9.1::gentoo] 379 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.28-r1:2::gentoo [2.24.27:2::gentoo] USE="cups introspection xinerama (-aqua) -debug -examples {-test} -vim-syntax" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 13042 KiB
[blocks b ] <x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.28-r1:2 ("<x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.28-r1:2" is blocking dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache-3.14.13)
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtk+-3.14.13:3::gentoo [3.14.9:3::gentoo] USE="X cups introspection xinerama (-aqua) -broadway -cloudprint -colord -debug -examples {-test} -vim-syntax -wayland" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 15415 KiB
[ebuild NS ] dev-qt/qtgui-5.4.1-r2:5::gentoo [4.8.6-r4:4::gentoo] USE="gif harfbuzz jpeg opengl png udev xcb -accessibility -debug -egl -eglfs -evdev -gles2 -gtkstyle -ibus -kms {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/djvu-3.5.27::gentoo [] USE="jpeg tiff -debug -doc -xml" 3564 KiB
[ebuild rR ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-7.5.0::gentoo USE="glamor udev" 791 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libass-0.12.2:0/5::gentoo [0.11.2:0/5::gentoo] USE="enca fontconfig harfbuzz -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 306 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-sound/pulseaudio-6.0::gentoo [5.0-r7::gentoo] USE="X alsa alsa-plugin asyncns bluetooth caps dbus gdbm glib gtk ipv6 native-headset%* ofono-headset%* orc qt4 ssl tcpd udev webrtc-aec -doc -equalizer -gnome -jack -libsamplerate -lirc (-neon) (-oss) -realtime (-selinux) (-system-wide) -systemd {-test} -xen -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1435 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.15-r1::gentoo [9.10-r2::gentoo] USE="X cups dbus djvu gtk -idn -static-libs" LINGUAS="de -ja -ko -zh_CN -zh_TW" 28358 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7-r1:0/2.4.7::gentoo [2.4.7:0/2.4.7::gentoo] USE="gtk ipv6 pam -activefilter -atm -dhcp -eap-tls -radius" 742 KiB
[blocks b ] <net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7-r1 ("<net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7-r1" is blocking net-dialup/ppp-scripts-0)
[blocks b ] net-dialup/ppp-scripts ("net-dialup/ppp-scripts" is blocking net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7)
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/pinentry-0.9.2-r1::gentoo [0.9.0::gentoo] USE="gtk ncurses qt4 -caps -clipboard% -gnome-keyring% -static" 485 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.4.1:5::gentoo USE="opengl png xcb -debug -gles2 -gtkstyle {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-boot/plymouth-0.8.8-r5::gentoo [0.8.8-r4::gentoo] USE="gtk libkms pango -debug -gdm -static-libs" VIDEO_CARDS="intel radeon" 1131 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-gfx/ufraw-0.21-r1::gentoo [0.20-r1::gentoo] USE="gimp gtk openmp -contrast -fits -gnome -timezone" 993 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtkglext-1.2.0-r3::gentoo [1.2.0-r2::gentoo] USE="-debug" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 688 KiB
[ebuild R ] www-client/firefox-bin-38.0.1::gentoo USE="(-selinux) -startup-notification*" LINGUAS="bg de es_ES fr it pl pt_BR ro ru uk -af* -ar* -as -ast -be -bn_BD -bn_IN -br* -bs* -ca* -cs* -cy* -da* -el* -en_GB* -en_ZA -eo* -es_AR* -es_CL -es_MX -et* -eu* -fa* -fi* -fy_NL* -ga_IE* -gd -gl* -gu_IN* -he* -hi_IN -hr* -hu* -hy_AM -id -is* -ja* -kk* -kn -ko* -lt* -lv* -mai -mk* -ml -mr -nb_NO* -nl* -nn_NO* -or -pa_IN -pt_PT* -rm -si -sk* -sl* -son -sq -sr* -sv_SE* -ta* -te -tr* -vi* -zh_CN* -zh_TW*" 0 KiB
[ebuild R ] www-client/opera-29.0.1795.60::gentoo LINGUAS="af* az* be* bg* bn* ca* cs* da* de* el* en_GB* en_US* es* es_419* fi* fil* fr* fr_CA* fy* gd* hi* hr* hu* id* it* ja* kk* ko* lt* lv* me* mk* ms* nb* nl* nn* pa* pl* pt_BR pt_PT* ro* ru* sk* sr* sv* sw* ta* te* th* tr* uk* uz* vi* zh_CN* zh_TW* zu*" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.15-r9::gentoo [1.2.15-r8::gentoo] USE="X alsa joystick opengl pulseaudio sound video xinerama xv -aalib -custom-cflags -dga -fbcon -libcaca -nas -oss -static-libs -tslib" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 3829 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/gnupg-2.1.4::gentoo [2.0.26-r3::gentoo] USE="bzip2 gnutls%* nls readline usb -doc -ldap (-selinux) -smartcard -static -tools (-mta%)" 4772 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dialup/rp-pppoe-3.11-r3::gentoo [3.8-r2::gentoo] USE="-tk% (-X%)" 219 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-pulse-1.4.5:1.0::gentoo [0.10.31-r1:0.10::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-dialup/pptpclient-1.8.0::gentoo [1.7.2-r3::gentoo] USE="-tk" 92 KiB
[ebuild NS ] sys-kernel/calculate-sources-4.0.4:4.0.4::calculate [3.18.13:3.18.13::calculate] USE="firmware minimal plymouth symlink themes vmlinuz -build" 80497 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/gpgme-1.5.3:1/11::gentoo [1.3.2-r1:1/1::gentoo] USE="-common-lisp -static-libs" 946 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-vcs/git-2.4.1::gentoo [2.3.6::gentoo] USE="blksha1 curl gpg iconv nls pcre perl python threads webdav -cgi -cvs -doc -emacs -gnome-keyring -gtk -highlight -mediawiki (-ppcsha1) -subversion {-test} -tk -xinetd" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 3961 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-crypt/gcr-3.14.0:0/1::gentoo USE="gtk -debug -introspection {-test} -vala" 1310 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-sound/mpg123-1.22.1::gentoo [1.18.1::gentoo] USE="alsa ipv6 portaudio pulseaudio sdl (-altivec) (-coreaudio) -int-quality -jack -nas -oss" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse (-3dnow) (-3dnowext) (-mmx)" 835 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-portage/layman-2.3.0::gentoo [2.0.0-r3::gentoo] USE="git sync-plugin-portage%* -bazaar -cvs -darcs -g-sorcery% -gpg% -mercurial -squashfs% -subversion {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3% -python3_4%" 117 KiB
[ebuild rR ] gnome-base/gnome-keyring-3.14.0::gentoo USE="caps filecaps pam ssh-agent -debug (-selinux) {-test}" 1145 KiB
[ebuild rR ] gnome-base/libgnome-keyring-3.12.0::gentoo USE="-debug -introspection {-test} -vala" 425 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/rubygems-10::gentoo [9::gentoo] RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 (-rbx) -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rake-10.4.2::gentoo [0.9.6::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 128 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rubygems-2.4.7::gentoo [2.2.2::gentoo] USE="-server {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 438 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-ruby/json-1.8.2-r1::gentoo [1.8.0::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 149 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-ruby/racc-1.4.12::gentoo [1.4.9::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 113 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-ruby/rdoc-4.1.2-r1::gentoo [4.0.1-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test}" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby20 -ruby19 -ruby21% -ruby22%" 713 KiB
[ebuild N ] perl-core/Encode-2.730.0::gentoo 1967 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Encode-2.730.0::gentoo [2.600.0::gentoo] 0 KiB
[blocks b ] >perl-core/Encode-2.600.0-r999 (">perl-core/Encode-2.600.0-r999" is blocking virtual/perl-Encode-2.600.0)
[ebuild N ] perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0::gentoo 38 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.700.0::gentoo [1.630.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
[blocks b ] >perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.630.0-r999 (">perl-core/ExtUtils-Manifest-1.630.0-r999" is blocking virtual/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest-1.630.0-r1)
[ebuild N ] perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.40.0-r1::gentoo 430 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.40.0::gentoo [6.980.0::gentoo] 0 KiB
[blocks b ] >perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.980.0-r999 (">perl-core/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.980.0-r999" is blocking virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.980.0)
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Text-Unidecode-1.230.0::gentoo 128 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Unicode-EastAsianWidth-1.330.0-r1::gentoo 31 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/texinfo-5.2::gentoo [4.13-r2::gentoo] USE="nls -static" 3724 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.42.13::gentoo [1.42.12::gentoo] USE="nls -static-libs" 6360 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/groff-1.22.3::gentoo [1.22.2::gentoo] USE="X -examples" LINGUAS="(-ja%)" 4091 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/File-MimeInfo-0.270.0::gentoo [0.210.0::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 31 KiB
[ebuild U ] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.0_rc3_p20150119::gentoo [1.1.0_rc2::gentoo] USE="perl -doc" 257 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/Test-Deep-0.115.0::gentoo USE="{-test}" 38 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/DBI-1.633.0::gentoo [1.628.0::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 579 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/DBD-mysql-4.31.0::gentoo [4.20.0-r1::gentoo] USE="-embedded {-test%}" 142 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-nds/openldap-2.4.40-r3::gentoo [2.4.38-r2::gentoo] USE="berkdb crypt ipv6 samba ssl syslog tcpd -cxx -debug -experimental -gnutls -icu -iodbc -kerberos -minimal -odbc -overlays -perl -sasl (-selinux) -slp -smbkrb5passwd -static-libs%" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 5522 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/URI-1.670.0::gentoo [1.600.0-r1::gentoo] USE="{-test%}" 81 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.12.0::gentoo [1.967.0::gentoo] USE="-idn" 190 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/btrfs-progs-4.0::gentoo [3.18.2::gentoo] USE="convert%*" 1077 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/Archive-Zip-1.460.0::gentoo [1.370.0::gentoo] USE="{-test%}" 183 KiB
[ebuild N ] dev-perl/IO-HTML-1.00.0::gentoo USE="{-test}" 19 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/HTTP-Message-6.60.0-r1::gentoo [6.30.0-r1::gentoo] 50 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/JSON-2.900.0::gentoo [2.590.0-r1::gentoo] USE="{-test%}" 84 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/xfsdump-3.1.4::gentoo [3.1.3::gentoo] 829 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/python-ldap-2.4.19::gentoo [2.4.15::gentoo] USE="ssl -doc% -examples -sasl" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy" 136 KiB
[ebuild N ] perl-core/CPAN-Meta-2.143.240::gentoo USE="{-test}" 97 KiB
[ebuild U ] virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta-2.143.240::gentoo [2.140.640::gentoo] 0 KiB
[blocks b ] >perl-core/CPAN-Meta-2.140.640-r999 (">perl-core/CPAN-Meta-2.140.640-r999" is blocking virtual/perl-CPAN-Meta-2.140.640)
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-db-2.7.1::gentoo [2.6.6::gentoo] USE="berkdb gdbm zlib -nls (-selinux) -static-libs" 1464 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-perl/LWP-Protocol-https-6.60.0::gentoo [6.30.0-r1::gentoo] 9 KiB
[ebuild U ] sys-block/gparted-0.22.0::gentoo [0.21.0::gentoo] USE="btrfs dmraid fat jfs kde mdadm ntfs policykit reiserfs xfs -f2fs -hfs -reiser4" 2135 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-misc/mc-4.8.14::gentoo [4.8.13::gentoo] USE="X edit gpm nls samba slang xdg -mclib -sftp -spell {-test}" 2252 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdelibs-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6-r1:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="acl alsa bzip2 crypt handbook jpeg2k nls openexr opengl policykit spell ssl udev udisks upower (-altivec) (-aqua) -debug -doc -fam -kerberos -lzma -nepomuk {-test} -zeroconf" CPU_FLAGS_X86="3dnow mmx sse sse2" 11376 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libwebp-0.4.2:0/5::gentoo [0.4.0:0/5::gentoo] USE="gif jpeg opengl png tiff -experimental -static-libs -swap-16bit-csp" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 955 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.9:3/25::gentoo [2.4.8:3/25::gentoo] USE="X egl gstreamer jit opengl spell webgl (-aqua) -coverage -debug -geoloc -gles2 -introspection -libsecret {-test} -wayland" 9611 KiB
[ebuild r U ] media-libs/gd-2.1.1-r1:2/3::gentoo [2.0.35-r4:2/2::gentoo] USE="jpeg png truetype webp%* xpm zlib -fontconfig -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1992 KiB
[ebuild rR ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.7:0/6::gentoo USE="exif gd jpeg nls -doc -examples -serial -zeroconf" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CAMERAS="adc65 agfa_cl20 aox ax203 barbie canon casio_qv clicksmart310 digigr8 digita dimagev dimera3500 directory enigma13 fuji gsmart300 hp215 iclick jamcam jd11 jl2005a jl2005c kodak_dc120 kodak_dc210 kodak_dc240 kodak_dc3200 kodak_ez200 konica konica_qm150 largan lg_gsm mars mustek panasonic_coolshot panasonic_dc1000 panasonic_dc1580 panasonic_l859 pccam300 pccam600 pentax polaroid_pdc320 polaroid_pdc640 polaroid_pdc700 ptp2 ricoh ricoh_g3 samsung sierra sipix_blink2 sipix_web2 smal sonix sony_dscf1 sony_dscf55 soundvision spca50x sq905 st2205 stv0674 stv0680 sx330z topfield toshiba_pdrm11 tp6801" 6569 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-text/poppler-0.33.0-r1:0/52::gentoo [0.32.0:0/51::gentoo] USE="cairo cxx jpeg jpeg2k lcms png qt4 tiff utils -cjk -curl -debug -doc -introspection -qt5" 1576 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-print/cups-filters-1.0.68::gentoo [1.0.66::gentoo] USE="dbus foomatic jpeg png tiff -perl -static-libs -zeroconf" 1305 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-office/libreoffice- [] USE="bluetooth cups dbus gtk kde (-aqua) -branding -coinmp -collada -debug -eds (-firebird) -gltf -gnome -gstreamer -gtk3 -java -jemalloc -mysql -odk -postgres -telepathy {-test} -vlc" LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="-nlpsolver -scripting-beanshell -scripting-javascript -wiki-publisher" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 180053 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/openjpeg-2.1.0-r1:2/7::gentoo [2.1.0:2/7::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)" 1748 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pillow-2.8.1::gentoo [2.5.3-r1::gentoo] USE="jpeg jpeg2k tiff truetype webp zlib -doc -examples -lcms {-test} -tk (-scanner%*)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -pypy -python3_3 -python3_4" 9059 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/openjpeg-1.5.2-r1:0/5::gentoo [1.5.2:0/5::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1354 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/openal-1.16.0::gentoo [1.15.1-r2::gentoo] USE="alsa portaudio pulseaudio qt4%* (-coreaudio) -debug (-neon) -oss" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse sse2%* sse4_1%*" 385 KiB
[ebuild r U ] media-libs/x265-1.7:0/59::gentoo [1.5:0/43::gentoo] USE="10bit {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 825 KiB
[ebuild r U ] media-video/ffmpeg-2.6.3:0/54.56.56::gentoo [2.2.14:0/52.55.55::gentoo] USE="X aac alsa amr bzip2 cpudetection encode faac gpl%* hardcoded-tables iconv ieee1394 jpeg2k mp3 network openal opengl postproc%* pulseaudio samba%* sdl speex theora threads truetype v4l vaapi vdpau vorbis wavpack webp x264 x265 xvid zlib -aacplus (-altivec) -amrenc (-armv5te) (-armv6) (-armv6t2) (-armvfp) -bluray -bs2b% -cdio -celt -debug -doc -examples -fdk -flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi% -gme -gnutls -gsm -iec61883 -jack -ladspa -libass -libcaca -libsoxr -libv4l -lzma% (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) -modplug (-neon) -openssl -opus -oss -pic -quvi -rtmp -schroedinger -ssh -static-libs {-test} -twolame -vpx -xcb% -zvbi (-mips32r2%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="3dnow 3dnowext avx avx2 fma3 fma4 mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 xop%*" FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart trasher" 7621 KiB
[ebuild N ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav-1.4.5-r1:1.0::gentoo USE="orc -libav" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 5099 KiB
[ebuild rR ] media-libs/gegl-0.2.0-r2::gentoo USE="cairo ffmpeg jpeg jpeg2k openexr png raw sdl svg -debug -lensfun -libav -umfpack" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx sse" 7327 KiB
[ebuild NS ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta-1.0-r3:1.0::gentoo [0.10-r10:0.10::gentoo] USE="X a52 aac alsa cdda dv dvd ffmpeg flac mp3 mpeg ogg pulseaudio theora v4l vaapi vcd vorbis wavpack x264 -dts -dvb -http -jack -lame -libass -libvisual -mms -modplug -opus -oss -taglib -vpx" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
[ebuild rR ] media-libs/mediastreamer-2.9.0-r1:0/3::gentoo USE="X alsa amr filters ipv6 opengl ortp portaudio pulseaudio sdl speex theora v4l video x264 -bindist (-coreaudio) -debug -doc -examples -g726 -g729 -gsm -ilbc -libav -ntp-timestamp -opus -oss -pcap -silk -static-libs {-test} -upnp" 3495 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-plugins/mediastreamer-x264-1.4.2-r1::gentoo [1.4.1::gentoo] USE="-libav%" 292 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdepimlibs-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug -ldap -prison {-test}" 2766 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/qjson-0.8.1-r1::gentoo [0.8.1::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc {-test}" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)" 63 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-office/akonadi-server-1.13.0::gentoo USE="mysql qt4 -postgres (-qt5) -soprano -sqlite {-test}" 288 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/jsoncpp-1.6.2-r1:0/1::gentoo [0.5.0-r1:0/0::gentoo] USE="-doc {-test%}" 195 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-util/cmake-3.2.2::gentoo [] USE="ncurses -doc% -emacs -internal-jsoncpp% -qt4 -qt5 {-test}" 6288 KiB
[ebuild U ] www-client/chromium-43.0.2357.73::gentoo [43.0.2357.65::gentoo] USE="cups (pic) proprietary-codecs pulseaudio tcmalloc -custom-cflags -gnome -gnome-keyring -hidpi -kerberos (-neon) (-selinux) {-test} -widevine" LINGUAS="bg de es fr it pl pt_BR pt_PT ro ru uk -am -ar -bn -ca -cs -da -el -en_GB -es_LA -et -fa -fi -fil -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -ja -kn -ko -lt -lv -ml -mr -ms -nb -nl -sk -sl -sr -sv -sw -ta -te -th -tr -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 301946 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-misc/strigi-0.7.8-r1::gentoo USE="dbus exif ffmpeg qt4 -clucene -debug -fam -inotify -libav (-log) {-test}" 792 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/freeglut-3.0.0::gentoo [2.8.1-r1::gentoo] USE="-debug -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 410 KiB
[ebuild R ] sys-auth/polkit-qt-0.112.0-r1::gentoo USE="qt4 qt5* -debug -examples" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.3_pre20140619-r1::gentoo [0.9.2::gentoo] USE="qt4%* -debug -doc -qt5% {-test}" ABI_X86="32%* (64%*) (-x32)" 46 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-cpp/eigen-3.2.4:3::gentoo [3.1.3:3::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc" 1122 KiB
[ebuild rR ] app-cdr/k3b-2.0.3-r1:4::gentoo USE="dvd encode ffmpeg flac handbook mad mp3 musepack vcd vorbis (-aqua) -debug -emovix -libav -sndfile -sox -taglib" LINGUAS="bg de es fr it pl pt pt_BR ro ru uk -ast -be -bs -ca -ca@valencia -cs -csb -da -el -en_GB -eo -et -eu -fi -ga -gl -he -hi -hne -hr -hu -is -ja -kk -km -ko -ku -lt -lv -mai -mr -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -oc -pa -se -sk -sl -sr -sr@ijekavian -sr@ijekavianlatin -sr@latin -sv -th -tr -ug -zh_CN -zh_TW" 9634 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdepim-icons-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua)" 14235 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libssh-0.7.0:0/4::gentoo [0.6.5:0/4::gentoo] USE="sftp zlib -debug -doc -examples -gcrypt -gssapi -pcap -server -ssh1 -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 342 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libkvkontakte-4.10.0:4::gentoo [4.4.0:4::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 67787 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libbluedevil-2.1:4::gentoo [2.0_rc1:4::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 32 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-misc/kscreen-1.0.71:4::gentoo [] USE="(-aqua) -debug {-test}" LINGUAS="de es fr it pl%* pt pt_BR ro ru uk -bs -ca -ca@valencia% -cs -da -el -et -fi -ga -gl -hu -ja% -ko% -lt -mr -nb% -nds% -nl -sk -sl -sv -tr -ug -zh_CN -zh_TW" 86 KiB
[ebuild U ] dev-python/pyside-1.2.2-r1::gentoo [1.2.2::gentoo] USE="X opengl script svg webkit -declarative -designer -help -multimedia -phonon -scripttools -sql {-test} -xmlpatterns" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python3_3 -python3_4" 3678 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libkgeomap-4.10.0:4/2.1::gentoo [4.7.0:4/2.1::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] sci-libs/clapack-3.2.1-r8::gentoo [3.2.1-r6::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 5877 KiB
[ebuild rR ] kde-base/ffmpegthumbs-4.14.3:4/4.14::gentoo USE="(-aqua) -debug -libav" 20 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kabcclient-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/taglib-extras-1.0.1-r1::gentoo [1.0.1::gentoo] USE="-debug" 31 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-libs/libnm-qt- [] USE="modemmanager (-aqua) -debug -doc {-test}" 131 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/opencv-2.4.10:0/2.4::gentoo [2.4.9:0/2.4::gentoo] USE="eigen ffmpeg gtk ieee1394 jpeg jpeg2k openexr opengl openmp png python qt4 threads tiff v4l -cuda -doc -examples -gstreamer (-ipp) -java -libav -opencl -pch -testprograms -vtk -xine" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 89544 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdepim-runtime-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug -facebook -google -kolab" 1147 KiB
[binary U ] sys-apps/calculate-utils- [] USE="client console desktop qt4 -minimal -pxe" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 2031 KiB
[ebuild U ] net-wireless/bluedevil-2.1.1:4::gentoo [2.0_rc1:4::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" LINGUAS="bg%* de es fr it pl pt pt_BR ro ru uk -ar -bs -ca -ca@valencia -cs -da -el -en_GB -eo -et -eu -fa -fi -ga -gl -hu -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -mai -mr -ms -nb -nds -nl -pa -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn% -sr@ijekavian -sr@ijekavianlatin -sv -th -tr -ug -zh_CN -zh_TW (-sr@latin%)" 159 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/libkface-4.10.0:4/3::gentoo [4.7.0-r1:4/3::gentoo] USE="(-aqua)" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kontact-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/konsolekalendar-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/calendarjanitor-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/akonadiconsole-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kdepim-kresources-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/korganizer-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook kontact (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kaddressbook-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook kontact (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] kde-base/kmail-4.14.8:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.6-r1:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook kontact (-aqua) -debug {-test}" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/phonon-4.8.3::gentoo [4.7.2::gentoo] USE="gstreamer pulseaudio qt4 (-aqua) -debug -designer -qt5 -vlc (-zeitgeist)" 315 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-libs/phonon-gstreamer-4.8.2::gentoo [4.7.2::gentoo] USE="alsa network qt4 -debug -qt5" 75 KiB
[ebuild U ] app-crypt/qca- [2.0.3-r1:2::gentoo] USE="openssl qt4%* -botan% -debug -doc -examples -gcrypt% -gpg -logger -nss% -pkcs11 -qt5% -sasl -softstore% {-test%} (-aqua%)" 670 KiB
[uninstall ] app-crypt/qca-ossl-2.0.0_beta3-r2:2::gentoo USE="-debug"
[blocks b ] app-crypt/qca-ossl ("app-crypt/qca-ossl" is blocking app-crypt/qca-
[ebuild U ] media-plugins/kipi-plugins-4.10.0:4::gentoo [4.7.0:4::gentoo] USE="cdr crypt handbook imagemagick ipod opengl scanner vkontakte (-aqua) -calendar -debug -expoblending -gpssync -mediawiki -panorama -redeyes -upnp -videoslideshow" LINGUAS="bg de es fr it pl pt pt_BR ro ru uk -af -ar -az -be -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -el -en_GB -eo -et -eu -fa -fi -fo -fy -ga -gl -ha -he -hi -hr -hsb -hu -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -ko -ku -lb -lo -lt -lv -mi -mk -mn -ms -mt -nb -nds -ne -nl -nn -nso -oc -pa -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -ss -sv -ta -te -tg -th -tr -tt -uz -ven -vi -wa -xh -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW -zu" 0 KiB
[ebuild U ] media-gfx/digikam-4.10.0:4::gentoo [4.7.0:4::gentoo] USE="gphoto2 handbook semantic-desktop thumbnails -addressbook (-aqua) -debug -doc -mysql -video" LINGUAS="bg de es fr it pl pt pt_BR ro ru uk -af -ar -az -be -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -el -en_GB -eo -et -eu -fa -fi -fo -fy -ga -gl -ha -he -hi -hr -hsb -hu -id -is -ja -ka -kk -km -ko -ku -lb -lo -lt -lv -mi -mk -mn -ms -mt -nb -nds -ne -nl -nn -nso -oc -pa -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -ss -sv -ta -te -tg -th -tr -tt -uz -uz@cyrillic -ven -vi -wa -xh -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW -zu" 0 KiB
Conflict: 15 blocks

The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
(see "package.use" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
# required by @selected
# required by @world (argument)
>=sys-libs/tdb-1.3.4 python
# required by @selected
# required by @world (argument)
>=sys-libs/tevent-0.9.24 python

* Use eselect news read to view new items.

4. Re: Problemas com atualização do calculate linux [RESOLVIDO]


(usa Debian)

Enviado em 27/05/2015 - 14:51h

Resolvi criar uma partição nova no hd e instalar o calculate com xfce e deu tudo certo até agora.
O único problema que percebi foi quando dei um
emerge -s firefox 
Esse comando me trouxe o firefox 31 quando o correto é o 38, mas o sistema atualizou pelo comando cl-update corretamente, ou seja, tudo que veio com o sistema atualizou para a versão mais nova. Agora quanto a esse problema do emerge eu crie um arquivo no make conf com esse texto
Agora os programas estão na versão mais nova.Será que isso pode me trazer algum problema na próxima atualização?? Percebi também que no kde está da mesma forma o emerge, ou seja, não busca programas novos.



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